Entertaining Children

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276 invite

Chapter 1276 Invitation

“She went on a trip!” Xiao Yao said.

“Huh?” Wang Wen was a little confused, “What kind of revelation is this?”

“She went to Europe, together with my parents, to examine the wedding venue!” Xiao Yao said, “We plan to have a wedding in the second half of the year!”

“The wedding is about to be held?” Wang Wen was surprised.

Xiao Yao proposed in public at the China Basketball All-Star Celebrity Tournament at the beginning of the year. The wedding can be said to be a natural thing, but it is quite surprising to hear the specific news. It can definitely be regarded as a revelation.

“When is the second half of the year? Where?” Wang Wen asked, “It is already the second half of the year.”

“It hasn’t been decided yet, so I’m going to check it out!” Xiao Yao said.

“Your parents and Sun Tingting went to Europe to inspect the wedding venue. Didn’t you go?” Wang Wen asked strangely.

“I have no problem, they have the final say!” Xiao Yao said.

“So you went to Las Vegas alone?” Wang Wen guessed, “Want to go crazy before getting married?”

“Ha!” Xiao Yao laughed, “What you said was a farewell bachelor party, right? The wedding venue has not been decided now, and there must be some time before the date. Let’s not say whether I will play that, don’t you Do you think it’s too early? In addition, if I want to have a bachelor party, I have to bring Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan all together? How come I will come alone?”

“Then why did you go to Las Vegas alone?” Wang Wen asked.

“Say it, take a vacation!” Xiao Yao said.

“Why go to the casino?” Wang Wen asked.

“Play!” Xiao Yao said, “The casino here is legal, it is a regular tourist project, and many people go there!”

“According to American media reports, you went to nearly ten casinos in just a few days, and the time you spent in the casinos was as little as six or seven hours a day, and sometimes there were close to ten hours,” Wang Wendao, “this Is the situation true?”

“Is it true?” Xiao Yao smiled, “Are you interviewing or interrogating the prisoner?”

“Well, I used the wrong words!” Wang Wendao, “You are in Las Vegas, are you like those reports?”

“Yes!” Xiao Yao said, “Is there any problem?”

“What are you doing in the casino?” Wang Wen asked.

“What else can you do in the casino?” Xiao Yao smiled.

“Don’t you think you go to too many casinos, stay for too long, are you a little addicted to it?” Wang Wen asked.

“What is addiction? If I go to the casino for a few days during the vacation, it is called addiction?” Xiao Yao said, “I get up at six o’clock every morning, exercise in the hotel gym, and then have breakfast. I go to the casino in the morning and noon. Come out for lunch, go to the casino in the afternoon, go out for dinner in the evening, sometimes go to the casino in the evening, sometimes go to the show or go to the bar or do other things, you will definitely rest in the hotel room before 12 o’clock in the evening. Such a regular schedule. Time is not in touch with day and night, sleep and food? Do you think it’s like addicted to gambling?”

“Why does this sound like work?” Wang Wenxin asked.

“Well, even if you are not addicted,” Wang Wen asked, “Don’t you think gambling is a bad habit or a very bad behavior?”

“Mahjong, Pai Gow, and poker, there are many people who play it?” Xiao Yao said, “Who dare to say that I have never touched those things since I was a child? During the holidays, which one has no sound of mahjong? Fighting, no prize money, not gambling? Okay, I’m more strict in my speech, there must be no, but I think at least half of the people dare not say no, right? I don’t steal or **** it, just take my own money legally How bad is it to play in the casino without breaking the law?”

“I admit that what you said is the truth, but this is not a behavior worth promoting after all.” Wang Wendao.

“I didn’t promote it!” Xiao Yao said, “I didn’t let everyone go to the casino!”

“But you are a star and a public figure!” Wang Wendao, “The fact is that this matter has been widely known and has already had an impact.”

“So what? Should I apologize?” Xiao Yao asked.

“Stars are public figures,” Wang Wendao, “Public figures enjoy more social resources and should assume more social responsibilities. Your behavior has set a very bad example for the public, especially young people, and caused a lot of trouble. A good influence is contrary to your own function. So, what do you think?”

“Heh!” Xiao Yao laughed, “Public figures enjoy more social resources and should assume more social responsibilities. I agree with this point! Can I say that I have set a bad example? I have caused a bad influence? disagree.”

“Don’t talk about the power of role models, learn how to teach children or something!” Xiao Yao continued, “First of all, I think an adult should have basic cognitive and distinguishing abilities. I go to the casino, everyone. Will I go to the casino to gamble? People who like gambling will gamble without me. People who don’t like gambling will not gamble if there is me.

