Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 44 - [It takes a few steps to destroy Jack Su] [VIP]

Qiao Sha changed into a dress, put on jewelry and came out of the bedroom.

Behind the glass door, Rong Jia sat on the sofa and waited for her.

She looked at Rong Jia, and Rong Jia also looked at her, her eyes touched, she carried the ruby ​​necklace and said, “Never mind the necklace, there is no place on the neck.”

Rongga’s gaze fell on her slender neck, and she was wearing the supervision collar around her snow-white neck. He got up and walked towards her, took the ruby ​​necklace from her hand, and dropped his finger on it. Between her neck.

Cool Bingbing fingers.

Qiao Sha heard a “di” sound, and her neck became looser than ever before.


She looked down and saw him drop the custody collar on the carpet.

He still lowered his head and put the ruby ​​necklace on her neck carefully, “The first lady should not be supervised, that will make you laugh.”


With or without this supervision collar, she would still be ridiculed by the indignant nobles.

“But Joe Sha…”

In the quiet room, Qiao Sha heard him call her name softly, and said to her: “Don’t leave my sight, let me see you, and be able to find you, you know?” His fingers gently stroked Ambilight Cai’s gem, and her skin, “This way I can protect you.”

He has become so gentle.

Of course she knew how dangerous it would be to leave his line of sight.

Qiao Sha raised her eyes to look at him because he knew that the child might be hers, so he removed the last line of supervision against her?

Still, they have a pleasant physical fit and ears and temples.

“It’s your deceit.” 101 wanted to sigh for Rongga, didn’t the host be touched by Rongga? Isn’t it true?

Qiao Sha took Rong Jia’s arm, walked out of the bedroom, and walked into the long corridor leading to the discussion hall of the White Palace.

The dinner was set in the garden next to the discussion hall, and the sealing ceremony was in the discussion hall.

She saw the bright lights and the crowds of people from a distance. She let go of Rong Jia’s arm, and the road that started from here had to leave her alone.

The lights along the road lit for her.

Rongga watched her walking towards the promenade and the discussion hall in a black dress. She did not turn her head or pause. She walked into the crowd of discussions. All eyes and voices gathered on her, contemptuous and malicious. ,angry……

But those voices weren’t enough to stop her.

Rong Jia quickly stepped into the elevator and was sent directly into the discussion hall from the direct, to seal her.


“Host, there are eyes staring at you.” 101 suddenly reminded her vigilantly.


Qiao Sha stepped into the discussion hall and was watched by countless pairs of eyes, more than just one pair.

“No, host, those eyes seem to be non-human eyes.” 101 didn’t want her to have something wrong at this time, it would detect it, and remind her again, “It seems that there are more than one pair.”


Qiao Sha then turned her gaze to the nobles and officers on both sides. Some of the well-dressed people appeared in her memory. It seemed that the same group of people was the same as the united prime minister who protested her becoming a queen.

They did not lower their voices at all, not afraid that she would hear them, and talked wantonly and angrily-she was really a great beta, seducing the old majesty, and now they can seduce her stepson in exchange for the title of first lady…

How could they not be angry. The slums they looked down on at the beginning were not only the queen of the empire, but also the wife of the commander-in-chief of the alliance, and now they are also the first ladies who also need to salute.

How can this work! None of them have received such honors, but they are noble ao!

This anger made Qiao Sha experience the pleasure of being a beta. She liked to see their incompetent anger and had to bow her head in salute.

She was so ordinary, and so angry, jealous, and unable to ignore her.

She scanned the rows of people, but did not find a pair of non-human eyes. Today, the people who can enter the conference hall are all people with identities.

“You have to be careful.” 101 is also unable to determine where the “sense of sight” detected come from, and can only remind her to be careful.

Qiao Sha looked forward and saw the Prime Minister Fu Sifeng standing at the end. He stared at her with a dark face, but when she was about to approach, he turned and walked towards the elevator.

The direct elevator at the end slowly descended, and Rongga, in a military uniform, stood in the elevator, becoming clearer and clearer——

Suddenly all the lights went out with a “hiss” sound, and the elevator stopped in midair with a “boom”.

The scream was suppressed with the darkness, and Qiao Sha heard two voices at that moment.

One from 101: “Be careful, host!”

One was from Rongga, who was bored in the elevator, and the voice came from her necklace: “The back of the necklace, open the pure white blade!”

Qiao Sha was surprised to touch the ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg between her neck, this necklace was actually filled with Rong Jia’s pure white blade? ? Can the pure white blade be installed here? ?

The next moment a stench wind hit her suddenly, a sticky hand suddenly grabbed her neck and shoulders, and almost fell down with her.

