Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 13 - Rule is the rule

Chapter 13: Rule is the rule

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

I open the door and ask her to come in and grab the plastic bag on the ground.

Didi’s pretty face is red again. She seems to be a bit shy, and my eyes dare not look straight at me. The more I look at her, the more I think this is really cute.

“What did you bring?” I laugh and take things out of the plastic belt.

The two lunch boxes are filled with food. Although there were already cold, but two meat and two ingredients matched well.

“Brother 5… I didn’t have time to go home and cook for myself. I bought it in the restaurant downstairs, and I didn’t know whether it would suit your taste.” Didi’s face is getting redder. She suddenly grabs the lunch boxes and rushing to the kitchen. “The food has been cold. Let me warm it up for you…”

Looking at the frightened rabbit-like girl, I smile and continue to look in the bag. There is also a package of medical cotton and a roll of bandage and a bottle of medicine. There are also some vegetables and eggs.

“I… Your fridge is empty, and there are only beers in it.” Didi is standing at the kitchen door and looking at me with red face.

I glare at her, and she do not dare to look straight at me.

“Didi.” I open my mouth and carefully ask, “Why are you doing these to me?”

“Brother 5, I am very grateful to you.” Didi’s voice is softer and softer, but something she is speaking makes I dare not think about it deeply, “Last night, the more I think about it today, the more afraid I am… I heard from them that last time there was a girl who had the same experience as me, but at that time it was John’s on duty. Later, the girl was drunk in the evening and taken away by several guests. I know that last night if you hadn’t helped me out, I would have finished. I can understand a lot of things even though I am only working here for several days. Normal people would never offend guests for a waitress. So I’m very grateful to you. ”


Suddenly, there was a rush of blood in my head.

What happened last month? How come I didn’t know anything about it! John’s courage is getting bigger and bigger.

I only know that last month, there was a room-princess who did a good job. Suddenly, the next day, she ran to Phoenix and became a Girl instead.

I didn’t care at that time. I thought it was the girl who wanted to make money. But I didn’t know there was such a thing.

I admit that I am not a good person. I can’t be innocent by taking such a job now. But there is something I absolutely refuse to do.

Tell the truth, this is not the old days. As long as you are strict, even if it is hard, you might find a hard job to feed yourself! You could always barely survive anyway. Those girls in nightclub, in fact, the vast majority, is not really can not live due to lack of money, mostly can not stand the temptation of money!

Think about it, every day as long as make-up, dress up, accompany the guests to drink, let the guests touch the embrace, they will have a large income every month. Those more deeply degenerate who would go to bed with their guests, simply closed their eyes and endured for ten minutes and twenty minutes, just take it as they were crushed by ghosts, and then get thousands.

For many girls, such a job is much easier than to work hard to earn a hard salary.

That kind of there is terminally ill father at home, or their younger brothers and sisters going to school without tuition fees, so that they are forced to sell themselves. Most of the stories were made by the girls to cheat the guests out of sympathy.

It is not means such special cases exist, but there may not be one in one thousand.

In the simplest terms, I will not look down upon the girls. They are also human beings, who do not steal or rob, who make money by selling themselves. They choose their own way of life, and no one else has the right to say anything about them. But I will not regard them as pitiful or great!

But this kind of force prostitution is absolutely something I despise. In particular, like Didi said, the girl was drugged, and take her out raped, then forced her to be a girl.

“Hum, what a John! What a Phoenix! You two are making such a bad rule under my nose!

Even on our occasions, this kind of thing is taboo and bad manners.


Simply, in the present time, a large number of girls are willing to degenerate, no girl under Mommy’s hand, just go to some bars and look for, can find a large number of such girls! There is no need to make such a thing happen!

I remember the girl Didi mentioned. She used to be a cheerful girl. Since she became such a girl working under Phoenix, her clothes have been exposed day by day, her makeup on her face is getting thicker and thicker. There is always a kind of degeneration and self-abandonment in her eyes.

It turns out to be such reason!

Say a bad word, if that girl is tough, refuse to obey, after being raped what happened or even life out. That’s the big deal!

If the she can’t swallow this thing, run to the top of the company floor and jump down! Who can hold such a thing in the age of extreme media development?

I admit that money can do a lot of things. But there is a limit. After all, it is a legal society.

Didi sees the color of my face is not very good, says with great care, “Brother 5… Did I say something that I shouldn’t say?”

