Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 15 - Man with the best luck

Chapter 15: Man with the best luck

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

Things haven’t been ended in such a simple way.

That night, John was interrupted by a leg and disappeared in the nightclub. I know, Juan said he was not allowed to appear in this city, and there was no place in the city to accommodate him!

This is Juan left him a way to live, otherwise, he would probably have to sell his ass.

I didn’t do anything with Phoenix.

After all, she is different from John. John takes the salary as a company’s person. We have the right to punish him? But Phoenix is just a mommy who leads the girls. She is not a company’s person. She is just hanging a bill to eat under our courtyard.

According to the rules, we have no reason to punish her. Mummy’s mobility is also very big, one day left this venue, tomorrow she can go to another venue to look for food, as long as she has a girls on hand.

Although Juan could get rid of her in a minute with a single sentence, it was too aggressive and irregular.

You can’t do things too much!

After this, the only thing surprises me is that girl who was forced into the water by Phoenix and John, chose to continue to be a girl. She just switch to work for Mary.

It surprised me, but I also felt a little confused.

Perhaps the world is so easy to fall, but it is hard to get out.

The whole process of the affair was seen only by some people, but then it was buzzing, probably by the mummies. The next day when I go to work and see all the girls looking at me with strange eyes, whicih mix up with excitement and fear. Anyway it is complicated.

Later I learned that I was wearing that kind of almost sinister smile on my face and then, in a cold-blooded manner, interrupting John’s hands in his screaming voice is an abnormal behavior in many people’s eyes.

But in the eyes of these ladies, I think it might be a little cool also.

In fact, this scene is not the first time I have ever experienced it. Dealing with John, it’s just a small case. John is just a small role. He is just a chief gigolo with a woman shareholder behind him. It doesn’t cost much to clean up him. That day, I was to frighten others in the field.

I realized that I had been slack for some time recently. From the bottom of my heart, I seem to have an instinctive boredom for the life of this place.

It feels like living in a dark environment for a long time and yearning for sunshine.

In the day time, I suddenly feel a little bored. I find a coat and walk out.

Because I always work at night, which causes most of my work and rest hours to be reversed day and night. My daily habit is to get up at four or five o’clock in the afternoon and then go to bed at six or seven o’clock in the morning.

It seems that I haven’t been shopping in the daytime for a long time.

Me alone is a little bored, I make a phone call to Azle, the result of the phone is connected after the guy gives a face-splitting curse: “Stir people to sleep will be rewarded, death 5!” Then the phone is hung up.

I call Jojo again, and it is a strange, beautiful voice from a young girl. I politely ask Jojo to answer the phone. She tells me in a delicate voice that Jojo is taking a bath.

I hear am ambiguous smell from this sentence, and then I hang up the phone in polite tone.

To disturb the couple’s intimacy will be punished also.

Although the two are two women.

Standing on the street, I am a bit overwhelmed by the sun, probably too long without the sun, I feel a little dazzled. Squatting on the side of the road, smoking a cigarette, and looking at the beautiful women come and go, According to their walking posture, the frequency and amplitude of their waist twists, I secretly judge who is still virgin and who is not anymore.

As a result, an hour later, except for two high school students with backpacks and school uniforms, the rests were all labeled as “non-virgin” in my heart.

This damned world, I curse, and then stand up, ready to look for Wood to kill time.

Wood is working in a small clinic in a neighborhood nearby. To others, it was an insult for a high-caliber medical student, a surgical genius, to be disparaged all the way from a large hospital to a community hospital. But Wood seems pretty enjoy.

His work is very leisurely. Community clinics will not be deal with any major illnesses. People in the neighborhood do not trust this small clinic. Who’s headaches, fever or cold, he will go get some medicine. Basically they take the clinic as a pharmacy. Even if they have a little ailment, they would rather go to a big hospital.

The only busy time of the year for Wood is to have a physical examination of the residents of the community every spring.

At other times, he just sits and shoots flies for fun.

When I walk into the clinic, Wood is watching a comic book with great interest. This is also a quirk of Wood. He was a high-caliber medical student, a talented student regarded by the professor, a man like a piece of wood, has a hobby that puberty boys have… Watch comics!

The girl comic!

This is absolutely a very weird!

The first time I went to the Wood’s home, I was shocked by the comics of his two bookshelves.

The comics that little girl likes are full of his bookshelves and bedside.

I had always thought Wood should be the kind of medical madman with a snowy scalpel, a white coat, a pale complexion, and the gloomy, bleak eyes.

Seeing me come in, Wood just glances at me with the corner of his eye. Then he continues to read that comic book, and the other hand quickly gives me the cigarette cartridge on the desktop, which is a greeting.

I sit smiling in front of him, ignoring the no-smoking rules in the clinic, take out a cigarette and light it to myself.

There will be no patient coming to the clinic for a day. Why shall we pay so much attention?

“Doctor Mu, I’m not feeling well.” I deliberately say to him with a sad face.

Wood doesn’t look up, and a cold word comes from the back of the book: “Go out the door, go left, take a bus at the station, go down four stops, and turn right at a crossroads. It’s a mental hospital.”


Chatting with wood is a painful thing, because when you say a hundred words, he doesn’t have to say a word.

But these have become used to me. I grab the cartoon from his hand and look at him bravely in the cold eyes of him. At last, there is a bit of frustration in the his eyes: “Say, what’s wrong?”

“I’m in a bad mood.” I sigh.

