Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 14 - : Is there any objection?

Chapter 14: Is there any objection?

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

The first compartment is the largest VIP room in the golden Paradise.

It won’t be opened on normal days. Only when we have the highest level client, we will use this room. And, our internal meetings are generally located here too.

As usual, I am sitting in the middle of the sofa, and all four chief managers in the nightnightclub are here tonight. Besides John, the other two chief managers are sitting beside me. Although we never say, they all know that although there are four chief managers here, the real boss is me. There’s no other reason, just because I represent Juan.

Everyone is almost there. Four foremen with waiters are sitting on the left, four mummies on the right, and two of the backyard warehouses and kitchens are also pulled in.

William stands beside me with a black face, his calloused hands rubbing against his trousers.

He’s a tough guy. Because he beaten others seriously injured in the fight and spent two years in the prison for that. Then he was released because of good behavior. There is a scar on the face, which was scraped by a knife. This guy used to smile and looks like a butcher’s grin, but now he shows a black face and it’s a little scary. Several mummies dare not look at him in the face.

I lean lazily on the sofa with a cigarette in my hand and a bottle of beer on the table in front of me. I squinting my eyes and saying nothing. When the other two chief managers come in, they want to say hello to me, but look at my face, swallow the words back subconsciously, and sit down silently to smoke.

Ten minutes later, Phoenix and John come in. Seeing the atmosphere was a little dull, Phoenix’s face was a little unnatural. But kind of experienced people like her, immediately squeezes out a smile, wiggles her waist and walks up to me, laughing, “Ouch, Brother Little 5, aren’t you resting today? I am going to visit you with some sisters tonight.”

I raise my eyelids and look at her coldly. She steps back half a step by having seen my cold eyes. She closes her mouth subconsciously and sits down quietly.

John walks slowly to my side, and I can see that the composure on his face is 90% unreal. He just put a sofa on his buttocks, I start to say: “Who let you sit?”

“Ah?” John looks at me with a guilty conscience.

I slowly sit up straight, let him sit here. Then I lower my voice, slowly say: “Today’s meeting, you must be feeling very strange. The business has been doing well, and this is everyone’s credit. Nightclub has never been unfair to everyone, and you should understand this.”

Speaking of this, I quickly take a look at John, eyes narrow up, deliberately with a subtle tone: “Everybody wants to make money. Nightclub wants to develop, everything must be obeyed the rules. Break the rules, things go wrong, everyone will be affected. This truth, need not I say more times. Everyone sitting here understands it.

At this point, I have sat upright with my hands on the table and look down at the crowd. Everyone was expressionless, and some of the people who have been here for a long time, familiar with me, look at me with a little scared.

“Well, since you have no objection, I’ll go straight to it.” I look at a young man with glasses and a fair complexion sitting near the door and say, “Ken, you’re in charge of the finance. Have you brought it the things I asked?”

Ken nods and stands up. He gives something to me. As a professional finance, if there’s anyone in the company has the closest relationship with Juan, it’s him, except me.

I pick up the thing in my hand, look at it, and speak in a cold voice, “Last month, someone used his authority to claim the expenses to more than 60,000. What a great deal!” I look at John and say, “John, explain it to me!”

John has fully responded, knowing that the scene is for him tonight. But he is not a rookie after all. With a slight flurry on his face, he covers it up and says, “5, why do you ask me that? All of us are chief managers. How much did I claim is not your business at all. Besides, chief manger has the right to sign the bill, you either!”

I hum: “I do have! I have signed no less than you last month. I signed up for a total of more than 50,000. But I all signed to the major clients. More than half of it signed to Mark, but he spend a total of more than 400,000! What about you? John, how many sales did your client contribute last month? 40,000 only! ”

John’s face is turning a little white, but he quickly gets angry and start shouting: “Little 5, you’re picking on me obviously! Yes, I signed a little more last month. That is to please the guests. If guests are happy, they will come back naturally next time! This truth does not need me to say! If you want to pick on me, you don’t need to mention so many useless things! I know you are Juan’s man, but this place is not owned by Juan alone only. It’s not the place you can cover the sky, 5! ”

Listening to what he said, instead of being angry, smiles appear slowly on my face. I stand up slowly, walk to his side, reach out and clap him on the shoulder. John is scared. But when he finds I just clap him without other action, he doesn’t dodge.

“Very good!” I smile and say, “John, you are right. I am going to pick you up today. But you’re wrong. I’m not trying to cover the sky. Brother 5’s hands are not that big! But I have to make it clear today that rules should be put into practice when doing things here”.

I put the bill in my hand gently in front of him and whisper, “About the sign thing, let’s work it out later. Now I’ll ask you one more thing. Last month, there were someone play the ‘High-pack’ in nightclub. Is that right?”

