Demon God

Chapter 188: Mikael and Gabriel

Mikael was able to finish his job of calling the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods to the Council fast as all the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods were now in the Council.

Right...the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods were now having their meeting as they were called by the Overlord, Supreme Monarch.

Although Mikael was stronger than most beings in this place, he...was not allowed to attend the meeting of the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods.

Why? It was because he was not worthy. That was it. It was that simple, and even Mikael knows that he was not worthy of being in the presence of the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods.

The Twelve Ancient Most High Gods were literally the purest, highest, and strongest living creatures existing in the universe.

They were the highest and they were the ones controlling the worlds.

Each of the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods was standing at the apex of their respective strengths.

However, there is a time when Mikael would be worthy. is better to say that he would be more than worthy.

And the only way for him to become more than worthy is when...the Overlord, Supreme Monarch graces him with permission.

Not even the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods would dare override the Overlord, Supreme Monarch's decision to allow Mikael to the meeting.

Right...even though the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods were the purest, highest, and strongest living creatures existing in the universe, they would not dare question the Overlord, Supreme Monarch's decision.

That was how...absurdly strong the Overlord, Supreme Monarch was.

He was literally the Supreme Monarch in this place.

Of course, since Mikael was not in the meeting right now, that means that the Overlord, Supreme Monarch has not allowed him to be in their presence.

Well, it's not like Mikael has to be in their meeting. What's more, Mikael knew the reason why the Overlord, Supreme Monarch called the meeting.

After all, he was the one who advised the Overlord, Supreme Monarch to call the meeting.

And the reason was...

"The Absolute Treasure made by the Natural Mother, Yin Yang, got corrupted."

Mikael murmured while standing on top of a random mountain.

This random mountain was so tall that Mikael could look down on the world.

The world where Mikael was located was called the Highest Heaven.

And he was one of the most powerful angels existing ever.

Right...and Mikael was an angel serving the Overlord, Supreme Monarch.

Anyways, what Mikael meant by what he said was the metal with the Yin Symbol enclosed with some glass located at the Overlord, Supreme Monarch's house.

"Since the Yin Yang got corrupted, that means that the Detested Enemy of the Gods has started to make his move."

"And something that must never happen."

Mikael murmured as he swore in his heart that he would kill the Detested Enemy of the Gods.

After all, the Detested Enemy of the Gods was basically his master's enemy.

There would be no way Mikael would let someone like that keep living when he knew that it was an enemy of his master.

Well, it's not like he could go and kill the Detested Enemy of the Gods right now.

After all, the Overlord, Supreme Monarch and the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods themselves had to talk to each other about what to do in this situation.

There's no way that Mikael, a lowly angel serving the Overlord, Supreme Monarch, would be able to do something about it right now.

It was then that Mikael could feel someone approaching him behind his back.

That someone approached him so fast that Mikael didn't have to turn his head to look at him.

Why? It was because that someone was now right in front of Mikael.

Right...and that person was flying in the air with...his wings wide open in the air.

Fluffy white wings that were so long that it was actually taking up Mikael's field of vision could be seen as the man flew down to the ground of the mountain.

Of course, Mikael knew who this...angel was as he spoke while looking at the other person's handsome face.


And when the other angel...Gabriel heard that, he quickly spoke with a wide smile on his face.

"Mikael! I heard about what happened! a war gonna start again?!"

Gabriel has already heard about what happened in the house of the Overlord, Supreme Monarch.

And since he knew, he also knew that what would come next would be war.

And Gabriel...wanted a war. After all, it has been a little bit too peaceful around the Highest Heaven.

It was then that Mikael spoke as he shook his head.

"That's impossible."

"Have you forgotten about the Natural Barriers between the worlds already?"

"We...creatures from the Highest Heaven would never be able to descend down to the lowest plane, First World, or to any other world for that matter."

Right...the angels and the gods from the Highest Heaven would never be able to descend down to any of the worlds that they reign over.

That was why...they let gods from a lower heaven rule over those worlds as their representatives.

After all, not even the Overlord, Supreme Monarch would dare ignore the Natural Barriers between the worlds.

However, it seems that Gabriel didn't believe that as he spoke as he tilted his head.

His fearsome eyes looked at Mikael intensely as he thought that Mikael was lying to him.

