Furious Combo

Chapter 823 - : Unable to stop

The space controller suffered more damage this time than the damage caused by the lightning bead. www.)

He couldn’t think of it. Jiang Yan’s strength seemed to be only equivalent to that of the median god, but it caused him so much damage. The space controller could not move. Jiang Yan simply used the White Tiger Seven Kills to chop off the limbs of the space controller, cut off his head, and poked two more knives on his heart.

With each knife, there is a Suzaku team member burning life.

Jiang Yan is twice as powerful as the previous one. In other words, even if the space controller has tens of billions of health, such attacks will quickly be hollowed out.

The face of the space master was no longer visible, and the second severed head was kicked into Huang Quan by Jiang Yan. The head is not the key to space control. However, among the heads, the source of space control has the most distribution. The second is the heart.

The space controller now only has a thin torso. Jiang Yan is simply in the wound, stuffing the remaining hundreds of thunder beads, and directly detonating.

The space controller’s torso shattered into a dust-like thing in this explosion, which was rolled up by the Suzaku battle flag, and most of them instantly burned.

This kind of injury, even the Supreme God cannot afford it.

Because this time the number of thunder beads is not as good as the last time, but it exploded in the body of the space controller. The body of the space master is far more tenacious than any material in the world.

If Jiang Yan’s weapon is still the original dagger, I am afraid that even the skin of the space controller cannot be punctured.

But the person in charge of this space was turned into dust, and it was still immortal. The remaining dust re-condensed in the air and turned into a villain one foot tall, punching Jiang Yan in the eye.

Among the Suzaku battle flags, the desolate king roared, and life was instantly burned clean. The power of this burning life was directly infused into Jiang Yan, as if it were the general in Jiang Yan’s body.

Jiang Yan held out his hand. Just pin the space controller in his palm.

His hand swelled more than ten times, and the gloves on his hand pinched and shattered, like a day of flying leaves. Jiang Yan’s heart hurts a bit, and the Desolate King can enter the Dao with martial arts. Under his own guidance, becoming a fairy is a very easy thing, but it only takes time.

Yourself. It was too early.

But if he doesn’t come, the space controller will also adjust his own strength, and will send more people to destroy his Chaoge City.

As long as the space controller fights for consumption, he will slowly wear himself away. No matter how rich your own wealth is, it is no less than one percent of those who have room for control.

It’s just that most of the wealth of the space controllers is distributed among the various spaces to maintain the operation of the infinite space. When you really want to kill yourself, you will destroy every space, extract the wealth in these spaces, and use it in war.

Space controllers did not do this before. It’s a bit unwilling. Now Jiang Yan’s growth has threatened him, and the space controller will never hesitate anymore.

This is why Jiang Yan is eager to go to the infinite castle to do beheading.

Hold the space controller. Jiang Yan suppressed the urge to throw it into the two world stones. Because this is impossible. Space masters, at least one source, will be imprisoned on the tombstones of these gods and cannot be taken away.

If you do that, the biggest possibility is failure.

All of Jiang Yan’s emotions were passed on to the seven Heavenly Demon Boys. These seven Heavenly Demon Boys drilled into Jiang Yan’s palm. The Hell Elf was at this time. It also burned her life.

Her strength level is not high, the source of life, but it is the strongest in the entire Suzaku team, even Jiang Yan, a fairy, is far from the same.

Jiang Yan never thought that the **** elf would do so.

The entire Suzaku team. Hell Elf is the only team member transformed from summoning creatures. To be loyal, if there is no clown to suppress her, the loyalty of the **** elves is very low.

Now even the **** elves have burned their lives, leaving only a message before dying. Jiang Yan must solve the scourge of the space master.

Hell Elf burns life. The sacrificed power released into the bodies of the seven Demon Boys. The seven Demon Boys, in Jiang Yan’s palm, each of them devoured a part of the space control person’s origin, and then directly returned to the two world stones and slowly refined it.

Heavenly Devil Boy is no longer necessary for Jiang Yan. At least above the fairy road, this is at most a good weapon, and he can no longer help him in cultivation.

Instead, Jiang Yan advanced, and it takes time to continue to increase the strength of the Demon Boy.

The seven Celestial Devil Boys have transferred 90% of the origin of the space controller, and the space controller feels a little weak. After Jiang Yan ’s Devil Boy moved, the space controller launched a counterattack. He took advantage of the moment when the Devil Boy moved, borrowed space power, and escaped from Jiang Yan ’s palm. Once he turned, he came to Jiang. Yan Yan’s hand back, and then his nails poked down, a hole was pierced in Jiang Yan’s hand back.

