Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 51: Cube!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Tiara Galaxy, on the planet "Pheonon", a war was currently going on. Both sides were fighting furiously. One side was wearing dark armor and it seemed to be winning and the other side had green armor. The black-armored force had a huge number of soldiers and appeared to have caught the green side in a surprise attack. On the green side, soldiers had formed a circle and were trying to protect a carriage. The green side was at a disadvantage due to their lesser numbers but they were putting up a good fight. Clearly they did not want to give the other side an easy victory.

Both sides were using swords and blades, but if one were to focus, they would see that some of these swords and blades were not normal.

Some of the swords were glowing and runes were shining on them. These weapons had vein-like patterns which made them look like those weapons were alive. The green side's swords looked more refined compared to the black side as if the black side had copied them. When they clashed with each other, sparks would fly and mini sonic booms could be heard, but the men holding these blades were not affected by this in any way, which showed that these men were physically stronger and could withstand the sonic impacts with their bodies. They would continue to fight and only die when they lost their heads.

Even if one of their body parts was cut or injured, they would not back down. Truly it was a race of warriors who were made to fight.

But not all were like this, only a small part of the people fighting had these characteristics. Others were using normal weapons and if people with special weapons were to fight near them, they would hastily clear that area.

The dark-armored army was backed by the lord of the eastern country and its lord is a fat man called Adkin who was currently sitting in the eastern army camp. Currently, he was furiously giving orders to his subordinates.

"Why have you not captured that bitch yet? What is taking so long?" He was fuming with anger. The attack had been going on for a while but no clear results were shown yet. It had been 3 hours since they had started the fight and his generals had assured him that the fight would be over soon and that the other side wouldn't be able to put up a fight. But now after seeing the situation on the battlefield, he was cursing those generals.

"I don't care what you do, I need you to end this fight soon. We can't wait for long. If their reinforcements arrive, we won't be able to do anything." He shouted loudly. His subordinate upon hearing this stood up and bowed.

"Your Majesty, I assure you that we will end this fight as early as we can." he was saying this when a golden glass hit him on his head.

"You dare to use these words again. I am tired of your reassurance. I don't want to hear empty talk. I want results. Don't come back until you finish your mission. Now go!"

"Yes! My lord." he bowed and hurried outside. He was afraid of the king's temper.

After the General went outside, the King calmed down. If someone were to come in now, they wouldn't be able to guess that the king was angry just a second ago. His face showed complete calm. He raised his hand and made a pattern using his first 2 fingers.

A person with his whole body covered in black appeared behind him. The king opened his mouth and said.

"Are you sure she took that thing with her when coming here?"

The shadow whispered in the king's ear upon hearing the question.

"Ok! If what you said is true then we can't miss this chance. I don't care if she retaliates later or whatever. We need to get that cube. Then we can also make superior weapons, not just copy what they make. We were lucky this time that she came to this remote region with a small army. I don't know what her purpose is, I just need that cube."

He heard about the cube long ago but he could not do anything as the time he heard about the cube, the Xoria empire had already created the magic weapon which would cut iron like butter and destroy castle walls. These magical swords appeared on the planet "Pheonon" 20 years ago and the Xoria empire used them to dominate the region.

Xoria was a small kingdom at first but after developing these magic swords they started to expand but he didn't know why after conquering all the hostile nations around them, the Xoria empire offered a peace treaty and the planet "Pheonon" entered a peaceful era.

Well, it looked that way on the surface. Many nations tried to find the reason for the sudden development of the magic swords but they could not find anything. They kidnaped many craftsmen who were involved in the development of the magic swords and after a struggle of a whole decade, many nations were able to make inferior copies of the magic swords.

Adkin's empire was the first one to copy the magic swords but they were still far inferior to those developed by the Xoria empire.

Just 2 years ago when the previous king died and he named the princess as his heir instead of the prince, other kingdoms and empires got the knowledge about the existence of the cube.

The prince in his fury of not getting the throne revealed the existence of the cube. Many nations started to covet the cube but none of them could defeat the Empire's army.

Nobody knew why the new Queen of the Xoria empire came to this remote region of the empire carrying the cube with only a small army.

Her visit was supposed to be a secret but somehow Adkin got to know about it. So he planned an ambush. He wanted to get the cube for himself and create better magic swords.

But his plan seemed to be failing.

On the green armored side, soldiers fought furiously to protect the carriage. Not even a single soldier from Adkin's side was able to get near the carriage.

In the carriage, a beautiful woman was sitting and around her maids were guarding with magic swords in their hands.

She was the Queen of the Xoria empire "Marin Briarfall".

She had a metallic cube in her hand, which had very futuristic patterns on it which would glow from time to time. She was holding it like it was very dear to her.

She came to this remote region to return the cube to its original owner but got ambushed instead.

She looked outside the window and saw her men dying for her. Marin sighed and said.

"When will the reinforcements arrive? We need to return this cube as soon as possible. We are already late by a year. Father told me, again and again, to return this cube on time but I failed him. Now we can't be late anymore."

One maid bowed down and said.

"My Queen, reinforcements will be here in about an hour. Please bear with us. We won't let any harm come to you or the cube."

Marin nodded and started to look at the cube. Suddenly the cube started to shine. At the same time, she could hear a huge bang outside. She looked outside the window and saw dark clouds gathering over their heads.

A white light pierced the dark clouds and landed in the center of the battlefield.

Everyone stopped fighting and looked towards where the white light landed. That area was filled with dust and they could not see anything clearly but they could see something moving in the dust.

After a while when the dust started to settle, they saw a man wearing strange clothes standing in the spot where the beam had landed.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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