Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1025

Chapter 13 Don’t even think about being clean when

Roddy’s injury was healed by Ethan casually, and this magical sight made everyone a little bit embarrassed.

“Can the wizard do this kind of thing?”

Tony Stark in this world watched it back and forth several times, and also used his own equipment to scan his friend Roddy in detail, confirming that his injuries have healed, and even his muscle strength has been restored. At its peak-this is so unscientific!

Although he has seen a lot of unscientific things, he still thinks this scene is amazing.

“Next is Banner.”


Bruce Banner pointed to himself, he didn’t know what was wrong with him.

“Do you want to be like this all the time?”

The current Banner is the appearance of the Hulk. Banner’s thoughts seem to be a fusion of the two. In fact, this integration is not complete because Banner can’t perfectly control Hulk’s power.

“Then what should I do?”

“You stretch out your hand!”

Banner handed his hand over. Ethan didn’t say “the sun is setting” against his palm. Instead, he directly brought Banner into the spiritual world, allowing him to face the other self in his own spiritual world. It’s Hulk.

In this spiritual world, Ethan taught him how to control his ‘power’ so that he can freely switch back and forth between Hulk and ordinary people.

It took a long time in the spiritual world to complete this teaching, but when Banner opened his eyes, he realized that time did not seem to have passed.


Banner glanced at the hands that had returned to normal and the loose clothes on his body, then turned to ask Steve next to him.

“How long has the time passed?”

“After Ethan touched your hand, your appearance changed. After you became a normal person, you opened your eyes…” Steve estimated in his heart: “About a minute?”

Banner understood that the flow rate in the spiritual world is very different from the flow rate in the real world. It may have been a long time in the spiritual world, and the actual time outside has only passed for a moment.

“Can I become Hulk as I want?”

“Yes, but your strength may not be as good as the real Hulk.”

This is how Banner in his world taught Banner to master his own power. This is a problem that can be solved by copying it.

As for the remaining people, there should be no need for his special attention, and Ethan, who helped Banner and Roddy, finally gained the favor of this group of people.

“Next, I will help you arrange a place to live.”

The base of the Avengers is very large, all facilities are very complete, it is not difficult to find two rooms for Ethan and another Tony.

It is estimated that no one will take a break tonight. Many people are interested in another world, and the two Tonys are looking at each other with unpleasant expressions. Roddy, who is worried about the outbreak of conflict between the two Tonys, can only follow all the time—— It’s not a good thing to suddenly feel that your legs and feet become sharper!

left the conference room and came to the cafeteria, chatting casually while eating, while Thor kept drinking, and then asked the other world about his own situation.

“You mean, the me of your world became the **** king of Asgard and just killed Thanos?”

“Clint was also there, you can ask him.”

Klin nodded, and then looked at the fat version of Thor below, and couldn’t control his urge to complain.

“To be honest, that person is more worthy of the title of Thor than you.”

“How could someone be more worthy of the title of Thor than me? Do you know what is flowing in my body?”

“Cheese sauce!”

Roddy, who was sitting in the distance, suddenly came out, making everyone laugh.

“Tor, regain strength as soon as possible if possible. We are going to **** infinite gems from Thanos. You are an indispensable combat power.”

Because of the soul gem, everyone has abandoned the original plan and chose the time when Thanos finished snapping his fingers and fled to that remote planet. They will make arrangements in advance and launch a sneak attack the moment Thanos arrives.

Even if it is a sneak attack, Thor needs to regain full combat power, because they don’t have another chance. Whether they can save the world depends on their action.

“Don’t worry, as long as I face Thanos, I will always be in my best condition.”

Thor knew that his strength had dropped a lot, but he wouldn’t be persuaded at this time.

“When shall we leave?”

Ethan was stuffing French fries into his mouth while watching the conversation between these people. Their expressions were still solemn. It seemed that facing Thanos directly made them feel tremendous pressure.

Ordinary people like Black Widow and Hawkeye do not have the strength to face Thanos at all, and at most they will shout six or six six by the time.

“I have sent a message to Carol, and I have to wait for her to reply.”

Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel, the superhero who once held the’Hope of the Village’, in fact, did not have much chance to shine in this battle. The only bright spot was the destruction of Thanos’ battleship. , And then hit the soy sauce on the battlefield.

