Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 285

Chapter 285 The Meeting Of The Strongest Wizards In The 2 Worlds (For Subscription)

In the sky not far away, a dark shadow flashed by, and followed Smaug from a distance.

Dumbledore’s magic caused serious damage to Smaug. If it weren’t for his own resistance to magic, I’m afraid that one blow would be enough to kill him.

You must know that the original Smaug died after being hit by Bard’s black arrow.

However, the black arrow is a weapon built by the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain. It always possesses various mysterious and unpredictable powers, and is the treasure of the Jirion family.

It’s not unusual to be able to shoot Smaug to death.

“Damn wizard, damn Gandalf! Sooner or later, the great Smaug will return for revenge!”

Smaug waved his fleshy wings and flew a certain distance crookedly, then he couldn’t hold it any longer, and he found a hill and fell.

It wanted to look at its wound, but before it could move, it felt like there was something on the top of its head.

Smaug looked up.

Saw a bird-like monster hovering in mid-air.

It was a vicious beast.

Smaug had seen this thing before when he was out looking for food, and it had caught one, but it was not tasty, it smelled of carrion.


Smaug snorted and ignored the ferocious beast.

Even if it is injured, it is not something that such a small thing can covet.

That’s right, the vicious beast is huge, but compared to Smaug, it’s like half a wing.

Smaug threw his tail threateningly, then looked around, and several flames spewed out, blasting a huge cave on the side of the mountain.

After entering the cave, Smaug checked his injuries with confidence. His left chest was charred black, and there was a large spiral hole in the middle. At this time, blood was bleeding outside.

And on its lower abdomen, there was also a wound that Gandalf had just stabbed out with Gramderin, and it was not too serious compared to the wound on its chest.

Smaug left a trail of magic at the door as a warning, and then it hovered and fell lightly to the ground.

Smaug’s nostrils spewed out two white breaths, he slowly closed his eyes, and a strange force poured out of his body, gathered around the two wounds, and slowly repaired the wounds.

In the sky outside the cave, Artel stood on top of the ferocious beast, his eyes twinkling.

A mass of black mist-like power appeared on his right hand, and between the black mist, a hexagram patterned mark slowly formed.

Artel’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and under the action of the huge spiritual power blessed by the Ring of Fire, the hexagram mark was firmly suppressed in Artel’s palm.

Afterwards, Artel thought, and the Lord of the Rings appeared in his hand.

The vicious beast fell in front of the cave, and Smaug opened his eyes suddenly, stared at the vicious beast, and then closed his eyes again.

After a few minutes…

Smaug’s eyes snapped open, his nose moved, he sniffed in the cave, and his tail twitched uneasily.

Seeing this, the vicious beast outside the cave flapped its wings and flew away.


Smaug breathed heavily in his nose, sniffed again, and closed his eyes again.

After another minute or so, Smaug opened his eyes again, glanced at the cave, and suddenly flames built up in his mouth.

After about half a minute, Smaug spewed black smoke from his mouth, snorted again, and then his head fell down again.

Two minutes… Smaug opened his eyes.

Five minutes later, Smaug opened his eyes.

Fifteen minutes…half an hour…

Smaug adjusted his body again, and his wound was exposed, because his body was too heavy, and it hurt to press on the wound, and it was not conducive to recovery.

After several trials, Smaug was completely relieved.

However, it has held out for so long, and now it relaxes, and as soon as it closes its eyes, it falls into a deep drowsiness.

A thick black mist instantly erupted from the void.

Before Smaug’s eyes could be opened, a black six-pointed star appeared at the wound on his left chest.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying and unparalleled force erupted.

The black gas entered Smaug’s body along the wound, and the violent force instantly blew his heart into pieces.

Smaug couldn’t even let out a scream, and fell directly into a state of near death. If no one rescued him, it would be completely dead in a few minutes.

Artel’s figure suddenly appeared in the cave.

He waited for a minute, watching Smaug’s mental fluctuations become weaker and weaker, and a smile appeared at the corner of Artel’s mouth.

A contract magic was formed in an instant, Artel slapped the magic on Smaug’s forehead, and then his body shook slightly, feeling that his soul had some connection with the behemoth in front of him.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully subduing Smaug and getting the side reward [plot point] X2000!

The sound of the system sounded in Artel’s ear, and he was completely relieved, took out the Elessa gem, and put both hands on Smaug’s wound.

An extremely dense green light completely enveloped the entire cave…


Dumbledore and a group of wizards took a lot of effort to put out all the flames.

Thanks to Gandalf for protecting the castle, but apart from the castle, the rest of Hogwarts was burned to a bare one, and several professors were accidentally injured. If Gandalf was not there, they would have to explain. here it is.

The water level of Black Lake dropped a lot, Hagrid’s hut was also burned down, and even the Forbidden Forest was burned down by a third.

Shilob ran out of the Forbidden Forest angrily, apparently wanting to question Dumbledore.

But instead of finding Dumbledore, it saw Gandalf standing in front of the castle.

Shilob stared at him for a while, until he saw the fire ring in his hand, he muttered something in a low voice, and returned to the depths of the forbidden forest with a bunch of big spiders.

Several professors waved their wands, and the shattered Quidditch pitch was restored.

But those lawns that have been burnt to 750 can’t be restored.

Gandalf watched as all the rubble recovered into stones, and then automatically piled up into stadium buildings, with a look of surprise on his face.

“It’s amazing power and rules.

Gandalf said sincerely that he was more and more interested in this world.

Dumbledore walked up to Gandalf and looked at the face that he was dreaming about. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

“Mr. Gandalf…We finally meet…I have been looking for you for more than half a year, and I didn’t expect to meet you in this way…I have too many questions to ask you, if possible, I will Hope to talk to you.

Gandalf readily agreed. He still remembered that Snape said that the parchment diaries were all with Dumbledore. If he wanted to figure out some problems in this world, exchanging information with Dumbledore was undoubtedly the best choice.

Moreover, Gandalf was also a little curious about the suddenly young Dumbledore. He wanted to know who that Maia was and why he came to save Dumbledore.

The two entered the castle, and Dumbledore took Gandalf to his office for a long conversation all night.

The next day, Dumbledore came out of the office.

His face was filled with confusion, surprise and a deep sense of powerlessness…

Obviously, this long talk, not only did not solve the doubts in Dumbledore’s heart, but made him more problems.

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