Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 52: Beware of Librarian Hunter

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

After old Shun disappeared, Fu Yan sighed. He had grown a little attached to him. Well, that's common because old Shun had been with him from the start, even though it was not a long time, but old Shun would always have a special place in Fu Yan's heart.

Fu Yan looked around the library and saw many workers busy sorting books and walking to and fro in the library hall.

Whenever they passed by him, they would give a little bow and continue to work. These workers were from different races. Some had ghostly bodies, some were masses of gas, some looked like birdmen, some had horns. In short, they were all aliens.

Fu Yan was a little excited. He started to walk around the library. When he became a librarian, the restrictions on him were removed. He could now move freely in the library, though there were still some places that were inaccessible to him for now because his authority in the library was not high enough. But he did not mind it. Old Shun had told him that as he progressed in the library, he would gradually gain full control of the library.

While walking in the library, Fu Yan came upon the reading area. This area was very special. Aliens who visit the library would come to read here and after paying a little extra amount, they could come read in this area. Those who got the privilege to read here would find that they could easily understand the content of the books, and if they encountered any difficulties, workers proficient in said knowledge would come to help them.

So, this area can be called a VIP area. Not anyone could enter here. Even though those who could come to the library are people with privilege and authority, when compared to the ones in the VIP area, others are considered common.

After taking a tour of the library, Fu Yan came to the librarian's desk. It was a simple wooden desk that looked normal from all angles but Fu Yan knew that it was anything but simple.

He could control the whole library from this desk. All data of the library, books, data on visitors, their origin, the books they want to take, the knowledge they want to offer, the exchange rates for knowledge, the rating of the knowledge, in short, all things could be handled from this desk.

Fu Yan came behind the desk and placed his hand on the chair. The chair looked like a normal office chair. It was large and had a comfy look. It had large side arms and at first glance, one could mistake it for a massage chair.

Fu Yan sat down on the chair and suddenly a transparent screen floated in front of him. He was not surprised when the screen came up but was excited. Every person has dreams, some want to travel all around the world, some want to make something to change the world, some want to spend their whole life in leisure and earn a lot of money. Fu Yan's dream was to learn all kinds of knowledge, discover aliens, explore Outer Space. Now his dreams were getting fulfilled so he was very excited.

He always thought about what he would've done if he ever were to meet an alien. But now when he could finally meet many, his joy could reach into outer space.

He soon calmed down and stared at the screen. It showed him the data on the books that were borrowed and their due date.

Those who borrow books from the library had to place an equivalent grade of knowledge in the library or pay in the form of energy. Then they could borrow the book from the library.

The book they borrowed cannot become a personal possession but had to be returned to the library after a certain time. When someone failed to return a book on time, the librarian would have to go and collect the books. Librarians could send workers to collect the books or go themselves, it depends on them. If the librarian failed to collect the books, they would get a penalty and it could come in many different forms.

They might have to pay in the form of credits or being sent to a very dangerous region to get a certain book or something else.

It showed that even if you become a librarian, you can't evade your duties.

If the book is not returned on the due date, then the librarian would collect late fees from the borrower. It is calculated as to how late the book is returned. For example, if a reader borrows a book from the library for 10 years and returns it after 12 years then he would have to pay a 20% additional fee. If the borrower is not able to pay, then the librarian has the authority to get the planet energy where the borrower lives. The planet's energy is what helps people living on that planet to grow and evolve. If the planet's energy is low, then crops would not grow, the water would become polluted, etc.

If the late time is less than 10% then it depends on the librarian, if he wants to collect the late fees or not. This is one of the privileges of being a librarian.

Fu Yan looked at the screen and saw the list of books that were borrowed and the borrowers' details.

Only one book was not returned after the due date had passed. Fu Yan started to check the details.

Galaxy: Tiara

Planet: Pheonon

Borrower: Adoh Briarfall

Time remains: -0.9 years

Fu Yan nodded upon seeing the details and prepared himself to go collect the book back.

He first returned to earth and then told Qing that he would be absent for a while and ordered her to record anything unusual for him.

Then he called Fei Hong and told her that he would not be available for a few days. That it might be just 2 days or even a week and that he would call her when he returns.

Fei Hong did not inquire much. Though her relationship with Fu Yan had become closer, she still thought that she should refrain from influencing his life. Because they have a relation of boss and employee.

After finishing everything on earth, Fu Yan returned to the library and prepared to set off. He went to the back room and put on the uniform that the library had prepared for him.

According to old Shun, this uniform was special and could protect Fu Yan even from a nuclear blast. But he could only wear it when he is on a mission to collect books.

While he was wearing the uniform, a piece of paper fell from the pocket. At first glance, The paper seemed blank but after the library had enhanced his brain, Fu Yan noticed something was written on it. It was very small and hard to read.

Fu Yan went back to his desk and used a magnifying glass to read it.

"Beware of the Librarian hunter"

Fu Yan was taken back upon reading it. Many questions were pouring into his mind like a flood.

"Who wrote this and who put this in my pocket." His mind was constantly thinking about the possible person and who could have placed it in his pocket.

After thinking for a while, Fu Yan decided to investigate it after coming back.

He went back to the changing room and wore the uniform. After wearing it, his whole appearance changed.

He looked into the mirror and saw a completely different person in the mirror. He remembered old Shun telling him that all librarians would look similar to others and he understood the reason now.

He looked in the mirror and could see a very handsome man there. The hair was silver-grey with brown eyes. A strange tattoo could be seen on the left side of the face. It started from the eyebrows and went down to his cheeks.

The suit was just a white shirt with a black waistcoat on it. The pants were black and he wore long black shoes.

He looked very handsome and if he were to go on earth like this, people might think that he was some big star.

Fu Yan sighed upon looking at his image in the mirror.

After doing some final checks, he walked toward the teleportation portal and activated. A white beam started to shine and after a second Fu Yan disappeared from the teleportation chamber.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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