As for children, first, I go to a legal casino, and minors cannot enter at all. Second, the education of children should be the responsibility of parents, teachers, and guardians. Of course, I don’t deny that celebrities and idols have some influence on children, but if gambling is due to celebrities, it can only show that the parents and guardians of those children are incompetent! Don’t buckle this kind of pot on my head. ”

“Do you want those parents to use you as a negative teaching material?” Wang Wen asked.

“Actually, I never expected any parent to use me as a positive teaching material for my children!” Xiao Yao said, “I was never a good boy! When I was a child, the teacher lectured on it, and I peeked at the photography magazine below. I should read Chinese and English. I secretly taught Korean grammar by myself with a book in my textbook…”

“Huh?” Wang Wen said in surprise.

“I didn’t expect it?” Xiao Yao smiled. “The media didn’t know about these things before, because many teachers didn’t know it, and the students who knew helped me keep it secret. If it was known by the media, shouldn’t I say that I didn’t keep it? Discipline, chaos, mischief or something?”

“But I know your grades are very good, the college entrance examination champion, junior high school has always been the first in grade,” Wang Wendao, “I believe you must be able to do other things. Others will not, naturally will not learn you.”

“It makes sense. I have good grades. The teacher specifically approved me not to hand in my homework. Can other students do it?” Xiao Yao laughed. “Same reason, I have money, I have leisure, and I can make money. I play in a casino. If I can afford it, can others afford to play in the casino? Why would I influence everyone to gamble and teach bad kids?”

“This…” Wang Wen didn’t know how to pick it up.

“As a public figure, you really should be cautious in your words and deeds, establish a positive image, and spread positive energy to the public.” Xiao Yao continued, “If I am gathering crowds in China to gamble and get caught in violation of the law, I will apologize. , But in fact, this is my normal leisure activity. Although it is not a positive energy, I don’t think it is something worthy of criticism.”

“Do you think you have been treated unfairly by public opinion?” Wang Wen asked.

“That’s not true!” Xiao Yao said, “Everyone has the right to speak again, as well as the right to express opinions on something, as long as it is not illegal, not spreading rumors, not deliberately sabotaging the stability and unity of the country, etc. It’s just that there has been a lot of trouble on China’s Internet recently because of my incident. Many media reporters have contacted my studio and asked to interview me. The colleagues in my studio also felt that I should stand up and give a formal response, so I will accept your interview this time.”

“I have done this, and I plan to continue to do it for a while.” Xiao Yao continued, “If you have any opinions on this, you can continue to express your own opinions and comments. I just make a request, whether it is support or criticism. It still doesn’t matter. Please try to discuss the matter as much as possible. Don’t personally attack people who disagree. It will be unsightly if it makes the Internet smoldering. Also, I have already expressed my attitude. Don’t bother my studio and my team. Family and friends.”

“The above is my official and official response to this matter!” Xiao Yao asked Wang Wendao, “Wang Ji, do you have any other questions?”

“Can you ask other questions?” Wang Wendao.

Wang Wen felt that there was nothing to ask about going to the casino, but there was a rare opportunity to interview Xiao Yao face-to-face, and Wang Wen didn’t want to end like this.

“Yes,” Xiao Yao nodded, “but there are two conditions. First, it’s early in the morning on my side, and I have to rest. So the duration of this interview is at most one hour, and it must end at the end. You There are still more than ten minutes left. Second, I do not guarantee that I will answer all the questions you ask.”

“Well,” Wang Wen said, “The first question, I want to know what is the relationship between you and the American band Immortals? Are you still a member of that band?”

“Why do you ask?” Xiao Yao asked.

“Before you were in China, and the rest of them were in the United States. It is normal for you to rarely be active together,” Wang Wen asked. “But I heard that the Immortals band is now on tour in the United States. The United States did not tour with the band, but went to the casino alone in Las Vegas. Why?”

“Because I am lazy!” Xiao Yao smiled, “I have been filming for more than two months and need to relax and rest. The tour is very tired, how can I go to the casino to have fun?”

“Look,” Xiao Yao added with a smile, “From this incident, it can also be shown that I am not an idol who is so hardworking, hardworking and positive. Don’t ask too much of me.”

“This…” Wang Wen was a little speechless and changed to another question. “The day after tomorrow is the American Billboard Awards Ceremony. This year’s awards ceremony will be held in Las Vegas. You happen to be in Las Vegas again. Attend the bulletin board award ceremony the day after tomorrow?”

“I came to the United States for vacation, not for work.” Xiao Yao said, “This year’s bulletin board awards ceremony did not invite me, it has nothing to do with me!”

“Apart from the wedding in the second half of this year, are there any other work plans?” Wang Wen asked.

“No.” Xiao Yao said, “There is no film and television, and music is not easy to say. For me, it is relatively simple to write songs and record songs. Maybe when I get interested or encounter opportunities, I will write the first. Songs, record a song or create, record and release a single by yourself, but there is definitely no plan to release an album.”