She heard someone shout: “Alien! It’s Alien!”

“Protect Your Majesty!” This is the voice of the Prime Minister.

A sergeant rushed in from the outside and shouted: “The alien race’s prison has malfunctioned…”

She fell into a slimy body and heard an indescribable roar from the “person” who was holding her. She saw the eyes, the yellow eyes bigger than the car lights, like the eyes of some kind of behemoth.

For a moment, she didn’t press her finger on the back of the necklace.

“Qiao Sha open!” Rong Jia’s voice appeared again.

He seemed to be trapped in an elevator, in a crowd, surrounded by the voice of the prime minister.

In the darkness, Qiao Sha couldn’t see the surrounding movement, only saw a pair of giant beast eyes appearing in the screaming crowd. She did not press it down, but in the stench, she whispered to the people behind her: ” Kill me you can’t escape.”

The fingers clasped tightly around her neck seemed to pause, and the huge eyes lowered towards her.

Can it understand her?

“I can understand.” 101 said immediately: “But the alien races have IQ, but they are close to beastization. I am afraid it will be difficult for you to communicate with them! You still…”

It’s enough to understand.

Qiao Sha kept hearing the screams, she couldn’t tell whether it was the screams of these alien races or the screams of the nobles of the empire, but it didn’t matter, it had nothing to do with her if all died, “It’s the Prime Minister who let you go. Come out and kill me, right?”

101 was surprised, how did she guess it? Is it the prime minister? Where can you tell that the aliens released by the prime minister?

Qiao Sha said this deliberately. The prison that held the alien race suddenly broke down. The alien race that was pulled out didn’t run towards Rongjia, but ran towards her. The first one caught her. It must be because of something. Without knowing her, she guessed that someone told the alien race that they could escape if they caught her.

Then who else is the prime minister who hates her?

But it doesn’t matter whether it is really the prime minister or not, she just wants to make Rongga doubt that it is enough for him to be the prime minister.

“Kill me you have to be locked back, grab me away, there is a starship not far away, you can escape.” She grabbed the hand on her neck that was about to strangle her.

Those big eyes blinked a diaphragm like a frog, picked her up abruptly, roared, turned and ran out of the hall.

Countless running sounds followed.

So fast, Qiao Sha was caught, and she was about to vomit. She pulled off the ruby ​​necklace on her neck, and the radiant ruby ​​fell to the ground. She dropped the earrings, ring, and all the accessories. Together with the dove egg ruby ​​with the pure white blade hidden, they were all thrown away on the lawn outside the hall, along with Rongga’s voice.

“Host you…” 101 didn’t understand, she lost the pure white blade that could completely protect her.

The wind blows Qiao Sha’s hair away, and her long black hair spreads out. She turned her head and glanced at the crowd chasing in the dark. She saw Rong Jia. He was so pale and fast, but humans could not run away. He seemed to call again. Up her.

But this time, his voice accompanies those jewelry monitors, directly scattered in the dark night.

She broke away from his supervision, this time completely out of his sight.

She saw the rows of **** footprints where the alien races ran. Is it the blood of those nobles?

This is the result of the honorable and selfish Prime Minister.

She hugged the arm that ran her wildly, and saw the appearance of the alien race, like a humanoid orc, with limbs ten times stronger than humans, an ugly face, huge eyes, and her fingers were like hooks. .

It leaped and jumped over the high wall all at once.

Qiao Sha saw that beyond the high wall, a black “alien” she hadn’t seen was fighting with the empire’s army.

The guns hit them as if they were hit in the mud. Except for the smelly liquid, they were unaware. They came towards the alien race who hijacked Qiao Sha like a wall of fleshy shields, and opened a strip for it. road.

so much……

Did the Prime Minister release all the alien races? The one who hijacked her was the leader of the alien race?

“Yes, overlord.” 101 worriedly said to her again: “overlord, alien races are different from humans. They have inhuman offensive power and combat power, and they have no humanity. Rong Jia destroyed the alien races and captured the leader back. Disastrous… Are you really going to be taken away by them? It’s really dangerous.”

In order to get rid of her, the prime minister really did a lot of money.

Qiao Sha clasped her sturdy arm tightly, and digging through her personal pocket to find a small original iron piece. The iron piece was like the battery of an electronic watch, much thinner than the battery.

“This is not…” Even 101 was surprised, it didn’t remember that the host still kept this.

This is a locator that was buckled from the pair of handcuffs that Qiao Ann wore to her when she captured her.

It thought that the host had lost it along with the pair of handcuffs, but it did not expect that the host still had this locator…

Why doesn’t it light up?

Qiao Sha looked at the thin locator and asked 101.

“Because the city shields all external signals.” 101 answered her.

