Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Sometimes it’s just a sentence. You don’t have to resort to force. You can easily hit a person without action. This is the power of speech.

At this time, the words of the green-haired teenager did not directly hit Jin Jin, but it was quite easy to hit the yellow and red hairs next to him.

When Zhao Zhao’s face didn’t think about it, he reached out and grabbed the collar of Lingluoxuan. He almost grabbed the person directly. The look on his face was extremely embarrassing. He said: “Before I asked Huang Mao. You are blue, his situation, you tell us that your divination is not coming out! Now you say that he is dead?! Do you want me to kill you?!” And the next Huangpu’s eyes changed, before The rogue and unspoken temper suddenly became extremely fierce at this moment, and at the same time he also brought a domineering aristocrat who was surprised by Jin Yu.

This guy should not be the guy in the castle of Europe.

Although I thought about it this way, Jin Yu went to the front and wanted to pull down the frame’s hand. Seeing that the green hair is dying, the goods surnamed the spirit, and the spirit worship the **** stick or the cousin, can not die in their own In the house.

However, I have not waited for Jin Yu to save Ling Lu Xuan, this guy’s own beast is very proud to come forward! Looking at Lingluoxuan’s arms, he slowly climbed out of a green turtle like a jade, and then the green turtle suddenly bite into the frame with a thunder, and the boss said that he really I have never seen the speed of the turtle so fast! And looking at the frame quickly retracting his hand and squatting, Jin Yu intuitively believes that that bit must be quite a force.

“I can’t tell you that it was an ordinary divination.

Talking to the boss of the gold is the divination of the blood.

Others, if you are so casual, move me, I don’t guarantee that you will fall out of the tiankeng next time.

“Green hair calmly pulls out its collar and calmly begins to intimidate.”

The original frame that was still very angry and Huang Mao silenced after hearing the green hair, and then Huang Hao suddenly looked up and looked at Jin Yu: “Golden brother, I know this request may be excessive, but I am bright. And one-fifth of the property of Diablo is guaranteed. I ask you to go to help the blue son immediately… I can ignore the ordinary divination of Lu Xuan, but I don’t want to ignore it, but I can’t use him. Ten years of life is a joke.

“This said that Huangfu couldn’t help but even shake his voice: “I don’t want to lose my favorite person. Blue is now quite dangerous.”

“…” When I heard Huang Hao’s words, Jin Yu sighed a little, and then couldn’t help but sigh. Seeing this is like he is not willing to save the blues in vain. This is contempt for people.

Well, but what is black and white Louis, is it rich? Thinking about Jin Yu, he turned to look at a boss next to him. The latter frowned and looked at the corner of a house.

Then Jin Yu got a big eye and saw Ding Bai and C black from the Shanggong locator coming out.

Is this playing a hidden game? ! “The master is good.

The master is good.

Ding Bai saw that Kim’s look was a bit embarrassing, but the boss’s order could not be heard anyway. The moment is fast: “Louis is one of the top ten leaders in the Western Region, but this family is in a certain At one time, because of a very speechless little thing, it became a dark Louis and a bright Louis. The two forces were originally in the same place, but because of the power of love, um, the leaders of the two generations fell in love with each other. Then, in order to give her son a quiet, undisturbed living environment, their child, Luis Huangfu, was sent to the best Royal Academy as an ordinary student.

However, ps, even if the goods want to be an ordinary student, but because of his appearance and character distance is still a long way.

the above.

“Ding Bai gave the bottom of the emperor a sigh, and listened to Jin Yu’s glimpse, as well as the green and red hairs next to him. Nima, the background of this competitor is also a bit Too big, I thought it was the least competitive one?! But now I don’t think about it, Huangfu just smiled and looked at Jinyu, confirming: “Golden brother, you are clear now, Let’s save the basket? “Jin Yuwen said that he turned his eyes and waved his hands. He didn’t wait for the three people on the opposite side to squint. He said: “You are stupid. If you don’t figure out anything, you want to act. OK, you said where the blue son is, you mean Where can I go?

“The three teenagers who asked this question, and then silenced.

Until then, Jin Yu continued: “Now is not just a question we don’t know the position of the blue.

I still doubt another point.

“You are suspected of fraud.”

“A little cool voice sounded, and Jin Yu didn’t even lift his head to know who it was.”

“Yeah, yeah, I said that you are interested in an unscrupulous doctor. If you want to live directly with me next time, or buy a house here, lest you have a fight, my younger brother will run around.”

Jin Yu ignored Jin Qian’s black and black face and walked to the emperor’s three people to explain to them: “I want to tell you one thing.

