Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 45 - Long-lost oracle

  The punished person never drinks.

   The God Punisher has a strict hierarchical system. The superior is always on the strongest side, and the superior has the absolute right to speak and control.

Inferring from this, the people who stayed in the tavern yesterday were probably those who were punished by God. Of course, they might also be a group of kind-hearted refugees. Stay overnight in the nearest pub.

   Manda is not in the mood to challenge himself, he must rush back to the tavern as soon as possible.

  Why did the God Punishers come to the tavern? This is what they hate the most. There is only one possibility. They are here to catch people and heretics.

   This place was originally the thorn in the eyes of the punishers. If someone dares to run this tavern, it will naturally arouse the attention of the punishers. The key is what they have discovered.

   Those few people did not dare to arrest people directly, proving that their strength would not be too strong, Manda was wearing a wing brooch, which should not have been exposed.

   Worm has been exposed with a high probability, I don’t know if he is still alive now.

   Manda rode a carriage to the west of the city, still far from the ruins of the temple, Manda got out of the car early, he was worried that he would encounter an ambush.

   Going through the ruins to the tavern, the wind and snow suddenly became more violent, Manda had a bad feeling, and the near sign pendant was slowly getting hot.

According to his survival philosophy, he should run away immediately at this time. He doesn’t care about Worm’s life or death. But with yesterday’s lesson, he is worried that Worm will leave him with some other mechanism, once he is far away from Worm’s control. , It is likely to be cut into shredded meat by his insect silk.

   The door of the tavern was still open. Worm didn’t notice the danger at all. He was happily scrubbing the counter with a bucket, feeling that someone had touched the bug silk at the door, and he quickly greeted him with a smile:

   “Guests from afar, come and sit inside…”

   Seeing that it was Manda, Worm’s smile disappeared: “Why did you come back?”

   Manda quietly closed the door of the tavern and asked in a low voice, “Where were the guests last night?”

   “Go, they left as soon as you left. They didn’t steal our food and wine, they just used a few sticks of wood.” Worm didn’t understand why Manda was so nervous.

   “They are God’s punishment, they came to us.” Manda gave no more explanation. If Worm didn’t want to leave, no more explanation would be futile.

   The bucket in his hand fell to the ground, and Worm looked at Manda, then at the fire, and then at the counter and the wine barrel.

   “We should go.” Without a word of argument, Worm went back to the room immediately, simply packed a package, and prepared to leave with Manda.

   This is the earl’s advice, you don’t have to panic when you encounter any enemy, except for those who punish God. Those who encounter divine punishment must escape quickly without hesitation for a while.

   Manda doesn’t need to pack his luggage. The wax-stained tablecloth is always on her body. Besides that, she has no other important things except the Maxima.

   That horse is already very strong, Manda has plans to ride it to escape, but Worm can fly, it seems safer to follow him.

   Worm spit out insect silk and wrapped Manda into a silkworm chrysalis, ready to take him away, but he fluttered his wings desperately, but couldn’t fly.

   The wind is too strong, and the direction of the wind has been changing. Someone is using magic to manipulate the wind.

   Worm appeared in a rare panic. He climbed onto the roof and tried to take off from a high place, but he was thrown off by the strong wind as soon as he opened his wings.

   Worm fell into the yard and couldn’t stand up for a long time. Manda shouted, “Take my wings and let me out!”

  Worm retracted his wings and cocoon, Manda quickly took the near-missing pendant to the outside of his clothes, his chest was burned with blisters.

   A sign of fatal danger, any mistake may kill them both immediately.

   “Someone is coming!” Worm felt the shock, and someone touched the bug silk around the tavern.

   Manda, who has lived for two lives, is still calm at the moment, and immediately starts a fixed strategy to deal with danger in his mind.

   We must first find out the source of the danger.

   Manda ran up to the third floor, faintly seeing a light in the wind and snow.

   is the torch of the divine punishment, they come from the front door, the number of people is not too large, they can’t form an encirclement, and they can escape through the back door.

   walked to the back door and stood there for a while before Manda retreated.

  The God Punishers have been in ambush nearby for a long time, why didn’t they act on Worm?

   They don’t want to be stunned, they want to wait for Manda to come back, and then catch them all in one go.

   Now that I have made such sufficient preparations, it is impossible to leave a chance to escape, and there is likely to be an ambush at the back door.

   Manda climbed up the back building and observed for a while in the wind and snow. Behind the tavern was a large and small piece of broken rocks. The rocks were covered with snow, and there was nothing unusual.

   Everything is valuable. These stones come from the ruins of the temple. Regardless of feelings, they are basically of no value.

   What if there are people hidden in these stones?

   Manda opened his cross-eyed eyes, exhausted the limit of his eyesight, and scanned every gap in the rock.

  There are the shadows of gold coins, there are almost twenty.

Life is very humble for most of the time. People like bounty hunters who always work for themselves can be more valuable, but god-punishers never hire bounty hunters. They only use believers who are loyal to them. A fool who is willing to work for others is often not worth a gold coin.

   This person can be worth twenty gold coins, which shows that he is not an ordinary role. A long-lost voice rang in Manda’s ears:

   “The second-order disciples of Borias, the north wind god, and a second-order pseudo-god warrior, don’t go out, you will die without a corpse.”

   is the voice of Hermes, Manda thought he had been forgotten by him.

   All the fear and tension disappeared in an instant, the gods have taken action, what else is there to be afraid of? Just revealing the name of Hermes is enough to scare them to death, as long as the great **** moves his finger, this group of **** punishmentrs can be wiped out.

   “I can’t directly help you, I can’t directly use power in the world, this is the rule.”

   The confidence that had just been bursting was extinguished by Hermes’ words, Manda also lost his previous calmness, and a series of questions surfaced in his mind.

  You can’t use power can give me power!

   “You can’t bear it.”

   Then think of a way that I can bear.

   “There is no way.”

   Give me two gods or something!

   “Do you have the money to buy it?”

   Talking about money at this time hurts feelings! Manda was struggling to find no results, so she had to make one last request: at least give me a hint!

   During the conversation with the gods, there was a clap at the door in the tavern.

   “Good-hearted shopkeeper, I’m staying again, please open your door!” It was the voice of the brunette man last night.

   They had reached the door, but they didn’t rush in, as if they wanted to solve the problem through negotiation.

   Worm responded in the tavern: “We are already full, you can stay elsewhere!”

   When are you still in the mood to brag? This pub has never seen ten guests at the same time. How can it be possible that it is full?

“Open the door, my friend,” the brown-haired man was patient, “I know what kind of person you are and what kind of blood you shed. That is the sin of your fate and the chance of being redeemed. Open this door, and the merciful Lord will give you a new path!”

  Worm opened the stable, trying to escape through the back door on his horse, Manda stepped forward and stopped him.

   “There is an ambush at the back door, and there are two second-tier enemies.”

   “Tier 2? Why didn’t they come in! Why didn’t they just kill us?” Worm showed his teeth, and now he only had the idea of ​​fighting for life.

   Yeah, why don’t they come in? Two second-tiers can easily kill them.

   “Think about it carefully, why didn’t they come in?” Hermes gave a prompt, “You can be saved for half a candle.”

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