Entertaining Children

Chapter 1274

Chapter 1274 Online video interview

Chapter 1274 Online Video Interview

After leaving Nicky Thompson’s room, Xiao Yao and Tim Haggis returned to their suite. Then, Xiao Yao contacted China’s domestic broker Fangjing.

Las Vegas is located in the West Eighth District, and it is US Pacific Time. This is July, and the United States implements daylight saving time, which is 15 hours away from China’s Yenching time. Xiao Yao and Tim Haggis returned to the room at around ten o’clock in the evening local time, and Huaxia was around one noon the next day, which was the time to go to work during the day.

Fang still had a brief chat with Xiao Yao on the phone. After learning that Xiao Yao was ready to discuss with everyone how to deal with the matter, he ended the call with Xiao Yao, and then summoned the heads of the various departments of the studio to the meeting. In the conference room, I connected with Xiao Yao, who is far away in the United States, and everyone started a video conference on the Internet.

The people from the studio first introduced to Xiao Yao in detail the reasons for the rise of this hot news.

Simply speaking, someone in charge of the media or reporters or self-media marketing account heard that the US media reported news related to Xiao Yao, checked the Internet and found that it was indeed the case, and then reposted it and published it.

Because a certain teenage celebrity smoked privately and was photographed before, it became the focus of public discussion after being exposed by the media. At that time, the Internet was more interested in the celebrity’s private bad habits and behavior. Xiao Yao’s reputation is much greater than that of the teenage star. Gambling is a bad habit more serious than smoking. In addition, Xiao Yao’s incident occurred abroad and was reported by foreign media. The published photos are clearer and more content. Rich, it’s more interesting than the teenage star smoking, so many media have followed up, making this news spread quickly.

To talk about the behind-the-scenes pushers, the studio really didn’t find any behind-the-scenes pushers on China’s side.

No matter which industry or industry, there is definitely competition, but with Xiao Yao’s current fame and a somewhat perverted comprehensiveness of occupations, looking at the entire Chinese entertainment industry, there is no one who is closer to him in all aspects. People often compare with him as a “rival” type star. Since it is not the kind of competitor with relatively high homogeneity, there is generally no need to spend too much time attacking and discrediting.

In terms of music, Xiao Yao writes, records, and produces by himself, and in film and television, Xiao Yao is a producer, producer, director and screenwriter. Whether it’s music or film and television, most of Xiao Yao’s work is creative in nature, which means that Xiao Yao seldom competes with other stars for work and resources. Instead, he develops projects on his own and creates resources for others. Of job opportunities.

Whether it is a record company, a film company or a brokerage company, no one can say whether they will seek cooperation opportunities with Xiao Yao for their artists or the project itself. Therefore, under normal circumstances, few people in the industry bother to engage in small actions to blackmail. his.

Most of the time, the moment of rivalry to Xiao Yao’s competition occurs when each has its own works online or released at the same time, and it is necessary to fight for publicity, to compete for ratings, and to compete for the box office. But now Xiao Yao is on vacation and has no job at all. At this stage, there is no work that he has participated in or any work produced by a young film and television company is shown or broadcast. There is no such problem at all.

Of course, the so-called wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it, there is a saying in the entertainment circle that there are many people in the entertainment circle. Xiao Yao is very red, so naturally people will be jealous and feel envy and hatred of him. Now Xiao Yao has published news that looks relatively negative. In addition to some celebrities in circles who have a good relationship with Xiao Yao questioning the authenticity of the news or explaining that going to casinos in the United States is not breaking the law, and openly speaking for Xiao Yao, there are also some people who are in it. Publicly opposed Xiao Yao’s behavior on social media.

However, due to the cooperation or interest relationship that may exist in the future, the celebrities who oppose opinions forward their comments by themselves. By the way, even if they oppose the attitude, they rarely criticize or criticize or criticize directly. Most It is the tone of exhortation and admonition. At least on the surface, they can still be seen, and it doesn’t make people feel like they are falling into trouble. As for the use of money to buy naval forces and bribery of the media to deliberately push this negative news as far as possible behind the scenes, there are really few people in the domestic entertainment circle doing it.

The preliminary conclusion of the studio’s analysis is: The reason why Xiao Yao’s “negative” news spread so quickly and had such a big impact is probably because Xiao Yao’s image is not well-behaved, but there are relatively few negative news. It’s rare for everyone to see Xiao Yao’s negative news, so this time the media and the public are so enthusiastic.

