Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1023

Chapter 11 The Avengers of Parallel Worlds

“You come with me?”

Eagle Eye wants to say that he wears special clothes and uses Pim particles to complete the time travel. There is no way you can travel with yourself.

But when he turned his head, he remembered that Dr. Pim in this world was still alive, and there was a world-class scientist Tony Stark in front of him. The problems he was thinking about were not a problem at all.

What’s more, the person who said this is a **** who can walk freely in countless universes. Maybe people can go to their own world without the help of any equipment.

“What are you going to do?”

“Look at what you plan first.”

Ethan doesn’t have much thoughts about going to the parallel universe. He simply owes his hands and “hijacks” Hawkeye. Since he owes his hands, he must be responsible for the end. He can’t pit people and cause the universe to maintain this state Go down.

And… even if Ethan didn’t want to go next to him, he wouldn’t agree.

“Very good, I will go too.”

“What are you going to do?” Ethan specifically reminded Tony: “Thanos in their world has been hacked to death by Thor. If you want to fight with Thanos, I’m afraid to find another parallel universe.”

“No, no, I just want to see me in another world.”

That is equivalent to what would happen if he didn’t meet Ethan, he was a little curious about what he would be like like this.

“Then spit out a few words by the way?”

“It depends on the situation to decide whether to complain.”

Steve covered his face. He wanted to go and take a look, but he always felt that going with these two people was a shame. He thought it was better!

“When to set off?”

“Go now!”

Tony’s equipment is all with him, Ethan doesn’t need extra preparation, and Hawkeye wants to go back a long time ago, so they just left without waiting for Thor.

“what should I do?”

“You don’t need to do anything, just stand still here.”

A faint golden light appeared on the tip of Ethan’s finger, and then lightly tapped on Hawkeye Clint, and then flicked his hand forward, a long line of golden energy appeared out of thin air, extending straight forward into a void.

“what is this?”

“This line connects the world you belong to. I want to find the universe where you are through this track.”

Hawkeye nodded. This is easy to understand. There is a void in front of him, and there are countless spots of light that look like stars. According to Ethan’s explanation, every light spot represents a universe.

“It looks a lot, isn’t it hard to find?”

“It’s not difficult, I have found it.”

Ethan then patted Hawkeye’s back gently, and kindly reminded him: “Be mentally prepared, this journey may not be very comfortable!”


Clint hadn’t reacted yet, the whole person had already moved forward violently, flying forward uncontrollably as if being dragged by something.

Almost at the same time as he flew out, the helmet activated to protect his head, from extremely quiet to a high-speed flying state, making him feel uncomfortable, his eyes turned black and a feeling of nausea, and it took a while to slow down. Come here.

At this time, he has come to a strange space, and the surrounding colorful colors are very beautiful. Isn’t this a quantum realm?

He looked around in wonder, and then looked back, and found that there was nothing behind him, he was flying forward in the quantum realm, and he quickly left this space and returned to the normal world.

Clint looked at himself in wonder, and then looked around. Captain America Steve, Black Widow Natasha, Banner, and Ant-Man Scott, who have been fused with the Hulk, are all here. They are staring. There was a trace of tension on his face while looking at himself.


When everyone saw Clint, the first reaction was failure. Steve was trying to comfort him, but saw Clint looking around with a weird expression.

“what happened to you?”

Is something wrong? Doesn’t it hurt your brain?

Thinking like this, Clint asked a question that they didn’t understand at all: “Just me? Did you see anything strange?”


“I don’t know, maybe something went wrong? Or is there something in the quantum field that affected Clint’s cognition?”

They all felt that Clint must be in something wrong, and at this moment a bright light suddenly flashed beside Clint, and then a blue light door appeared out of thin air.

This light gate is a bit similar to the portal that Thanos used at the beginning. This made several people very nervous, so they touched the weapon the first time.

But when Ethan and Tony walked out of the portal, the reactions of several people became weird.


Steve looked at the people next to him. After making sure that he was not dazzled, he looked at Clint with questioning eyes and told him intuitively that Clint could tell him what happened?

