Entertaining Children

Chapter 1275

Chapter 1275 I broke the news

Chapter 1275

“Okay,” Fang still agreed, “After the meeting, we will select and contact journalists for interviews. What are the requirements for reporters for interviews? Also, when is it set?”

For Xiao Yao’s reputation, the number of interviews with media reporters is relatively small. Unless it is a work promotion or an event that is caught, Xiao Yao rarely accepts interviews for personal matters, and he also has a bad opinion among media reporters.

This time the studio took the initiative to contact reporters to invite him to interview Xiao Yao. The reason was the topic of Xiao Yao’s visit to the casino recently, and Fang still believed that no matter which reporter they contacted, the other party should be desperate for it. Therefore, Fang still believes that the reporter candidate and time for the interview can be completely on Xiao Yao’s side.

“The candidate, as I just said, those who oppose it, don’t have a good relationship with us, the others don’t matter.” Xiao Yao said, “As for the time, of course the better the better. Now it’s ten in the evening on my side. If you have more points, it will be more than one noon on your side. So, two hours later, at 4 o’clock on your side, I will connect with the reporter! This way, before prime time tonight, the report of this interview should be available online It’s coming out.”

“Two hours?” Fang still hesitated, “Is the time too late?”

“I’m not saying that we can’t find anyone here, but that we don’t have much time to prepare.” Fang still added.

“No need to prepare!” Xiao Yao said, “In this interview, the reporter will definitely ask me why I go to the casino so frequently, and I will not explain the real reason. Therefore, the content of this interview is not the focus, but my state is. Key point. The reporter should record the process of the online interview, and I will also record it here. What you have to do is to post the video of my interview after the news report comes out, and then find someone to target me during the interview To analyze and comment on the state of the show. Simply put, it is to tell everyone that a person who is addicted to gambling will not be as calm and organized as in my interview.”

“Regardless of the content of the interview, only analyze and comment on the performance and state of the interview, is this okay?” Fang still asked.

“Why not?” Xiao Yao said, “Judging and inferring some experiences and events based on people’s behavior is originally the content of behavioral psychology, and some psychologists who study this aspect or police interrogations can use it. The content in this area should also be attractive. Of course, I am not asking you to find a psychologist or the police to analyze me. That is too fake. Find some seemingly ordinary passerby accounts or have interests and interests in this area. The experienced small V posted this kind of comment, and then figured out a way to transfer the point of discussion to this.”

“My request is: the enthusiasm for discussing this matter doesn’t need to disappear completely, or even if it doesn’t come down. As long as the public opinion doesn’t continue to lean towards one side and say that I am depraved and addicted to gambling,” Xiao Yao continued, “Interview. When it’s over, I don’t care. You decide how to do it yourself!”

Fang still turned to look at the person in charge of the public relations department. The person in charge considered for a while and nodded.

“Okay!” Fang still saw the person in charge of the public relations department nodding, and agreed.

“Let’s do that first, thank you for your hard work!” Xiao Yao disconnected.

“Tim, in two hours, I will accept an interview with a reporter from a Chinese media through the Internet.” After closing the computer, Xiao Yao said to Tim Haggis, “I will be in this living room during the interview. .”

When Xiaoyao and Fang still connected, Tim Haggis was also in the living room of the suite. Xiao Yao and Fang still waited for a meeting without thinking about whether Tim Haggis could understand them, so what he said just now to Fang still waited in Chinese, and Tim Haggis could not understand them.

When Xiao Yao is interviewed by reporters, he will still be in this living room. The suite is for two people, so Xiao Yao confessed to Tim Haggis.

“Accept the interview? Is this your method?” Tim Haggis said, “Do you need me to speak for you then?”

“Do you want to appear in the China Media News?” Xiao Yao looked at Tim Haggis, and shook his head after thinking. “Although I really want to show off to the people of China that I have an FBI agent friend, but you After all, they are special professionals and are not suitable for appearing in the media. At least they should not appear in the media because of my personal affairs. The news of my going to the casino was transmitted to China after being reported by the American media. China’s news about me is also It may not be spread to the United States, and it may have an impact on your future work.”

“Okay,” Tim Haggis shrugged and spread his hands. “Since you say that, then I will sit in a place where the camera can’t take pictures, and I’ll just be fine.”