That is, the locator returns to normal after leaving the metropolitan area?

“Perhaps.” 101 is not sure, is this locator still usable.

Qiao Sha was hugged and rushed into the fighting pile. Those strangely shaped aliens crowded around. Qiao Sha couldn’t see or hear anything, so she just clutched the locator tightly.

She didn’t even know how she was squeezed into the starship, she just felt relieved to breathe, and she was released and held in the corner.

The starship swayed violently, and Qiao Sha subconsciously grabbed the thick arm again.

The leader of the alien race next to him lowered his head and stared at her, with huge yellow eyes, and the diaphragm blinked.

The smelly liquid on its arm was stained with her fingers, but Qiao Sha did not let go, holding the arm tightly, and looking at it.

It didn’t get rid of her either.

“The White Blade has been chasing behind the starship.” 101 said to her, it sympathized with the male protagonist of this world, if Rong Jia knew that the host had deliberately let these alien races take away, in order to thoroughly plan him and the prime minister. Contradiction, perhaps also to brush out his hatred value.

What will happen to him?

It can’t see the host’s favorability, it is really curious, whether the host has any favors with Rongga.

Qiao Sha couldn’t see the outside, only felt that the starship was shaking so badly, and heard the sound of bombing outside.

Just saw so many alien races, but only four alien races boarded this warship, so many alien races seemed to escape to protect the leader in front of her.

She squeezed its arm until she heard 101 report: “Host, your locator has a signal.”

She just let go of a hand and took a peek at the locator hidden in her chest under the collar. She couldn’t see anything. Can this locator talk?

“I don’t know.” 101 is not sure, whether this is the same as Rongga’s monitor.

Qiao Sha wanted to give it a try. She looked at the alien race leader in front of her, pretending to be talking to him and said, “Do you know that my husband is Li Yin?”

The leader of the alien race looked at her, and didn’t know if he understood her, he only looked at her with that yellow eye.

“Perhaps, Li Yin will come to save me.” Qiao Sha said in a more aggravated tone when calling Li Yin’s name, and said casually: “Do you know the Crown Prince of the Alliance [Qiao An]?” She called Qiao An aggravatedly.

101 was completely puzzled, “Are you trying to make Li Yin Qiao’an find you? Why? It is Rong Jia who is saving you now.” Pure White Blade has been chasing behind.

It would be meaningless to be rescued by Rong Jia. She was willing to be taken away by this smelly alien leader just to find Li Yin and Qiao An.

Only in this way can Rongga’s hatred value be filled.

As soon as Qiao Sha wanted to tell it, he heard the system tone first-[Congratulations, the male protagonist’s hatred value has increased by 5%, and now the hatred value is 10025. ]


She subconsciously raised her head and looked at the top of the starship. Could it be that Rongga could hear what was said in the starship?

“Of course.” 101 said, “This is Rongga’s starship. Of course he has the monitoring of this starship.”

That would be easier.

Qiao Sha suddenly changed the face of a little woman and said to the alien leader: “My husband is the commander of the alliance, Li Yin, you can contact the alliance and let the alliance help you escape from the empire. Please send me back to the alliance. , Send it back to my husband, I am willing to be your hostage, otherwise I could use the pure white blade. I throw it away because I want to find my husband Li Yin…”

——[Congratulations, the male lead’s hatred value has increased by 25%, and the hatred value is now 10050. ]

101 is more than surprise.

Rong Jia has heard all of them. His smart Rong Jia must have thought that the host deliberately dropped the pure white blade and all his monitors, escaped him through the alien race, escaped from the empire, and went to find her husband…

“In fact, I am very grateful to the Prime Minister for letting you out. Otherwise, how can I escape from the empire and get rid of Rongga’s surveillance.” Qiao Sha became more vigorous and said almost viciously: “I don’t care about doing first lady, not pure White Blade, I only want Fu Sifeng and the nobles to die, but the emperor of the empire will never kill Fu Sifeng for me, and it is impossible to let all the nobles die. He can only use the first lady and gems to deceive me. .”

She said: “You really should kill the Prime Minister and those nobles before taking me away.”

101 was shocked and speechless, she was so vicious and so bad at this moment, she crushed all the tender love Rong Jia had for her and threw them away.

She is a thoroughly vicious villain.

The system tone sounded without surprise–[Congratulations, the male protagonist’s hatred value has increased by 40%, and now the hatred value is 10090. ]

Qiao Sha was shocked, she rose so sharply? She hadn’t expected that his hatred would come so violently.

“Do you really think so?”

Rongga’s voice suddenly rang inside the starship, coming from the monitors in all directions.

The leader of the alien race grabbed her vigilantly and looked around.

