Demon God

Chapter 187: Yin Yang

"Master..." Desire murmured as he felt joy in his heart.

After all, he found out that his master actually got angry for his sake.

Although Desire was actually grateful to that old man, Aimon, as Desire was finally able to get leads about himself and he even grew up, Desire still appreciates the strong emotion that his master had for him.

Of course, Desire was glad that his master didn't really have to chase down Aimon as that would make things worse for the situation that the Suckus have with Lamiya.

Anyway, Lionel's eyes started to grow dim again as his black eyes resurfaced. He was able to calm himself. After all, it's not like Lionel was some young youth who was too hot-headed.

It was then that Lionel spoke once more as he looked at Desire.

"So? What happened to you? Why did you suddenly grow up or something like that?"

"We didn't use Magic Infusion which caused your body to grow before."

"Was it really because of the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles?"

Lionel...finally asked the great question to Desire. This was something Lionel was really excited to know about.

His disciple was able to square off against him, even though it was only for a short amount of time.

His disciple was also able to take a punch from him, and even evade his punches!

That was why he was looking forward to what Desire would answer him.

However, it seems that Desire was hesitating to answer him as Desire didn't speak for a few seconds.

Well, that is only natural.

After all, there were many things that Desire learned about himself when he was knocked out.

He learned that he was a Quarter God, and he also learned that he could become a God.

He learned about that Inner World, and he also learned about who the Sage of the Eight Godly Paths was.

He learned about the paths, and he also learned of that darkness.

Although it seems that only a few of those points connect to him being able to grow up so suddenly, Desire was not sure about that.

He already guessed that it was probably connected to him being a Quarter God, but Desire wouldn't really say that confidently.

There were probably some other key points that Desire has missed.

That was why Desire...didn't know how to tell it to his master.

What's more, it's not like Desire could tell all of these things that he learned to Lionel.

Why? It was because...these things were Desire's greatest secrets, together with Unknown.

Of course, Desire wanted to explain things to his master, but...he didn't know where to start.

He didn't know if he should tell everything or if he should cut some parts of the story.

If he did cut some parts of the story, how would he make it believable?

These questions and facts made Desire hesitate to answer Lionel.

And it seems that Lionel was able to notice that Desire was hesitating as he spoke once more.

"This little seems like you don't want to tell me any of your secrets, huh?"

"Don't worry, I won't force you or something like that."

"You can tell me when you are ready."

Lionel didn't really want to force anything on Desire, and he surely didn't want to force the answer out of Desire.

After all, Lionel could understand why Desire was hesitating.

Lionel knew that it was because it was Desire's secret and it was connected to his origins.

Although it seems that an origin isn't really that important, it actually is.

Once it becomes known, it could be used as a card against Desire, and people could research Desire's origins' weaknesses and then...poof!

It would be easy to detain and kill Desire from then on.

There were many reasons why origins are important, but that was the most important reason.

Of course, it's not like Lionel would just brag about his disciple's origins every time he goes out to society.

He would keep that a secret, and he would definitely take that secret to his grave.

Even then, Lionel could understand Desire's decision to keep things a secret.

After all, this is a world...where anything can happen.

It was then that Desire spoke once more as he whipped his head to look at the sky.

"I'll tell you, master...when I feel that the time is right."

And when Lionel heard that, he quickly spoke with a light-hearted tone.

"Is that so? Kuhahahaha!"

And as soon as Lionel finished laughing, he then spoke as he grabbed Desire's head.

"You better tell me, you bastard! It's clear as day that you got some big secrets!"

"If you don't tell me, I would tell Jarina to not marry you!"

"Ah, that's not fair, is it!?" Desire said as he tried to get out of Lionel's hold.

And it was in this way that the disciple and master spent time together.


In a place where the sun was shining bright, there were a lot of people standing still in front of a huge house.

This house was an old-fashioned house, but it looks like it was just built a few seconds ago.

It was spotless and one would think that it was perfect just from how slick the house looked.

Of course, even the people standing still in front of this huge house think so as well.

And inside this house, there was a man who was currently staring at something while sitting down on a chair.

He was staring at a, he was staring at what was inside the glass.

The glass was enclosing something, and that something was...a metal that was covered in...Yin Yang symbol.

That metal was just floating inside the glass freely, and it was also rotating showing everyone in this place its Yin Yang symbol.

Well, there were only two people in this place. The man who was sitting on a chair, and the other man who was standing right beside him.

And both of them were currently staring at the Yin Yang symbol with quite a shocked look on their faces.

No...the man who was sitting on the chair had an enraged look on his face as veins appeared all over his face.

As this man was quite young, it looked like he was just exercising or something like that.

Anyway, the reason why these two men had quite the look on their faces was only because of one reason.

It was because of the Yin Yang Symbol. No, it was mostly Yin now as the darkness completely overtook the whole metal.

Right, the Yin Yang Symbol was now Yin Symbol. Although there were still some spots that had the shade of white, the Yang, it was only so little that it didn't really matter.

One would say that it was only Yin now. At least, that's how it looked like to the man who was sitting on the chair.

It was then that the man standing beside him spoke with a careful tone as he knew that the man sitting on the chair was angry.

"Your Most Highness...this is...this calls for an emergency meeting among the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods."

And as soon as the man sitting on the chair heard that, he quickly shouted out loud with his powers out in the open.

"Do you think I don't know that?!?" The man's shout was so powerful that the man who was standing on his side got blown away.

Right, he got pushed away with just a shout, but strangely...the house didn't get any damages or any scratches at all.

Even the spot where the man who got blown away didn't have any damages at all.

And that was weird.

Why? It was because of the man who was spouting blood all over the place as he coughed up.

No...he didn't cough. He stopped himself from coughing as he immediately proceeded to heal himself.

After all, this man wouldn't dare stain the house of the man who was leading the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods.

Right, the man who was sitting on the chair was the one leading the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods.

He is called the Overlord, the Supreme Monarch.

"Call the Twelve Ancient Most High Gods into the Council!"

Overlord, the Supreme Monarch said as he stood up. His robes were swaying in the air as he moved his hands.

"The Detested Enemy of the Gods is starting to make his move!"

"Make it fast, Mikael!"

Overlord, the Supreme Monarch said as he made some signs with his hands.

As soon as he was done, he then churned up his powers as he disappeared on the spot.

His destination was, of course, the place where the Council was located.

Since he was the one to call the meeting, the other Twelve Ancient Most High Gods would soon come running to the Council.

Of course, the man who was now...kneeling on the ground, Mikael, spoke.

"Yes, Your Most Highness!"

And after he said that, Mikael, too, disappeared as he went on to do his mission.

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