“While Carol is not here yet, Thor, hurry up and lose weight!”

Tor stopped talking. He was also thinking about how much he could recover during this period, but Clint thought of another way.

“In fact, we can find more helpers.”

Everyone was taken aback, even the two Tonys who were chatting in a low voice not far turned their heads and looked over, wanting to hear what Clint could do?

“Since Ethan can go back and forth freely in the parallel world, and even bring Tony over, he can also bring other people over.”

He has seen how fierce Thor in that world is. If he can call that powerful Thor over, the probability of winning will undoubtedly increase a lot.


“That Thor has already killed a Thanos, and I won’t let it this time.”

Clint’s suggestion caused dissatisfaction between two people, namely Thor, who felt underestimated, and Tony Stark, who ran over to pretend to be forced.

“I think I can prepare now, this Thanos will be handed over to me to deal with it.”

“Well, we don’t have any extra Pim particles, unless you can follow us to another parallel world.” Scott turned his head and looked at Ethan, who was eating fries slowly next to him: “Can you do it?”


Ethan’s answer was simple, and then he took the onion ring to him.

“But it doesn’t have to be so troublesome, there is an easier way.”

“What do you mean?”

Ethan is still stuffing onion rings in his mouth, answering their questions by the way.

“If you want to fight against Thanos and grab the infinite gem from him, you don’t have to go to the parallel world.”

The answer is yes, but everyone still doesn’t understand what Ethan means. Ethan can only give some demonstrations for everyone to understand.

He looked at the table, and then at the black widow who was eating an apple.

“Let me use Apple.”

“This one?”

Natasha glanced at the apple that had been eaten with only a half of the flesh left in her hand, and she didn’t understand what Ethan wanted to do.

“Just put it on the table.”

Natasha did not refuse, she put the apple directly on the table, then Ethan stuffed the last onion ring into her mouth, patted her hands twice and wiped her mouth with a wet towel before she stood up.

He didn’t squat a horse and then put on a special posture. By the way, he gritted his teeth as if it was very laborious; he just stretched out his right hand, and when he stretched out his right hand, a piece of green energy was released and condensed into various mysteries. The symbol of was wrapped around Ethan’s arm in a loop.

Ethan seemed to be holding a green ball of light in his palm, and then as he gently turned, the green halo on his arm was slowly rotating.

It’s okay. The light and shadow effects. The Avengers have all seen big winds and waves. What really attracted them to notice was the plain apple on the table that was eaten with only a small amount of flesh left.

As Ethan’s wrist turned counterclockwise, the apple slowly recovered to become a whole, and then the red apple slowly turned into turquoise as Ethan continued to rotate.

“this is……”

As Ethan turned clockwise again, the cyan apples slowly matured, and then they were eaten bite by bite in everyone’s magical eyes, leaving only the core of the apple.

It’s not over yet, Ethan is still slowly turning his wrist, and the apple core begins to slowly degenerate and rot, and then Ethan gently rotates it counterclockwise for a while, and then returns to Natasha on the table. The state at the time of loading.

Ethan put away the energy in his hands and spread his hands gently.

“you got it?”

There is nothing I don’t understand. Thanos used this method to resurrect the illusion that was killed by the Scarlet Witch, and then took away the soul gem.

Ethan’s meaning is clear, and he also has this ability.

“Do you have time gems?”

“No! The gem of time is at Strange.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“You can do it naturally if you have enough strength It sounds like easy, but after a little thought, everyone can understand that ordinary people can’t do it for a lifetime, and even Doctor Strange can’t do this kind of thing— —That guy needs a gem of time.

Steve suddenly thought of a question.

“How strong are you?” It felt inappropriate to ask, so he said a reference standard: “Compared with Thanos…”

“Well…” Ethan didn’t know how to answer. Now his strength far exceeds Thanos. Even Thanos with Infinite Gloves is equally vulnerable to him: “You can be crushed to death by hand! ”

These words sounded like bragging to a few people around.

Steve frowned as he wanted to say something, when suddenly there was a crackling noise, which was mixed with thunder. You don’t need to ask him to know that Thor summoned his battle axe.

“Let me see how strong you are!”

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