“By the way, for the finished TV series “Pretty Sister Who Often invites to dinner”, the pure music in the soundtrack was made by me. In addition, I created an OST song, sung by Yin Xi, and it has been recorded.” Xiao Yao, by the way, made a publicity for the TV series in advance, “By the way, the singers of the OST song of this show also include four teachers, Lian Yiling, Liang Xueying, Ling Chengjie, and Rong Jun. Among them, Ling Chengjie and Rong Jun are two teachers. And guest roles in the play.”

“Wow ” Wang Wen was surprised, and then smiled, “Xiao Yao, you accepted my interview, not to promote your TV series, right?”

“By the way, by the way!” Xiao Yao smiled, “Because I mentioned work, I just mentioned it by the way. That drama is still in post-production, and it’s far from airing, and it’s far from the time of official promotion.”

Next, Wang Wen asked some more questions. When the interview time was almost an hour, Xiao Yao proposed to end the interview.

During the interview, Xiao Yao ran the software on his computer to record the whole process. After the interview, Xiao Yao tuned out the entire interview video and compressed it, sent it to the relevant staff of the studio, and then went back to the room to rest. After the interview, Xiao Yao left it to the studio to deal with, he didn’t care about it.

Hua Xia’s public opinion dispute about the casino he went to, Xiao Yao can be regarded as temporarily over here. The schedule of Xiao Yao and Tim Haggis remained unchanged, and the main activity for the next few days was still going to the casino.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yao and Tim Haggis got up early and went to the gym to exercise as usual, then went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, and then went back to the room to take a shower and change clothes.

When Xiao Yao and Tim Haggis went back to the room to take a shower and change their clothes, and opened the door to go to the casino, they unexpectedly saw Amy Hatton standing at the door of the suite raising his hand to ring the doorbell.

“Ms. Hatton?” Xiao Yao greeted somewhat unexpectedly.

“Mr. Xiao, Mr. Haggis, good morning!” Amy Hatton retracted her hand to ring the doorbell, and greeted her with a smile.

“Good morning!” Xiao Yao responded, and asked, “Is something wrong with me?”

“Yes,” Amy Hatton nodded with a smile, “Is it convenient to go in and say?”

“Okay, please!” Xiao Yao hesitated, waved his hand and made a please gesture.

“What to drink?” Xiao Yao invited Amy Hatton into the living room of the suite, waved her to sit down and asked, “We have wine and drinks here, and the coffee is only bottled cold coffee. We are going to go out, there is no hot coffee. ”

“No need!” Amy Hatton said, “I know you go out to the casino at about this time every day. I won’t delay you for long.”

“Ha,” Xiao Yao smiled, “What can I do for you?”

Xiao Yao already knew that Nicky Thompson and Matt Dino had followed him with a private investigator, so it was not surprising to Amy Hatton that he knew that he went out at about this point every day, and that he went to the casino when he went out. He was curious about Ai. The purpose of M. Hatton.

“I feel sorry for what Nicky and Matt did to you.” Amy Hatton said, “I can’t care about Matt Dino, but Nicky, I’m responsible. Today Here, I want to apologize to you on her behalf.”

“Apologize? No need.” Xiao Yao shook his head.

“I know that the apology should be made by the Nigerian people. I will apologize for her without sincerity.” Amy Hatton said, “In fact, Nicky now feels that she has done a little too much, but she still can’t help it. Face to apologize to you. I came to you to show our intention and sincerity to repair the relationship with you.”

“Heh ” Xiao Yao smiled, “How are you going to express?”

“We want to invite you to the Billboard Awards Ceremony tomorrow night!” Amy Hatton said.

“What?” Xiao Yao asked in surprise.

“Don’t get me wrong!” Amy Hatton hurriedly said, “I know you have rejected Nicky, but I am not asking you to be Nicky’s guitarist to perform with her on stage, but to invite you to watch the show live. The bulletin board is one of the top music awards in the United States. The artists who win the awards are very big, and the performers at the awards ceremony are also top-notch. The standard of live performances is very high. Even if you are not interested in the results of the awards, you can treat it as It’s a high-level show.”

“Are you asking me to be an audience member?” Xiao Yao said.

“Of course not an ordinary audience.” Amy Hatton said, “Nikki is the nominee and guest of awards for several important awards on the bulletin board this year. The organizer allowed her to bring her relatives and friends to participate and arranged seats. These positions are similar to those of Nicky. The seats are together, in the middle and front row of the auditorium in the venue, surrounded by stars. It is a good place to watch the show, and the camera will also take pictures. We plan to give you and Mr. Haggis two of them. Please you Go to watch the show live.”

(End of this chapter)

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