Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Yuanjia Road is narrow

parked the boat, Ethan turned around near the beach. At first he wanted to set up his camp on the beach by the sea, but after observing for a while, he found that it was too close to the sea. Maybe because the high tide flooded the resting place that I had built so hard, I had to go inside for a while.

“It’s good here.”

looked back, it happened to be a small soil slope, and there was also a certain distance from the woods, so as to avoid suddenly jumping out of the woods to make myself unable to react.

Slightly higher terrain can also avoid the sea water spreading up by the high tide.

“Next I have to build a shed.”

Ethan looked up at the sky. The clear sky didn’t know when it started to have dark clouds. It seemed that it would rain in the next second.

If he can’t build a shelter from the wind and rain in the shortest time, he can only go back to the boat to rest.

Having been floating in the sea for so long, he really wants to sleep firmly on the land now.

Even the exploration of this island has to be put aside for the time being.

“Fortunately, in the dark world, I learned how to make tents with simple materials.”

With Ethan’s current strength, he couldn’t easily cut down the big tree, then cut the wood into the material he needed with dazzling swordsmanship, and then built a perfect wooden house with amazing craftsmanship.

His current strength can only allow him to collect and carry some slightly sturdy branches. The thick wrist is already the limit.

The roof of the shed, he found some relatively large and heavy leaves, and then peeled off the bark from the branches and twisted them into a rope. Combine these messy things together to form a simple tent.

Ethan repaired back and forth, and finally looked at the weird-shaped tent in front of him, and he had no choice but to laugh bitterly: “Somehow it can shelter the wind and rain.”

patted it casually. Although the tent is not very beautiful, it is still very strong and should not be blown down by the wind… right…

got into the tent, Ethan stretched fiercely on the “bed” made of big leaves, thinking about where to start exploring the island tomorrow.

“Let’s take a look around the island first.”

If possible, Ethan wants to explore every inch of the island, around the island and then approaching the center in circles, so as to ensure that he can walk every part of the island and increase The probability of finding the magic stone by yourself.

But he also knows that this method is undesirable because it is too time-consuming.

After many adventurers find the island, their first choice is always to enter the most central area for exploration. It seems that having the most valuable things in the center of the island has become a common rule.

“It must be wrong, otherwise the person told me that there are magic stones on almost all islands, and it will become common sense that everyone knows.”

But the reality is that an old sailor like Wood, who has been floating on the sea for several years, doesn’t necessarily know this.

“Let’s find it slowly, first turn around, choose a standard reference object in several directions, and then choose a direction to explore inside.”

Elimination in one direction and one direction, although a little worse than the way of moving closer to the center in circles, is already the most practical way at the moment.

“I’m the only one. It’s still a bit of a hassle to do this kind of thing. It would be nice if I could have a helper.”

People are always social creatures. When I first went out to sea, Ethan had just left the village and got along with many people for several years. When I first went out to sea, everything was fresh and I didn’t feel much about it.

Later, he was under pressure to survive, and he found that the sea was not peaceful, and he also had an urgent need to improve his strength, so he didn’t have the energy to think about these things for a while.

Now that the strength has been improved, the safety has been guaranteed, and the pressure of survival has suddenly been reduced. In addition, I have taken risks with Ishandra and Zul for a period of time. I am used to the existence of teammates and suddenly changed back to one. People inevitably feel a little lonely.

“In my case, teammates are not easy to find.”

In the process of turning over and over again, Ethan fell into his dreamland with the sound of gradually increasing raindrops. In his dream, he had a lot of teammates and a very large ship. A group of partners lived happily on the ship, and were adventurous again and again. Later, finally found the endless land of legend…

When Ethan opened his eyes, the sun had already risen, and the warm sunlight had heated up his simple tent, and the rain that had remained last night was gone.

Walking out of the tent and washing with the rainwater specially stored last night, Ethan remembered his previous dream.

“Why are there all men on Lao Tzu’s boat in the dream? Didn’t even a girl flicker there? What a good boat!”

Angrily threw the leaves in his hands to the ground, and Ethan put on the armor that Chasi had given him.

He wore this armor for a long time except when he first returned to the calm sea, and then he didn’t wear it again. He just took it out for cleaning and maintenance every day.

