Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 43 - [It takes a few steps to destroy Jack Su] [VIP]

She stood at the door, with her chin lifted slightly, with a flowing expression on her face.

Rongga watched this scene for a long time, and her expression was very vivid at this moment-sarcasm, arrogance, triumph, and a hint of revenge happiness.

Rongga could feel that her tears and heartbreak just now were probably just for this moment, using his hand to avenge the Prime Minister.

He could feel that he had fallen into her trap.

But she was so real and moving at this moment, like a eldest lady who was spoiled by arrogance. She used some methods to get beautiful dresses and gems.

Even if you know that she used some methods, but you don’t care, she lifts her chin and tells you that she is satisfied and happy now, and you will be happy for you to please her.

He looked at her vivid expression, and was almost immersed in the sense of security of “being able to spoil her.” At least she was not really broken for Li Yin’s heart and weeping.

At least, he can meet her.

He cares about her methods, her trap.

“It’s also time for the capital city.” Rong Jia looked at the prime minister and said, “I will go back to the capital city immediately, and I will add the title to Admiral Li Yin and the appointment of his wife.”

Fu Sifeng’s expression has not concealed a bit, and he said one word: “Your Majesty, my daughter’s life or death is uncertain, your Majesty will not go to her, do you want to go back to the capital to give a banquet for this woman?”

Rong Jia nodded and said, “It’s time to have a banquet.”

Fu Sifeng almost angrily wanted to grab his collar, he held his trembling fingers, and forcibly endured it, he must kill her, she must not stay for one more day or one second.


On the same day, Rong Jia took her and Li Ming to board the starship and returned to the capital.

He sent Shao Yi to lead a team to search for the whereabouts of Li Yin, Qiao An, and Fu Rou. In fact, he knew that Fu Rou was likely to be alive. She was more like she had fallen into an untrackable edge star field. Her chip showed It’s intact, but it can’t be traced after the explosion.

Rong Jia guessed that she might have fallen into the same fringe star field as Qiao An and Li Yin. They shouldn’t have died, otherwise it would be impossible to find even a little wreckage.

Li Yin’s mecha crashed, but the safety cabin has been used, indicating that Li Yin may have used the safety cabin to escape the crashed mecha.

This is also the reason why Rongga wants to leave this place immediately and return to the capital.

He gave Shao Yi a death order and found Li Yin to kill him secretly, so as not to let anyone discover that Li Yin was still alive.

If Li Yin is still alive, then he will be convicted of colluding with the rebels, and Qiao Sha will become the rebel’s wife.

Only when Li Yin died was Qiao Sha’s best interest.

He must take the name of the empire who died in battle and use this name as the first lady of Qiao Sha.

On the starship, Qiao Sha once again sat by the window, she was looking at the sea of ​​stars outside the window.

Rongga stared at her for a long time, got up and walked over to her, bent over and stretched out his hand to unlock her safety clasp with a “click”, “Want to go out and see?”

Qiao Sha raised her head to look at him in surprise, “Get out?” Now that he was flying halfway, how to get out?

She didn’t understand what Rongga meant.

Rong Jia stretched out her hand, she almost subconsciously raised her hand and put it in, still asking: “Where to go out?”

Rongga looked at her hand in his palm and smiled with a pursed mouth. He held her fingers and rubbed it, pulled her up, walked to the safety gate of the starship, and ordered: “Open the safety gate No. 2.”

The Prime Minister was not on the same ship with them.

Li Ming poked his head out of the sleeping cabin, and just wanted to remind him to pay attention to safety. Even though the tire is saved, he can’t do too much…

But before he spoke, the safety door opened, and the violent wind poured into the starship, almost blowing him out of the sleeping compartment. He hurriedly hugged the sleeping compartment, and heard Qiao Sha let out a low cry, and Rong Jia held it. She leaped out of the hatch as if holding a flying butterfly in her arms.

At that moment, a white light meteor drew across the silent sea of ​​stars, and the pure white blade appeared in the fierce wind, like a huge idol, unfolding in the boundless universe, wrapping Qiaosha and Rongga.

The security door closed, and Li Ming sighed. Rong Jia seemed to be really moved, and moved to someone he should have resented.


Qiao Sha’s heart was still beating wildly.

When she was held by Rong Jia and jumped out of the cabin door and plunged into the star sea, her heart rate soared, and her body shuddered and her scalp numb when the wind blew. Floating, she subconsciously hugged Rongga tightly.

