Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 50: Librarian!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

After greeting Fei Hong, Fu Yan sat down on the sofa and looked at Jiao Mei. She had good looks and her skin color was white which complimented her looks well.

Jiao Mei also sat down and took out a file from her bag. She handed it to Fu Yan and the latter started to look through it.

His aunt had texted him telling him that she had given the draft for the contract to Jiao Mei and Fu Yan can look through it before signing it.

He started to go through it and nodded in between.

The contract was very well done and there was no loophole that he could find in it. There were just 2 to 3 extra clauses that he wanted to add. So he looked at Jiao Mei and started to speak.

"Have you read the contract?"

After Jiao Mei nodded, Fu Yan continued speaking.

"Well, I have no problems with what is written in contract but I want to add something."

Jiao Mei looked up and opened her mouth.

"Please tell me what you would like to add."

Fu Yan nodded and pointed at a line on the draft paper.

"You will get 1% shares of the company but I want to add that these shares are not transferable, If you were to leave the company, the company will buy these shares from you after an evaluation."

Jiao Mei nodded and said.

"I have no problem with that. Anything else"

"Yes, The second thing I want to add is a confidentiality agreement."

Jiao Mei looked confused and said: "Please elaborate!"

Fu Yan nodded and said.

"There will be many new technologies that will be introduced later and as a legal person, you will have access to some parts of core technologies so I would like to add confidentiality agreement, if you were to leak any part of the technology, this will be considered a breach of the agreement and you will have to pay 5 times of the market price of the said technology. Do you agree."

Jiao Mei remained silent for a while, she looked down as if thinking then she looked at Fu Yan and said.

"I agree with that, but I would like to add that in case I am accused then there has to be sufficient proof, else it would not be considered a breach."

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Well, that has to be added for sure as I am not a scammer and this is only added as a precaution. I hope that we never face a situation like this. And for the third I wanted to add is that your shares will not have the power to influence company decisions. I mean you will get a dividend and position of a director but I won't let you influence the decision making of the company. "

Jiao Mei was silent for a while after hearing this and after a while she said.

"Ok, I agree with that too."

" Well then! that's all I wanted to add in the contract so if you agree with it, we will sign the contract now, and I welcome you into the company."

Jiao Mei nodded and they proceeded to sign the contract.

Fu Yan gave a copy of the contract to Jiao Mei and the other one to Fei Hong. He told Fei Hong to scan the copy and store the digital version on the server.

Fei Hong nodded and was about to get up when Fu Yan stopped her and said.

"Fei Hong, Miss Jiao is new to the city and don't know her way around so please guide her and drop her to the apartment that has been rented for her."

Fei Hong responded with a smile and looked at Jiao Mei.

"Miss Jiao, please come with me. I will introduce you to the company staff and after we finish here, we will go to your apartment."

Fu Yan nodded upon seeing this and texted the address of the apartment to Fei Hong.

After finishing all this, he went downstairs and was about to get out of the lift when he received a call. He looked at the number and answered.

"Big Brother! Someone is spying on you. They have started to follow you when you came to the company and are now waiting just outside the lift."

Fu Yan smiled upon hearing this and thought.

"Well, Qing is doing her work perfectly."

He looked at the floor indicator on the lift and pressed the button on the second floor and got out.

After getting out of the lift, he said.

"Qing, hack all phones in a 200-meter radius and see if there is anyone else spying on me. Also, check the background of the person who was following me."

"Ok Big Brother, I will do so."

Fu Yan took emergency stairs to get out of the building and took a taxi home.

When he entered the taxi, he received a text from Qing.

"Big Brother, Qing did not find anyone else and no one showed any suspicious behavior."

"I want all details about the person who was following me. don't miss even a single thing." Fu Yan responded.

He sighed after sending the text and thought.

"Who might it be?"

Shaking his head, he clenched his fists.

"No! No matter who it is. I need to rise in power as fast as possible, people with status and money are everything in this world.���

He soon reached home and Qing was working on data gathering. He gave her some other commands and looked at the integrated data.

Only 40% of the language data was integrated and it was going to need another 17 hours before finishing.

Since he had nothing else to do, he started to look through the core algorithm of Qing.

When he opened the program and started to analyze it, a surprise was waiting for him. Qing had improved her core a lot and now she can be compared to 18 years old. She could analyze many different things easily and could give her judgment independently.

Though there were still some things that needed upgrading but overall she had improved a lot.

"Now the only problem she is facing is computing power. Well, I think it's about time that we expand the server farm."

He thought for a sec, then called Fei Hong.

The tone sounded for a while then Fei Hong picked it up.

"Fu Yan, Is there something you needed." She said this because he was in the office a while ago so now when he called her, he obviously needed something.

"Yes, I want you to contact some server suppliers and expand the server farm by 100%."

Fei Hong did not ask any questions and replied.

"Ok, I will contact them now and ask them to install new servers as soon as possible."

Fu Yan nodded and after thinking about it a bit, he said.

"I think you should see if you can get used servers as I don't trust the providers and also build a team, especially for the server farm upgrading. they will have to source server equipment and install them."

Fei Hong nodded on the other end of the phone and said.

"Ok, I will see if there is a server farm that is being shut down and buy their servers."

Fu Yan nodded and said.

"Ok do that, well then take care and don't overwork yourself."

Fei Hong nodded and disconnected the call.

Fu Yan placed the mobile phone on the side table and laid down on the bed, thinking.