Xiao Yao already knew that the instigator of this incident was Nicky Thompson, and he had already negotiated with the other party, but he was not sure whether anyone in the country would continue to make a fuss about this matter. Of course, he himself watched the Internet for a long time last night. It is expected that no one in China is making an article on this matter, but he judged by watching the news, it is not as good as the studio’s use of resources to investigate.

After understanding this, Xiao Yao’s next question is: What is the attitude of the mainstream media?

The so-called mainstream media by Xiao Yao refers to social media, especially well-known social media with a national background. Regardless of the entertainment media’s comments, Xiao Yao doesn’t care much about things in the entertainment industry. Although Xiao Yao didn’t deliberately hype, he knew that some celebrities became popular by speculating on negative news. If only some entertainment media or self-media expressed opposition and criticism, how could Xiao Yao not worry.

The mainstream media is different. Once they express their views, the meaning is different. If they also express their opposition or even criticize and criticize his behavior, it will have an impact on his future career. To be more serious, it is not impossible to be blocked.

Xiao Yao also has the identity of a Xinhua News Agency special correspondent, which can be regarded as a non-staff member of the state unit, but because he is an entertainment star, in order to avoid people saying that he is both a referee and an athlete, his identity is kept secret. He is purely interested in getting a reporter status. There are not many news reports written for Xinhua News Agency. Basically, after completing the assessment task and getting the press card, he did not post any more reports. The signatures seem to have nothing to do with him. The pen name is “Yao Xiao”. Many well-known mainstream social media who also have national backgrounds do not know his identity, and naturally they have no scruples in this regard.

When Xiao Yao inquired about domestic media reports last night, he did not see any reports or comments from mainstream social media on his news. However, Xiao Yao is only a person. The mainstream social media he knows are not so complete, and some mainstream social media The media is not so well-known. His understanding of the results of the inquiry, of course, is not as comprehensive as a department of the studio who specializes in such things.

Perhaps Xiao Yao’s image and performance have always been relatively good. In addition, Xiao Yao is abroad, and his behavior in casinos is not illegal. Therefore, there is really no mainstream media in China to criticize Xiao Yao’s behavior. Fundamentally speaking, Xiao Yao went to other legal American casinos while on vacation. Few mainstream social media reported on this seemingly “boring” and “insignificant” matter, even if it was mentioned by a few. It is mostly because of the hot discussion on the Internet that has formed a topic. I described it in a relatively neutral manner, and did not show a very clear attitude.

After Xiao Yao learned about the domestic situation, the studio asked about Xiao Yao’s situation in the United States.

First of all, they want to know: Did Xiao Yao really go to so many casinos and stay in casinos for so long, as the report said? Fang had asked this question yesterday, and Xiao Yao also answered, but Fang still didn’t tell the others in the studio to ask them to ask it again. Because after they know it, they will continue to ask the next question: why?

First question, Xiao Yao naturally admits that he has nothing to hide. As for the latter question, Xiao Yao answered that he would not say anything for the time being. He just promised that he would not be addicted to gambling and would never lose his fortune in the casino, so that everyone does not have to worry about the studio closing down because of this.

Everyone was speechless and somewhat dissatisfied with Xiao Yao’s last answer. However, Xiao Yao is the boss and thousands of miles away. Even if they are dissatisfied, they can’t force Xiao Yao to say it.

After that, it is time to discuss how to deal with it.

The department heads of Xiao Yao’s studio are all professionals in the industry who Fang is still digging through the headhunting company at high prices. As a professional team composed of professionals, everyone is very experienced in handling such things.

However, Xiao Yao’s studio is different from other star studios. In other celebrity studios, celebrities mostly listen to their agents or teams, but Xiao Yao, the celebrity boss, has the final decision-making power. Some trivial matters, like this kind of relatively large impact event, require the approval of Xiao Yao, the boss, so that everyone can act according to the plan. Even Fang still, Xiao Yao’s agent and studio boss, could not make up his mind for Xiao Yao.

In fact, before the meeting with Xiao Yao, the relevant person in charge of the studio had a plan.

This kind of thing, a very common operation method is to spend money to settle. Spend money to ask the media to stop reporting, and spend money to ask social media to withdraw hot searches. After a few days, the heat will naturally go down. But Xiao Yao himself is against it, or disdain to spend money on hot search. According to his own words, my hot search is based on my ability, and I can do it if I want to, do I need to buy it? Since Xiao Yao opposes spending money on hot searches, it is estimated that he also opposes spending money to withdraw hot searches.