Armor, even light armor, is not so comfortable to wear.

At the same time, Ethan finally understood why the knights in the Middle Ages, when wearing armor, covered their back with a coat of war robe, and also covered the entire back with a cloak.

“I used to think that the cloak was just for decoration, but it turned out not to be…”

The inevitable thing about metal armor is that it will absorb heat when exposed to direct sunlight. If it is not covered by cloaks and tabards, then in a slightly hot weather, it will be a metal oven that can move.

In winter, metal will absorb air-conditioning, and if it is not wrapped in a thick cloak, it will become a mobile freezer.

The armor that Chaxi gave himself did not have accessories such as tabards and cloaks, so Ethan couldn’t stand it after only wearing it for a long time, so he had to take it off.

This time Ethan will wear it because he can’t know what dangers exist on this small island. It is better to wear all the equipment just in case.

At the same time, except for a walk around the island at the beginning, most of the island is covered with dense woods, covered by leaves to avoid direct sunlight, and Ethan doesn’t have to worry about turning his armor into an oven.

“Alternatively, you can consider installing a temperature-adjusting magic circle on the armor.”

insisted on walking around the island, feeling that his armor was getting hotter and hotter, Ethan had to adjust his route and choose to walk in the shade as much as possible.

Fortunately, this island is not particularly big. In addition, Ethan’s stamina and footwork are not weak now, so he quickly walked around the island and returned to his camp.

“The island is not big. I only walked around in the middle of the night. I can explore the woods while it is still dark.”

By the way, he still needs to find some food. He has already seen some fruit trees along the way. It was a specialty of this world, and he had this kind of fruit in the materials he exchanged for the guild before.

The name of this kind of fruit is fruit. It is a kind of coconut-like fruit. It is smaller than a coconut and has a greenish skin. It is very fragile and can open a crack with a light blow. The interior is hollow, and the water with the aroma of plants is stored inside.

In addition to the water prepared separately, this fruit is the most important source of water in the world. Almost every adventurer’s boat will store as much fruit as possible.

The water in the bucket has been stored for a long time. If there is no water purification magic stone, it will spoil and become undrinkable, but this kind of fruit can be stored for a long time.

In addition, Ethan guessed that the water in this fruit still contains enough vitamins, because in this barren world, many adventurers rely on dried salted fish and temporarily caught seafood as food and intake of green vegetables. There are very few, but none of the various sailing diseases that I know about appear, most probably because of the existence of these fruits.

Before, Ethan relied on his ability to make water, so he didn’t bring much fruit, but now he accidentally found a lot on this island, and he can fill up a warehouse in his ship.

“I wonder if there is anything else?”

In the following days, Ethan’s life became very regular again. I got up every day to wash and eat, and then I started exploring the island according to the previous plan, collecting foods I knew-I took a sample if I didn’t know it, UU Reading www. is ready to bring it back to the guild for inquiries.

“I made a mistake, I should buy a book of various known food illustrations and the like.”

Ethan does not have much experience after all. He is still exploring a lot of things now. There are many rules in this world that are different from his previous life, which is normal for a while. Fortunately, he will always keep his mistakes in mind and avoid making them again next time.

While exploring like this, Ethan slowly approached the center of the island.

There is nothing strange in the center of the island, just a small soil slope. Compared with the surrounding greenery, it looks a bit desolate and there is no root grass.

Ethan has been here several times before, but never found anything strange.

“Is it underground?”

If that’s the case, it would be troublesome. Ethan didn’t bring any tools for digging. Did he use his long sword to dig the soil? If Kasha knew it, would she cross the plane and stab herself to death?

While Ethan was still hesitating whether to continue exploring other unknown areas or dig here first, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the woods ahead, and then a few people walked out of the woods. .

Ethan looked up and found that there were acquaintances among them.

It was Rodney among the two people he had saved, and he would leave State Island early, just to notice that Rodney seemed to be malicious towards him.

Sure enough, the next guy’s behavior perfectly confirmed Ethan’s judgment.

“Ha, it turned out to be you! It was really unlucky to be met by us here!” Rodney didn’t seem to expect to bump into Ethan, but he immediately looked excited after a two-second pause. “Captain, this kid! He has the magic stone for battle he got from Wood!”

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