Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Compared with the teenager who silently gritted in that lost space, the people in the 138th beast cute pet shop did not realize that this would be a dangerous start, just like one by one. Like cheese, the indeterminate position is like a very interesting event in the thoughts of this group of boring people.

Perhaps the resolution of this incident will take a while, but they do not think that this will cause them to suffer huge losses.

“I said that you have a good use? This is a good thing that Ding Bai specializes in honouring me. It is worth the price!” The first reaction of Jin Da boss after he was surprised was to refute. He used to boring to locate this thing. How many people and strange animals are good, apart from the unknown location of the Earth, several other wild stars and alien animals on the satellite have been positioned.

And Orange Liang heard the suspicion of Jin Yu’s scorn and expressed great dissatisfaction. “You can doubt my character, but you can’t doubt my IQ!!” “I’ll use it even if it’s advanced.” If you don’t believe you, try it! But if you can’t locate it, how about you lose this thing to me?” The locator in the handle of the orange smile smiled in front of Jin Yu, the latter saw Slightly raise the eyebrows and then operate.

As a result, more than ten minutes passed and there was still no reaction on the positioner.

“Haha! You see, you are not successful, come here, come and give me something, this is worth the price!!” Orange looked at Jin Yu’s ugly face and went straight to grab it. That locator, next to Li Xiao pumped the mouth to decide whether to stand still and not to see it better – anyway, he would not believe that a boss can let others grab his husband? Something.

So a minute later, when a yellow hair was kicked out of the house, Li Xiao said calmly.

“Hey! How can you talk about prehistoric whales!” and facing the orange screaming, Jin Yuxi laughed: “Have you heard what I said? I didn’t promise you at all.”

“I didn’t say anything before that, I robbed my purple gold coins for Mao!” ! “That’s your default.”

“…” So, for someone who only allowed the state official to set fire to the people, the orange light showed great contempt and indignation in the heart, and after despising, he went back and talked with Jin Yu.

“What is this situation? Haven’t there been such a situation before?” Orange said, looking at Jin Yu, the latter was slightly silent and then shook his head: “I can’t locate the three emperors of the wild star.

If you are a capital star, you can’t locate your guy who just flew.

“Are you defying my strength in disguise?” ! “Orange shines and speaks at the corner of the mouth. The three emperors of the beast and the green scorpion are placed in the beast. The strength of the fourth emperor’s guy is strong enough. This is not their normal. What kind of strength can people have? “… In addition, the black group, myself and the flying jade of the Dapeng Golden Wings can’t be positioned, and the others are gone.

“Speaking of Jin Yu’s face, there is a bit of meaning that can’t be said clearly. “I don’t say the guy in the black group. Even the ability to heal it recently is extremely special, and I don’t say it myself.” It is.


“You are disguised to say that you are very bulls?! There are guys who are more cheeky than you!!” But the guy who is flying jade.

“Jin Yu squinted his eyes.” He has a problem.

“Of course there is a problem!” The little white face Laozi has long seen him not pleasing to the eye! “Orange is a bit uncomfortable,” I used to interfere with him many times before I performed the task.

“But are you all right to position the people of the top ten families?” Nothing to check him for a relationshipless person? “There is still a word in the orange bright heart that I dare not say it. Well, Jin Yu, this guy should not be in the face of that little white face? Hey, if you really look at it, how can the boss be broken?”

When Jin Yu heard the orange light, he rolled his eyes and looked at Li Xiao, who had nothing to do with him. He couldn’t help but shook his head: “Your personality is too much.

“Orange, I tell you, that person is not only irrelevant. In my opinion, he is like a behind-the-scenes black hand and can count the guy who has a foot.”

Although we have no evidence, I have asked Changchun and Jin Qian that many of the behaviors of this person seem to be nothing at some point, but after a while, think about his “nothing” behavior slowly. You can have a line in the city, and then it will lead to a big event or something that is not too big.

“Wrinkle the frowning gold, I just clicked on the locator in my hand. “This person is like playing Go. There is no chess piece left by him in an inconspicuous place, but at some point, those pieces. You can even have a big dragon in the city, and the other party will not stay.

“I was just at the stage of doubt about this person, but when I got the positioner and couldn’t locate him, I knew my suspicion hit the target.”

“Is it that he hides his strength?” Li Xiao finally couldn’t stand the frustration of an orange, and answered.

