Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Like things together

Ethan looked at Rodney with a look of excitement, and the big man with bright eyes, and he could predict what they would say next.

“Boy! Hand over the magic stone!”

Ethan nodded secretly, and it was exactly the same as he had thought, without even a punctuation mark.

“You have been observing me secretly for a long time, haven’t you?”

didn’t pay attention to the big guy with eyes full of light and winks secretly at his men. He didn’t even bother to pay attention to the two guys who secretly surrounded him and blocked his retreat. Instead, he turned to Rodney.

“You should know that I changed the boat and came out with full supplies, right?” Ethan spread out his hands: “You arrived at State Island with me. You should know that I don’t have any resources to exchange for these things. .”

His meaning is clear. The magic stone you have been thinking about is long gone. What are you going to do next?

Still did not exceed Ethan’s expectation, the few people in front of him did not pay attention to their words at all, they surrounded him on their own, and then took out various weapons.

Long swords, long knives and daggers, even Rodney drew out a scimitar: “Boy, don’t say I don’t believe you, even if you really exchange things with magic stones, today you don’t want to escape alive. Here it is.”

The meaning is obvious, whether Ethan has a magic stone or not, the other party will kill him and take everything from him. At this time, he suddenly realized that he has a lot of equipment on his body. The cause of the stone.

The exquisite light armor, the brand-new long sword, and the exquisite iron rod that is also inserted in the back of the waist, these have all become the reason for the opponent to do it himself.

“Sure enough, things gather together by kind.”

A Rodney, don’t thank yourself for saving him, just forget it, just because of a magic stone, it became harmful. And the groups newly joined by such people are all similar robbers. They don’t care about the mess when they see good things, so they just grab them and grab them.

“Although I have known this for a long time, I am sure it will strengthen my conviction.”

Ethan didn’t look down on these stinky sweet potato rotten bird eggs, saying that they were less likely to insult them than zombies, but they really had no advantage compared with Sinking Demon.

After countless battles in the dark world, Ethan is no longer an ordinary boy without the power of a chicken, and it is precisely because of this that he has the confidence to stand here, quietly watching them perform.

At the same time, he didn’t want to just make guesses to decide the life and death of others, but once he was sure that the other party was indeed a scum, he would not hesitate and be kind.

After making a decision in his heart, Ethan didn’t even bother to talk nonsense. He always believed that in this situation, he should not waste his saliva. It is much more useful to kill the opponent or half to death than to reason.

half-turned fiercely, his right hand quickly raised and shot a short arrow at the guy behind him.

The short arrow on Ethan’s wristband is triggered entirely by mental power, and it is very convenient to use. The advantage of this is that the opponent has no time to react. He has been shot by the short arrow before he understands what is going on.

Because the short arrow on the wristband is not powerful, it can only guarantee a certain lethality within ten meters. In addition, the short arrow itself is small. If a similar weapon does not directly hit the throat and other vital points, it is basically difficult to cause too much damage. Can only play a role in interference.

So most people who use this type of weapon will smear poison on the short arrows to make up for the lack of damage.

Ethan did not do this, because his short arrows are more brutal!


The sound of the explosion shook everyone, and the flames that erupted even surprised a few people.

These people did not include Ethan. After shooting an arrow, he immediately drew the long sword from his waist, and then slashed directly at another enemy who wanted to block his way without hesitation for half a second.

The sound is almost inaudible. Ethan’s sword cut was extremely accurate, and he cut directly from the man’s throat. The sharp point of the sword was not obstructed at all, and a slender opening was opened in the enemy’s throat.

This sword is almost the most perfect sword he has wielded since he learned swordsmanship. Whether it is power, speed or angle, all are just right. Perfect to the point where everyone reacts to what happened, the man is already lying on the ground and convulsing. It’s-the throat being chopped off does not die immediately.

Ethan is not a person who likes to torture enemies, so he didn’t let this person suffer any more, he just made a sword and ended his life.

Until this time, when the situation turned upside down, the big man on the other side realized what had happened.


first jumped angrily, then turned around and slap Rodney’s eyes at the gold star.

“Didn’t you say that this is a rookie who just came out of a small country island?”

After all, he has been in the sea for several years, and he has done a lot of ‘business’ but he is still alive and well, relying on never to provoke or provoke the characters’ caution.

If Rodney hadn’t told himself before, that the man who got the magic stone was a rookie who had just gone out to sea and was a thin young man with little strength, he would never have the idea of ​​grabbing things from the other party.

But now, where is the other kid from the country?

