Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 284

Chapter 284 The Elder Wand Destroyed

Professor McGonagall also froze in place. She had never seen Gandalf’s fighting state before, but when she saw it suddenly, she couldn’t react for a while.

Good one… a melee mage.

Startled for a moment, Professor McGonagall nodded and said:

“Yes, he is Gandalf… he was the one who saved you from the dragon’s mouth.

Dumbledore nodded, he had already experienced the strength of this old man from the battle between Gandalf and Smaug.

Not to mention Gandalf’s magical abilities, the mere fact that he was able to fight hand to hand with dragons was enough to shock Dumbledore.

The three quickly came to the vicinity of the Quidditch pitch and quickly attracted the attention of others.

“Professor? Your injury is healed?!”

Newt was the first to notice Dumbledore. Seeing that familiar face, Newt was relieved. A look of surprise flashed across his face. Then, he seemed to have realized something “747”, like a ghost. General widened his eyes and exclaimed subconsciously.

“You are a professor?! How did it become like this?!”

The others followed Newt’s exclamation and looked over, all speechless in surprise.

Dumbledore is getting younger!

“At least fifty years younger!”

Newt looked at Dumbledore in astonishment and was amazed.

He glanced at it and saw only Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid, the strange old man just now had disappeared.

“That old gentleman saved you? He actually has such a means.”

Newt’s tone was very envious. Dumbledore was much older than him, but now he is better and looks like his son.

“I said…you might be able to catch up later.

Gandalf blocked Smaug’s claws with Gramdrin, and with a wave of his cane in the other hand, an invisible force poured out, knocking Smaug’s tail over.

“If it goes on like this, I can’t stand it anymore. 99

Gandalf turned back and shouted at the crowd, and then everyone reacted from the shock of Dumbledore’s rejuvenation and continued to wave his wand.

“The weak point of this dragon is on the left chest, where there is an area without scales.

Newt said to Dumbledore, Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and observed it carefully, and sure enough, he found a piece of exposed skin on Smaug’s left chest.

Dumbledore subconsciously wanted to get the Elder Wand, but then a look of sadness appeared on his face.

The Elder Wand is gone.

Dumbledore used it to fend off Smaug’s dragonfire, and the Elder Wand was burned to ashes.


Dumbledore sighed in his heart, the Elder Wand had an unusual meaning to him.

Because this used to be Grindelwald’s wand.

“What’s wrong?”

The thoughtful Professor McGonagall found Dumbledore’s strangeness and asked in a low voice.

“The Elder Wand was burned.

Dumbledore said something sad, he sighed, smiled silently, put his hands together, and a black magic wand flew out of the castle.

This is the wand that Dumbledore got the color of the Elder Wand.

Rowan stick body, phoenix tail feathers.

“Old friend, we are going to fight side by side again.”

Dumbledore was a little emotional, he took a breath, his eyes became sharp, stared at Smaug who was fighting Gandalf, and began to look for opportunities.

Although Smaug was 141 meters long, the weak spot in his chest was small, only the size of a fist.

Dumbledore had to make sure his blow worked.

Fortunately, with Gandalf, the melee mage at the front, Dumbledore can find the opportunity with peace of mind.

Gandalf’s expression was very serious, and his physical exertion was great.

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that his old bones will also be explained here.

Fortunately, there are other wizards to help, although their strength is a little weak, but their attack methods are indeed varied, and attacking Smaug’s weaknesses and eyes can also cause some trouble.

Smaug was harassed so much that he threw Gandalf away with his tail, and then looked at the other wizards, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Be careful, Smaug’s eyes can control other people’s minds!

Gandalf cried out.

The wizards were slightly startled, Professor McGonagall swung her wand, and a large mirror appeared in front of Smaug.

Smaug looked at himself in the mirror, and his movements stiffened.

It wasn’t controlled by itself, but for a while, it was startled by the sudden appearance of the mirror.

And Dumbledore, who had been staring at Smaug, frowned suddenly, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

With a burst of obscure syllables, the wand in Dumbledore’s hand suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light.

The blue light flew towards Smaug’s chest like a bolt of lightning, and in mid-air, it turned into a spear that shone with electric light.

The lightning flashed by, like a dazzling meteor streaking across the night sky…

Kungunnir, the spear of eternity.

The legendary Norse god Odin is an artifact made from the branches of the world tree, which has the power to permeate everything.

When Odin threw this gun, it was like lightning streaking across the sky, and it was like a meteor falling into the sky.

Those who swear to Kungunir, his oath will surely come true, which is also the origin of making a wish to a meteor, and the wish will come true.

This magic is also one of the most powerful ancient spells that Dumbledore has mastered.

The spear flashed by.

No one but Gandalf could see its trajectory.

It was only in the blink of an eye that Smaug’s shrill screams were heard in his ears.


Smaug’s voice could be heard far away, and the entire Black Lake’s water surface shook.

A large pool of golden-red blood spilled from the sky, Gandalf waved his hand, and a fire dragon was born out of nowhere and exploded behind Smaug.

Smaug, who wanted to take off, was hit by the explosion and fell heavily on the ground.

Gandalf came to Smaug in a few steps, and Gramdrin scratched across its skin, making a screeching noise.

After that, Gandalf’s face turned stern, and Gramudrin said that he stabbed Smaug’s body through the gap in his scales.

Smaug let out a whimper again, and he wagged his tail, driving Gandalf back.


It roared, a light lit up in its mouth, a terrifying aura emanated from Smaug’s body, and its mouth became brighter and brighter, as if it was holding a sun.

“Get out!”

4.1 Gandalf shouted, and his countenance became extremely solemn.

The wizards retreated obediently, and Dumbledore also quickly retreated a distance.

After all, not long ago, he was burned into coke by this “magic”.

Smaug gathered his strength, and then burst into flames.

Gandalf gave a low drink and raised his staff. On his fingers, the ruby of the Ring of Fire radiated a dazzling light, blocking Smaug’s flames.

“Gandalf! You have angered the great Smaug! I will come back to you!

Smaug was seriously injured, and it didn’t want to entangle with everyone. Before the flames dissipated, Smaug shook his head and sprayed the flames everywhere. Then he flapped his wings again, and a gust of wind blew the flames away.

The whole of Hogwarts immediately burst into flames.

“Quack quack.

Smaug laughed and flew into the sky.

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