Furious Combo

Chapter 822 - : Desperately (below)

In Jiang Yan’s heart, something unspeakable surged. www.) These team members, although he is taking good care of, but for these treatments, few people are willing to pay the price of their lives.

This life-burning team member is the 25th ranked firefighter.

This firepower is not the same as Anna, especially after the re-planning of the two world stones. This firepower’s main ability is to use ancient gunpowder to kill the enemy.

In a group battle, the flame ocean arranged by this firepower can control the scene very well, and the lethality increases rapidly with the increase of combat time. This kind of firepower will be the core of the team in any place, but in the Suzaku team, he silently ranked the last one, never thinking about leaving.

All of this is just for Jiang Yan’s promise to build a miraculous city belonging to the Chinese. The present Chaoge is not only a miraculous city, but a prototype of the fairyland.

There are indeed many ethnic groups living in Chaoge, but there are only traditional Shinto and Immortal beliefs here, and no other mess will be allowed at all.

Over time, everyone ’s confidence is intangibly increased, and they understand how important their own culture is and at the same time they understand how great their own culture is.

It is not that no one tried to spread other beliefs in Chaoge City. Jiang Yan did very simply and directly killed, including friends and sympathizers of those who spread the faith.

There is only one civilization in a world.

This is the bare fact that cannot be avoided. If the power of faith spreads in the fairy world, the fairy world will certainly not collapse, but it will have a very bad influence on the development of the fairy world.

Jiang Yan built the Chaoge City very cleanly. Except for the Shennong Feathered Temple, any temple enshrined is a local deity, that is, a deity enshrined in the fairyland.

These gods can only use the power of the two world stones to function, that is to say, even believers in Shinto. In Chaoge City, it can only provide more power for the two world stones, and there is very little power to give back to the Shinto gods.

This is the norm in the fairyland. When the fairyland created the Shinto, it was actually to share the pressure of the entire universe. Jiang Yan is now quite clear about these things. As long as his fairyland is formed, even if the strength of the court is strong, he will be helpless to himself.

The speed of Heavenly Court’s recruitment of soldiers can be completely assured.

These thoughts flashed through my mind. Jiang Yan’s dagger has been cut on the wrist of the space controller. This knife cuts off the wrist of the space controller directly, and the wound burns.

The fallen palm was swallowed by a beast head emerging from Jiang Yan’s arm.

That’s the demon nurse. After Jiang Yan condensed the seven Demon Boys, the demon **** nurse’s battle pattern was like dead, and now it resurfaced and swallowed a hand. The space master. Immediately lost contact with this hand.

Even if he used the power of infinite space to reshape a hand, this new palm. The power is less than one percent of the original.

In the wounds of the space master, it is no longer anger, but Suzakuyan.

The burning caused by Suzaku’s Yan was originally the power of sacrifice released by Jiang Yan, and once it started burning, it was the source of the space controller.

A strange text spewed out from the mouth of the space controller, covering the wound, and Suzaku’s flame burned for only two seconds before it went out.

Jiang Yan’s dagger. Again, this time, Jeanne d’Arc won a great opportunity for Jiang Yan.

In her scepter, all the glorious power was released instantly, on the back of the space master. A small hole was made. After releasing this attack, the wings behind Jeanne d’Arc also dimmed. The twelve six-winged light angels that made up the wings did not appear and seemed to disappear.

Jiang Yan’s pupil of Suzaku saw the position of the heart of the space master. There is one more prose.

It was divine punishment, and Joan of Arc permanently consumed the lives of the twelve six-winged light angels, and created the divine punishment power that even the space master could not offset.

The space controller is not only rapidly consuming the source, but also slowing down his movement speed. Jiang Yan can even use his dagger to cut him easily without using skills.

So this knife is a force cutting.

Jiang Yan was cut across the space-controller and his disproportionately large head, still burning with anger. The force in this knife was also exploded by the sacrifice of a Suzaku team member. The wound on the neck of the space controller is no longer smooth like a metal cross section, but a rotten wound that is corroded and has holes.

In Jiang Yan’s heart, there was suddenly a trace of sadness and indignation.

Because this space master, how many people struggle between life and death. This struggle is not a struggle under heaven, but because the space master needs vitality to squeeze life in all spaces.