A rookie who just went to sea?

He is not a blind man. The skillful movements of that kid must be a cruel character who doesn’t know how many people he has killed. Moreover, at the beginning, the opponent still has magic stone equipment, which is not something he can provoke.

If Ethan knew what was in the other party’s heart, he would definitely scream wrong. Although he has been working hard and killed many monsters with Isandra and Zul, it’s the first time to kill someone today. What is a cruel character? ?

As for the magic stone equipment? His previous pair of bracers could barely be regarded as magic stone equipment, but now he has a pair of authentic magic equipment, produced by the dark world and carefully crafted by Ishandra, quality assurance!

“Man, this is actually a misunderstanding. I am willing to offer half of all the supplies on my ship, as long as you let me go.”

Ethan heard these words and almost laughed out of a pig cry.

“If I expressed my willingness to offer supplies before, would you let me leave safely?”

The big man stopped talking. Of course, he could just make up nonsense, of course, but that didn’t make any sense. From Ethan’s answer, he already understood the meaning of the young man opposite.

“Then there is nothing to talk about.”

“There is nothing to talk about.”

Ethan didn’t let their thoughts go from the beginning. It was Rodney’s kind of you who saved him. Instead, he was full of thoughts about the existence of killing you, that he wanted to kill you with a stick. Let go? Isn’t that trouble for yourself?

The same is true for several other people. Now that both sides have torn their faces, they have been killed by themselves. Will they not hate themselves?

Cut the grass and root! Eliminate evil!

raised his hand, Ethan seemed to be about to shoot another short arrow while the opponent hadn’t dispersed yet.

The other party had been wary of his hand a long time ago. As soon as he raised his hand, several people hurriedly made an evasive action. But what they didn’t expect was that Ethan just flicked this time, instead firing a Frost Arrow with his left hand.

The Frost Arrow is not as lethal as the Fire Arrow, but the Frost Arrow has more uses in the auxiliary. Ethan aimed at the feet of two of them who were closer, and the sudden burst of freezing air spread on the ground. There is a layer of hard ice, and the ground is particularly flat, without even roots of weeds.

The next thing did not exceed Ethan’s expectations. The two people who stepped on the ice and lost their balance directly fell in front of Ethan who had been waiting there.

Stabbed from the back of the heart, one sword at a time.

Although one of them reacted and wanted to roll aside to avoid him, he was hindered by his companion’s corpse and could only be stabbed to death with a sword by Ethan.

The few people    brought over, only himself and Rodney were left in the blink of an eye. At this time, the big man also started thinking about running away. And he not only wanted to run, but also acted.

In order to ensure that he could escape smoothly, he pushed Rodney out as a shield, hoping to block Ethan and buy time so that he could escape.

“As long as you can get to the boat.”

The place where they landed is not in the same direction as Ethan, and they have deliberately cleared the road along the way, so as long as he rushed up, and Rodney blocked for a while, UU Reading believes Ethan has no way to catch up. Yourself. If Rodney can entangle for a while, he would be safe.

He was still too naive. The moment Ethan saw Rodney rush up, his left hand pulled the iron rod out of his back. The dazzling arc danced happily on Rodney’s body, leading Rodney to dance an unknown dance. Let alone entangled Ethan, he couldn’t even block him for a moment, and he was electrocuted to the ground and couldn’t move.

Looking at the position of the big man, he returned his hand to insert the long sword on the ground, raised his free right hand, and used Ishandra’s coldly engraved fireball technique. A watermelon-sized fireball instantly formed in Ethan’s hand. Then whistling and chasing the big man.

The big man was secretly happy when he didn’t hear the chase behind him, but suddenly felt a heat wave behind him. Realizing that it was not good, he didn’t even dare to look back, so he just prepared to fly towards the big tree next to him. .

wanted to hide behind the big tree to avoid the attack, while also being able to get out of Ethan’s line of sight, the big man’s judgment fully demonstrated his rich combat experience.

Unfortunately, his previous experience cannot help him this time.

The fireball didn’t need to hit him completely. The moment he paused, he was approached close enough by the fireball, and then there was a loud bang.

The powerful impact suddenly exploded, and the big man flew out, and slammed into the thick trunk that he originally wanted to use as a cover. The huge force even smashed the big tree into two pieces.

Looking at the big man who was blown up and hit a tree and finally fell to the ground like a rag. After Ethan confirmed that he was dead, the first battle in the Sea of ​​Calm ended.

The enemy had six dead and no injuries, but he… only lost two short arrows.

“It’s a perfect battle.”

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