Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 45 - [It takes a few steps to destroy Jack Su] [VIP]

Is it a dream?

Rong Jia was so cold all over her body that she was numb and could no longer feel the pain, and she had a warm hand that held him all the time.

He heard many dream-like voices—

The bells of the church, the wailing of patients, and the singing of girls far away…

The song sang: “Gold, silver, and emeralds will not grow in the hearts of people who love each other. I want a bunch of moonflowers, and your soft kiss tonight… Oh beloved, please don’t leave…”

Beloved, please don’t leave…

A familiar ballad, he has heard this song, where did he hear it? He can’t remember…

In the many voices, there were hands hugging him tightly, and he trembled with the warm hands, he was held by the hands and kissed a lip, a pair of eyes, a thin neck, a soft embrace…

He heard the gasp of the person in his arms and called him: “Suria…”

As if an instruction, his eyes became a little clearer—he smelled a strong smell of disinfectant, and he saw the church covered with white sheets…

He lowered his head and saw Qiao Sha. She was lying in his arms with her black hair spreading out, just like the woman in dreams in the romantic period. She stretched out her hand to touch his lips, and put her thin fingers into his mouth to support Opened his mouth…

He was pressed on the white hospital bed, his pheromone spread like a tide, she bit the back of his neck like countless dreams, and then…

He was overwhelmed by pain and tingling happiness. This feeling made him painful, but it also made him happy…

Is this a dream?

Did he dream of the dream of that emotional period again?

It seemed that it was still the dream, but this time he clearly saw the surrounding environment, the singing outside the window, and the person holding him.

This is the first time he sees clearly…

He dared not blink his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, it was Qiao Sha, it was her.

She was the person in his dreams during his romantic period every time.

Is it a dream?

He wanted to reach out and hug her, but she held her palm, she clasped his fingers, kissed and called him: “Suriya, I dedicate my only purity to you, do you want…”

The singing outside the window, the voice of the patient, and the bell of the church suddenly became extremely clear and real.

Suddenly countless images flashed in his mind, another Qiao Sha, a lamb-like Qiao Sha, her fragile, her escaping, she was crying, she who couldn’t bear the pain…

It overlaps with Qiao Sha in the dream of the romantic period.

No, this is not a dream.

It was not a dream that she called him Surya.

The ballad outside the window is not a dream.

These are not dreams…

He seemed to have opened a door of memory. He was overwhelmed by those swarms of memories, drowned, and fainted again…


He had many dreams, dreaming that she was sleeping next to him in the small town of gray and blue stars, with long black hair curled on his arms.

Dreaming that he said to her, don’t leave. She gently lowered her head and kissed him and said: I will not leave.

I dreamed that she was sitting on the balcony and beckoning to the children downstairs.

I dreamed that she was standing under a huge rose flower, turning her head and looking at him, the wind would blow her away with the roses…

Dreaming that when she was a child, she held his hand and accompany him to sit quietly in the garden and paint…

Suddenly all these images disappeared with the sound of the explosion, and only the back of her leaving in the explosion—

Among the prisoners, she walked towards Li Yin’s back without looking back.

He cried to her, begged her not to go, don’t leave him, he would save her, he would protect her, but she still didn’t stop, she didn’t even look back at him, her back was so straight, her footsteps So fast, it’s like getting rid of him, leaving him…

This figure is his nightmare for countless nights. He thought it would never happen again. He has a pure white blade. He is the king of the empire. He is invincible. He has everything. He is enough to protect her and give her. Everything you want…

But he dreamed again that the alien race took her away the night—

Between the arms of the alien race, she threw all the gems he gave her along with the pure white blade into the grass. Without a trace of hesitation, she looked back at him under the stars and the eyes. There is no trace of panic and nostalgia, like a butterfly determined to fly away.

He called her name, but she hugged the arm that had taken her tightly, and without hesitation, she withdrew her gaze to him, and jumped up the high wall along with the alien race…

She didn’t look back at him again.

This time, she would run away from him again and leave him behind.

Her backs overlapped and reappeared, he hated it, hated it…

I hate it very much.

“What does he seem to be talking about?” A woman’s voice appeared beside him.

The woman leaned towards him, “What are you talking about?” She pressed against his cheek, seeming to want to hear what he was saying.

He smelled a strong smell of ALPHA, and the pain all over his body was trembling like salt.

“It seems to be saying, don’t go, don’t leave me…” the woman’s voice said again, “has he…has a nightmare?”

The smell of ALPHA got closer and closer, and he convulsed under stress, and he felt bleeding from the wound on his body.

