Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

No trace of forest.

Known as the last undeveloped ‘ridiculous land’ on the capital, its sinister level is no less than the star of the capital.

The meaning of the word “no trace” is also because almost all the people who stepped into the unseen forest did not come out at the end, so they were named “no trace.”

There is no human footprint.

On the airship overlooking the continuous forest, Jin Yu could not help but pumping.

Although he is very clear that the world is completely different from the one he was in before, when he saw this piece of forest divided into five colors, it is still not calm – red, yellow, green, white, black? ! If the three colors in the front can be regarded as different varieties and barely recognized, then what is the white and black behind? When do you have white and black forests? ! And I don’t know why, Jin Yu can be sure at first sight, the blue child is trapped in the middle of the black forest.

It’s just how the black forest looks like people feel that they don’t want to be close.

“Gold, where are we going?” Li Xiao glanced at the unmarked forest opening below.

Jin Yu heard the question and looked down at the optical network receiver in his hand. The latter did not move a little. He was about to speak. He heard that the green hair was very sure: “The land is a dragon, and the black is called innocent.” .

It is the middle.

“The people’s sticks are all open, and they land in the middle.”

Jin Yu said and looked around. I saw everyone very nervous and looked at myself and couldn’t help but enjoy it: “Look at your excited horses?” The sons of the top ten families came to the five, not to mention, Xiaobai big white buns, they were all flicked by the boss, so many hitters and guards watching around, how can I have another accident? I am not the guy of Shan Bailu, and I am home.

“The words of Jin Yu let the people and beasts around can not help but laugh out, even Long Changyi thinks that everyone may be too nervous.

Just looking up and looking at the big green boss who was sitting next to Jin Yu, Long Changyu stretched back again.

From the beginning, Yan Qinglin knew that the whole thing was a low-pressure look when he was in Jinyu, and this look continued until now. It is estimated that as long as the crisis is not lifted, his face will continue to look like this. It is.

“In other words, all the way came, did anyone think of who is behind the scenes? How do I think it should be the problem of the Dragon Family or the Grand President? Only their attitude is particularly bad, and they are still mysterious.

“Ling Chong opened, the little golden monkey next to it nodded in agreement.

“God sticks you think more, I think that you are not both, the latter does not have the ability and ability to calculate the gold surplus, as for the former, oh, Long Chang Li and his old ambition are too big, It will not be so painstaking to do this thing, knowing that once this is done, it is almost a small and half-powerful opposition to the top ten families, and it is also subject to the risk of revenge by Qing Lin.

“The night phoenix shrugged and disapproved, and then looked down and thought: “Actually, according to my experience and intuition, that person is actually more likely to be flying jade.

“Reconsideration, but I really can’t figure out what cards he has. For his heart, I won’t look down.”

Jin Jin’s voice fell, and at the same time, the airship slowly landed in the black forest.

I can’t reach my fingers.

It is the most authentic portrayal of Jin Yu and others. The strong light from the backpack has not been seen. The people have heard the sound of screaming, followed by Shan Bailu. The little blue wolf slammed his claws, and a cyan energy hood was lit around everyone, and then the crashing sound of the cymbals. Through the lights, Jin Yu and others saw the outside situation. This look is to make everyone’s face pan-green – a strip of snake-like branches violently slammed against the protection, densely packed with a layer, watching Jin Yu straight nausea, Nima Is there a slight intensive phobia? And he doesn’t like snakes at all! ! Hey.

The blue wolf made a low sob, and then the orange light and Li Xiao took the shot together. The little blue wolf couldn’t hold it so fast, which proved that the branches were really not provoked.

“Hey, adjust the lights to the minimum, otherwise it will be like this all the way, I am afraid that we will not be tired if we have not yet reached the position.”

God stick you hurry to see which direction to go, blue and small milk wolf are not very good, let’s go! ! At the time when Jin Yu talked, everyone walked forward and then collectively issued various exclamations. Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin were both annoyed when they fell into the pit. Nima digs holes in the night to jump. This is really hard to prevent!! But at this time they can’t jump on each other, because basically everyone can be sure that this is one of the people’s plans, and want to see the blue and the little milk wolf, I must follow the route he gave.

When I landed, Jin Yu took Yan Qinglin’s hand and looked around at the empty surroundings. I couldn’t help but sigh: “I know that the first thing the guy has to do is to divert, otherwise we can even spit it out. Spit him or suffocate him.

“——————…… The room is quiet, even if Jin Yu said in the light screen is very funny, but in front of the person being laughed, even the courageous people do not dare to laugh, Even the face doesn’t dare to change, who told them to be their men.

And Fei Yuling listened to Jin Yu’s words and snorted. “Laugh, laugh, after today, you can go to the king’s house and continue to laugh.

And I, the great cause will be! ! “Everyone else has been transferred to the untouched forests by the energy point. If you want to break through the hardships, you will find it at the fastest time.”

Jin Jin and Yan Qinglin, the former, do not say for the time being, the latter’s strength can be compared to the three emperors, as long as he is not successful in the plan, but, if you are a different animal, let the two of you try my research first. Results! ! The heart-rending laughter sounded inside the house, and Feiyu waved and waved, and several figures disappeared from the house.

At this time, the people in the house looked at Feiyuyu with enthusiasm, and it was like watching the most respected emperor.

