Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 44 - Blizzard

  Manda repeated the cause and serious consequences several times, but Worm did not give up the idea of ​​the tavern at all.

   “We have to guard the tavern. This is the earl’s order. I will report to the earl immediately. You can’t leave the tavern until I return!”

  Worm flew away, and Manda immediately packed up his things and ran out of the tavern. After two steps, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her ankle. She squatted down and found a tuft of silk thread wrapped around her ankle.

   This is Worm’s insect silk, which has already been cut into the flesh. Manda picked it up with a knife a few times but did not pick it out. He wanted to cut it off with a golden finger, but was afraid that it would even cut his own foot.

   He tried to walk two steps away from the tavern. The silk thread tightened and tightened, and he walked two steps closer to the tavern. The silk thread did not become tight.

   What a bookworm, I didn’t expect him to have such a method. He is really a good worm for the nursing home.

Manda limped back to the tavern, using the candlestick to see that there were fine insect silks on the door, window, counter, and wine barrel everywhere, especially on the door, almost forming a net, and there was still a net left on the net. The hole where Manda broke through, the outline of his figure is very clear.

   I don’t know how many silkworms are on his body. Manda knows how powerful the silkworms are. It is impossible to clean it up by himself, so he can only wait for Worm to come back.

   He closed the door early, curled up beside the wine barrel, and prayed to Hermes all night with the omen pendant.

There are tablecloths, candles and sacrifices on hand. If the near-missing pendant becomes hot, Manda has the last way to ask the old goat man for help through sacrifices. Although he will probably not help, it is better than sitting and waiting to die. .

Perhaps the gods really heard Manda’s prayer. Nothing happened that night. After daybreak, Worm flew back. Manda couldn’t say anything. He rushed to fight back, and he fought back for a long time, Worm. Suddenly laughed.

   “Why are you laughing? Are you going to shed your skin again? Is she so happy?”

Worm smiled and said, “Earl let us not worry about it. Gessack does not account for this trivial matter. He thinks it is a very smart idea for you to do business with the Viscount, but sixteen silver coins are too cheap. My wine should be sold. Are more expensive.”

  Manda stood on the table and looked at Worm. “You didn’t hide anything from the earl? You beat up the tax collectors and almost killed them. Did you tell the earl all these things?”

   “How could I deceive the earl? He praised us, and he said we did a good job.” Worm took all the bugs back, entered the warehouse with a smile, and began to make wine tirelessly.

   Do what you like to do and get the earl’s appreciation. This tavern is heaven for Worm.

  Manda couldn’t understand the earl’s thoughts. Assaulting the tax collector is obviously a felony. Even if the viscount can’t execute them, he should at least put them in a dungeon for decades.

   Besides, it depends on the owner to beat the dog. The tax collector was beaten, and the viscount did not even react at all. What is the majesty of a lord?

   Are those two guys really not tax collectors? Or is there an unknown relationship between Viscount Gesek and the earl?

   There was heavy snowfall in the evening, and it was impossible to have guests in this kind of weather. Manda was about to close the door, but saw a group of people coming to the door bracing the wind and snow.

   There are five of them, wearing thin linen blouses, dirty hats, and being heavily wrapped. They look like refugees fleeing famine.

   Manda is not in the mood to do business, and most of these people are here to beg. Manda closes the door without lifting his head, but sees Worm burrowing through the crack of the door with lightning speed.

   “Guests from afar, we have sweet wine and a warm firepit. Come and sit inside.”

   Worm’s face is always smiling, and Manda suspects that the skin on his face may have been dried. A brown-haired man walked up to the front, thanked Worm, and walked into the lobby with the remaining four people.

   They sat around the fire pond for a long time, no one spoke, they were frozen to the ground, and it took a long time for them to retreat.

  Worm stood patiently beside him, waiting for them to order the wine. A middle-aged man with brown hair and tendrils raised his head and said, “Can you give us some bread?”

  Manda said coldly: “Bread also asks for money.”

