Furious Combo

Chapter 821 - : Desperately (middle)

Now even Yu Nan has not attacked again. [] Her sword of fierce calamity is indeed fierce, and it can also break the defense of the space controller, but it is better to let her provide Jiang Yan with the power to increase Jiang Yan’s lethality.

The space controller hit Jiang Yan, but he didn’t feel it. He didn’t know how long it was, and he didn’t know what the pain meant. Not to mention that this knife almost removed his arm, even if he cut off his head, he would not frown.

The space master who was stabbed with a knife, twisted his arms bizarrely, punching Jiang Yan and Jeanne respectively.

Jiang Yan hit backhand and greeted him. This time he didn’t just rely on the strength of the equipment, but on the fist, he released a layer of irritability, simulating the gloves on Feng Jianren’s gloves. The power of the rule, the lightning illuminates, knocking the space controller back.

His attack power is not as good as that of the space master, but in this punch, the rule power is too fierce, and it is also very simple. If the enemy cannot be shot, as long as the enemy ’s power is not more than tens of times, he can temporarily hit the enemy. Retreat, but there is no stiff effect.

Jiang Yan repulsed the space controller, but his heart sank. The space controller was too far away from him, and was directly placed in front of Joan of Arc. That punch hit the virgin. Jeanne’s chest.

Jeanne d’Arc wears beautiful armor with two pointed metal protrusions on her chest, and the space controller punches the protrusion on the left side of her armor inward.

Jeanne d’Arc was flushed on the face, and a pair of wings behind him burst open. The wings formed by the twelve light angels were crushed by this punch, and they were radiant and re-condensed into the form of light angels within a few miles.

If the fist of space controller directly attacks Jeanne d’Arc’s body, although it can also be hit hard, the twelve six-winged light angels will instantly repair Jeanne d’Arc’s injury. This punch separated the Angel of Light and Joan of Arc. Even if the angel of light came back, it could no longer condense into wings.

At least in this battle, this form of Joan of Arc was abolished and could not be restored. (You can go to the leaf when you read the novel

More than 500 knights in the temple shriveled. In order to prevent the Angel of Light from being killed by that punch. They also gave all their strength. If this is a war, space controllers have already taken advantage locally.

The joint attack of Jeanne d’Arc and Jiang Yan left many scars on his body, but how could he not reduce his combat effectiveness.

To know. Jeanne d’Arc or Jiang Yan, no matter how attacking, there is rule power. The space controller was hit by Lei Zhu at close range and was seriously injured. It has not returned to normal for three to five thousand years.

In order to attack Jeanne d’Arc, the space controller also consumed a part of the original power to attract Jiang Yan. Now, Jeanne d’Arc’s wings are exploded, the attack power is reduced, and the recovery ability is reduced.

Jiang Yan released the forest of war without hesitation. On the tombstones of the gods, towering trees rose up from the ground. The rules of this forest of war. Those who want to limit space control are still unlikely.

The rule of reducing the speed of the enemy hardly plays a role in the space controller. However, in the forest of war, the more than 500 temple knights recovered almost all of their strength and stood up again.

Twelve six-winged light angels also flew back instantly. In the forest of war, every time you breathe, nearly one-twentieth of the power is restored.

This speed of recovery is not without cost. They are burning life.

Jiang Yan is not a philanthropist, his war forest healing and recovery ability. Certainly not at your own expense. If it is the same with his men, it is only possible that if his men are consumed in the war forest, they can be discounted.

The space controller ate and collapsed in Jiang Yan’s hands three times and five times. The anger in his heart turned into flames when the body lost consciousness, and spewed out directly from wounds all over his body.

The immortal has a saying that the ruler of the law, the space control, a little emotion, turns into real anger. []

Two ancient trees near him, under the jet of anger, the whole tree burned in a blink of an eye. The space master turned from a short and ridiculous gnome into a fireman of similar height to Jiang Yan, and walked towards Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan waved his hand, his army spread out, and no longer stood behind him to provide power. The Suzaku battle flag flew behind him, and among the battle flags, the members of the Suzaku team roared.

A heavy armor assassin shouted: “Captain, use the sacrifice to kill him, everyone can get relief!”

Jiang Yan hesitated, sacrificed, and was the second team skill of the Suzaku team. Furious combos have no meaning for the space masters. This guy’s health may be trillions of dollars.