"What to do now? He never felt this bored, he did not know why but he just wanted to relax and do nothing until the language translator software is done integrating all data.

He closed his eyes and slowly he fell into sleep. He was really tired mentally and physically so this rest was needed.

He slept soundly and woke up after 14 hours of sleep. Fu Yan was also surprised that he slept for this long.

After waking up, he washed himself up and checked the status of the program.

Only a small part was remaining and it would not affect the whole program so Fu Yan decided to test the program.

He first placed sample text and the result was as he expected, no error.

He then proceeded to do complex tests and still, the error rate was only 1%. Which was in the tolerance limit.

He spent another 2 hours testing and using the feedback to improve the small errors in the algorithm.

When he was done, he transferred the whole data in a flash drive and swiped in his left hand.

His consciousness emerged in the great hall of the Galactic Library. Old Shun was there to greet him.

Fu Yan smiled and handed the flash drive to Old Shun and said.

"I have finished the multi-language translator and I would like to submit it."

Old shun did not take the flash drive from Fu Yan and said.

"You should submit it yourself. As when you are promoted to a librarian, I won't be here for you. I have taught you all I could and in the near future, you have to do all the work in the library yourself and command other workers. You are my last assignment so as per the agreement I will be allowed to leave the library."

Fu Yan responded with a smile and started to walk toward the librarian desk.

He walked in front of the desk and placed the flash drive in the halo on the desk. A white light flashed and the drive was gone.

Suddenly Fu Yan felt a huge amount of knowledge being forced into his mind. He knelt down from pain and gripped his head with both hands but the pain was not stopping.

He cried from pain and clenched his teeth, soon he was rolling on the ground from pain. He felt like his head was going to split.

What he failed to notice was that his whole body was drowned in white light. Old Shun was just watching from the side, doing nothing.

He had watched this phenomenon many times and knew that this would not endanger Fu Yan's life in any way.

Fu Yan had now stopped howling, but his body was still trembling from time to time. He was conscious but could not speak.

All this knowledge that came into his mind was too much for him and had not his brain been strengthened before by the library, he might have died.

Now he understood why he was not promoted to be librarian directly.

He lay down on the floor for a while, then slowly stood up.

He felt like his head was vibrating and that it was inflated like a balloon. Though that was not the case, it still took him quite some time to return to normal.

He looked at the old Shun, who was smiling on the side and swiped on the tattoo on his hand.

He saw his status and understood everything.


Name: Fu Yan(Galactic Library Employee)

Age: 18

Status: Librarian (Probation period)

Permission: have access to all data in the library

Level: 11 (7%)

Credits: 1720

Duty: Manage library

Mission: 1 per month.

Fu Yan looked at the status bar and noticed 2 new things there.

He looked at the old Shun who looked very happy when Fu Yan became a librarian. He looked happier than Fu Yan.

Ols Shun noticed Fu Yan looking at him and said.

"As you know when you became a librarian, I earned my freedom.."

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Congratulations! I know you are happy upon getting your freedom, but I have a question."

"Go on ask whatever you want to know." old Shun said happily.

Fu Yan nodded and said.

"What is this mission thing and how will it benefit me?."

Old Shun smiled heartily and said.

"This is the only thing that will bring you a huge amount of benefits. As a librarian, you have to collect due books that were borrowed but not returned. You have to travel to different worlds and bring the books back. If the books are overdue then you have to collect late fees. As a librarian, you have the privilege to not collect the late fee if the overdue time is less than 2% of the time borrowed. But it all depends on you. You can decide whether to collect the late fees or get things for your own benefits."

Fu Yan was very excited upon hearing this. Why! you ask. Well, who does not want to meet aliens and travel the whole universe?

He was really excited for his first mission.

Old Shun looked at the excited Fu Yan and said.

"Fu Yan, remember as the librarian you control the whole library, no one can refuse your request when they come to seek knowledge. Also remember, the more benefits you bring to the library, the more benefits you will get for yourself. If someone who had borrowed books from the library disrespects you, use your authority as a librarian. You can even make a king become a peasant and beg for forgiveness.

Remember it!"

Fu Yan listened to all this seriously and then said.

"Old Shun, why are you telling me all this."

Old Shun looked at Fu Yan kindly and said with a kind tone.

"Fu Yan, you know you were the first person who gave me a name and treated me with kindness. All librarians that I have trained before you, were selfish and treated me badly. They did not learn what I taught them and did what they wanted. But you! You are different. I know you will surpass them all and most importantly, you don't see us workers as things but persons.

Thank you!. I hope that you treat other worker's same as me. Let me tell you if you treat them well, it will help you a lot and your burden will lessen a lot."

Fu Yan nodded.

Old Shun continued speaking.

"I am again reminding you, this library is a mystical place and the more you give to the library, the more benefits you will get.

so be sure to protect this library when it face's danger as you are protecting your own life."

Fu Yan listened to old Shun attentively and said.

"Old Shun, I will. I promise!"

Old Shun smiled and said.

"Well, that's all I wanted to say. I will go now. Though I was trapped here by force but it was my own fault. Fu Yan thank you! Remember you are lord Librarian and you hold the ultimate power in the library. As long as they are in the library, anyone has to obey what you say."

Old Shun started to dissipate while saying this and after a while, he was really gone.

Fu Yan looked at the great hall of the library which had suddenly got filled with many new book racks and workers tending the books.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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