   “We have money.” The man took out a dozen copper coins from his arms. Worm took them, roughly counted them, and took out three loaves of black bread from the warehouse.

   The bread was so hard that the man couldn’t break it. Worm lent him a knife, and he cut the bread into small pieces and gave it to everyone.

   Bread is hard to swallow, just like a roll of toilet paper. You can chew part of it, but there is always something you can’t chew.

   Seeing everyone coughing and choking, Worm took the opportunity to start selling wine: “A glass of delicious bar, only five copper coins.”

   Manda said angrily: “Who asked you to lower the price privately?”

   Worm whispered: “They can’t spend more money, they can sell five copper coins without losing money.”

   Worm miscalculated this time. They still have money, but they don’t want wine.

   The brunette man said to Warm: “We want to stay here for one night, as long as one room is enough.”

  Warm was startled, he was a little disappointed, the wine was not sold, but he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to do business.

   “A guest room costs forty copper coins.”

  Warm quoted the price, and Manda waited to see the surprised expression on the other side. The price was not cheap.

   The brunette man looked at the other people, they fumbled for the purse, collected forty copper coins, and handed them to Worm.

This surprised Manda. There are many inns in the town. You can find a place to spend a night on the water for 20 copper coins, and you can find a pretty good room for 30 copper coins. There are very few people who don’t drink. Would choose to live in a pub, just like no one would go to a bar to stay, the price/performance ratio is too low.

   Unless there is a possibility, they want to avoid the godly punishment.

   Manda can’t smell the ancient **** believers in them, why do they avoid the **** punishment? Manda couldn’t think of a reason.

   Worm didn’t think so much. He collected the money, counted, and said to everyone: “Please follow me to the second floor.”

   The brunette man stood up, followed Worm up the stairs on the second floor, and the others followed.

   In the middle of the night, it is true that there will be no more business. He closed the door of the tavern and ran to the warehouse to make wine.

   The next day, Manda hired a carriage early and went to Dunnison’s residence. The Viscount’s business was no longer important. Manda only wanted to get a conclusion whether the two soldiers were the tax collectors of the Viscount.

   This conclusion is very important to Manda, and it is related to whether they still have the possibility of living in Niujiao Town.

   Dunnison is not at home, the servant tells Manda that he went to the Viscount’s castle last night and did not return overnight.

   Manda sat at the door and waited. From morning until dusk, he saw Dunison’s drunk figure.

  Although he was faltering, but his mind was still clear, Dunison patted 80 silver coins in front of grinned and said, “Congratulations, Viscount loves your wine.”

   Manda’s legs were weak in excitement, just like the examinee saw his name on the red list. He counted the silver coins one by one, not only has the happiness of harvest, but also the joy of accepting the rest of his life.

   “Make a set of decent clothes. Before the New Year, I will take you to see the Viscount and prepare more wine. The Viscount feels that ten barrels are not enough.”

  Mandar thanked him again and again, and when he left, he couldn’t help but ask a question: “If you don’t want to drink, will anyone go to the tavern to stay?”

“Who would be so stupid? Tavern things are so expensive! Unless he is a heretic.” Dunison burped and looked at Manda with caution. He knew that the earl’s people and the heretics were inseparable from each other, but he I hope Manda will not cause him more trouble.

   “What if they are not heretics?” Manda firmly believed in his own judgment.

   Dunnison was taken aback, pondered for a moment and said: “Do they have anything special?”

   “They are very poor, their clothes are ragged, and they have no valuables on them. They should be refugees who fled the famine. They have a leader. Those people respect him and listen to him.”

   “What does it mean to respect him?”

Manda carefully recalled: “He always walks in the forefront. When he is not talking, other people will not speak, he will distribute the food, and other people are willing to give their only money to him for control. “

   “Is he always ahead?” Dunison’s ears trembled, and this message seemed very important.

   “Yes, every time.” Manda thought about it. None of them had ever walked in front of the brunette.

   “Oops!” Dunison suddenly sobered up, “You may have met the God Punisher.”


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