Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Discover the island

is back, familiar ship, familiar sea level, and familiar sunlight.

After just staying for a month, Ethan almost forgot what it was like to be covered by the warm sun.

“Although I have gained a lot, I have made some good friends… But I really don’t want to go to that cold and dark world anymore.”

Of course, if Ethan is so strong that he is so powerful in the future, he would be happy to go back and help those who have helped him.

“Maybe, they should save their world from the gap between heaven and hell.”

After living for a month, some knowledge has already been popularized by Akara and Zul.

Strictly speaking, there are three spaces in the dark world, the **** where the demons live, the heaven where the gods live, and the human world sandwiched between heaven and hell, which is where he goes.

Rasma taught even earlier that the most important thing in this world is the balance between heaven and hell. The strength of either party will destroy all human beings. This is also the core teaching content of the Rasma religion. It can be said that the existence of Rasmaism is to maintain the survival of the world and mankind.

“It’s really a tough world.”

Until this time, Ethan did not understand why the demons can never be killed-because the heroes dare not completely wipe out the demons, because when the power of the angels takes the absolute advantage, humans will be completely reduced to the slaves of the gods, and they will never end. It’s better than being ruled by the devil.

The heaven and **** in that world are essentially two countries ruled by high-end creatures. Human beings just happen to live in a neutral zone between the two countries. Naturally, they have become the target of the two races. Human beings are close to each other. Races check and balance each other to survive under the attack of two high-end creatures.

“Oh ”

Thinking of Ishandra and Zul who are about to embark on a journey to deal with Diablo, they told him directly that the final outcome of these two people would not be too good. Like several heroes in Diablo 1, it is difficult to have a good end.

looked at the cuff on the wrist, the ring on the finger, the light armor on his body, the sword, the iron rod…Almost all the equipment was brought from the dark world.

“I’m owing a lot of favor.”

made a secret decision in his heart, Ethan packed up his mood and began to sort out the harvest.

There are several books, including basic magic pharmacy, basic knowledge of magic circle, introduction to basic element magic, and a basic swordsmanship practice handbook.

There are several equipments, such as bracers, rings, light armor, iron rods, and long swords, all of which are magic equipment with various effects.

Not counting the knowledge that still needs a certain amount of time to digest, only relying on the advantages of the equipment, he can easily slap himself a month ago.

“Moreover, I have accumulated a lot of close combat knowledge and combat experience this month.”

It wasn’t until this time that he got rid of the identity of the son of an ordinary fisherman and became a reliable adventurer.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t find any space equipment.”

Looking at the pile of big and small bags, Ethan had a headache while tidying up.

He still doesn’t know what kind of world he will go to in the future, but if he continues to collect all kinds of information in this way, then it is possible for the book to fill the space on the ship, not to mention looking for resources on various floating islands, even There is no place to store food and water.

“Everything else is easy to say, mainly paper books take up too much space… and in this world full of oceans, paper books are particularly troublesome to maintain.”

The humid air filled with salt can cause great damage to paper books. If you can’t take it out often, it will be moldy and damaged soon.

“I don’t know what methods are used to save data in this world…”

suddenly remembered the magic stone that the clerk used to fill in his own information when applying for membership. Ethan looked down at the hand strap that was concealed under the wristband. He remembered that there was his own information in this thing, and the Adventurer’s Guild also had the means to read it. Isn’t this what he wanted?

“The clerk used to write on paper before storing it in the magic stone, indicating that this thing can read information directly from the paper.”

I secretly regretted why I hadn’t remembered this before, and I could use the other party to ask for a similar tool to store these books and materials when I had extra resources in my hands.

“I don’t have any extra resources now. If you want to get similar items, you have to look for floating islands.”

Ethan has always been interested in that magical island in this world. He really wanted to see a calm sea where there was nothing, suddenly floated up to an island, and then in just a few days, from a bare reef or coral island to an island with rich resources, what kind of thing is that? What a magical sight.

“It must be spectacular.”

Before I went to the dark world, the island pointer locked on an island. The only uncertainty was that I had been in the dark world for 30 days. How long has this world passed? Is the island still there?

glanced at the pointer, and still pointed firmly in one direction. Although I don’t know if it was the previous one, it proved that there are islands nearby that can be locked by the pointer.