Rong Jia’s palm wrapped her head.

Then, she was surrounded and accepted by a cloud of white light, she was shrouded in the white light, and fell to the ground safely.

She heard a mechanical voice: “001-Pure White Blade is successfully linked, Master.”

She stood in the mecha of the pure white blade, the wind and the weightless air current were isolated, and the white light in the mecha was all around her.

For some reason, she thought of Surya, his holy light enveloped her, so similar to the pure white blade.

“Are you afraid?” Rong Jia rubbed her back and pulled her to the driver’s seat of Pure White Blade.

It was so close to the sea of ​​stars, only separated by a layer of glass, as if you could grab a star by reaching out, but in fact, those magnificent planets were far away from her.

“Do you know what the greatest significance of mechas is besides war?” Rong Jia took her hand and led her around to the driver’s seat, tapped her shoulder lightly, and asked her to sit down.

Qiao Sha looked at the driver’s seat full of manipulators, and sat down slowly in surprise.

Then the driver’s seat lit up with a red light, and the mechanical sound of the mecha sounded again: “The link is wrong, not the master, after three seconds it will be…”

Before the sound was over, Rong Jia bent over and held her hand, and pressed his palm together with his palm on the virtual screen on the driver’s seat, protruding many virtual frames, and Qiao Sha only saw the front one. In the virtual box is-[Whether to authorize others to link Pure White Blade].

Rongga’s pale fingers quickly clicked on something.

The red light on the driver’s seat turned into blue light, and there were two beeps, Qiao Sha heard the mechanical voice report-“Someone has been authorized to link the pure white blade.”

-“The link is successful.”

——”Linker’s Name——”

Rongga nodded twice.

-“The name of the linker-Qiao Sha.”

——”Welcome to Qiao Sha.”

The safety buckle on the back stretched out automatically, buckling Qiao Sha’s waist.

All the virtual frames in front of her disappeared, and the first-perspective cosmic star sea appeared and flowed before her eyes.

Qiao Sha’s heart beats fast, and she can’t speak. Does Rong Jia authorize her to drive his mecha?

Rongga leaned over, held her hand on the console, and said to her in her ear: “The biggest meaning of mecha is to let ordinary humans into the universe.”

Walk into the universe.

Qiao Sha’s heart beating suddenly, in the sea of ​​stars, under his palm, he taught her how to drive the pure white blade through the planets and through the magnificent universe.

She experienced a throbbing like never before.

She raised her head to look at Rongga, his long black hair and handsome jaw.

Then he lowered his head, her gray eyes reflected in her.

It’s so beautiful, it’s so exciting.

This world, this universe, this Rongga who taught her to walk into the universe.

BETA can’t drive mechas, she originally didn’t have the ability to link with high-end smart mechas.

But she got the key of “Rongga”.

He couldn’t help but opened his mouth and kissed her lips…


“Pure White Blade?”

Fu Sifeng in another starship looked at the pure white mecha in the star sea outside the cabin. It was a symbol of the undefeated empire and a god-like existence.

In order to make Rongga match the pure white blade, he controlled and piloted this top mech, spared no room for strengthening Rongga, and made him the **** of war of the empire.

All this is for the empire.

But now…

“Prime Minister.” His subordinates reported: “Your Majesty took the Madam Qiao Sha and left the starship and boarded the White Blade.”

Fu Sifeng’s face reflected on the window was as black as iron, how could he allow a humble BETA to defile the empire and confuse Rong Jia.

Must get rid of her.

The mecha wall starship also arrived at the interstellar airport of the imperial capital first.

Qiao Sha didn’t have much interest in mechas, but after she drove all the way back, she found that the pure white blade opened really well.

She jumped out of the mech, and her hair bun was wet by the drizzle.

It was raining in the capital when she left, and the capital greeted her with drizzle when she returned.

When she arrived, it was eleven o’clock in the night. She was taken directly by Rong Jia back to the Palace of Pure White. She fell into the sofa and fell asleep when she was tired from driving the mecha.

When she woke up again, she found herself lying on the bed, Rongga was not there.

She sat up and glanced at the clock. It was almost twelve noon.

In the familiar bedroom, nothing has changed. What has changed is that she slept on Rongga’s white bed, with a new dress, a new pair of shoes, and a set of pigeon blood in a black velvet box on the cabinet next to the bed. Ruby necklaces, earrings, rings.

