Demon God

Chapter 209: A Dangerous Situation!

Jarina then answered his question, "That's right. The Lord of the City would not be able to get away from the city even if he became a God."

"That's not quite right, young miss," A feminine voice resounded out in the room as soon as Jarina answered Desire.

Desire and Jarina could hear the sound of footsteps and they could also tell that the footsteps are near them now.

Of course, this made the two of them turn their heads and look for the source.

After all, both of them were surprised that this person was able to creep up to them without even noticing it, but...when they saw who it was, they thought that it was only natural. was only Jarina who thought that it was only natural for this person to creep up to them without her or Desire noticing it.

Why? It was because it was Amelia, who Desire ordered before to gather general information about the city.

Desire was...he was suspicious about all this, 'Strange...earlier, she couldn't even stand before the aura that I released, but now...she can escape my senses?'

Is she playing with me? Desire thought, but...Desire just decided to scrap it off.

After all, there was no way to answer this question unless he asks Amelia directly, and Desire didn't want to ask Amelia about it.

It would make him look like a sore loser, and he didn't want to be seen as such.

It was then that Amelia finally reached the top of the stairs, and as soon as she did, she spoke, "The one who enters a contract with the Representative is definitely bound to the city, that's true."

"However, the Lord of the City would still be able to leave the city for a limited amount of time."

"If the Lord of the City is quite used to his position, then he would be able to leave the city for an hour. If the Lord is new, then half an hour."

"There are also cases where the new Lord can't leave the city at all, just takes time to adjust and the new Lord would soon be able to leave the city for a limited amount of time."

"However, it is true matter how strong the Lord becomes, he would never be able to leave the city completely."

"The limit of time would always be there."

Amelia said all those words, but she wasn't done as she bowed her head towards the two, "I have returned, young master, young miss."

"Why can't a Lord leave his city completely? What's the reasoning behind it?" Desire said, and this made Amelia raise her head up as she answered his question.

"The reason is because of the Representative -" Amelia then raised her hand to point at the skeleton, "- The Representative binds the one who makes a contract with him to him."

"We don't know the exact reason, but...we assume that it's because the Representative is trying to make someone else experience his pain."

"Experience his pain?" Desire said as he tilted his head with a question mark above his head.

"All of the Representatives of the Dungeons that have appeared are all located in the Lord's room. And as you can see, the skeleton is bound to this place with chains all over him."

"He can't move, and he can't do anything. We assume that...the Representative wants the one who enters a contract with him to be like him."

"Unable to move, unable to do anything in the outside world and bound to his city," Amelia said.

" this general knowledge or is this just inside the Lion Clan's?" Desire asked as he turned his head towards the skeleton.

"This is general knowledge, young master. Although a commoner would never know about things like these, as they are too busy trying to survive, it is still considered general knowledge."

Amelia swiftly answered Desire's question, and Desire...he didn't answer or speak anything as he just stared at the skeleton.

Silence...has taken over the room and no one was doing anything. Not Jarina, not Desire, and not Amelia.

Not even the skeleton was doing anything. It was only after a couple of minutes that Desire spoke again.

"So? How does one make a contract with the Representative?" Desire said with a thin smile on his face.

It seems that...this topic was interesting enough for him to actually ask for more information about the Representative.

Of course, when he asked, Amelia quickly answered, "The orb that the Representative is holding - one just needs to pour a little bit of their blood and the system would do its work."

"Huh? System?" Desire said as he looked back to Amelia in surprise.

He didn't expect that word to be used here was truly unexpected.

After all, it's not like the system is the one doing the contract with the Representative or something like that.

"Yes, from what I've heard, the system will lay out the terms of the conditions that the Representative will offer and the individual just needs to accept it."

"All of the conditions are the same for every Dungeon even though they are all different monsters, which is quite weird,'s not like we can question something like that," Amelia said.

But...she then continued as her eyes somehow turned a little bit sharper, "Why did the young master ask?"

And as soon as Desire heard those words, he spoke with a sharp and heavy tone, "You do not have the right to question me."

"Ah, there you are, being harsh to Amelia don't have to be harsh to her, do you?" Jarina suddenly spoke as she looked at Desire and Amelia back and forth.

"Well, she just doesn't have the right to question me. Anyways, this whole thing with the Representative and the Lord of the City is interesting." Desire said, but that was not words continued to flow out of his mouth.

Absurd words that Amelia and Jarina didn't expect to hear flowed out of his mouth.

"I kinda want to try it out - contracting with this Representative." Desire said as he began to walk towards the Representative.

He then raised his left hand as he rolled back the sleeves on his left arm.

He then shaped his right hand into a chopping form as he intended to slice his wrist with his right hand.

"Huh? Y-young master, please wait!" Amelia shouted out loud as she came to her senses, "If you make a contract with the Representative, you won't be able to get out of this city normally anymore!"

"Please, reconsider!" Amelia continued as she tried to chase after Desire, but...she was abruptly stopped by Jarina who stepped right in front of her.

"No can do, Amelia," Jarina said as she looked at Amelia with cold eyes.

Those kinds of was so cold that Jarina didn't look like the type to remind someone about being too harsh or something like that.

However, what was most important in Jarina's case was that...even her aura and demeanor changed completely.

When Amelia looked at Jarina, she thought that...this was not the young miss she knew.

"Young miss! If the young master makes a contract with the Representative, the young master won't be able to get out of the city! Are you okay with that?!" Amelia shouted out loud, but...her face soon became ridden in despair as she saw the skeleton's left hand...pointing at Desire.

'Impossible! How did the Representative move!' Amelia thought, but she couldn't think about it anymore as she heard a voice resound out in her ears.

"Amelia! Hold the young miss down!!!!" The voice said, and Amelia didn't try to see who it was as she just quickly moved to hold Jarina down.

She moved swiftly and went behind Jarina's back, "Pardon me!" Amelia said as her hands formed a chokehold around Jarina's neck.

That was not all as Amelia even made Jarina fall to the ground by bending Jarina's knees.

And all this...happened very fast, but despite this happening to her, Jarina...didn't utter a word and just stared at the empty air.

"What is going on?!" Amelia thought as she moved her head to look at Desire.

And there she saw...Desire with his left arm bleeding as he finished cutting his wrist.

Desire was about to put his left hand right above the orb, but...

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! The sharp sound of clapping resounded out, and that was because...various men appeared right beside Desire as they all grabbed his left hand and some grabbed his body.

"Young master, please stop this madness!" A familiar voice resounded out...and it was Ryu's voice.

He was one of the men who was holding Desire's left hand, but that was not all as Ryu had his right arm on Desire's neck, trying to pull him away from the Representative.

It was then that another one of the men shouted out loud, "Pull the young master out!!" He said.

And as soon as he said those words, all of the men synchronously used all of their might to throw Desire away.

But...all they did was lift Desire from the ground 10 inches up.

"What's with his weight?!" One of the men shouted out loud as he could feel his arms numbing.

"'s not his weight, but our strength has weakened!" One of the men said as he looked at the Representative, "It's the skeleton's doing!!!"

The skeleton was just looking at them with its hollow eyes as its aura started to grow stronger and stronger...

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