John looks stiff on his face.

“High-pack” is a short term, meaning that someone with ecstasy, to the nightnightclub to open a compartment, and then call a few ladies, close the door together to knock medicine and party together.

This kind of things, there are quite often happen in some of the small Disco hall and low-grade nightnightclubs. However, the high level places never allow guests to play this.

The reason is that this “high-pack” is a tough target for the police, and it is dangerous itself.

In this city, there were people who died of drug overdoses at parties. People who like to knock drugs will have no self-control once they are crazy. Moreover, such a dangerous thing not only brings no any profit, but also bears a big risk. So high level places will not allow guests to knock medicine.

Be honest operation is enough to make money.

In our nightclub, Juan once set the rules. Never touch ecstasy, never dip in white powder. These two things, maybe may makes lots of money, but such money will be earned too hot.

And most of the girls are reluctant to knock drugs with their guests. It is known to all that once this stuff is touched, the scourge is boundless, once the drug is touched, you will be ruined, even to die for.

John’s eyes have turned around and grit: “Brother 5, don’t blame me without the actual evidence!”

I know, he’s a die-hard guy. I really don’t have any proof, because I wasn’t there the nights they played the high-pack. And the girls who participated were all under Phoenix. They are frightened by Phoenix and John’s lewd, and no one dares say anything.

I have been too relaxed for these days, and I didn’t notice these things in nightclub.

Fortunately, nothing has gone wrong.

There’s still a smile on my face: “John! Yes, I really have no proof. But we are not policemen. We do not need the actual proves!”

I still have a smile on my face, but suddenly I screw up his chest and pull him down. At the same time, my knee goes up to the top of his face. John screams, and suddenly a bunch of bloody flowers come out of his face. John softens and covers his nose with his right hand.

I pick him up and William comes up, grabs his hands and lays them on the table, pointing them straight. John struggles desperately, but under William’s hands, no more effective than a chicken to be slaughtered.

I pat John’s palm on the table, take a breath, pick up the bottle, and smash!

John cries like a being killing pig, and my face remains unchanged. I grab the bottle in my hand and smash hard again.

“I’ll ask you again. Did you allow to play high-pack?”

John is just screaming, but he is still not talking. I laugh, and lift the bottle up again.

“John, shall I wait for you? Yes or no?” My voice is so soft just like have no any murderous feeling. But then I smash again.

On the table, John’s palm is bloody already. Faces of these people sitting around here are all muddy. They dare not to speak anything, though some of them could not bear it in their eyes.

These who can sitting here, are regarded as the scene of the steward. They are not the ordinary people, similar scenes, they have seen quite a few.

I hit the fifth times, and John is too weak to scream. He is as soft as a mud: “… Yes, there are… ”

I shrug my shoulders and looked at the crowd, laughing. “You see, I have not wronged him.”

After that, I lift the bottle and smash down again. With John’s scream, I smile sadly. “So, I heard you forced your room-princess to fall, wasn’t it true?”

“Yes! Yes!” John’s face is streaming with tears. He couldn’t even cry now. “Brother 5, Please… Forgive… Me…! ”

I shake my head and speak with a pleasant smile, “John, it is not that I do not forgive you. The rules of the company are decided by Juan. No one can break the rules. If you break the rules, you must be punished. This is the first thing you should understand when you come.”

After that, I lift the bottle and hit him on the head. “Bang!” Within the sound, the bottle broke, the broken glass shot. Bear roll down mix with his blood, tears and mucus flowing down together.

I gasp and signal William to release him. John is too weak to move. He slips and falls down on the ground, unable to hum.

I quickly wipe a few drops of blood just splashed on my face, smoothly pat my clothes, then take a cigarette from William’s hand, lit it, take a sip first, and then slowly sit down, look at the crowd, and say, “This thing ends like that today, Ladies and gentlemen. I am not cruel. It’s just that he breaks the rules. I said, I am not covering the sky. But if someone breaks the rules, be careful of the hands. If you let me know there’s something not follow the rules behind me…”

When I said this, I take a deep, deliberate look at Phoenix. Her face is turning pale, trembling as if she is waving, and then I slowly continue, “Then don’t blame me for turning his face away. As for forcing the staff things, I said, if people are willing to jump down into the water to make money, I don’t care. If they are forced, hum, here are the words today. Who cause trouble, company will find who! Everyone is making money by doing business. Just making money in harmony, and don’t do things which makes all of us upset!”

After a pause, I smile again on my face: “All the people in the company, as long as you make money for company, abide by the company’s rules, company will cover you then.”

Then I stand up and smile to the crowd: “my words are over, everyone… Is there any objection? ”

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