Demon God

Chapter 208: Representative II

"It's a monster," Desire said as he looked right in front of him.

In front of him was a monster who was...chained down with some solid-looking locks and chain and shackles.

However, even though the monster was chained down, it was standing up.

Furthermore, the monster was...wearing some kind of robe that makes it hard for Desire and Jarina to figure out what kind of monster it was.

However, that was not all as the monster's right hand was sticking out in front of him. On top of the monster's right hand was some kind of marble.

No, it would be better to call this an orb as it was perfectly shaped into a circle.

The orb was pretty big, and the color was transparent.

However, even though it was transparent, Desire...couldn't see through it to see the monster's hand.

"'s not moving," Desire murmured as he observed the monster.

And the fact that the monster didn't move at all made Desire's guard lower.

After all, it seems that the chains were working in chaining down the monster.

It was then that Desire heard Jarina's voice flowed into his ears as she spoke.

"Fufufu, you don't have to worry about it attacking you. More importantly, I'm surprised that you are able to notice that it was a monster."

"And...the fact that you are willing to fight against it - you really grew up!" 

Jarina said with a proud look on her face. Well, she was just happy that Desire could finally point a sword against monsters.

Jarina was the one who helped Desire move on from these...complicated emotions that Desire had for monsters, so seeing Desire prepared to fight against monsters right before her eyes was really satisfying for her.

"Hmm? I don't have to worry about it attacking? What do you mean by that?" Desire said as he...willed for his right hand and chest to return back to normal.

He also relaxed his body and just straightened up his body as he turned his head to look at Jarina, waiting for her answer.

"Well, this is the Representative that I'm talking about. This is also the presence that you felt before." Jarina said as she began to walk towards the chained monster.

"Hey, what are you doing! It might be dangerous!" Desire said as he tried to stop Jarina, but Jarina didn't pay him any attention at all.

Of course, since Jarina was not paying attention to him, Desire...just stopped trying to stop her.

After all, it was also the truth that Jarina told him that he doesn't have to mind the dangers or the monster at all.

It was then that Jarina reached the monster, and as soon as she reached the monster, Jarina removed the robe that the monster was wearing.

No, to be exact, she just moved it so that they would be able to see the monster's face.

"Oh? Skeleton?" Desire's voice resounded out in this place as soon as the monster's face was revealed.

It was a...skeleton. It looked ominous and it looked powerful as well.

However, the most important part of all is that...when the robe covering its face was removed, some kind of aura started to be released with the monster as the main point.

The aura was ominous and it was depressing as well, but...Jarina was prepared for it as some kind of light was covering her body right now.

That light was her mana, and Desire also defended against it with the power of his cracks.

The power of his cracks didn't cover his body or something like that, but Desire could feel that his body was guarded now.

It was such an uncertain feeling, but Desire didn't think about it that much as this situation was critical.

And besides...Jarina started to speak again as she began to back away from the skeleton.

"This is the Representative of the Dungeon of the Dead. Of course, since it is the Dungeon of the Dead, its Representative is a skeleton as well."

"Representative? Dungeon of the Dead? What the hell is it? I'm not following at all," Desire said as Jarina was near him now.

"As one conquers a Dungeon and kills the Monster Lord ruling over the Dungeon, the Representative would appear in the Lord's mansion."

"As the Monster Lord of the Dungeon of the Dead has already been killed, the Representative has appeared in the Lord's mansion."

"And the Representative is...something or someone that one will have to make a contract with to become the Lord of the City of the Dungeon of the Dead or some other Dungeon out there."

Jarina said all those words without missing any single beat and without hesitating at all.

It seems that Jarina was knowledgeable about this part, and that was only natural.

Jarina didn't waste those years that she spent back in her home in Skinjur. She has read hundreds of books, and one of those books was about the Representative, which is why she knew many things about this part.

"Hmm...I get it now, but that doesn't make sense. If one has already conquered the Dungeon, doesn't that make one the Lord of the City already?" Desire said as he tilted his head sideways.

It was as if he was not feeling the ominous aura that the skeleton was releasing.

Of course, the same was true for Jarina as well as this aura was just weak.

Well, it was just because Jarina's defense was perfect for it.

"Well, technically, if one conquered the Dungeon, then one is already the Lord of the City. However, there are advantages one can get by making a contract with the Representative," Jarina said as she turned her head towards Desire.

"And those advantages are really huge and extremely useful for governing the city of the Dungeon, which is why most Lords do a contract with the Representative."

The advantages that one can have by making a contract with the Representative of a Dungeon are tremendously huge.

By entering into a contract with the Representative, the one who entered the contract would officially be the Lord of the City.

Becoming the Lord of the City brings a man three huge advantages that a man can ever get in a city.

One is that...the authority to use the monsters. The Lord of the City would be able to use the monsters that are on the lower floors of the Tower of the Dungeon.

These lower floors consist of the first three floors of a Dungeon and these first three floors have a lot of monsters, which are just...generated or spawn naturally.

Although humans still don't know why and how monsters are generated in a Tower, it didn't matter since it could be used as a workforce for them.

However, the Lord of the City would only be able to use the monsters on the lower floors alone.

Using the monsters above the first three floors would be impossible, no matter how much research a clan or guild put in to make the monsters above submissive towards the Lord of the City.

The second advantage of entering into a contract with the Representative is that...the Lord of the City would be able to move the houses, gates, walls...literally every structure that the city has.

This would be great as the city would be able to have a much more dependable and cleaner arrays of buildings and the Lord of the City would be able to prepare the city for any possible sieges or attacks.

The third advantage of entering into a contract with the Representative is can borrow power from the Representative itself.

The Representative is quite strong, even though the Representative is locked down by chains and all these shackles.

Humans also tried to know more about the Representative of the Dungeons, but...none has been successful in finding out more about the Representatives that appear in the Lord's mansion.

However, it is still the truth that the Representative is indeed powerful.

If the Lord of the City was already one powerful being, then...combined with the might of the Representative, the Lord of the City would become so strong that he might be able to defend his city against a Conqueror.

That was how scarily powerful the advantages of entering a contract with the Representative were.

However, it's not like there was no catch in all these advantages.

One must pay something to obtain all these, and that is...

"The Lord of the City would never be able to get away from the city once he has entered into a contract with the Representative," Jarina's voice resounded out in this place as the wind began to blow.

The wind was cold, and Desire could feel it all the way through his bones.

Desire's red eyes were widened as he felt shocked about what he just heard, "Would never be able to get away? Do you mean to say that the Lord of the City would never be able to get out...of the City?"

Jarina then answered his question, "That's right. The Lord of the City would not be able to get away from the city even if he became a God."

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