Demon God

Chapter 207: Representative

"Anyways, what I intend to say is that master wants me to learn about how the city works more than the Dungeon itself."

Desire said as he looked at Jarina with a thin smile on his face, and it seems that he was not done as he spoke again, "Well, I admit that what I'm doing is quite unlike me, but hey."

Desire then pulled Jarina up close to his arms and hugged her. He then looked at Jarina straight in the eyes as he continued speaking, "People change, and I, too, will change. Nothing's wrong with change, is there?"

"Ah, not that my love will change for you, though." Desire said yet another cheesy line, which made Jarina...blush a little bit.

Well, ever since Desire grew up, he was being...aggressive or open about his 'love' for Jarina which Jarina was not used to.

Of course, it was really embarrassing to hear such cheesy lines, but Jarina didn't mind them that much as it was Desire saying them.

However, it is because Desire was the one who was saying those cheesy lines that she was getting embarrassed.

It was...a little complicated, but well. That was just how women are.

However, it seems that...Jarina didn't plan to leave Desire hanging as she spoke with a weak voice, "Me, love won't change."

She said, and even though she spoke with a weak voice, Desire was able to pick it up as his ears perked up.

"I already know that. If your love would have changed, you would have abandoned me long before I became" Desire said as he then removed his hands from Jarina's back and began to move away.

He then turned around as he continued to speak, "Well, enough of that. Follow me, I can feel something crawling around in this Lord's mansion."

"Crawling around?" Jarina said as soon as she heard what Desire said.

"Yeah, I don't know what exactly it is, is definitely crawling around. It's quite weird as well considering that there should be no other people here."

"Which might be a burglar trying to steal something important in the Lord's mansion or just an intruder from the merchants' side or whatever." Desire said as he began to walk towards the grand hallway that was present right in front of the door, where they came from.

Jarina then began to follow right after him as she also kept her senses sharp.

'He's able to feel something that I cannot feel...I knew that he becomes stronger with every growth that he has experienced, surpass me, a rank 6 monster, in just a single night...'

Right, for Desire to feel something that Jarina hasn't even noticed was amazing.

That basically means that...Desire's senses have surpassed Jarina's senses, and that is definitely a good thing.

"Jeez...this makes me remember the day when you first formed your Core," Jarina murmured, but she was not done.

"You make me look like a human with your monstrosity," Jarina said so weakly that it seems that not even Desire was able to pick her words up.

Well, that was just because Desire was currently focusing on tracking down that presence that just seems to crawl around.

"Ah, this way," Desire said as he turned right as he saw a corner to turn to as the walls gave way for another hallway.

Of course, Jarina followed right after him, and Desire was just concentrating on this strange presence again.

This second hallway was pretty much smaller since it was not the main hallway, but it was still pretty big. Well, it was just because this place was the Lord's mansion.

"Hmm...this place is pretty big," Desire said as he observed the walls, but there was nothing special on them as well, which is why his interest vanished right away.

"How did this strange presence was able to get inside the Lord's mansion, anyways?" Desire said and as soon as Jarina heard those words, an idea suddenly came into her mind as she remembered something.

" is not someone, but something, instead?" Jarina said as she began to hasten her steps.

She then grabbed Desire by his left hand, and...she started to run, which made Desire run as well, too.

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly running?" Desire said as he kept up with Jarina's running.

However, Jarina didn't answer him and just continued to run.

The sound of their footsteps resounded out in this lonely hallway, and because of their speed, Jarina and Desire were able to reach their destination pretty fast.

And their destination was...a huge door. It was a huge door that looked similar to Lionel's room.

And since it was similar to Lionel's room, one could probably say that this room in front of Desire and Jarina...was the Lord's room.

" did you know that the strange presence was in this place?" Desire said as he looked at the door with amazement on his face.

He was amazed that...the presence that he was feeling was now right in front of him. After all, it was indeed the truth that the presence was just beyond the door.

"I guess you really are strong, Jarina. I still can't hold a candle to your senses," Desire added.

And this made Jarina think...'It's not my senses, but the books that I have read that made me know, though...'

Right, the reason why Jarina knew that the presence was in front of this door was because of the book that she read before in her house.

However, it seems that Jarina...didn't plan to disclose this information as she wanted to somehow impress Desire.

"Uhm! Uhm! Anyways, I now know why you are feeling that creeping sensation. It's because of the Representative," Jarina said as she really...didn't explain how she came to know this location.

"Representative?" Desire said as he tilted his head sideways. It was a word that...just didn't make sense in this situation.

"That's right. Well, it should be fine to show you this since you said that papa wants to make you learn about the city more than the Dungeon, so...follow me," Jarina said as she began to walk towards the huge door.

Of course, when Jarina said that Desire should follow her, Desire did that with no problems at all.

Jarina then opened the huge ass door with her magic, but she didn't open it all the way through.

She just made sure that there would be enough space for two people to walk on, and she entered right away as she urged Desire to follow her inside the room.

'Hmm...I'm getting excited, what the hell is inside this room?' Desire thought as he walked and entered the room.

They entered the Lord's room of the Lord's mansion.


Desire and Jarina were able to enter the Lord's room without any problems at all, and the two of them were just standing.

They weren't walking or something like that, and that is because of torches that suddenly lit up, which made them raise their guards up.

The torches that lit up were in the walls and they were in a circular position.

This made Desire and Jarina know that the room was not in the typical 'square' design, but rather circular.

And in the very center of this circular room, there were stairs that led up to the top.

However, since the stairs were pretty long, Desire, even with his abnormal senses, was not able to see what was on top of it.

Of course, that includes Jarina, seems that Jarina really does plan to play around as she spoke.

"Can you see what's on top of the stairs?" Jarina said with a proud tone in her voice.

"No...I can't see it, but I can feel that the presence that I've been feeling for a while now is on top of that," Desire said as he looked at the stairs as he tilted his head backward.

He then continued, "What is it? The thing that you are seeing right now."

"Is that...the Representative you're talking about?" Desire said as he then turned his head towards Jarina.

And Jarina was...she was smiling a little bit as she nodded her head, "That's right. Well, let's climb the stairs up for you to see better."

Jarina said as she started to walk towards the stairs. Of course, Desire followed right after her.

The two of them then began to climb the stairs without talking to each other.

Jarina was thinking of how Desire should be thinking about how dependable she is, while Desire was thinking about the Representative.

Their thoughts couldn't be any more different, but that didn't matter at all as they were able to reach the top of the stairs soon enough.

And as soon as they did, Desire's red eyes...sharpened as he instinctively activated his powers; the cracks in his right arm and chest.

"Watch out, Jarina!" Desire shouted out loud as he began to run and overtook Jarina.

And when he was in front of Jarina, Desire continued to speak, "It's a monster."

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