Now his team members have to kill him with sacrifice skills, how can such things appear in the world!

After becoming an immortal, Jiang Yan unconsciously lost a lot of human emotions. He knew that this was normal. Today, this kind of sadness and anger is abnormal. But Jiang Yan didn’t want to control herself. That Suzaku’s Yan was originally orange-red, but this time it burned with a trace of pure white flame.

As soon as the space controller grabbed it with one hand, he grabbed his head back. This head was burned by Suzaku, and the source power consumed more than ten times faster than it was. However, the space controller did not feel pain. He knew the danger and reacted It’s still half a beat slow.

Among the Suzaku battle flags, the third team member burned his life. Jiang Yan kicked up and kicked on the head of the space controller. Before the space controller could put the head back on his neck, Jiang Yan would That head kicked off.

A huge head of space controller, with flames, disappeared into the air. This foot kicked a head of space controller directly into Huang Quan.

Jiang Yan’s heart sank, his skills have such great power? He felt a little faint, but he used too much power, and he was a little confused.

On the scepter of Jeanne d’Arc, the light was bright and Jiang Yan was awake, but the treatment of Jeanne d’Arc made her own vitality fall to the bottom.

Jiang Yan has never felt that his Yuanshen is so powerful. He even feels that he has broken through the boundaries and has become a leak-free true immortal. The power in his body has never been so complete, endless, circulating inside.

The illusion, Joan of Arc, when she was helping, did not forget to set traps for herself.

Jiang Yan was not in the mood to care about Joan of Arc. Even if Joan of Arc survived this time, I am afraid that his strength would be reduced sharply. If he doesn’t trap himself, he will be swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

The space controller loses his head, and the wound on his neck is accelerating the process of ulceration. The space controller was in a hurry, and he simply grabbed it with one hand and grabbed a head from his neck.

The contrast between his original head and the dwarf-like body was huge and ridiculous. The newly grown head is small and pitiful, two circles smaller than the fist of an adult. The head is full of facial features, and looks completely different from the one Jiang Yan cut off, with red lips and white teeth, and clear eyebrows.

At the same time, the right hand of the space controller who was cut off also grew, the fingers www.7ket were slender and clean, Joan of Arc was almost comatose, and could no longer provide power to Jiang Yan. , Grabbed Jiang Yan’s neck.

On Jiang Yan’s neck, a circle of black flames flared up, and another member of the Suzaku team, burning his own life, provided Jiang Yan with this attack.

The black flame burned upwards along the palm of the space controller, covering the entire body of the space controller almost instantly.

Jiang Yan felt cold in his heart. Is that how he is, and can’t he threaten him? He only wanted to burn one arm of the space controller, but the space controller attracted the flame to the whole body and used the strength of the whole body to resist the burning of the flame. This attack, only burned some of the skin of the space controller.

This kind of injury is too scary for ordinary people. However, the space controller has no pain at all, and burns the skin, with only minimal harm.

Jiang Yan rushed up with a dagger and passed through the space controller’s body. The black flame on the surface of the space controller’s body shrank inwards and penetrated into his body.

Another Suzaku team member burned his life. In Jiang Yan’s hand, the black and white dagger flipped gently, hitting the side, and the backhand nailed the fist of the space controller.

The space controller is not controlled by Fangcai’s skills, but then hit the knife, and his body is suffocated.

Jiang Yan’s tiger tail kicked out ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The space controller flew high in the air, almost at the same time, Jiang Yan had released seven phases of the law, and the seven methods blasted out at the same time. Pass through the body.

This time, the members of the seven Suzaku teams burned their lives at the same time, releasing the power.

The space master, controlled by Jiang Yan’s skill for the first time, was set in mid-air and could not move. The space controller does not believe this result. In the infinite castle, even if the tombstones of the gods limit most of his strength, he should not be controlled by skills!

Jiang Yan’s Suzaku team has already damaged a small half of the manpower. If this still kills the space controller, Jiang Yan does not know how to deal with it.

The seven law phases are almost Jiang Yan’s most powerful skills. And this is a force that directly attacks the source. If his enemy is Jeanne d’Arc, this will destroy the divine personality directly, extinguish the god’s fire, and die directly.

The space controller was only numb. The source was directly deprived of it. I do n’t know how much, and was sent into the two realms to suppress it. RQ

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