Just over half an hour ago, the orange found a message on the optical network, the content is ‘I am lost, it’s very strange here.

‘Don’t worry, this sentence is very common, but the signature of the message is ‘blues’.

Do you have any thoughts? “”This is impossible! ! “Jin Yu’s voice just shook the frame and shouted: “Blue will not get lost! ! Although he stayed a little, he felt weak, and sometimes he stuttered, but the road he walked through could be remembered again! He is the smartest of us! ! “…” I doubt a little about your IQ.

I have a cough, so I said, according to the situation of the blue son you are talking about now, and then comprehensively summarizing the divination and the information of the green hair, I think that it is absolutely impossible for the ‘blue child to get lost.’ It is ‘blue is caught in an unknown space, at stake.

And if so, what is the purpose of the person who catches the blue? What kind of strength? This is very important.

“But I think now you should have no extra brains to think about why and the difficulty of the task. Well, we will use the fastest way to query the map and then violent clearance.”

“Jin Yu said this, he went to the optical network under the watchful eyes of everyone, and then replied a message under the message released by Lanzi: “Where were you?” Yellow hair and green hair are coming to you, is my little milk wolf now good? “When you see Jin Yufa’s message frame, the three people are slightly anxious. When is this? And if the basket is caught, how can he reply to the message?!” Hey, boy, you can say this. really interesting.

After Jin Qian saw the news of Jin Yu, he pushed the glasses and looked casual but with a bit of seriousness: “In fact, you can’t ask the last half of the sentence.”

“Jin Yuwen shook his head: “Although Huang Mao is a Louis family, green hair and spiritual family may have grievances, but I don’t give them face, I think they are neither homeowners nor real power. Those who kidnap the blues for what they want to blame are not powerful enough to be positioned.

It is me, although there is no light screen notification, but in the files of the top ten families and other real powers, I am afraid that it is the focus of attention.

“In short, plus that half of the sentence is considered to be prepared, hope is really not related to me.”

Jin Yu said that he paused here, and then looked directly at Qi Qinglin. Suddenly, he said very deeply: “Let’s say, let’s go to the land reclamation and fight the boss. You can always remember to give me all the life-saving skills.” On, otherwise I am dead, you are violent, this is not good.

“For my partner suddenly suddenly does not make sense, Yan Qinglin said that he ignored it, but although the face ignored the boss in his heart, he still decided very seriously to protect this black and sinister vulnerable person. Otherwise, if he didn’t have a pillow at night, he would be very Difficult to sleep.

At this point, just after the news that Jin Yu played, suddenly a line of words was found, and let Jin Yu smile and let the three teenagers surprise that the sentence really said a place.

Just in front of the place called ‘unmarked forest’, there is another sentence – the little milk wolf is not good, it is dying, there is no food here, you come to save me.


“When the Huangpu three were all surprised and inexplicably ready to leave, Jin Qian, Li Xiao and the orange face were a little bad. The latter two were screaming, but they were robbed by Jin Qian.”

“A Yu did not go.

“”what? “The three emperors are all a glimpse.

Seeing their look orange bright and uncomfortable explained: “Are you a few boys are stupid, that sentence is that you come to save me, before the three gold you clearly said, if it is really directed When you go, you should let me go to save him.

Instead of ‘you’, this is obviously going to the gold.

So gold can’t go.

After listening to the explanation of Orange, the three emperors responded. After thinking about it for a moment, Ling Luxuan said: “Then let Jin Da Ge at home, there are Jin Qian big brother and Li Xiao big brother, we are also relieved to go with us.

“In the minds of these three people, the fighting power of a prehistoric whale is zero.


Jin Qian heard a sigh of laughter and rolled his eyes.

Jin Yu said with a slight smile: “You don’t think that the other person thinks so stupid? Do you think that if I get to the place, if they are not there, will they let you find or see the blue child?” “I have done it, don’t try the tiger.” With a face, blue is also because I am tied, although it may be because he is not lucky, but with me, I can’t help.

Just drink the saliva and go, what is the forest? What is it? Just go on a trip.

Jin Yu said very easily, but the faces of the people around him are not very easy, especially the face of Yan Qinglin has almost become black.

At this time, the body of the boss is particularly low and fierce. As long as he thinks that someone wants to be unfavorable to Jin Yu, but he knows that such a situation has to look at Jin Yu to go to risk, he feels that the blood around him is like coagulation. The same.

Kill innocent people.

Kill innocent! ! No matter who the person is, he must not destroy the scum of that person! ! !

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