In this wound, there was no blood flowing out, nor the common jade liquid sprayed by the fairy, but a flame. The demon boy withstood the flame and burned it. When he wanted to do something, among the Suzaku battle flags, the ten monks chanted Amitabha. After a sacred horn, only a transparent relic was left in the Suzaku battle flag, and then disappear Too.

The flames sprayed in Jiang Yan’s wound suddenly brought a hint of gold. Time and space are all distorted by this flame, and the space controller’s next counterattack falls into the air, but instead burns half of the original power by this flame with Buddha’s regular power.

The current space controller, the original power in the body, is only one third of Jiang Yan and others who just entered the castle. The large amount of continuous consumption before and after makes the space controller fear.

This time it was real fear. He did not understand why a fairy of the median **** level could force him to such a point. Space controllers also want to try to change the situation.

When Jiang Yan’s palm turned over, Hong Ling also burned his life. Jiang Yan’s palm had a bronze color, and he grasped the space controller again.

That is the power of Hong Ling’s rules. In this palm, it is also the supreme rule. At least the rules of space cannot affect the space in Jiang Yan’s palm.

The bronze color, with a strong sense of history, seems to be an ancient emperor, worshiping heaven and earth, using the power of the entire country, praying upward.

This is the prosperous history of the human race, which has eliminated monsters and beasts and created civilization.

This is the rule mastered by Hong Ling, the Bronze Age.

Not the strongest, but indispensable. This is also true of this attack. Don’t let the space controller succumb, obviously there are many abilities that are not used, but they are suppressed by Jiang Yan, and then they fight to death.

It was at this time that the space controller was still lucky. His body shrank violently and turned into a small spot, trying to find a way out of the space that was severely twisted.

Brother Hong Ling burned his life at the same time. In the palm of the bronze, the swordsmen and soldiers rose up, as if the chaotic world suddenly came. The killing gas instantly knocked the space controller from a small point back to a circle. .

Each attack is more than twice as powerful as the last time. The origin of the space master is controlled by the tombstones of these gods, which limits his strength, but at the same time makes him less likely to be killed.

At the same time, Jiang Yan was also fighting against the regular power of the tombstones of the gods. At this time, the tombstones of the gods seemed to feel a threat, so that Jiang Yan’s power would continue to increase in such an endless manner. I am afraid that it would damage its body.

If Jiang Yan wants to kill the space master completely, he must destroy the tombstones of the gods.

It’s just that the tombstones of the gods have no spirits and can’t actively attack Jiang Yan, but the regular force has invisibly expanded dozens of times. On the tombstones of the gods, the gravity has suddenly increased by more than a hundred times.

Jiang Yan ’s devil all entered the Suzaku Battle Banner, but Joan of Arc ’s men were different. The knights fell to the ground almost instantly, and the armor collapsed inward at the same time, spraying mist from the gap of the armor. The flesh comes.

Joan of Arc sat on the ground, the scepter in her hand nodded to the ground, her body floated gently, only three inches high from the ground, avoiding this disaster.

But she didn’t have the power to protect her men anymore. With these flesh and blood jets, Jeanne d’Arc could only beckon with one hand, as far as possible to gather some divine power and create a blood angel out of thin air.

This blood angel, suspended above the head of Jeanne d’Arc, released a bright red light and formed a huge sphere of light to protect Jeanne d’Arc.


A big tree exploded. These ancient war trees, under the regular power of the tombstones of the gods, did not hold up for three seconds, and turned into wood chips, crushing bones and bones.

Jiang Yan was expressionless. The body was covered with a layer of orange-red Suzaku, holding the space controller in his hand. There was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

The space master is not dead yet, but Li Chunfeng has already started to burn his life ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is a fairy who is burning his own life, which is more terrifying than the previous attacks. But is it worth it?

Li Chunfeng, no matter how he brushes his sense of existence, is not as good as a clown. He is fond of burning buns. But this person is undoubtedly an indispensable member of the Suzaku team and is the real core.

Jiang Yan even glanced at the remaining people in the Suzaku Battle Banner. Everyone was very serious, ready to release their life force at any time.

Li Chunfeng died, and then Yu Nan.

According to the rules of this skill, Yu Nan will die in front of the clown. Jiang Yan’s heart is very painful, he knows that this can no longer be reversed.

This skill cannot be terminated.

The first time he released this skill, it was completely unclear that this skill could not be stopped. Speaking of it, it is not really impossible to stop. At least before the death of Hell Elf, Jiang Yan can still control it. RQ

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