Furious Combo

Chapter 820 - : Desperately (Part 1)

There was a wound in Jeanne d’ Arc ’s face, and the Holy Sword was destroyed. The damage she received was not serious, but it affected the combat effectiveness. She had to self-destruct the **** ’s body and pass the damage directly on top, so that Keep your fighting power at its peak

Jiang Yan was behind a Suzaku battle flag. The strength of the entire Suzaku team was gathered on his own. His left hand stretched out and grabbed the whip of the space controller.

The space controller was a little stunned. He didn’t expect that after he destroyed one of the other’s gloves, the other party dared to contact his weapon. He didn’t know that Jiang Yan’s pupil of Suzaku could see the attributes of the weapon in his hand.

The power of this long whip is terrifying, but the long whip relies on the technical power contained above to cause damage, but it is not the rule of the long whip itself.

This long whip is lifeless, and there is no such thing as a spirit.

Jiang Yan grabbed the long whip and had expected that the other party would have a short pause. The power he used was not great. A snow-white light shrouded the long whip. The space controller hurriedly let go, and Yu Nan had stabbed him behind his back. A sword

Yu Nan disappeared immediately, this sword still just stabbed a hole in the body of the space controller, there was no bleeding, and the tissue deep in the wound could not be seen

The regular power of the Dan Tribulation Sword is offset by the space controller. Such trauma seems to have no effect on the space controller

There was an extra scepter in Jeanne d’Arc, and the huge wings behind him transformed into twelve six-winged light angels, which turned into twelve round apertures behind her, interlocking and enveloped in the virgin Behind the virtue

The combination of these twelve apertures makes Joan the Virgin’s body suddenly lifted up, which was originally just the power of the central god, and directly went to the level of the upper god.

The space master turned around and kicked the air, but did not kick Yu Nan, but saw that Joan of Arc was releasing magic art, and his heart was cold.

These people are struggling, everyone has desperate skills and has got rid of the control of their own rules. If only contractors, even if they can come to themselves, they can always deprive contractors of their abilities.

But these people, the power in them, is not in infinite space at all.

The explosion of hundreds of thunderballs has permanent damage to yourself. Even if your injury is completely recovered, you can’t get the lost regular power.

Thinking of the space controller here stomping gently, under his feet, the gray halo flickered, and a shadow angel came out of the gray halo

This shadow angel only appeared, Jiang Yan’s Suzaku battle flag has been rolled up, and this shadow angel has been taken into the Suzaku battle flag, the Suzaku battle flag, and all the members except Yu Nan

The shadow angel enters, and the space controller loses contact immediately, which is a little scared

The power of the shadow angel is that the gods ca n’t kill it. The last time he sent a shadow angel, he was able to escape under the siege of the other party. But the shadow angel instantly lost any sense of his own.

He didn’t know that in the Suzaku battle flag, the Suzaku team’s power is like a body. Among the 23 Suzaku team members, there is also the **** elf, the attribute of the **** elf, which can be regarded as a shadow angel.

The original shadow angel, Nini, was too powerful, and the **** elves could not play their due role. This time, the shadow angel was forcibly awakened by the space controller, and its strength is much worse than that of the shadow angel Nini.

This is also a normal thing. The original power in the shadow angel ’s body has been secretly extracted by Nini, even if awakened, it is quite weak.

In the scepter of Jeanne d’Arc, a ray of light was shining toward the space master. These white light, with a breath of destruction, was the power provided by the twelve six-winged light angels, because it was too fast , The space controller also only escaped for a small half, and had to exhale, creating an absolute barrier around the body

The absolute barrier was smashed in a blink of an eye, and the space master had calmed down. No matter how strong the other party ’s attack was, it was impossible to actually kill himself. If the tombstones of the gods are not allowed to die, it is tantamount to liberation. There will be no object of revenge

The tombstones of the gods are not something that destroys the gods, but a safe area where the gods can sleep. If they are not used by the space controller, the dead gods can be resurrected using the tombstones of the gods.