Another way is to send an official statement in response to publicly explain the matter. But doing this is related to the reason why Xiao Yao did it. But Xiao Yao didn’t say why he did this. Even the people in his studio didn’t say it. They didn’t know the reason. This public statement is not easy to write, so you can’t make up casually, right? That is also not allowed by Xiao Yao. Even if it were to be compiled, Xiao Yao had to compile it himself.

The two ideas put forward by the relevant person in charge of the studio were both rejected by Xiao Yao. The people in the studio had no choice but to ask Xiao Yao what he wanted to do.

“What should I do?” Xiao Yao said, “What I hope most is that I don’t have to do anything. This thing slowly cools down over time.”

“I’m afraid this won’t work!” Fang still said, “If we don’t respond, it is tantamount to acquiescence. Public opinion will develop more and more in a direction that is not conducive to us. At that time, maybe the mainstream media will follow suit!”

“Actually, it doesn’t have to be bad!” the person in charge of the public relations department said, “As long as the boss comes back, you don’t have to do anything else.”

“Oh?” Xiao Yao said.

“Boss, you are in the United States, and you go to legal casinos. This is not a big problem. The problem is that you go too often, so everyone says you are addicted to gambling.” The public relations manager said, “You come back,” We will let reporters go to the airport to film and report, tell everyone that you are back, and then you don’t have to do anything. As long as no media reporters catch you gambling in China, of course, we can’t let them catch you, so addicted to gambling. The argument is naturally self-defeating. Without indulging in gambling, the news value of just entering the casino is not big. You are back, and the popularity will definitely drop.”

“It’s a way,” Xiao Yao nodded first, then shook his head, “but I don’t want to come back now!”

“You still don’t want to come back?” Fang still asked, “Do you want to stay in LV? Do you plan to continue to the casino?”

“Hmm!” Xiao Yao nodded.

“Is the casino so fun?” Fang still said, “You look like this, I will be shaken, and I will suspect that you are really addicted to gambling!”

“Do you do this, do your parents and Doer know?” Fang continued, “Now they are in Europe, not in China, but I am worried that they will see the domestic news sooner or later. You are not afraid that they will go to LV’s casino to catch them. You?”

Sun Tingting traveled with Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying in Europe during this time, and examined some wedding resorts in Europe.

“Do you know why they went to Europe? Why didn’t I go to Europe with them, but came to the United States alone?” Xiao Yao said, “There are not many people who know why I want to go to the casino, but Doer is one of them. One. She knows what I am doing and what I am doing. She is definitely not obsessed with gambling. They will not come to America to find me!”

“Do’er knows?” Fang still said.

“Don’t be sour, don’t be angry!” Xiao Yao smiled, “Except for Duoer and the people involved in this matter, no one else knows. Sister Xi doesn’t know, neither my parents nor my grandfather. Unless. My parents have seen the latest domestic or American news, otherwise Doer would not tell my parents!”

Xiao Yao knew what she was thinking when she saw her still face.

“Don’t even know your parents? What do you want to do?” Fang still calmed down a bit and asked curiously.

“The time is not up, I don’t want to say it in advance.” Xiao Yao said, “When the time is up, everyone will know why I went to the casino, and this time should not be too long. When you know the reason for my going to the casino, it should be me. When I go back.”

“Okay,” Fang still said helplessly, “Then tell me, what are you going to do?”

“Since the key is to indulge in gambling, I just need to respond to this point!” Xiao Yao said, “Would you like to contact the reporter for an interview? Even if I don’t explain the reason for staying in the casino, but from me The state of the interview should not make people feel like indulging in gambling. I only need those remarks that I am addicted to gambling not to be further expanded, and the trend of public opinion does not continue to go over there.”

“Reporter interview?” Fang still said, “Aren’t you coming back soon? Looking for a reporter from the US media for an interview? The US news doesn’t say that you are addicted to gambling and may not be interested? Or do you plan to let us invite China Media Of foreign reporters to interview you?”

“No!” Xiao Yao shook his head and said, “Look for domestic media reporters! Whoever says I am addicted to gambling is the most ferocious, let’s find who!”

“If you don’t come back, how do you interview?” Fang still said, “You want to let domestic media reporters fly to LV to interview you?”

“It doesn’t have to be so troublesome, and people don’t necessarily want to.” Xiao Yao said, “I just interviewed through online video! I can have a meeting with you now, why can’t I be interviewed by reporters?”

(End of this chapter)

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