“According to Uncle Wood’s words, the island’s existence time is not fixed, but it will vibrate frequently before sinking and disappearing. The shorter the vibration interval, the closer the time to sinking.”

This is what Wood told him before, and later he also asked the staff in the guild and learned more specific information.

Floating and sinking The island began to give birth to various lives at an astonishing speed. The fastest three days and the slowest may be the slowest. Maybe in the second before sinking, new life will be born on the island.

These lives are mainly plants, and there are relatively few animals—if animals exist on the island, it proves that the island will exist for at least one year.

According to the guild’s records, there is no record of sinking islands where animals existed since they appeared and sank in less than a year.

“I can still imagine plants… how this animal… emerged out of thin air…”

Ethan couldn’t understand even after thinking about it. He felt that many rules of this world were beyond his imagination.

was sitting on the bow of the Aurora Aurora, Ethan was splashed on his face by the waves split by the bow, while thinking wildly while recovering the mental power he had just consumed.

Back in the calm sea, he started his daily practice again, but compared to the boring practice of spiritual power and water creation before, he now has a few more lessons.

has a lot of experience in close hand-to-hand combat, but his foundation is too weak, the time of practice is too short, and he has no qualifications to be proud and complacent.

At the same time, he began to practice the basic swordsmanship that Kasha gave him—all are basic movements. The handbook is full of various precautions in detail, and almost contains all the errors and questions that novices may have.

Practice is very boring. Fortunately, Ethan can’t do much on this small boat. He is alone and cannot chat with someone. The only thing he can do every day is practice and practice.

Maybe his mental power increased so fast before, and it was also related to this environment-besides practicing hard and reading and studying, he couldn’t find other things to pass the time.

Until now, he still can only use practice to fill his own ‘schedule’.

The boring and regular life seems to be very slow. Although he can feel the improvement of his strength every day, he is not resistant to this kind of exercise and even enjoys it. But occasionally, Ethan would hope for some changes, even if the gusts of wind make the waves bigger and cause some trouble for his voyage.

“Sure enough, so many people died in the previous life, but they were all idle!”

With righteous thoughts, a small black spot appeared on the sea surface at the far end. Ethan stared there for a long time. After confirming that it was not his dizziness, he immediately picked up the binoculars to see more clearly.

“It’s an island!”

Ethan stood at the bow of the boat and watched it for ten minutes, for fear that he had an illusion in his spare time. He didn’t put the telescope down until he was sure that it was the real island.

Compared with the direction pointed by the lower pointer, it was indeed the island that appeared in front. The voyage for more than ten days seemed to have come to an end, and Ethan seemed particularly happy.

“As long as it is no longer the same sea water, it is something to be happy about!”

There are islands. UU reading www.uukā also means there is food. Ethan brought a lot of food this time. He also added a little ration in the dark world. Sometimes he relied on fishing and even fishing nets to fish some seafood to supplement food, but Continuous sailing still consumes most of the inventory. If the island cannot be found, he must consider adjusting the direction and looking for the next point of space-time energy.

“If the clerk did not lie to me, then I have a high probability of finding the magic stone, and I should be able to exchange it for what I want.”

I don’t want to be high-quality magic stones. As long as they are of general quality, they can get enough food and water. Ethan can appropriately reduce the quantity of these materials and exchange them for an item that can be used to record data.

calculated in his heart, the appearance of the island gradually became clear. This is an already formed island with very lush vegetation. Standing on the boat and looking over it, it is green. Because the line of sight is blocked by lush vegetation, it is uncertain whether there are animals on the island.

Ethan controlled the speed of the ship, and at the same time adjusted the direction slightly, so that his ship no longer rushed straight toward the island, but just staggered a bit, and then sailed around the island. This is also convenient for him to observe the waters near the island and find a suitable place to anchor.

Almost no effort, Ethan found a nice place.

It was a small natural harbor. The entrance was not very wide, and there were a few reefs towering up, but the widest place just happened to allow Ethan’s boats to enter. The water in the small bay was moderately deep, the water surface was gentle, and clear through It can be clearly seen from the water surface that there is no reef below and it is full of fine sand. Even if the tide is aground, it will not cause damage to the ship.

“A good place!”

Not only did Ethan find a place to stop the boat, the coast can even be used as a temporary camp on this island.

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