“Don’t come close.” A familiar voice suddenly appeared next to him. His spasmodic back was gently pressed by a warm palm. The voice said: “Your ALPHA smell makes him uncomfortable.”

This voice is…

This palm is…

He gently leaned towards the palm and smelled the smell of Qiao Sha.

“Don’t be moved.” Her voice sounded so softly beside his cheeks, her palms carefully stroked his back, and gently and softly said to him: “You are injured, the movement will make your wounds worse. pain.”

It was Qiao Sha, she didn’t leave, she didn’t leave him.

He wanted to open his eyes to see if he was dreaming, but he heard another man’s voice: “I’m coming, Qiao Sha, you and Qiao An go to rest, I will treat the wound for him again.”

That voice is Li Yin.

He approached, the smell of inhibitors on his body surged towards him, and when the rough hand touched his arm, he suddenly raised his hand and opened the hand with a “slap”.

He felt the blood run down his arm.

“Rongga!” Qiao Sha’s warm hand grabbed his arm. He wanted to say something, but he had fallen back on the bed.

He couldn’t control his convulsive body under stress. He wanted to open his eyes, but found something wrapped around his eyes that prevented him from opening.

He was trapped in the darkness, and all the voices and smells rushed towards him with a hundredfold magnification. Where is this place? Is it a dream? Is there Qiao Sha’s dream?

“Don’t be like Rongga.” Qiao Sha’s gentle palm hugged him, and the touch was so clear that even her voice floating in his ears was so real. She kept saying to him: “Calm down Rongga, Don’t be afraid, it’s me, it’s me.”

It’s Qiao Sha.

He was hugged by her, soothed, smelled her, and calmed down a little bit. This is a dream.

Otherwise, how could Qiao Sha still be by his side and hugging him?

He leaned toward her tremblingly and fell into her arms, her palm supporting his face, her palm is hot, this is not a dream.

She is really still there.

Rong Jia faced her blankly, raising his hand to tear off the gauze from his eyes to see her clearly, but she held his hand.

“Don’t pick Rongga, your eyes are hurt and you can’t remove it now.” Qiao Sha’s voice floated in front of his face, so close, “Rongga, you are awake, right?”

Her smell, her touch, her voice, and even the pain on her body reminded him so clearly that it was not a dream.

Yes, he is sober.

The ALPHA smell around him should come from Qiao An, and the other smell is Li Yin.

It seems that he and Qiao Sha were saved by Li Yin and ALPHA Qiao An?

Li Yin and Qiao An still found Qiao Sha’s position, did they find Qiao Sha?

Then why did they save him?

Where was he rescued?

His mind was extremely confused, and he seemed to have an extra part of “Suria” memories, and he hadn’t been able to figure out where these memories came from.

The only thing he can sort out is-the person in the dream of the romantic period is Qiao Sha. It seems that since she and Surya had a relationship in the church, he entered the romantic period, and began to dream about that again and again. Invisible dream.

He seems to be Surya, but he can’t figure out the cause and effect…


In a room with only a dimly lit room, Qiao An, who was standing a few steps away from the bed, looked at Rong Jia, who was scarred on the bed, and dumbfounded, and asked with uncertainty: “He won’t… the brain is also injured. Right?”

Are people stupid?

Li Yin looked at Rong Jia on the bed and frowned slightly. The blood leaked out of Rong Jia’s white shirt. He was like a snowman stained red with blood, falling in Qiao Sha’s arms tremblingly, and struggling like a young bird. Hold her, nest under her palm, not allowing others to approach.

Whether it is him or Qiao An approaching, it will cause Rong Jia’s violent stress response.

He only allowed Qiao Sha to touch him and get close to him.

“You go out first.” Qiao Sha comforted Rong Jia, turned her head and said to him and Qiao An: “He is reacting so fiercely now, maybe because of the smell of your ALPHA, you go out, and I will treat the wound for him. “

Li Yin wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what to say. He just left the medicine box by the bed and left the room with Qiao An.

Qiao An closed the door and asked Li Yin in a low voice, “Does Rong Jia like your wife?”

Li Yin didn’t speak, he didn’t know what to say. If he could lie to himself that Rong Jia just hated and wanted to avenge Qiao Sha, he left her by his side and tortured like a maid. Now he can’t even convince himself. .

Rong Jiaming knew that he had returned to the Alliance and rescued Qiao An, but he concealed his crimes for Qiao Sha, and added a knight to him, just to give Qiao Sha the title of First Lady.