The space master has permanently changed the attributes of the tombstones of the gods, making the tombstones of the gods a real killer of the gods. The tombstones of the gods have no spirit, but they have self-awareness. This kind of consciousness is hazy, like heaven, impossible Modernized, but can know who is the enemy

So the tombstones of the gods imprison the space master on the tombstone, and he is not allowed to leave or die

The most terrible thing is that the space masters can’t feel happy either, whether it is copulation, killing, or taking strong drugs. There is no use for the current space master, just like the cursed dead

And at least while the undead is absorbing other souls, there is a hint of pleasure, the space master, even this little happiness is not

His usual madness, his usual indifference, and the destruction of his opponents, in fact, are trying, hoping to gain control of his own perception

Now Jiang Yan and others, even if he divided his five horses into corpses, he can’t feel the pain

Now the fear of the space master is also virtualized. In his own heart, Gu Jing is actually impenetrable, but the reason is reminding him that it is time to fear this feeling, he is not even a little uncomfortable if it is not in the gods He was imprisoned for too long on the tombstone, he would even ignore this crisis

“Do you think that relying on this skill can kill me?” The space controller laughed, and there was no emotion in the laughter

Jiang Yan was silent, suddenly dropped six shovel beads on the ground, and surrounded the space controller. The shovel beads did not explode, but they just wandered around on the ground and Jiang Yan released the war. forest

On the top of the tombstones of the gods, towering ancient trees grow up in an instant, enveloping everyone inside

More than 500 temple knights, behind Jeanne d’Arc, gave power to Jeanne d’Arc. They almost burned the life of Jeanne d’Arc, still using the scepter to cut the body of the space master

Around the body of the space controller, there are twisted shadows that shift these death rays. However, Joan of Arc forcibly increases her strength, and the control is not weakened at all.

These white brilliances, after being distorted by shadows, dissipated directly, without continuing to consume the Divine Power of Jeanne d’ Arc

The space controller is also somewhat admired. Such control methods are those of the supreme gods he killed, and few can do it.

The more so, the space controller ’s desire to kill Jeanne d’ Arc became stronger. He opened his mouth, and the whole mouth was like a crocodile, with a huge obtuse angle.

Jiang Yan saw that this big mouth simply ignored his attack and bit it over, his dagger was stiff in his hand, and the blade could not turn.

Intimidation? What bloodline suppression?

Jiang Yan knows that it is absolutely impossible for the other party to use the strength of the field to prevent himself from moving his body, and how to control the weapons is close to the level of leak-free true immortals.

So Jiang Yan drank in the Yuanshen, his body became transparent, cracked, like broken porcelain, and then swallowed by the space controller in the **** of the space controller, and issued a violent explosion sound

It ’s just that the person who controls the space itself turns into an imaginary shadow

His real body has come to the back of Jeanne d’Arc, with a bare hand, the nails of the two claws popped up, forming a space crack in front of the claws

Jiang Yan and the space controller both use the double-effect skills of avatars and phantoms, but Jiang Yan is obviously taking advantage of the space controller who is constrained by the tombstones of the gods. It was completely defeated by Jiang Yan ’s three shovel beads, and he could never be recovered.

What Jiang Yan released was an illusion created by Xian Gang. If he didn’t adjust his breath, he would be able to recover as normal as if he breathed normally

Jiang Yan now breathes once, probably for about half an hour, and breathes up and down 50 times a day

Jiang Yan seems to have known for a long time that he was attacking a phantom, only three thunderballs were used, which happened to destroy the origin of the space controller without wasting any power.

The nails of the space master, on the back of Joan of Arc, ripped open the pale gold armor, and the gray death breath fluttered, but was ejected by the white light

On the scepter of Jeanne d’Arc, the brilliance gathered back and smashed it fiercely with his backhand

The space controller did not expect that Joan of Arc ’s scepter was used as a melee weapon because he knew too much about Joan of Arc.

The weight of the scepter ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ is incomparable to any kind of heavy weapon. It has its own unique rules. When the scepter is heavy like a mountain, the space controller can only retract the arm , Up one block

His dry arm and scepter made the sound of metal impact. When the sound of the space controller’s legs fell into the gravestones of the gods,

The ground beneath the feet cracked, biting the legs of the space controller

The sparse eyebrows of the space controller curled up, and some doubts could be the result? The scepter of Jeanne d’Arc, lightning struck down Jiang Yan’s dagger again, and at this time, stabbed him in the shoulder

These two attacks, the scepter of Jeanne d’Arc, smashed the arm of the space controller into a bend, like the steel bar exposed in the exploding building, Jiang Yan’s dagger, stab down the bone of the space controller , The team and the men behind them did n’t move, but Jiang Yan ’s knife was a fusion of the power of everyone in the Suzaku team.

There is no sadness and joy in the eyes of the space controller. At this moment, he is really calming down RQ


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