If the space controller is attacked according to the rules of space, the space controller cannot die. At least until the life force of this space is exhausted, the space controller can borrow life.

The sacrifice skills are purely derived from the two world stones. As long as the space controller is hit hard, it is not to reduce the life value, but like ordinary people, it will be seriously injured and killed.

But the sacrificed members of the Suzaku team, in addition to retaining the memory, after the rebirth, even the memory is cleared, it is impossible to regain the original ability.

Therefore, Jiang Yan will hesitate. This skill is acquired passively. Everyone knows the attributes, but it has never been used. Because once used, someone must die. But the dead person has no memory after reincarnation, no previous blood power, only a pure soul.

Even if you spend a lot of money to re-cultivate, it is not the same person.

The members of the Suzaku team, now playing, also know that if they want to kill the space controller, there can be no sacrifice. Even those members of the backward team did not hesitate.

After sacrifice, it is equivalent to real death. Everything in this life has nothing to do with the future. This is the rule of immortality, erasing cause and effect, and blooming everything in this life in sacrifice. Jiang Yan does not owe them, nor do they owe Jiang Yan. All sin and suffering will be borne by the enemy.

To release sacrifices, one must be willing. So sacrifice has such great power.

However, how many people need to be sacrificed to kill this space controller? If in the end, you have to sacrifice Yu Nan to kill him, can you do it yourself?

Jiang Yan’s hesitation is almost inevitable.

After the emergence of this team skill, Jiang Yan has always felt a little wrong. Now think of it, this is also a robbery.

If you spend it, it is a true immortal. If you can’t spend it, maybe you won’t get any more in this life.

For Jiang Yan, it is easier to sacrifice oneself than to sacrifice others. However, in the entire team, his own attack power is the most powerful. Using the power of sacrifice, only he can surely kill the space controller.

At this time, the wings behind Jeanne d’Arc condensed again, and the brilliance released by the scepter in his hand was no longer sprayed in a straight line, but like a colorful silk thread, forming a soft net in the war forest. The space master is shrouded.

The layers of the net are endless. Every filament is attached to her divine power. If this divine power does not erode the space controller, it will not be consumed.

Jiang Yan’s disorientation did not allow the space controller to seize the opportunity, and the anger jetted from his body could not burn this layer of net instantly.

Joan of Arc is now equivalent to paying a certain amount of power, and then borrowing more power in Jiang Yan’s war forest to release the attack. This kind of borrowing comes at a price.

It ’s just that Jeanne d’ Arc is not clear. These costs are directly given to Jiang Yan, not to any major rules.

Jiang Yan is not too ruthless, and only charges twice the profit. In the view of Jeanne d’Arc, this rule of borrowing power is really too cheap.

Jiang Yan didn’t want to squeeze Joan of Arc, at least before Joan of Arc did not die, he also planned to let Joan of Arc control the space controller.

The space controller stepped forward to Jiang Yan step by step, and the entangled net made a crackling sound, breaking down again and again in anger. Every time he took a step forward, the original power in his body was burned away.

The space controller did not expect that he would be forced to this point.

Fighting with each other is not the life value, but the origin. The life value can be adjusted in infinite space at any time, and the reduction of his own original power is equivalent to the permanent loss.

Hundreds of millions of points of life force may not be able to condense a trace of the original force, these two things are not connected in themselves. If they are transformed into each other, the loss will be staggering.

Although Joan of Arc is fierce, the space master is even more afraid of the fairy, Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan watched the space controller coming towards himself. What he passed by formed a flame channel. The regular forces around it had no way to affect the attributes of the space controller. ~ Www.mtlnovel.com ~ Boom!

Three thunder beads explode at the feet of the space master. Jiang Yan can use every ancient tree of war to shift the position of Lei Zhu. The three thunder beads exploded beneath the space controller’s feet. On his feet, five toes exploded directly.

But the space controller took advantage of this explosion and flew up, and the force of the explosion ripped open the net woven by Joan of Arc. A fiery red channel penetrated the net, and in the blink of an eye, the space controller came to Jiang Yan and smashed it with a punch.

Jiang Yan stepped back, and in the burning shadow of the space master, a white crane phantom appeared.

The five-finger fingers that have not been used for a long time were launched. Among the Suzaku battle flags, a member of the Suzaku team instantly burned their lives and turned into a majestic force. The whole forest shivered with this force.

The tombstones of the gods also resonated, trembling for this power.

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