Is this hate?

After Qiao Sha was abducted by the alien race, Rong Jia’s bombing starship burned all stones, and preferred to destroy Pure White Blade and himself, and also rescued Qiao Sha into the safety cabin for the first time.

Is this hate?

He and Qiao An rushed to the location, found the battle-damaged pure white blade by the Dead Sea, and found Qiao Sha in the wrapped safety cabin. Qiao Sha only had a little scratch on her cheek.

Rong Jia was covered with injuries, cuts, abrasions, burns, and even severe injuries to his eyes. If it weren’t for the pure white blade to be a top-level mecha, the airbag on the driver’s seat protected Rong Jia, I’m afraid that Rong Jia would die early. NS.

Li Yin couldn’t convince, Rong Jia hated Qiao Sha.

What about Qiaosha vs. Rongga?

The first thing she said after leaving the safety cabin was to ask where Rongga was.

She saw Rong Jia’s pale face and panic expression, which Li Yin had never seen before.

She rescued Rong Jia and took care of him almost personally, treating his wounds and feeding him medicine.

Li Yin couldn’t convince herself either, she was only guilty and kind to Rong Jia.

Qiao An realized that he might be asking too abruptly. He wanted to comfort Li Yin, but didn’t know how to comfort him. He just patted him on the shoulder and said to him, “Don’t be sad, you may not lose in competition with Rong Jia, you Is a legal husband.”

She thought about it again, and asked in a low voice: “The child in Rong Jia’s belly is not Mrs. Qiao Sha’s, right?”

In fact, when the doctor told them that the patient (Rong Jia) was not life-threatening, but she had a fetal gas and needed a fetal injection, she was also stupid.

She didn’t even dare to dream that the iron-blooded emperor of the empire, the **** of war who could control the pure white blade, was actually an OMEGA, or a pregnant OMEGA!

But Mrs. Qiao Sha didn’t seem to be surprised at all. She also asked the doctor to prescribe a fetal injection, saying that she could give Rongga by herself, and she had also given Rongga before.

Qiao An was more than shocked. She couldn’t help but guess that the child in Rong Jia’s belly and Mrs. Qiao Sha… is there something to do? Stepmother and stepson have so much love, hatred, and hatred, it’s hard for people to think about it.

Li Yin’s face worsened, “It should not be.” He remembered that Qiao Sha had been taking degenerative injections and had hidden her second organ a long time ago, so she should be…incapable of that.

“That’s good.” Qiao An nodded, “Then you have an absolute advantage.”

Li Yin was not comforted at all, smiled helplessly, and walked into the next room with Qiao An.

There was a living room next door. Fu Rou sat obediently in the living room. Seeing them coming in, she immediately stood up and asked, “Your Majesty…How is your Majesty Rong Jia?”

Qiao Sha asked them to conceal OMEGA and pregnancy for Rong Jia, so Qiao An didn’t let Fu Rou come to see Rong Jia.

“There is no life-threatening.” Qiao An went over and ate the sliced ​​apple. “It’s just to raise the injury for a while. The eye injury is too bad. The doctor here is too bad to treat it. After he gets better, he will be sent back. Rule his empire.”

Fu Rou looked at her in surprise, “You, are you planning to send your majesty back to the empire?” She thought they would take the opportunity to kill your majesty or put your majesty under house arrest. Isn’t this the best way for the alliance?

“Considering.” Qiao An answered frankly while sitting in a chair while eating an apple, “I haven’t decided yet, do you want to let him go.”

She really didn’t think about it. On the one hand, this is a great opportunity given by God. The emperor of the empire has fallen into her hands. Oh my god, I don’t want to catch it and go to restore the country. What are you waiting for?

But on the other hand, she didn’t think this was a good thing. There was still a Prime Minister in the empire. She captured the emperor, and it was bound to cause a war between the empire and the alliance.

She is real and doesn’t want to die anymore.

The cruelty of the war, the charming Miss OMEGA in front of her eyes, could not imagine her countless soldiers were buried in the artillery fire, with no bones left.

She sighed upset.

Fu Rou looked at her face, sat opposite her obediently, pushed the cut fruit to her, and tentatively said: “Maybe you let your Majesty Rongga go, he will be grateful to you, and won’t fight the alliance anymore. …”

Qiao An looked at her and smiled. The lovely Miss OMEGA was so innocent. The war was never decided by one person, neither by her nor by Rongga.

She was promoted to the position of the crown prince, to regain her homeland for the tens of thousands of alliances, and no longer be a rebel.

