Demon God

Chapter 189: Status

Desire and his master, Lionel, have spent time together by talking with each other.

After all, Desire has been sleeping for a long time. He has been asleep for a month.

That was why he had many questions to ask his master. Questions about the Refreshing technique and also about Aimon, who escaped from this place.

Well, they really couldn't call it an escape as they didn't even know why he just...went out of his way.

He didn't even speak to Lionel, but of course, that was not all that the two talked about.

Desire also asked about Jarina, and he also asked about the other woman, Grizelle Elevnor.

However, Lionel didn't really answer that as he just said that Desire should just meet them himself.

Desire also asked about the training that he would take from now on now that he survived the process of the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles.

Although Desire hasn't still confirmed it, he feels and is confident that he could probably master all three styles at the same time now.

Of course, both of them didn't know the answer to Desire's question as Aimon just straight up disappeared on them without even confirming things.

That was why...they would only know when they start training again.

Well, they wouldn't really start training now as Desire just woke up.

Anyways, the time they spent together talking was so long that it was night time now.

Right...the sky has been taken over by the darkness of the night as it was really dark right now.

And when the sun first showed signs of going down, Lionel then said to Desire that he should just rest for tonight and that they would talk more tomorrow.

After all, even though it was only for a short amount of time, Lionel still chased Desire around and even punched him.

Although Lionel surely was not serious when he punched him, it would still hurt Desire, who had an untrained body.

That was why Desire would have to rest and heal up, and that was why Lionel gave Desire a healing pill before leaving.

And this place where Desire used to sleep, he was now all alone again.

Even Fyu, the one who was always watching from the shadows, was not here in this place.

Desire was very sure about that as he used his senses to feel around.

He was very confident in his senses as he was even able to predict Lionel's movements with his senses alone.

There is no reason for Desire to doubt that as Lionel was a being stronger than Fyu.

Anyway, Desire was standing at the same spot as he looked at his hand.

In his hand was the healing pill that his master gave him to heal himself.

However, Desire was hesitating to eat the pill. It was obvious just by the look on his face.

After all, Desire was feeling fine. He wasn't feeling anything wrong with his body or something like that.

He was...okay.

"Do I really need this?" Desire murmured as he willed for the cracks to appear on his right chest and arm.

Of course, as he was wearing clothes now, it wasn't visible to his naked eye, but he could feel that the cracks were there.

Anyways, the reason why he willed for the cracks to appear again was that he knew that the cracks could heal him.

The healing took place when he scratched his chest before, and when he actually got punched by Lionel.

What's more, the healing and precise as Desire could not feel any aftereffects or side effects.

That was why...Desire doubt that he really needs a healing pill for himself.

"Hah, I don't need this. Probably" Desire murmured as he destroyed the healing pill by crushing it with his hands.

And surprisingly, Desire was able to destroy it easily and its remains were swept by the wind.

"Unknown." Desire murmured again as he wished for the Unknown to appear.

Of course, as soon as Desire wished for the Unknown to appear, the screen that he was used to seeing appeared right in front of him.

And what the Unknown said was...


[Name: Desire]

[Race: Human, Quarter God]

[Monster Rank: First]

[Human Rank: First]

[Quarter God Rank: Zero]

[Traits: Heavenly Demon Trait]

[Title: None]

[Divine Protection: Cannot be identified]

[Special Status]

-Current progress with the unification with water: 15%

-Current progress with the unification with fire: 0%


-Current progress with opening one of the Eight Godly Paths, Understanding of power: 50%

And when Desire read it all, his eyes stayed at the Super Special Status.

"So, the Unknown also tells me that I only half opened the Understanding of Power. Still, I don't know how to open it completely."

As things got mixed up while Gaud was explaining to Desire, Desire didn't know what to do to open the Understanding of Power completely.

And now that he was back in the physical world, there was no way that Desire would be able to ask Gaud again.

That was why...Desire decided to just put that at the back of his mind.

Although the Understanding of Power was indeed important, Desire was hesitating.

He was hesitating to bite off more than what he can chew.

Why? It was because...

"I already have these long as I still haven't understood them, I won't chase another power."

"Still, what should I do to open the other half? Gaud didn't tell me a thing at all."

"Well, whatever. I'll discover it soon enough."

Desire said as he willed for the screen in front of him to disappear.

However, Desire was not done with the Unknown.

There was something that he wished to do ever since he became an adult.

And that was...

"Attributes." Desire murmured as he willed for his attributes to appear.

And as soon as he said that word, another screen appeared right in front of him.

And what it said was...


-Life Force: 1000

-Mana: 1000

-Strength: 500

-Speed: 500

-Intelligence: 500

-Energy: 500

And when Desire read it all, the first thought that came across his mind was...

"What the hell? Everything is the same?"

Right...his stats had the same numbers on them, but Desire soon let it go.

After all, Desire didn't really care about the numbers attached to his strength or speed or whatever it was.

He could already feel the strength that he has, and that was why he didn't need the numbers.

However, the reason why he wanted to see his attributes was because of...his mana.

In his baby and child days, Desire had a very small amount of mana. It was in the number of 1 and 2.

That was why Desire was excited to see if that has changed now that he was now an adult.

And it seems that...Desire's expectations have not been betrayed as he saw his mana having the number of 1000.

"Finally..." Desire murmured as he feels that...the shackles on his mana have been unlocked.

There were a lot of things that Desire couldn't do before, which is because of his lack of mana and lack of strength.

However, now that the lack of mana has been fulfilled now, Desire feels as if his wings have been opened.

Well, not literally. But that was how Desire feels in this situation as he looked at his stats.

Although Desire didn't know if a thousand mana was big or small, Desire didn't care.

As Desire could perform various magics with 1 or 2 mana, he was confident that he would definitely be able to do more things with 1000 mana compared to an ordinary magician.

And since Desire has confirmed that his mana was way bigger now compared to the time he was but a child, Desire immediately swiped the screen in front of him.

"Skills!" Desire shouted out loud as he felt excitement seeping into his body.

And as soon as Desire shouted those words, another screen popped up.

[Active Skills]

-Light Skill

-Excavator Skill

-Mana Manifestation

-Summon Familiar Skill

-Sub-Skill of the Summon Familiar Skill: Summon Aquatic Lords

[Passive Skills]

-Night Vision

-Life Force Regeneration

-Auto Mana Regeneration

-Magic Resistance

[Super skills]


[Innate skills]



And when Desire read it, his excitement died down as curiosity replaced it.

"There's no grade?" He murmured as he looked at his skills.

However, that soon disappeared from his mind as he looked at the bottom of the screen.

It was the Innate Skills that Desire had, and as far as he could remember, the only Innate Skill he had was the Authority.

The other one was still in the process of being unlocked for, at least, 500 days.

How come that...the other Innate Skill is now showing the name of it?

Desire couldn't understand it first, but when he considered the changes that his body just undertook, then...his Innate Skill was probably affected.

"Did the Innate Skill became unlocked because of my sudden body growth?"

If it was because of his sudden body growth, which is clearly a growth that could only be achieved by living for thousands of days, then it's reasonable.

However, if that was the case, then...

" body actually grew up several years in a single night?"

It was reasonable for Desire to think that way. Since 500 days was required for his Innate Skill to be unlocked, growing up several years in a single night would definitely unlock the Innate Skill. was shocking for Desire when things made sense that way.

After all, he just thought that his body grew up. Just like how a plant grows up in a single day, he thought that way of his body as well.

However, it seems like his body grew up several years, no...more than a decade this time as he was now an adult or a young adult.

"That's...physically impossible, isn't it?"

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