“How could it be that the strength is so simple!” A voice that was somewhat sloppy was passed from the door, and I saw Shan Bailu’s pulling the wolf into the house, but there was no such thing behind him. An unscrupulous physician who is almost like a door god, and some are just a little silver butterfly.

“Hey, three less come? I thought you have become a close-knit keeper of an unscrupulous doctor? Look at the face of San Shao, this day has been quite good.

“Orange bright is a running force for all the guys who see his IQ except Jin Yu.”

Shan Bailu is definitely a fairly good target, and this guy’s three Q is not high.

“The young master does not have a general knowledge with you!” Shan Bailu naturally heard the run, but at this time he prefers to show off, even if this thing is told by others.

“If you hide the strength, this person can only be said to be a strong enemy with a mentality. In this case, even if he finally exposed the strength, he can be lost by the boss seconds, so there is no pressure.

The problem is that what he hides should be something more dangerous, and this kind of thing may bring considerable danger. Before you look at his every move, we can doubt that he is using his top ten family and army. The party’s dual identity is something to do, and this plot is absolutely related to the alien.

I can see it from the horror of the beasts of the top ten families he has been to.

“I heard Shan Bailu’s long string of talking orange bright eyes, some big, and then a fierce smile, “Your boy is definitely listening to the Jin family’s big and small!” Hey, I don’t believe that you can come up with so many things yourself! There is gold, how do we say that when we talk about that guy? Now the focus is on the lost boy? The locator couldn’t be positioned, he couldn’t get out, was he accidentally trapped where? Or is there any power in the prank? “Orange light does not give time to Shan Bailu, and the topic wraps around the lost boy.”

After Jin Yu listened, I thought it was better to talk about the kid now. I thought about it and nodded slightly: “Well, the orange you are right, whether it is a prank or you are accidentally trapped, if you can’t come out for a long time, then The teenager can’t live.

But where did you hear this news? Before we can solve the problem, we must at least know who the other party is? “Jin Yu’s words made the orange shine a little and then went to see his own light brain screen. After watching it for a long time, I just grabbed the head and said: “You know on the light network, everyone uses the nickname, the nickname of this boy.” Called Blue Hair? Do you have any impressions? “So in a moment everyone has a mind in the mind that there is quite a sense of existence, even the images in my mind are very ethereal…” I think it should not be so clever.

“Jin Yu pulled the corner of his mouth.”

And everyone else nodded.

At this time, Yan Qinglin looked up slightly and looked out the door. Jin Yu looked out of his eyes and saw a yellow hair, a red hair and a green hair. Three heads were squeezed out at the same time. The look of the head is anxious, and even if this is the case, the three people are still not going to stop each other.

“Boss boss!! My family is not here for you?!” “Golden brother! The basket is gone! We didn’t find him in the whole school. Did he come here with the little milk wolf?” “Gold boss, if If you don’t want to be cursed by me, I think you should tell the truth. Although you and my cousin are friends, I will never be soft for the basket.

“One red, one yellow and one green, each of them said that they were quite consistent with their character. When these three sentences came out, the doubts in Jin Yu’s heart were confirmed to be clear.

Needless to say, the blue hair that sent out the phrase ‘I am lost, can’t go’ on the Internet is the basket classmate.

I thought that Kim Boss couldn’t help but look at Shan Bailu and Orange, and then shook his head. How could he be surrounded by such a variety of Qs? The two guys are simply staying. The synonym of Meng, but I can get lost all the way, this is a bit… “I think the IQ of the basket should be a horizontal line with Li.

” Jin Yu has some heavy openings.

Although the guy is a little bit tired, he is absolutely not confused on important matters, and such a person suddenly loses his way. This is slightly unscientific.

“What are you talking about! The basket is the smartest of us! The boss, hurry, he is not here. He has been missing for two days! I am worried that someone will be bad for him!” I quickly pulled back my thoughts.

Also, at this time, it has been determined who the person who sent the message is, then naturally it is to save people, but before that, some things still have to be determined.

Jin Yu thought about turning to look at the three yellow hairs, and finally set his eyes on the green hair.

Among the three, the boy’s face was the worst, with some extreme uneasiness.

“I think you should have already given the basket a divination? The result?” The green-haired teenager heard a shock and took a deep breath to push the glasses.


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