Did Rongga prepare it for her?

“You finally woke up.” 101 said, “You may not know that the story on the male protagonist’s side gave a warning. The Prime Minister joined his party members to protest the male protagonist’s designation of you as the first lady, but the male protagonist rejected it.”

“Isn’t this his old method.” Qiao Sha didn’t care at all. The former Prime Minister also joined his party members to protest against the original master becoming the queen.

She got out of bed and picked up the set of pigeon blood rubies and looked at it. It was really beautiful, bright and warm red.

“But the male protagonist has just regained the empire, the foundation is unstable, and now the Alliance rebels are still resisting, if he and the group of ministers are torn apart, it will be easy to fight inwardly and be taken advantage of by the alliance.” 101 said: “Do you remember that you can’t change the main storyline of the hero and heroine?”

What is the main storyline?

Qiao Sha couldn’t remember.

“…” 101 reminded her, “The main storyline of the hero and heroine is-the hero and heroine attract each other for salvation. The heroine finally brings the army of the alliance and belongs to the empire. She marries the hero and assists the hero to achieve peaceful reunification.”

101 reluctantly said: “It was the alliance and the empire holding hands, not starting a war, let alone destroying the empire that destroyed the hero, do you remember it now?”

Qiao Sha put on the earrings for a try, “It wasn’t the war that I caused. The alliance and the empire have been in constant war. Even without me, Rongga will get rid of the Prime Minister sooner or later. How can a real emperor be allowed to be held back by the Prime Minister.”

“Yes, to get rid of the prime minister is the story of the heroine assisting the hero to become the real emperor.” 101 said: “The war is not because of you, but you add fuel to the fire, if the heroine leads the alliance to really win the empire, Then how does she belong to the hero, you…”

“Does it look good?” Qiao Sha didn’t listen to it at all, took a picture of the glass door and asked it.

After 101, it was a little helpless and a little funny. The host didn’t care about these at all, she only cared about whether the gems were beautiful or not.

“Good-looking.” 101 can only answer.

Qiao Sha tilted her head and looked at herself in the glass door.

The glass door opened slowly, and Rong Jia, who was in a military uniform, stood outside the door, saw her, and smiled a little while relaxing.

“Very beautiful.” He came over, stretched out his hand and gently pinched the pigeon blood ruby ​​on her earlobe, and said to her: “Tonight is to seal you as the first lady’s dinner. Just wear this set.”

Has he done everything?

Qiao Sha had to sigh that his vigorous and resolute manner made this matter a foregone conclusion so quickly.

“Come with me to Li Ming’s place.” Rong Jia gently rubbed her cheek with her head, she was wearing ruby ​​earlobes.

Like a cat, acting calmly and coldly.

“Go for a checkup?” Qiao Sha asked subconsciously.

He seemed to feel strange, and repeated: “Birth inspection?”

That’s right.


Qiao Sha accompanied him to Li Ming’s place, and it was indeed a checkup.

Li Ming checked the health of the fetus for him. Now the fetus is too young to determine the **** of abo.

After a series of inspections, Li Ming showed Rong Jia with a smile while holding a color ultrasound picture, “Look, this kid looks energetic.”

Qiao Sha wanted to laugh, and she leaned over to look at the “photograph” that was only an embryo, and she didn’t know where Li Ming could see the vitality.

Rong Jia sat up on the examination bed, buttoned the buttons slowly, glanced at the photo, and then looked at Qiao Sha. She was eagerly trying to distinguish the embryos in the photo, and she had the energy to distinguish the eyes and nose.

“By the way, you can also start to give Mrs. Qiao Sha an injection.” Li Ming said again: “Regulate hormones to increase the implantation rate of the fetus.”

“So early?” Qiao Sha asked in surprise.

“It’s getting late. Keep the mother’s body stable, so that embryos can be transferred more safely.” Li Ming said gently to her: “Madam, don’t be too nervous. Now this kind of needle doesn’t hurt much. Just inject it into the arm. “

Qiao Sha subconsciously rubbed her arm, fearing in her heart. She was very, very resistant to the injection, but at this time she couldn’t refuse, “Okay, let Dr. Li arrange it. Shall I go with you for the injection?”

“It’s okay here too.” Li Ming said to her.

“Okay.” Qiao Sha raised her hand to take off her coat, and whispered: “Doctor Li try to be gentle, I’m afraid of pain…”

She took off her coat to her arm and was suddenly pressed by a hand.

