Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1024

Chapter 12 The Avengers’ plan

Tony kept circling around the fat house version of Thor. He was not awakening any bad habits, but was shooting with his own glasses.

Such a good material, of course, he can’t let it go. Just like when Thor was bullied by Ethan with space magic, he also shot a lot of material. Not only did he collect a copy, he also shared it with his friends.

Thor didn’t care about Tony’s ridicule. He has experienced too many things in this world. It is difficult for him to fluctuate sharply with ordinary provocations. He is even in the mood to make a joke of himself, holding the meat on his belly with his hands. After shaking twice, he said something to the younger Tony in front of him.

“I’m storing divine power!”

“Be careful not to save too much!”

patted Thor’s arm casually, which was different from the touch that seemed to be patted on a stone back then. Tony’s action caused waves of flesh and made everyone feel speechless.

“Let’s talk about business!”

Steve got the topic back on track. After this period of conversation [.], he already knew what Clint had gone through. Now he wants to know if there is any problem with that space-time machine?

“There should be no problem, but Clint was hijacked by Ethan to their time and space. It is impossible to determine whether this test succeeded or failed.”

What makes Banner and Ant-Man Scott even more troublesome is that there are not many Pim particles left. In this case, they have no way to continue testing and can only take a risk and start planning.

“Speaking of which, what is your plan to save the world?”

Ethan didn’t speak before, so he asked at this time.

Although he knew Steve and their plan a long time ago, he wanted to know not only him, but also Tony who came here with Ethan.

“We plan to go to the parallel world to collect all the infinite gems, and then use the power of the infinite gems to bring those who disappeared back.”


Ethan nodded, this plan is actually very reliable, and then the group of people began to discuss at which point in time they should go to get gems. After discussion, I came to the conclusion that we should divide into three groups and go to different parallel universes to collect infinite gems.

Among them, Iron Man, Captain America, Ant-Man, and the Hulk went to New York at the time of the Battle, trying to find a way to get the universe cube and psychic scepter, as well as the time gems kept by Kama Taj’s mage.

Tony and the others thought they were going to Stephen Strange because of the report. Ethan reminded them a little bit.

“At that point in time, the supreme mage who guarded the earth was still Gu Yi, and Stephen Strange was still working as a doctor.”

Several people looked at each other, but they didn’t know about it.

“you sure?”

“Of course I am sure.”

Captain America, they feel a bit of a headache, because they don’t understand what kind of person Gu Yi is, and they don’t know whether they can persuade the Strange’s predecessor to give themselves the gem of time.

But this question can be a little later, maybe Gu Yi speaks better than imagined?

In addition to this team, there is also a team composed of Thor and Rocket Raccoons. They will go to Asgard before the Dark Elf invasion. At that time, the etheric particles were parasitic in Jane Foster’s body. They needed to make a special one. Equipped to extract ether particles from Jane’s body.

The last group of people is Gears of War, Nebula, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. This group will separate after arriving in the parallel universe. One group will get the universe spirit ball before the star, and the other group will need Go get the soul gem.

“That’s it? Is this your plan?”

As time went on, everyone who was not at the Avengers base also rushed over, except for Captain Marvel, who didn’t know which hair salon in the universe was busy doing hairstyles.

“Yes it is.”

Ethan heard the affirmative answer from the other party, and had an urge to cover his face.

“Is there anything wrong?”

With the expression of Ethan, even people with arrears in IQ can see how much this person despises their plans, which makes the Avengers very upset and feels underestimated.

“Hey, if you think there is something wrong with this plan, then come up with better suggestions.”

Scott always said whatever he thought of, and his words happened to say what everyone was saying, so everyone turned their eyes to Ethan, wanting to see this person they never knew, What is the high point of the “companion” of the Avengers from the parallel world.

“You want to collect all infinite gems, right?”

“That’s right.”

Steve can still talk to Ethan peacefully. He doesn’t care about the plan being despised. If Ethan can give a better choice, it will undoubtedly be a lucky thing.

“You chose these three time points mainly because these gems are precisely located and not particularly scattered.”

“Is such that.”

Ethan stretched out his hands and assumed a speechless posture.

“In that case, you know the time when these six gems are all gathered together, why not choose that time?”