Qiao Sha looked up at the monitor and heard Rongga’s voice–

“I will remove all supervision of you, I will leave the pure white blade to you… I give you what you want. Don’t leave my sight, it’s my only request to you, but you lose them all, you are willing If you are hijacked by the alien race, do you want to run away from me?”

How sad he is.

At this moment, Rong Jia recalled the gentleness and sweetness she had treated him before, and he must think she was a complete liar.

She is indeed a liar.

Only ten percent of the hatred value.

Qiao Sha slowly smiled at the monitor, “Are you blaming me? Rong Jia, you knew I was a liar early on.”

Her tone was too hurtful.

But Rongga’s hatred value did not rise, he did know that she was lying to him early, and he condoned her as if he didn’t know.

A low voice came from Qiao Sha’s chest.

-“Qiao Sha?”

It’s Joan’s voice! She actually heard it!

Did the monitoring hear? Did the leader of the alien race hear it?

Qiao Sha looked at the alien race leader looking around, guessing that it must be the sound from the surrounding surveillance. She was afraid that Rong Jia in the surveillance would not understand it, and immediately responded in front of the surveillance: “Is it Li Yin? Li Yin, you still Are you alive? I’m here, come on…”

She couldn’t finish speaking, the starship was hit violently, she heard a huge bomb “boom”, her ears instantly lost hearing, a huge air current pushed her out during the explosion——

“Host!” 101 panicked completely, and immediately opened the security protection for her. Rong Jia actually detonated the starship at such a close range…

Qiao Sha could not hear anything, she only knew that she had hit a white airbag in the explosion, and then her eyes were white and vast—

She seemed to be inhaled into an airbag, but she was still blind and deaf by the airflow and explosion, and passed out.

She didn’t hear the system sound reporting to her, the male protagonist’s hatred value-100100.

She had only one thought before she fainted, Rongga was a hundred times perverted than Surya, and would rather blast her than let her be found by Li Yin…

What she didn’t know was that Pure White Blade bombed the starship very close.

This distance is long enough for the pure white blade to be damaged by the battle, and the jade is burned.

But this distance was enough for Rong Jia to take her from the safety door behind her into the safety cabin of Pure White Blade.

Before the bombing, he had activated the airbag in the starship, pushed her out of the safety door, and inserted her into the safety cabin of Pure White Blade.

He didn’t have time to enter the safety cabin. During the bombing, he was hit out of control with the pure white blade, rolled and fell.

Like a meteor, a collapsed idol.

He could condone her deception and forgive her betrayal, but he could not allow her to escape, and once again left his escape.


In the dim room on the other side, Qiao An was stunned by the loud “hiss” sound from the locator and immediately took off the earphones.

“What’s the matter?” Fu Rou, who was sitting on a chair and peeling apples in the room, looked at her in surprise. She didn’t understand what had happened to her. She just felt that her face suddenly changed, “What happened?”

“Wait for me here, don’t go anywhere until I come back.” Qiao An pressed her shoulder, finished telling her, and walked quickly toward the door.

The door was first opened from the outside.

Li Yin bumped into her, and just wanted to ask her.

She first said: “Your wife, Qiao Sha, may be in an accident.” She took out her phone and showed him, “I received her location display. She seemed to be held hostage, but then it seemed…”

What detonated.

Li Yin immediately took her mobile phone, the location disappeared, what happened to Qiao Sha?

“Let’s go.” Qiao An walked out the door and said quickly: “I probably remember where the bearing was just now. Go there and look for it nearby.”

Li Yin didn’t say a word, turned around and followed her.

Standing in the room, Fu Rou looked at the closed door, and slowly put the apple in her hand. She wanted to be careful, but she felt inappropriate.

She was taken hostage by them.

She sat down and looked at the door. Is the door locked?

She watched for a while, walked quietly, reached out and held the doorknob, before opening the door, she heard deafening gunfire outside.


She covered her ears in fright, and immediately locked the door. She couldn’t go out. This was an uncontrolled star field, a gray city, and she had only a dead end when going out with OMEGA…

She would rather follow Qiao An and them to continue to be hostages, at least…at least Qiao An and Admiral Li Yin didn’t hurt her or bully her.

She looked down at the black spot on her wrist. Her chip was still good. Why didn’t your majesty and her father find her?

Even if your Majesty… Your Majesty doesn’t care about her at all, but what about her father? Didn’t you look for her anymore?

She squatted sadly at the door and hugged her knees. Her father must have been very busy. He has been very busy since he was a child. He was too busy to eat a meal with her…

Only her teachers and maids will always accompany her to dinner.

What is the father up to? Is it more important than finding her?

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