Last night I rectified John, but after that I did not feel any sense of accomplishment or happiness. I have experienced many similar scenes. John is only a small episode. I seem to have experienced too many of these dark things. Did such things too much, people’s psychology will inevitably produce a lot of dark side.

Listening to me, Wood says nothing but stands up and pours me a glass of water, and then continues to sit in front of me in meditation.

I also talk about Didi, and the weird thing I’ve met lately, the ring of luckiness changing device that madman gave me…

Wood doesn’t insert a word from the beginning to the end. He even change no expression on face.

For an hour, under the attack of my saliva, Wood sits still.

“From your opinion, should I just go cure for my headache? Or go find a shrink? Or go find a girlfriend?” I sigh, “I feel like I’m suffocating.”

Wood is silent.

“Hello, please.” I sigh.

Wood is still silent.

“Man, I’ve been talking for a long time. Just Z a sound to me!”

Wood: “Z.”

I @#¥%…&*~

I am so depressed that it seems a mistake to chat with this guy. But when I get up and ready to go, Wood throws a packet of medicine to me from my back. I catch it without lose for sure.

“For your head, go back and take medicine in the evening.” Wood says in a cold sentence, and then adds: “5, that Didi you mentioned is good, you can try with her.”


When I look back to him, he is watching the comic again.

Walking out of the community and looking at the sunshine in the sky, I am somewhat confused. I looked at my watch. It was just two o’clock in the afternoon. I suddenly remember that Didi goes to sell the lottery today. That place is not far from here, hesitated for a moment, and I decide to go and see her.

The social welfare lottery Didi is selling, unlike the kind of online lottery we usually buy at lottery centers. It is a ready-to-sell lottery.

Such lottery is held in a short time, sold on the spot, bought on the spot, and won the lottery on the spot. As far as I know, the welfare lottery in this city seems to have been held in order to raise funds to support the development of a certain western region.

The prizes wrap the first prize of a new Santana, a second prize of a cabinet air conditioner, a third prize of a color TV and a variety of bicycles, microwave ovens, kitchen utensils and so on.

When I arrive, I find here is already a sea of faces.

The 500-metre-long street is already under traffic control, with cars banned at both ends and thousands of people crowded. On both sides of the road, a row of high shelves is erected with various coloured stripes and flags, as well as winning numbers for prizes.

In the middle of the street stands a huge platform with the largest first prize, a dozen cars in a row, and on one side of the rostrum, sitting at the prize office.

I am walking hard in the stream of people, and I do wonder of people are really crazy about gambling. But it is no wonder that everyone has a dream of getting rich overnight. This welfare lottery is very cheap. Just need to spend few money, you may be able to win a big prize.

In addition, on both sides of the street loudspeakers, there are hosts of shouts loud to render the atmosphere. From time to time there will be one or two lucky winners on stage, which greatly stimulated the desire of people around to buy lottery tickets!

I struggle to get through the crowd, almost lose a shoe, and finally find Didi at a shopping center near the center of the street.

The girl is wearing a uniform from the lottery center, with ribbons on her body and a stack of lottery tickets in front of her. Maybe it’s the beauty effect. There are several times more people flocking to buy lottery tickets from her than anywhere else. She is a bit too busy. She has sweat on her forehead, but still keeps a sweet smile on her face.

Today she tied her long hair into a simple horse’s tail and looks refreshing and touching. Her face was faintly flushed, like a ripe apple.

I go to buy a bottle of drink, squeeze into the crowd and pat her. Didi sees me, cheers with surprise, and her eyes lit up with joy. I smile and point the drink in my hand. She immediately asks her colleagues to take her place and squeeze out .

We go to a place with less people. I hand her the drink. She blushes, not knowing whether it is hot or anything else, her eyes flashed like bright crystals.

“Do you feel tire for the first day?”

“Well, it’s all right.” She smiles lovable and spitting her tongue: “but today, people are really so many. I never expect so many people to buy lottery tickets.

I laugh. “Most of people want to make a fortune.”

“Well!” Didi smiles excitedly and says, “Today I have seen several people win the lottery. I really envy them!”

I look at the smiles on her face, and suddenly I can’t help reaching out to squeeze her nose. She is startled, and immediately a shy blush appears on her face, as if she wanted to avoid it, but she didn’t. She just bows her head.

“Didi, do you envy those people, too?” I smile and there’s no embarrassing expression on my face.

“Of course, they are really lucky.”

I think about it and take one hundred out of my pocket and hand it to her. “Take it. as we buy the lottery together. It’s your first day, I must support you!”

Didi smiles and says, “Brother 5, do you want to win?”

“For sure! I am so poor now. If I don’t earn enough money, how can I marry my wife in future?” I smile.

Didi’s eyes are shy. She runs to buy a dozen lottery tickets and back soon. She hands them to me and makes a face. “Take it, the money for your marriage!”

I shake my head. “No, as I said, they are bought by both of us. If we win the prize, it would belong to both of us.”

Didi’s face is thicker and ashamed. She dare not say anything, but just a charming look on her face.

I pull her to the underside of the prize stand and laugh, “well, you are in charge of open lottery. I pay and you open. That’s fair enough!”

Didi looks at me with a smile, but she is somewhat grateful. She knows these one hundred are nothing to me, but I can come to see her today makes her very happy.

I didn’t realize that when she is scraping the lottery, the ring on the middle finger of my left hand seemed to flash a red light…

Two minutes later, we two look at the lottery tickets in our hands, shocked.

Thirty lottery tickets: two cars, four air conditioners, six color TV sets, eight microwave ovens, plus ten kitchen utensils pots and pans… No one failed!!!

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