Her cold hand pressed her heart, and she turned her head to see Rongga’s expressionless face.

“Don’t fight for now.” Rong Jia put the coat back on for her.

She didn’t move, he couldn’t bear it?

“No need to fight for now?” Li Ming looked back at him without comprehension. “Take care of it earlier, and you can transfer the embryo earlier, so you don’t have to be pregnant.”

Rong Jia buckled the buttons one by one for her, and said to her: “You go out and wait for me for a while.”

Rongga felt soft.

Qiao Sha exited the room, closed the door, and opened the eavesdropping function.

She heard Li Ming ask Rong Jia’s plan.

After a while, Rongga’s voice quietly rang, “Can’t you use an artificial uterus?”

Li Ming said in surprise, “Rong Jia, you don’t want Madam Qiao Sha to surrogate you?”

Rongga’s voice was extremely calm, “Pregnancy is very painful, morning sickness, injections, inability to sleep, sometimes I feel dizzy when standing… Even I feel pain, she will definitely be more painful, forget it, she doesn’t need to suffer from these pains again. Again.”

Li Ming paused for a long time without speaking. He knew that Rong Jia was really moved. How could one bear to watch his beloved suffer hardship.


“The artificial uterus will have genetic defects. We have not been able to find out the reason or the solution.” Li Ming sighed and said, “That’s why the artificial uterus will be stopped. Rongjia artificial uterus will not work. You can either choose maternal surrogacy. , Or…produce it yourself.”

Rongga paused for a while and slowly said, “I see.”

“So?” Li Ming wanted an answer.

“Don’t give her an injection.” Rong Jia just said.

“Then you…” Li Ming asked again.

“Be pregnant first,” Rong Jia said.

The two people inside were silent for a while.

Li Ming sighed first, “Okay, let’s talk about it when the abo gender can be detected in three months.”

“Didn’t the Medical Academy have an experiment that can verify genes when they are embryos?” Rong Jia asked him.

“That’s still in the experimental stage.” Li Ming said: “Although I think the accuracy rate is as high as 80%.” He paused and said, “Why don’t you try it? Maybe you can detect the child for you. Who is the father.”

“Really?” Rong Jia asked.

“Yes, when we do the experiment, we can find relatives by comparing the gene list of the embryo with the gene ID card in the National Gene Bank.” Li Ming said: “The relatives can be found after a few generations.”

Gene ID?

Qiao Sha stood outside the door and peeked curiously through the crack of the door. She wanted to see how to detect the gene of an embryo.

“In this country, everyone will register their genes after birth, just like everyone’s initial ID card.” 101 explained to her: “Those who have not done gene registration are all black households.”

Is her genes also registered?

Qiao Sha is a little uneasy, won’t she be able to find out that the child is hers? That would be bad and messy.

101 is also not sure: “There is this plot in the book, but the result of the detection is the heroine Qiao An…” It is also worried, will it adapt the plot? Or will it follow the original plot?

How to do? Does the host think about how to remedy it?

Qiao Sha walked to the window and peeped under the window. She could only vaguely see a lit up screen, looking like a blue mirror. Li Ming didn’t know what he was messing with there, and then let Rong Jia Standing in front of the blue light mirror.

She heard the “drip, beep” sound from the quiet room, and heard Li Ming jokingly say: “A magic mirror, a magic mirror, who owns the child in the belly of the noble Majesty Rongga?”

The blue mirror screen flashed twice, and rows of white numbers and words appeared on the screen.

“Huh?” Li Ming drew closer in surprise.

What is it? What is written?

“Turn on the peeping function for you.” 101 took the initiative to magnify the words on the screen for her. She was more anxious and worried than Qiao Sha.

Two rows of data appeared on the screen, and one row of data read-the immediate family parents found based on the gene: [Gray Blue Star Resident, ALPHA, Qiao An. ]

The other row reads—Parents of immediate family members found based on genes: [Resident Star Resident, BETA, Qiao Yi. ]

All the people inside and outside the room were silent.

Qiao Shaman’s mind: Is Qiao Yi me?

“Yes…” 101 told her in silence, “When the original owner was born, the name on the register was Qiao Yi.”

The memory in Qiao Sha’s mind was hooked out. The original owner was the first child born out of life. Her scumbag father didn’t even want to give her a name, so he just added “one” to her surname to form her name.

“Qiao Sha” changed her name after she killed her father and left the dead star.