“Don’t be nervous, everyone!”

When Clint saw the appearance of Ethan and Tony, he could be sure that what he saw before was not the illusion he saw in the quantum realm, but the real thing that happened when he just returned. I wonder if I saw an illusion?

The appearance of    Ethan and Tony made him affirm that he really went to another peculiar parallel world, where what he saw and heard was not an illusion.

“These two are Tony and Ethan in parallel worlds, they are here to help.”

“Tony of Parallel World? So we succeeded?”

Banner waved his hand in excitement, almost smashing the console, and his action also attracted Tony’s attention.

“Banna? How did you become like this? Oh, this look is terrible.”

Tony saw at a glance that this was the change after Banner and Hulk merged, but this fusion is not a better change.

When he opened his mouth, the few people next to him felt that ‘this is still the familiar Tony’, but the identity of the visitor from the parallel universe made them feel a little strange, because there is still Tony Stark standing there.

He hasn’t spoken, but he kept looking at the other self there, and he noticed one thing from the first glance.



“Which year did you go to the parallel world?”

Everyone saw his question, and the few people who reacted quickly also noticed the problem: Does this Tony look a little young? In that case, it means that the positioning of their instrument is not accurate, and Clint did not go to the time and place they scheduled.

The problem is big. If they can’t land accurately, their follow-up plan will be completely impossible to unfold.

“Don’t worry, your equipment is okay. Clint’s landing location will be off because I forcibly pulled him into my world.”

“You’hijacked’ Clint into your world?”

Tony Stark of this universe immediately understood what Ethan meant.

“how did you do it?”

“One thought, gently hook your finger, like this.”

Yi Sen gently picked his finger, and the pure water not far away came into Yi Sen’s hand.

“Super power? Mage?”


Tony of this world frowned. He thought of a possibility: “The Supreme Mage of another universe is not Strange?”

“No, the supreme mage in my world is still Strange, I have no interest in the position of the supreme mage.”

The conversation between the two of them was incapable of being inserted into the conversation, so they could only stand aside blankly. Steve could see that Tony was testing the stranger, so he didn’t have a socket, just observing quietly. At the same time, Natasha Also took advantage of this moment and talked with Clint in a low voice, also to clarify the situation.

At the same time, although everyone did not talk to the Tony from another world, they all noticed that Tony first observed the entire device, then went to the console to take a look, and finally started to observe each other. Kind of details in the corners, even want to reach out and take a look.

“Hey, please don’t move randomly.”

Although Stark in this world has been talking to Ethan, his eyes always pay attention to the other self. Based on his understanding of himself, he must be curious to check all kinds of equipment he has never seen before.

Sure enough, he started to get started after a round, and he immediately reminded him not to stretch out his hand.

“What? Are you worried that I will break your machine?”

Tony still stretched out his hand, preparing to pry open the shell to see the structure inside, but his movement was blocked by Banner and Natasha together.

“Hey, Tony!”

“Hi, Nat…you look so haggard.”

“Clint should have said our situation is not so good.”

“I know, so I’m here.”

This arrogant spirit is very Tony Stark, except for Tony Stark in this world, no one doubts his identity anymore.

It was Ethan’s identity that made them very curious. He was a stranger who had never been in contact.

“I have no objection to discussing the situation in detail, but let’s change the place first.”

Steve had already figured out the situation through Clint. Ethan and this Tony were indeed here to help. He couldn’t drive away his enthusiastic parallel world ‘companion’, so he greeted the two of them to the meeting room.

And there is nothing worth studying in the conference room. Tony Stark in another world can put away his curiosity so as not to ruin the last hope of the world.

came to the meeting room, basically the remaining superheroes are here, because I heard that there were guests from the parallel universe, the few people I hadn’t seen just now also appeared and saw the fat house version of Thor with my own eyes.

“Oh I sell it!”

Ethan hasn’t reacted yet, but Tony, who came with him, showed a very exaggerated expression, and he didn’t pretend it. He really didn’t expect Thor to be like this.

“Man, how about your supernatural power? Didn’t it help you digest the excess calories?”

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