The Avengers were silent suddenly, as if Captain America immediately understood what Ethan meant.

“You mean…take it from Thanos?”

“Uh-huh!” Ethan nodded, holding his arm.

“But Thanos’s strength…”

This is why they didn’t think about it, because Thanos’s strength was too strong. When six infinite gems were in his hands, it was simply invincible. Even if Thanos had only one or two gems in his hand, It’s not so easy to deal with, so they instinctively ignored this choice.

“Didn’t you kill him?”

Now everyone understands that Ethan is not asking everyone to fight with the strongest Thanos who has just got all the gems, but to go to the planet where Thanos chose to retreat, to sneak attack on the poor Saanos. North.

“If you think this is more dangerous, you can also choose to stay in Thanos’ hut some time in advance, wait for him to complete his ‘justice feat’ and launch a sneak attack when he escapes there.”

At that time, Thanos was severely injured by Thor’s axe, and the snapping of his fingers caused a certain amount of backlash, leaving his body in the weakest state.

If Thanos leaves the earth and is about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly rushing out in all directions to attack him, the chances of success are very high. Actually, they did it a few years ago.

The Avengers thought silently for a while, and Ant-Man looked at his left and right companions, and finally admitted that Ethan’s suggestion seemed to be good, and awkwardly gave Ethan a compliment: “It is indeed a good plan!”

“But facing Thanos directly, even if it is injured, there is a possibility of failure…We can’t fail.”

Ethan’s plan sounds like a high success rate, but it is definitely not as safe as the original plan, because these gems are not kept by any powerful person.

Cosmic Rubik’s Cube and Mind Scepter were kept by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with the end of the New York War. They only need to use their brains to get these two gems.

The gem of time is in the hands of the Supreme Mage, and what he has to do is to persuade the opponent instead of snatching it.

The ether particles are in Jane Foster’s body. Jane was in Asgard at the time. Thor only needs to find a chance to get close to his ex-girlfriend, and there will be no enemies to stop him.

As for the universe spirit ball? The only competitor is a fool, and the soul gem is on a desolate planet.

“No, soul gems are not that easy to get.”

No one here knows that getting a soul gem requires a sacrifice of a soul. Nebula just thought that Thanos killed Kamora after getting the soul gem. Everyone thought that they could get the soul gem directly by going to Vomer.

“If you want to get the soul gem, you must sacrifice the life of the most important person in your life… Who are you going to die?”

Hearing that the acquisition of soul gems still had this condition, the Avengers immediately realized that the original plan was infeasible.

Although both Hawkeye and Black Widow are willing to sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation, Captain America, as the ‘commander’, would never agree.

“In this case, let’s go directly to Thanos. I really want to chop another axe on his neck!”

Doing other things, Thor can’t lift the energy, but against Thanos? He has motivation no matter how many times he plays.

“Uh… if you can still use the axe.”

Roddy, the war machine, has become a Tucao madman since he was injured, and he will say something from time to time. When he turned Thor after Tucao, he saw Tony in the parallel universe standing next to him, tilting his head to look at himself. .

“Hey, don’t tell me what special relationship we have in the parallel world.”

Because Tony is looking at the awkward position, Roddy is a little flustered What? Oh, I’m just looking at this…exoskeleton device on you! Tony pointed to the walking aid on Roddy: “How long has it been used?” ”

“Don’t worry, I’m used to it.”

Roddy suddenly felt that this is indeed Tony, even if it is from another universe, he is still the good buddy he is familiar with.

“It seems that I am doing well in another world.”

Tony nodded his head as an answer. He knew from Hawkeye that there had been internal conflicts among the Avengers in this world, but he didn’t know that Roddy was seriously injured.

Look around again, the haggard Natasha, Clint who is much older, Steve who is always frowning, and the other self who is much older.


“Don’t worry, it’s very simple.”

No nonsense at all, Ethan knew what Tony wanted to ask himself, no action, just a thought came up, and the golden light had enveloped Roddy’s body.

The sudden change caught everyone off guard. When they reacted to what they wanted to ask, they found that they didn’t need to speak anymore.

The golden light gradually faded, Tony reached out and turned off Roddy’s device, and Roddy, who was a little confused, still stood there firmly.

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