Does Na Rongga know her original name? ?

Obviously, Li Ming didn’t know who this “Qiao Yi” was. What he was surprised was–

“How come there are two genetic fathers?” Li Ming stared at the data in the first row, turning his head to look at Rong Jia in surprise, “This Qiao An, is the Qiao An of the Alliance Crown Prince? You… you happened to her… …”

How can it be!

Li Ming himself first said: “No, it is definitely not allowed in the experimental stage, and there is a 20% error rate.”

Rong Jia and Qiao An met for the first time at Gray Blue Star. Rong Jia was already pregnant at that time. How could it be Qiao An’s child!

There must be something wrong.

“But Rongga, how did you get pregnant with this child?” Li Ming really couldn’t help asking him again, “You…you have a relationship with someone, don’t you know how it happened the whole time? With whom…”

Before Li Ming finished asking, Rong Jia suddenly turned and walked outside the door.

he came!

Qiao Sha hurriedly stepped back from the window and walked quickly to the vending machine under the corridor, pretending to buy water.

The door was pushed open, and Rongga’s footsteps came towards her.

Pressing her finger on the purchase screen, is she in a guilty conscience? Why is she guilty? Even if Rong Jia knew that Qiao Yi was her and the child belonged to her, what would happen?

“It will affect the male and female main plot!” 101 is more nervous than her, “Host, do you think about why there are two rows of data? In the original book, there is only one row of data for Qiao An, and now there are two rows of data, indicating that you have affected When it comes to some plots, it may seem that there is only one more row of data now, which is not the main storyline of the male and female protagonist, but you think about it, if the male protagonist determines that the child is yours from the two sets of data, how could he marry the female protagonist Together? How did the battle between the Empire and the Alliance stop?”

The butterfly stirred its wings and caused a storm.

Rongga stopped by her side.

“Don’t admit it, you must let the hero think that the child is Joe Ann’s.” 101 almost pleaded: “Do you remember the last world? You changed a little bit of the seemingly unimportant plot, and finally it was completed. The story of the male and female masters being together, but Surya’s ending is not to go to the altar, but to fall into the abyss after saving the empire…”

Rongga is looking at her.

Qiao Sha turned her head to look at Rong Jia, “The inspection is over? Would you like to drink some water?” She smiled and stretched out her hand to him: “I don’t have star coins, you give me some star coins.”

Rong Jia looked at her as if watching for a long time, raised his hand and pressed his finger on the purchase screen, and all the drinks and energy water in the vending machine lit up with blue light for selection.

Walking Empire Bank.

Qiao Sha chose a bottle of cola-flavored energy water. Without looking at him, why didn’t he ask? What was he thinking about?

Rongga looked at the air-cooled energy water, and it condensed into tiny drops of water on her fingertips. He was thinking, “Dreamland” is the hand that covers his eyes and reaches into his mouth, isn’t it this one?

He couldn’t be sure, he couldn’t even be sure what that “dream” was.

It was not a dream, but a night that happened and left traces.

However, at that time, she should be still in the league, and even locked up in a big jail. How did she appear next to him and have a relationship with him?

This is bizarre and absurd.

He had never thought of going deep into this matter before. In his heart, this child was just a tool to change his genes, survive, and fulfill the mission of the empire.

He was not interested in knowing how it came, and whose name it was.

Because he never thought of letting this embryo survive, he just needs a bit of genetic bone marrow.

But now, he suddenly wanted to know if this child belonged to her.

Was it her in those romantic nights?

Is this her child?

A drop of cold air slid down her finger.

He reached for it and unscrewed the bottle cap for her. When handing it to her, he reached out and held her hand, “Wet.”

He tore off a piece of paper towel from the sales rack next to him, and wiped her fingers little by little. Her fingers were so soft and her nails were thin and brittle.

It was like the hand clutching his back.

Is it her?

Waste star, Joe one.

The Prime Minister once checked her life experience, her name, and where she was born. How could he forget her former name?

“Your Majesty.” A sergeant saluted him at the end of the corridor and said respectfully: “Your Excellency Prime Minister has arrived at the White Palace.”

He paused and looked up at the time on the vending machine. It was already past seven o’clock in the evening, and the dinner for her to be the first lady began at eight o’clock.

Wait a while and ask again, wait until she becomes the first lady, stay in the empire forever, and ask again in his capital.

She couldn’t escape and asked again.

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