“Are you going to sit here with me for two hours?” Xiao Yao asked, “It’s almost 11 o’clock in the evening.”

“Ah, yes,” Tim Haggis suddenly said, “It’s early in the morning in two hours. I’d better go to my room to sleep. Don’t worry, I won’t run out suddenly.”

Tim Haggis went back to the room to rest, and Xiao Yao also went back to his bedroom. However, Xiao Yao didn’t go to bed, but took a bath and changed his clothes to make himself look more energetic.

Huaxia Shencheng. After disconnecting from Xiao Yao, the people in Xiao Yao’s studio started to perform their duties.

The first step is to determine who will interview the reporter.

Because Xiao Yao is in the United States, the interview method is online video connection, not face-to-face, and the selection of this media reporter does not need to be limited to Shanghai. Xiao Yao’s requirements are not high. One is media reporters who have reprinted reports and commented on Xiao Yao’s visit to the casino before and are opposed to it. The other is time. In view of these two points, the people in the studio made a list according to the first point, and then called one by one to contact them, as long as the time can be met, it is fine.

The first media reporter on the   studio list is Wang Wen. He is in his thirties. He has worked in this industry for more than ten years and has rich experience. He is considered a small well-known name in the entertainment media industry.

As an entertainment reporter who has been in business for more than ten years, Wang Wen can be regarded as watching Xiao Yao debut and become popular.

Wang Wen has never seen a star like Xiao Yao after so many years in the industry. Film and music, before and behind the scenes, not only developed in an all-round way, but also showed extraordinary talents. At a young age, they have achieved quite good results both at home and abroad. Coupled with the status of the college entrance examination and the art examination champion, China Wang Wen actually admired Xiao Yao’s performance in a series of incidents such as earthquake rescue, US hijacking, robbery, and kidnapping.

Because of this kind of personal appreciation, Wang Wen paid special attention to Xiao Yao’s news. Therefore, when he learned that there were news reports about Xiao Yao in the United States, he immediately learned about it and reprinted it.

From the bottom of his heart, Wang Wen doesn’t actually think it’s a big deal for celebrities to go to foreign casinos on vacation, but what stimulates him are the photos in the news reports and the description of the time he enters and exits the casino. From these perspectives, Xiao Yao doesn’t seem to be just for fun, it’s more like indulging in it.

Wang Wen feels that for a star of Xiao Yao’s level, the consequences of getting addicted to gambling are more serious than getting addicted to drugs.

Poison has a relatively fixed price, although the cost is large, it can be calculated foreseeably. With Xiao Yao’s current wealth and family conditions, even if it is a toxic problem, his financial conditions are completely affordable. But gambling is a bottomless pit with no limits. Once indulged in it, the consequences are quite serious. To put it simply, poison will not let Xiao Yao go bankrupt in a short time, but it can be a bet.

Therefore, when reprinting that American media news report, Wang Wen made his own comments in a critical attitude.

When Wang Wen received a call from Xiao Yao’s studio saying that he had invited him to interview Xiao Yao. The reason was that Xiao Yao went to the casino, he was naturally overjoyed. However, after listening to the studio’s people introducing the method and time of the interview, Wang Wen Hesitated again. There is no problem with the way of interviewing online video. Although he has no such interview experience before, he is confident that he can handle it. The problem is the interview time. When he received the call, he was about to leave for an event to report on a press conference attended by many celebrities. The press conference has not started yet, and the expected duration is not short. Two hours will definitely not end.

When Wang Wen tentatively asked whether it was possible to change the interview time, the other party immediately responded. Since Wang Wen couldn’t cooperate in time, they went to other reporters. When the other party was about to hang up, Wang Wen gritted his teeth and agreed. As for the subsequent press conference, he is going to find the boss and ask the boss to send someone else. Compared to the press conference, he valued the opportunity to interview Xiao Yao this time.

The boss heard that he had the opportunity to interview Xiao Yao, and he readily agreed to Wang Wen’s request.

There are still two hours before the interview time. This time is relatively tight.

Wang Wen felt that Xiao Yao’s studio did not first find the boss of the company and let the boss assign tasks, but directly contacted him, which means that the other party must not spend money to ask his company to send them a soft post. But even so, Wang Wen immediately threw everything about the press conference behind his head, took the time to make an outline of the interview in about half an hour, and then sent it to the relevant personnel in Xiao Yao’s studio.