“Hey, Qinglin, you said, what tricks do they play? Knowing these traps, attacking, what is not useful to you.”

“Yu Qinglin has easily escaped a few lasers, and Jin Yu’s emotions have been relaxed from the various precautions to the present.

After all, when all kinds of endless attacks can’t hurt themselves, it’s not human when you don’t relax.

Of course, a guy who is not a person still has a face.

Look at the Jin Yu that is a helpless and painful.

This kind of look is so that Jin Yu can’t be happy. After all, in the enemy’s territory, he still quickly solved the problem and then ridiculed the unicorn.

Thinking about it this way, consciousness began to get confused, and then the goods went to see Zhou Gong.

Yan Qinglin looked at the guy in his arms and slept in the past. He couldn’t help but raise his mouth. This person really made him unable to put it down. It looked like a savvy look but he was too soft and innocent. It’s the opposite of thinking about it, and thinking about it.

However, the more he knows about him, the more he can’t let go. This person has already melted into his bones. He wants to take him away, that is, he wants his own life! He will never allow it.

So Yan Qinglin tightened his hands and continued to move forward.

When Jin Yu woke up again, it was already more than three hours later, and the confused eyes opened, and a face with a faint tiredness came into view.

Unconsciously reaching out, Jin Yu sighed: “Stop.

I want to pee.

“…there is a block of ‘s sentence ‘Nothing, I am not tired’, the card can’t be said in the eyes of the blind man.

And Jin Yu’s success prevented the power of this cargo from dying, and the smile fell to the ground, and then they found that they came to a place that resembled an ancient palace.

Although the building was a lot of ruin, but the grand shock, still let Jin Yuzhen big eyes.

“I said that urine is not very good here.

“Nima, is this a monument?” “You can urinate.”

“Zhu Qinglin’s face does not agree, this product is only afraid that Jin Yu will be able to help the wind in the presidential palace or the old house of the Dragon family. In this no one’s historic site, there is no scruples.

Of course, it is still necessary to interfere with the information transmission tool. The people in his family must not be seen by others! After listening to Yan Qinglin, Jin Yu did not care about it. If he did not say anything, he would solve the problem. When the problem was solved, the two men walked hand in hand. In Jin Yu’s view, their destination was ten. Yes, it is here, just don’t know which room the blue and the little milk wolf are locked in.

However, such a large palace, even under the Black Forest, but unable to locate, is really a bit strange.

I am afraid that this palace hides the murder.

Suddenly, a very loud voice sounded, Jin Yu did not hear, and Yan Qinglin took Jin Yu and walked toward a room. It was a very small room, compared to the magnificent houses around. The house is simply an ugly duckling in the swan. It is really a sense of existence.

“Is it here?” Jin Yu stood in front of the door and turned to ask Lin Qinglin.

The latter nodded.

“There should be no danger or authority in the inside? Also, will other people be here too?” Yan Qinglin heard and touched Jin Yu’s face and shook his head: “Nothing.

“Extending your hand and pushing the blue door.”

Hey! The three arrows rushed from three directions without a dead end, and Yan Qinglin waved the arrow with a wave of his hand.

When the two were on alert, they saw the blue and little milkwolves sitting in the center of seven or eight disabled animals.

When Lanzi looked at the time, his face looked pale and looked at Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin. When he opened his mouth and wanted to talk, he couldn’t say anything. In his arms, the body of the little milk wolf did not move. Some stiff… “…gitating!!” The mouth that gnashed his teeth, Jin Yulian ran to the blue and the little milk wolf without thinking about it, and Yan Qinglin did not stop but almost stayed close to Jin Yu. In the past, his spirit has reached the tightest point at this time. If the opponent wants to play tricks, then it should be the most unstoppable moment! ! “Blue child! How are you? Your face is too ugly, how is the little milk wolf? Let me see!!” Jin Yu said nervously, he would reach out and embrace the little milk wolf from the blue child’s arms. Just like the conditioned reflex, Jin Yu’s hand just touched the little milk wolf, and the blue child yelled at the madness of ‘ah’, and the gold scream was stunned, and the attention of Yan Qinglin’s moment was Put it on the body of the blue child.

Then the blue child’s shouting is like a switch. The aliens who were stunned by the dying, suddenly red eyes, fiercely rushed to Jin Yu! That is five different beasts of the A-class strength, even if it is also treated carefully, at this time he guards against the blue child, while defending the five A-class beasts around, the spirit is concentrated and prudent.

And Jin Yu looked at the madness of the blue child’s heart, and the spirit of the power of the mixed yuan went around to the blue child. Yan Qinglin and Jin Yu’s face were extremely cautious, but even so, the two ignored it. The most important point.

The little milk wolf, who was originally dead, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment. The original pale blue scorpion was red at this time. When Jin Yu did not react at all, he bit his heart. Then I fainted again.

! ! ! The **** smell of Jin Yu was scattered, and the body of Yan Qinglin was suddenly stretched. Almost all the A-class animals were destroyed with a wave of hands, while the blue and the little milk wolves hit the corner.

“Jin Yu!?” Looking at the whiteness of the people in his arms, there is a gray face, and the wisdom of Yan Qinglin has a blank moment.

The man was wearing a white Tang suit today, and at this time in the chest, the black blood had already dyed the white of the crescent.


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