She must go to war against the empire.

And why would Rongga be willing to divide the empire into two, ceding the alliance’s homeland?

The lovely Miss OMEGA smiled at her and followed her carefully, and asked carefully: “Then you…can you let me go home with Majesty Rongga after you think it over?”

Qiao An asked her curiously: “Do you like your Majesty Rongga?”

Fu Rou blushed when she was asked, and she sat there lowered her head, muttering: “He is your majesty, the best ALPHA, who would not like him?”

“What if he is not ALPHA?” Qiao An asked her again, “I mean if, he is not the emperor of the empire, nor ALPHA, he is just Rongga, do you like him?”

Fu Rou was stunned by her question. She raised her eyes and looked at her. After thinking and thinking again, she finally said, “I don’t know… he is the best ALPHA. Genes determine that all OMEGA will like him.”

She has never thought about this issue. Your Majesty is your Majesty. She was destined to be Your Majesty from birth, the best ALPHA. Her father told her since she was a child that only His Majesty is worthy of her.

She has never thought about whether she likes this question or not.

Qiao An smiled, “I hate gene theory the most. People shouldn’t be limited by abo genes. You are you, not an OMEGA, but Fu Rou, a colorful person.”

Fu Rou looked at her in surprise. She had never heard such remarks. From birth, everyone would wait to be tested for abo gender and be labeled.

—She is an OMEGA with a good background and high-quality genes.

This is the word she has heard the most.

“Just like Mrs. Qiao Sha.” Qiao An looked at Li Yin jokingly, and said to Fu Rou: “In your opinion, she may be just the most common BETA, but in fact she is smart, outstanding, interesting and attractive. The strong man who can make all good men fascinated by her.”

Li Yin’s helpless smile was that, in a sense, Qiao Sha was the strong one. She could always survive adversity, and lived well and got everything she wanted.


Qiao Sha in the bedroom sighed softly.

She carefully cleaned up the torn wound on Trongga and re-wrapped it with medicine. He lay quietly beside her, his fingers grasping her sleeve, like a blind man holding a little survival straw.

When it hurts too much, he will shake slightly, but most of the time, he just sits quietly next to her, allowing her to scrub and treat his wounds.

Her hands were full of his blood, and his sweet smell was about to fill the room.

He was seriously injured. When he was rescued, she even worried that he would die at any time, but fortunately he was the male lead.

He survived, and after two fetal injections, the child was temporarily saved and needed to be recuperated.


His eyes seemed to be blind.

The way he is now makes Qiao Sha feel confused.

If the male lead is blind or stupid, then the task of this world…

“Failed.” 101 answered her without hesitation, “If the hero is blind or stupid, the main storyline and even the world will collapse. Not only will you count the mission as a failure, I will also accept punishment.”

Who can think of it! She is already full of the hero’s hatred value. She is so gentle to seduce him to fall, isn’t she just to abandon him, betray him, and full of hatred after he has completely fallen?

Who could have imagined that the hatred value rose so sharply that Rong Jia would be blackened and perverted, and he would die with her.

“He might want to die with you for a moment, but he saved you in the end.” 101 reminded her: “He would rather die by himself and save you into the safe cabin. You just scratched a little bit of skin.”

Qiao Sha frowned dissatisfied, “Are you my system or his system?”

101 sighed softly: “Sorry for the host, but I think the male lead is a bit pitiful.”

The male lead in this world may be the poorest male lead it has ever seen.

“The poor male lead should have been left to the female lead to heal.” Qiao Sha raised Rong Jia’s face and wiped the small wound on his cheek with disinfectant. He seemed to be in pain, and his mouth tightened.

She let go of a gentle movement.

Hey, originally she thought, Rong Jia is now full of hatred and scarred. What a perfect time to hand over to the hostess Qiao An to heal him, but worry that he can’t develop a relationship?

Doesn’t this embark on the formal plot?

But his resistance and stress to other people were too strong, she was really afraid that he…dead.

When the hero is dead, she can’t get out of this world.

She can only comfort him first and save him.

After bandaging the wound for him, she took out the fetus needle and pushed it into his arm in the same way that Li Ming had handed it to her before.

He seemed to tremble with pain, frowned and pursed his lips.

“Don’t move, Rongga.” She said to him, “This is a fetus injection. It will be cured soon.”

He should have understood, lying there pouting, but didn’t move.

He was surprisingly quiet, not at all like the one who bombed the starship with 100% hatred.

