Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 43 - Tax collector

   Manda chose the second way. This is not a guess, but he saw the gold coin with cross-eyed eyes.

   This is the first time he has used his skills to judge something that has no physical objects. Although getting to know the Viscount means more opportunities, it is also a top priority to maintain a livelihood. He considered these two options repeatedly in his mind, until his brain started to throb violently, and he saw a gold coin on the second path.

  This choice is more valuable. Manda agreed with Dunison on the spot that he would send ten cans of wine tomorrow, which would be delivered by Dunison to the lord of Bullhorn Town-Viscount Gessack.

After leaving Dunnison’s residence, Manda had to go to the market to purchase food. It was too difficult to purchase five thousand pounds at a time. Manda first bought two thousand pounds, then bought 20 wine barrels, and used two. The ox cart pulled back to the tavern.

   The door of the tavern is closed tightly, and Worm seems to have forgotten to open it. This is not normal. Although he does not like to entertain guests, he has always maintained a high degree of enthusiasm for the business of the tavern.

   The near-missing pendant is a little hot, is it dangerous?

   Manda asked the coachman to unload the grain and wine barrels outside the door, jumped over the wall into the yard, and entered the tavern lobby through the back door.

   The scene in front of him stunned him. Two people were tied to the pillar, and Worm sat down in thought.

   These two men are the two soldiers who collected taxes last month. Manda was defrauded of 25 silver coins by them. I didn’t expect these two scammers to come back!

   They have scars on their faces, apparently beaten by Worm, their mouths are stuffed with linen, their eyes are red, and they are looking at Manda with their noses, their eyes seeming to ask for help.

   And Worm is thinking about a serious question at the moment, do you want to kill them?

   As usual, Worm will unscrew their heads without hesitation, but now he doesn’t want to kill him, he is worried that it will affect the business of the tavern.

   “I searched their purses. There are more than 70 silver coins and more than 100 copper coins in it. Let’s keep the money and let them go.” After careful consideration, Worm gave the above suggestions.

   Manda looked at the two hapless guys, then turned to Warm and said, “Where did you find them?”

  Warm said: “They also come here to collect taxes and want to lie to us again.”

   Manda laughed loudly: “You really think we are so cheating…”

   Before the voice fell, the laughter stopped abruptly, and Manda noticed a serious problem.

   These two men came here to collect taxes, posing as the viscount’s retainers. After they left, the real retainers would definitely come to collect taxes again, and their scam was completely exposed.

   It is impossible for any normal person to come here to perform the same scam again. This is a typical death-death behavior, unless these two people are incompetent.

   Manda stared at the two soldiers for a long time. They may not be very smart, but they are not low energy. Perhaps there is another reasonable explanation for this matter.

   They are real tax collectors, and the later group of talents are liars.

   Manda’s head buzzed, and he carefully recalled every detail before. They had neither clerks nor the viscount’s clan emblem, plus the rude attitude, they looked like a counterfeit.

   But this is illogical…

  After thinking about it, Manda untied their tie, opened the door of the tavern, and returned the money bag to them.

   “Let’s go.” Manda didn’t say much, saying one more word might cause more trouble.

   A soldier pointed to Manda’s nose and said: “You are finished, waiting for the Viscount Lord to take you…”

   Another soldier covered his mouth: “Don’t say any more, leave here quickly!”

   Two soldiers rushed out of the tavern, and Worm shook his head and said, “You just let them go? When did your heart become so good?”

   Manda licked his lips and said, “It’s not good, we may be in big trouble!”

   All night long, Manda was in a panic, unable to sleep. At dawn the next day, he was still wondering whether to go to the city.

   The near-missing pendant is as cold as frost, and it seems that the danger has passed. Maybe the two people are born idiots, they don’t have any brains at all, just want to try their luck.

   Thinking about the road pointed out by Dunnison, and thinking about the five gold coins he paid, Manda gritted his teeth and hired a bullock cart to deliver ten barrels of wine to Dunnison’s residence.

   Along the way, Manda held the pendant tightly, and whenever there was the slightest sign of fever, Manda would jump off the car and escape.

  But until the bullock cart stopped in front of Dunnison’s door, the pendant was still cold.

Dunison accepted the red wine and immediately gave Manda thirty silver coins: “Come to me in two days. If the viscount agrees to this business, I will give you the remaining fifty silver coins. If the earl does not agree , These wines should be sold to me.”

   Dunnison’s generosity made Manda a little relieved. When he left, he asked a question: “Do I need to pay taxes to open a tavern?”

   “What do you think?” Dunnison thought the question was stupid. “There is no reason not to pay taxes in business. Don’t the tax collectors come to collect taxes yet?”

   “Not yet.” Manda replied very calmly.

“Strange, I reported this to the tax collectors long ago. They should have gone last month… These few days are the days when they collect taxes. You have to make up the last month’s taxes, twenty-five a month. Silver coins, otherwise we will all be in trouble. UU Reading”

   “What kind of person is a tax collector?” Manda asked calmly.

   “It’s the guards of the Viscount. They are a bit rough, but you’d better be polite to them.”

   Manda swallowed and continued to ask calmly: “Will they bring the clerks and the emblem of the Viscount Lord?”

   “Documents and clan emblem? Where did you hear about it?” Dunnison looked at Manda in surprise?

   “I saw it in a book.”

“Is there a book like this?” Dunison shook his head and smiled. “The tax collector doesn’t bring any paperwork. Most vendors don’t read. What’s the use of that thing? The clan emblem is even more impossible, it symbolizes How could the majesty of the Viscount Lord be handed over to the tax collector?”

   “Yes,” Manda nodded with a smile, “We, see you in two days.”

   After two days, I still don’t see you. The Viscount will take me directly into the dungeon because I beat up the tax collector.

   Manda walked to the market, bought nothing, only hired a carriage.

   He faced a difficult choice, whether to run alone or with Worm.

   He was worried that Worm would not run away, but he also remembered the advice of the old witch. Never try to run away without getting the earl’s permission, unless you have a way to kill him.

   It is safest to escape back to the valley with Worm. He returned to the tavern in a carriage and saw that the warehouse door was closed. Worm should be making wine in it.

   “We are in big trouble, come out and pack things quickly, we have to leave here immediately!”

   Worm walked out of the warehouse, closed the door back and said: “Tell me what happened first, otherwise I won’t leave the tavern.”

   “If I told you, would you leave?”

   “Neither.” Worm shook his head.


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