"What are you talking about? We won the war against the demons."

"We wiped them out and killed the Demon Kings reigning over the Highest Hell."

"And the Highest Hell is a place that we can use to descend down!"

"If we use the Highest Hell, a war or something like that would easily happen!"

Gabriel said as his white eyes widened a little bit. His veins around his eyes started to surface as he got a little bit pissed off.

Well, he didn't like the thought of Mikael lying to him about this.

After all, it was more than possible that Mikael was lying to him.

Of course...Mikael didn't like how Gabriel was looking at him like this when Gabriel...was only his subordinate.

Right, Gabriel was Mikael's subordinate.

That was why...Mikael thought to give a punishment to this rude subordinate as he disappeared.

"Shut your eyes." Mikael said and his voice reverberated in this place.

However, that was not all that happened as Mikael reappeared right in front of Gabriel with his two fingers...stuck in Gabriel's two eyes!

It happened so fast that even Gabriel wasn't able to react! He couldn't even feel when Mikael stabbed his eyes with his fingers!

However, even with that two fingers stuck in his eyes, causing his vision to go dark, Gabriel and calm.

He wasn't panicking nor was he trying to get Mikael away from him.

Why? It was because Gabriel knew better than to do something like that.

Gabriel knew how strong Mikael was, and since Gabriel wasn't able to even notice Mikael's move, that proves that Gabriel's strength...was nowhere near Mikael's strength.

Of course, his decision would be different if Gabriel was a little bit stronger or even on par with Mikael.

After all...Gabriel wanted to take away Mikael's position. He wanted to be the boss.

Anyway, it was with this position that Mikael spoke again.

"Indeed, you are right that we can use the Highest Hell to descend down to lower planes."

"However, have you forgotten? Demons are not the only enemies that we, Heavenly Beings, have."

"There are other enemies who are lying down in anticipation for us to use the Highest Hell."

Mikael then pushed Gabriel away as he pulled his hand away from his eyes.

Of course, there was, there was no blood flowing out as Gabriel's two eyes immediately healed.

Right...Gabriel's two white eyes became healed so quick and he could now see again.

It was then that Gabriel spoke as if nothing ever happened between the two of them.

"Other you mean to say monsters?"

And when Mikael heard what Gabriel said, he immediately spoke.

"That's right."

"Bullshit! Monsters are weak! They don't deserve to be feared by us!"

Gabriel shouted out loud as he tried to refute Mikael. After all, it was indeed the truth that in the eyes of angels and gods, monsters are only ants.

However, it seems that...Gabriel was wrong as Mikael spoke again.

"Although most monsters are weak, there are some that have surpassed their limits and became powerful enough to stand against us."

"And that is because of the monsters that we used to fight, the Ancients."

"The Ancients...have discovered a way for other monsters to become strong."

"And what is worse in this situation is that...the Detested Enemy of the Gods have full control over those monsters."

"He has full control, and he can summon them at will."

"However, that is not all as...the past Ancients, who have discovered a way for other monsters to become strong, are still alive. Not all of them, but some of them are."

"They are scattered all over the worlds, and they are hiding from us."

"The moment we descend using the Highest Hell is the moment they would reappear again to protect the Detested Enemy of the Gods."

"Even the Overlord is wary of them, so don't you dare underestimate them."

"As long as the Ancients are alive, we...can't recklessly just come down."

"You got that, brat who hasn't even lived for a thousand-year?"

And when Gabriel heard all those words, he...just bit his lips as he couldn't find anything to answer Mikael.

After all, it was the truth that...Gabriel doesn't know anything about the past.

He doesn't know anything about the Ancients or the monsters or something like that.

Gabriel has only been alive for that war against the demons when they conquered the Highest Hell.

And when Mikael saw that Gabriel wasn't speaking any shit anymore, he spoke again as he...spread his wings.

His wings were...a lot longer and bigger than Gabriel, showing his superiority.

"Let's go, brat. We shall gather the other Archangels to prepare for the Overlord's decision."

"War or wait, descend or hunt, the Overlord is the one who decides."

And as soon as he said those words, Mikael...flew in the air as he disappeared soon enough.

Of course, Gabriel soon followed the leader of the Archangels as he, too, disappeared.

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