Qiao Sha pulled out the needle, pressed the needle hole, lowered her head and said helplessly to him: “Rong Jia, you can’t die, you can’t be stupid, you have to get better soon…”

Her palm lightly landed on his lower abdomen, “For our children, we must get better soon.”

101: “How do you…”

She just said that this child was conceived by her and Rong Jia, and she was also the child’s surrogate mother. Isn’t that correct?

101: “…You are like this, aren’t you lying to him again? He will think you admit that this child is yours.”

Rong Jia moved under her palm, and he turned his head as if looking at her, but he was covered with thick gauze, he should not be able to open his injured eyes.

He just so “looked” at her, stretched out his arms and hugged her suddenly.

Qiao Sha was hugged, and she fell on the bed, afraid of pressing him, so she hurriedly got up, but was held tightly by him.

He hugged her so tightly, as if he wanted to hug her into his body.

She was almost unable to breathe, and heard him in her arms, struggling and hoarsely muttering: “Don’t go…”

He said: “Don’t leave me…”

Qiao Sha’s heart was held tightly by him a little bit.

She sighed lightly, hugged him lightly, lowered her head and kissed his cold forehead, “I will not go, I will hold you.”

Is he stupid?

Would a fool hug her tightly and tell her not to leave him?

But if he’s not stupid, he wakes up, wouldn’t he want to kill her, or interrupt her hands and feet to punish her?

How could he be so quiet and behaved?

101: “…” The host is the most abnormal and terrifying mad critic.

She gently combed his long black hair and stroked his trembling back. He fell asleep for three days after being injured, maybe he just wasn’t quite awake.

She looked at the 100% hatred value in the system interface, she only had to correct the main storyline to complete this task.

But now it seems that not only Rongga has no feeling for Qiao An, but also Qiao An doesn’t have any interest in Rongga.

Qiao An loves his pure white blade more than Rong Jia.


There was a tranquilizer in the fetus injection, and he fell asleep quickly in her arms.

Qiao Sha waited for him to sleep well before leaving the room and went to the next room. Qiao An and Li Yin were not there, but Fu Rou was alone.

Fu Rou stood up hurriedly when she saw her, “Mrs. Qiao Sha…”

She was a little embarrassed for some reason, not because she had exchanged hostages before. In fact, she was exchanged as a hostage, and she didn’t suffer much.

She was embarrassed because her father hated Mrs. Qiao Sha very much and regarded her as the most vulgar enemy. She did not know how to face Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha smiled at her, “Don’t be so nervous, we are not enemies.” She asked her softly: “Joan and them?”

“They went to the warehouse next door to repair the pure white blade.” Fu Rou replied, looking at her.

Qiao Sha remembered that Qiao An had been repairing the battle-damaged Pure White Blade for the past few days when she and Rong Jia were rescued.

The place where they are now is a huge abandoned military base. There are many homeless people, black households, thieves, and all kinds of people.

But no one dared to get close to the range circled by Qiao An and Li Yin.

It took Qiao An a lot of effort to sneak the White Blade back into the warehouse, threatening to repair this god-level mecha.

Qiao Sha wanted to go and see, just walked to the door, and looked back at Fu Rou: “Do you want to see mech repairing together?”

Fu Rou was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, “Can I?”

“I think Joan and the others didn’t restrict your freedom.” Qiao Sha couldn’t see that Joan was restricting her freedom, and the door was not locked.

“But…” Fu Rou hesitated, “It’s messy outside, if I go out…” She is an OMEGA, and she will definitely attract other people’s attention.

A strong man like the Prime Minister has brought up such a beloved child.

Did he treat her as a high-quality OMEGA from a young age, the future queen training?

Qiao Sha beckoned to Fu Rou, and took out a small pistol from her pocket, “Maybe you have this, so don’t be afraid.”

Fu Rou was surprised, Madam Qiao Sha looked so soft and gentle, she actually…would shoot?

Qiao Sha took Fu Rou to the warehouse, and after pushing the door open, she was surprised by the mecha parts in front of her.

Did Qiao An actually take the White Blade apart?

“Is this your majesty’s pure white blade?” Fu Rou said in a low voice with the same surprise: “Oh my God… she dismantled your majesty’s pure white blade. Can this, this be repaired?”

Qiao Sha looked at Qiao Ann, who was in the cockpit and didn’t know what he was repairing. For some reason, she suddenly had a strange feeling.

Like, she disrupted the world, and Joan was correcting the world.

For the first time, she felt the meaning of the heroine. If it was a heroine like Qiao An, she would use herself to set off her and achieve her.

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