When reporters do interviews, they don’t just ask whatever they want. In many cases, it is necessary to communicate with the other party in advance about the relevant interview content and questions, especially the one-on-one interviews with an appointment time and place. Journalists generally need to communicate with the other party in advance and discuss what questions they can ask and which questions Can’t ask.

The person at Xiao Yao’s studio said that the subject of this interview was about Xiao Yao’s going to the casino. Wang Wen knows that Xiao Yao’s studio wants to clarify or restore the trend of public opinion, so some things are definitely more sensitive and cannot be mentioned. Although he didn’t fully plan to follow the outline, some questions would definitely be asked to Xiao Yao during the interview, but at least this way of communicating in advance still needs to be done.

What Wang Wen didn’t expect was that the person in Xiao Yao’s studio called him back and told him that he didn’t need to submit an interview outline for them to review in advance. He interviewed Xiao Yao and asked whatever he wanted. Whether Xiao Yao answered or not answered was up to Xiao Yao himself, and whether he could ask something out of Xiao Yao’s mouth, what could he ask, also Relying on his own ability, the studio does not make hard and fast rules.

Wang Wen was also very happy after the accident. Since the other party does not mandate the content of the interview, he put part of his mind on the effect of the interview. He was not sure what environment Xiao Yao was in during the interview, but he still had time to make his interview environment more comfortable.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Xiao Yao’s studio sent Wang Wen an account of a network communication software. Let Wang Wen add the contact by himself, and then send it to the other party or wait for the other party to send a video call request at four o’clock. Wang Wen checked the basic information of the account and found that it was basically empty. He immediately understood that this should be a small account that Xiao Yao had specially registered for this interview. It is estimated that it was used this time.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Wang Wen’s request to add a friend was approved, and then he received a request for a video call. Switching to an empty office, Wang Wen, who had prepared various recording equipment, immediately clicked the connection.

“Mr. Xiao, hello!” Seeing Xiao Yao in the video, Wang Wen smiled and waved his hand.

“Wang Ji, hello, just call me Xiao Yao.” Xiao Yao smiled.

“Okay, Xiao Yao,” Wang Wen nodded, “Thank you for accepting my interview, then let’s start!”

“Thank you!” Xiao Yao argued, waved his hand, “Please!”

“The first question, where are you now? Is it in Las Vegas, USA?” Wang Wen asked.

“Yes!” Xiao Yao nodded, “I am in Las Vegas, USA, and I am now in the hotel suite living room where I live. For the protection of privacy, I won’t say specifically which hotel it is. ”

“Understand!” Wang Wen nodded and reminded, “Our interview video, we will put it on the company’s official social media account and official account, do we need to do some processing for your background later? ”

In the video screen, in addition to Xiao Yao, you can also see some furnishings and decorations in the room where he is. If netizens want to check, they can find out which hotel Xiao Yao lives in through the furnishings and decorations of the background.

“Thank you, but no need,” Xiao Yao said, shaking his head, “I have already arranged the environment, not the original arrangement of the hotel room.”

“Okay,” Wang Wen nodded and continued to ask, “What is your purpose for going to Las Vegas?”

“Vacation!” Xiao Yao laughed, “After the “Pretty Sister” crew is completed, I will give myself a vacation when I have time to come to the United States to play, relax and recharge.”

“Did you go there alone?” Wang Wen asked.

“Yes, I came alone!” Xiao Yao replied.

“Didn’t your parents go with you?” Wang Wen asked.

“No!” Xiao Yao said, “My parents have not yet reached the age when they need me to take care of them, and I don’t need them to take care of them, so we rarely travel together. Our ages and preferences are different. They live in a two-person world. I play mine without interfering with each other!”

“What about Sun Tingting? Why didn’t she come with you?” Wang Wen asked, “You are only two people in the world?”

“The reason she didn’t come is a secret. We originally didn’t intend to make it public,” Xiao Yao smiled. “But I hope this interview of ours can be seen by more people, so I decided to break the news myself. Tell you why she didn’t come to America with me!”

“Break the news?” Wang Wen’s eyes widened, and he asked a little excitedly, “What is it?”

(End of this chapter)

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