Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 286

Chapter 286 There Is A Man Behind The Scenes Who Controls Everything! (Subscribe)

“You mean, those parchment diaries weren’t written by Gandalf?”

In Professor McGonagall’s office, Snape’s eyes widened, and when he heard the news, he couldn’t hide his surprise.

“Yes, but Gandalf thinks that the contents of the diary are true, maybe something that happened ‘in the future’…but he didn’t write it himself.

Dumbledore explained.

Newt and Professor McGonagall frowned, not quite understanding what Dumbledore meant.

What will happen in the future?

The diary is fake, but the thing is real, it hasn’t happened yet, maybe it will happen in the future?

Would you like to hear what you are saying?

Dumbledore also knew that his words were somewhat incomprehensible. In fact, when Gandalf read the parchment last night and explained it to him, he felt incredible.

“That’s the way it is. The person who kept the diary was not Gandalf, and the things recorded in it did not happen, but it is very likely to happen.”

Dumbledore explained.

“Gandalf has been looking for the whereabouts of the Lord of the Rings, and he had some eyebrows some time ago, but the Lord of the Rings has disappeared… If the ring is not lost, the things in the diary will become true.

Hearing Dumbledore’s explanation, the professors fell into deep thought.

“Will it have something to do with time… Like a time converter made by goblins, someone went back to the past, or went to the future, and changed something.”

Newt made his guess.

Time is the highest and unfathomable law. Changes in a certain link in the past or future may lead to changes in the entire world.

“Maybe. 35

Dumbledore didn’t know either, he rubbed his temples and said:

“The most important thing now is that, through our communication with Gandalf, the two of us have reached a consensus that we are not people from the same world, and even that we may be in different universes.

“Gandalf is a Maia who originally lived in a world called Arda…”

Following Dumbledore’s narration, the professors fell silent, which was even more incredible than what happened just now.

“That is to say, at present, the two worlds may have some connection somewhere, so Gandalf and the others will appear in our world inexplicably~.

“But considering that some things are too coincidental, and many things can’t happen naturally, we guess… someone knows about the fusion of the two worlds, and maybe he even made this thing, he wants to With the fusion of the two worlds, plan something for yourself.

“There’s a man behind the scenes, and he’s in control of it all!”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he stopped and gave a few people some time to digest his words.

“Who is it? Sauron?”

After a long time, Newt asked in a hoarse voice.

He felt a little scared, who was he?

How could it be possible to use two worlds as a game? What exactly does he want to do?

“It shouldn’t be, Gandalf said, Sauron is in a very bad state now, and unless he finds the One Ring, Sauron can only maintain a flexible form. 95

Dumbledore shook his head, he glanced at a few people, and said solemnly:

“Gandalf said that he was summoned to our world by an irresistible force, and Shilob said the same, that only the Valar, a being stronger than Maya, can do this .

Everyone present knew the concept of Maia and Vera, so Dumbledore didn’t need too much explanation.

“Therefore, it should not be Sauron, nor Saruman… Gandalf said, it may be Melkor.”

“Melko? Who is that?

Several professors looked at Dumbledore suspiciously.

Dumbledore was silent for a moment before replying:

“According to Gandalf, Melkor, also called Morgoth, is the brother of Manwe, king of the Valar, the most powerful Valar, known as the Dark Enemy, the master of the fate of Arda…”

“He is the source of all evil, Sauron… Once a follower of Melkor, and Melkor was defeated by the Valar, they could not kill him, but imprisoned him in the void, and according to prophecy, Melkor would Back again.35

“Sauron, the ancestors of Shelob, the ancestors of Smaug… They are all followers of Melkor, so Saruman may have also joined Melkor, and the one who saved me yesterday, he should be a Maya, but probably also a follower of Melkor.

Dumbledore explained it, then smiled.

“Of course, these are just Gandalf’s guesses, besides… it doesn’t matter if it’s really Melkor, he must still be in the realm of emptiness, otherwise with his power, all the worlds would have been directly destroyed, and there is no need to do these things. .”

“So, our opponent is not him, but Saruman, the Witch King of Angmar, and Sauron.

“Gandalf has many friends, hobbits, elves, dwarves, they are the backbone of the rebellion against Sauron, and some of them are powerful, even stronger than me, if one day in the future, the two worlds If the channel is really opened, even if Sauron comes, we will not lose.

Dumbledore’s tone was full of confidence.

According to Gandalf’s description, Sauron’s state is very poor, if they can find the One Ring in advance and destroy it, then Sauron will definitely lose.

Even if they were unlucky and Sauron obtained the Supreme Lord of the Rings, they were not without a chance of winning.

As for Melkor, it can be read as a story.

If he really leaves the Void Realm, they don’t need to worry about it, that’s what the Villars have to worry about.

After hearing Dumbledore’s words, everyone’s mood eased a lot.

Snape thought about it and asked:

“Then Gandalf, what is he going to do?

“He went to rest, yesterday’s fight with Smaug was not so easy, he was injured a little bit, and he spent a lot of time, so he will rest at Hogwarts for a while.

“As for the future, Gandalf thinks that the Lord of the Rings may be in our world, so he is going to find the Lord of the Rings, and by the way, he goes to Saruman to find out something.”

Dumbledore said, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

“And the Witch King of Angmar, we have made an agreement that if we find the Witch King of Angmar, we will work together to kill him.”

“Isn’t Angmar Witch King (Zhao Li’s) not going to die?”

Professor McGonagall frowned at the thought of the ghostly body under the black armor.

“Gandalf has special weapons that can do damage to the Nazgul, or we can destroy his Ring of Power.

Dumbledore didn’t explain much, he looked at a few people and said:

“What I’m telling you today, don’t tell anyone else… The news of finding Gandalf can tell the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet that Gandalf’s appearance means the appearance of hope for many people.

“Of course, the presence of Gandalf will calm those who have bad intentions.

Several people nodded and talked again, and everyone dispersed.

Dumbledore still has to go to the Ministry of Magic to find out the situation, and I don’t know if the Ministry of Magic can hide what happened in the Cumbria Mountains last night.

And Smaug finally ran away, and he didn’t know where he went. If he ran into the Muggle world, he would probably cause a big mess again.

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