“It’s okay.” I reply lightly, but there is a glimmer of glare in my eyes.

Didiseemes to be afraid of me, and he is half a step backward. I sigh, look back, and say to her softly, “Sorry. I scared you just now, didn’t I? It’s okay. I will go to work tomorrow. What you told me today, don’t talk to anyone else, you know? And…” I hesitate for a moment and whisper, “Didi, I can see that you are a good girl. Why would you like to come here to work? You know, the water here is very muddy and not suitable for you.”

Didi shakes her head, walk slowly to me, pick up the vegetables and eggs on the table, put them slowly into the refrigerator, and says softly, “I have no job now. I just graduated from nursing school. But it is very difficult to be a nurse now. After I graduated, I interned in the hospital for a month, and the chief doctor began to do something about me. I could not bear it, so I resigned. Some of my classmates work here and introduced me. The wages here are very high, as well as the usual tips from the guests, which is much higher than nurses. ”

I sigh and say: “it’s not that simple. You have worked for here for several days, and you have encountered such a thing. In the future, if you continue to work, there will be plenty of such things. Besides, I may not always be able to protect you.”

I sigh, thinking that if the guests are the people of high caliber or background, I may not be able to keep her, even if I am willing to do so.

“Well.” Didi answers softly, with a low voice: “Brother 5… I, I have quit the job today.”

“What?” I am stunned for a moment, but my heart somehow gives me some pleasure. Perhaps, I do not want to see such a clean girl sink on that dirty occasion.

“So… You will not go to work tomorrow?” I disguise my joy and ask.

“Yes.” Didi nods and smiles happily, “My classmate introduced me to the welfare lottery sales. It’s the kind of lottery that’s on the go. Recently the selling is pretty good downtown.”

Lottery? I stare: “Will it be cheating?”

“Brother 5, don’t worry! This is the welfare lottery of the government, not the illegal lottery.” Didi is talking about her new job and showes a simple and happy smile on her face.

Looking at her smiling face, I feel an inexplicable movement.

Tell the truth, Didi is beautiful, but this is not the reason why she attracts me. I’ve seen too many beauties. The kind of gentleness and simplicity that she reveals is the most attractive thing for me.

I gobble up Didi’s meal, and though it was only from the restaurant downstairs, which isn’t very delicious. I still finish them all. After that, Didi changes the medicine on my head personally. She is indeed a graduate of nursing, and her technique is very gentle, almost without touching my pain.

Of course, in my mood, even if it hurts, I could not feel it either.

In such a mid- night, Didi insists on washing all the dishes and dishes for me. Then she leaves.

It’s already three o’clock in the morning. I have the intention to keep her here for the night. But afraid she misunderstands me, I have to insist on sending her downstairs. I stop a taxi to and see her get in the care and goes away, then I turned back home.

Of course, before leaving, I write my phone number on her hand. Because this girl said she would take care of me before I recovery.

Naturally, I will not refuse such a good things.

I sleep so good that I wake up until next days’ afternoon. After washing and rinsing, I did 100 push-ups and two sets of fists in the courtyard of the downstairs community, which made me feel full of energy.

Then I call Juan.

In the phone, I tell the whole matter to Juan, He doesn’t speak anything in the phone, just quietly waiting for me to finish, and finally says lightly: “I know, you do according to the rules. You don’t have to worry about other things, I will settle them. ”

With Juan’s words, I call William and others in the company to inform them that they are going to work an hour earlier today.

At five in the evening, I appear in the nightclub on time.

William is the head of security department in nightclub. He is very strong and was originally mixed up with gangsters. After two years in prison, when he came out, he came to work for Juan. Basically, I can tell William to do something that doesn’t work on the table.

When William sees me coming, he comes to greet me, “Brother 5, you arrive?”

“Is John here?”

“Yes he is here with Phoenix, in the lounge.” William speaks of John in a slightly disdainful tone, as if he had no good looks at the chief gigolo.

“Clear out the No. 1 compartment and let the foremen, the mummies, the managers of the all the groups, all come to the meeting.” I am ordering gloomy and slowly.

Pause a while, I look at William and say, “do I want you to get things ready?”

Confirmed by William, I nod, with a cold-blooded look in my eyes: “It seems that I’m usually too kind, and I’m going to make it clear today! Rule is the rule!”

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