Count of Wizards

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Miss Rebecca

looked at the middle-aged man Ayman who claimed to be a “manager”, Connor took out a dark green color from his wallet and handed it over the banknote with the head of Raul II printed on it.

“Ten gold pounds, from now on I want to book the venue for an hour!” Connor said calmly and lightly:

Connor’s words immediately made Ayman, the fat middle-aged man’s face extremely astonished, but as the manager of this store, Ayman still responded with a polite smile on his face: “Sorry, There are still guests in the shop, sir. I am sorry that I can’t agree to your terms!”

Connor didn’t feel any irritation because of Ayman’s refusal. He nodded calmly, then took out a dark green banknote exactly like the one just now from his wallet and handed it over.

“Twenty gold pounds, one hour!”

The temptation of two dark green banknotes immediately made Ayman a little struggling. He hesitated and asked, “Sir, are you serious? Twenty gold pounds, only for one hour?” ”

Connor nodded solemnly, indicating that he was not joking.

Seeing the golden master in front of him, so sure, Ayman gritted his teeth and said, “This gentleman, please wait a moment!”

After talking, Ayman smiled apologetically, then walked to the guests who were eating in the restaurant, bent over and explained something.

Feeling the guests who were eating, under Ayman’s explanation, he looked at him with extremely surprised eyes, and as a gentleman, Connor bowed slightly and apologized.

Connor was not surprised by Ayman’s choice under the temptation of twenty gold pounds. In the currency system of the Kaman Empire, the gold pound is the top currency unit and is the gold standard currency. The Imperial Bank exchanges gold with one gold pound equal to twenty shillings. The face value of the gold pound banknotes is one, five, ten, or one hundred four.

The second currency unit under the golden pound is the shilling. One shilling is equal to twelve pence, with one, five, and thirteen denominations. At the lowest end of this pyramid of the monetary system is the penny. Although it is the lowest end, the penny is the most widely used currency by the majority of the Kaman people.

As the top currency unit of the Kaman Empire, the purchasing power of the golden pound is still quite strong. In Connor’s calculations, one golden pound is approximately equal to three thousand yuan soft sister coins, and the twenty golden pound he paid is equivalent to sixty thousand soft coins. Sister coins and restaurants like Shamrock, rent, employee salaries and other various costs, two or three days may not be enough to make a net profit of 20 gold pounds, and now Connor’s request is only to cover this shop for non-food. With an hour’s mouth time, such a windfall, I believe the restaurant manager will not refuse as long as he is not an idiot.

Five minutes later, the only two table guests in the restaurant also apologized and ordered free orders. They ended their meal. It suddenly became a restaurant that could accommodate hundreds of people at the same time, except for the service staff and Kang. Except for the admission, there is no guest left.

I found a seat in the restaurant and sat down. Before Ayman asked him what he wanted to eat, Connor took the lead and said, “I don’t want to eat anything. It’s like sitting here for a while. Without my request, you don’t want to. Near here, I will leave by myself in an hour.” Connor handed two ten gold pound notes to Ayman.

Seeing Connor’s behavior so weird, Ayman opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he chose not to be nosy. He took the banknotes Connor handed over, bowed slightly to Connor, and withdrew. Go down.

With the departure of Ayman, the restaurant manager, Connor slowly closed his eyes. Although he could receive a large sum of money from the fund his mother had prepared for himself every month, but 20 gold pounds. The amount is not a small number for him.

And the reason why he chooses to spend this money in such a “waste” form is not without purpose. Whether it is Zhang Tongming on the earth before or Connor now, he attaches great importance to his life. For him, although money is precious, the price of life is higher!

So here, at a high price, the Shamrock Restaurant was booked for an hour. Connor’s purpose is to help him remember his experience in the Shamrock Restaurant under quiet and undisturbed conditions. The details of what happened, and the seat Connor sits now is the seat he sat in Clover on the last night in his memory.

“Chip! Bring up Connor’s last memory in the clover restaurant and restore the scene!” Connor muttered silently in his heart.

“Drip! Following the subject’s will, the mission begins to be established. Scene recovery begins!”

With the appearance of the chip sound, five seconds later, Connor’s eyes suddenly appeared like a movie, showing a scene of a man and a woman eating. UU Reading

This man and a woman, the man is tall, his face is bold, needless to say, it is the current Connor, and this woman is also very tall, tall, white and smooth skin, round and oval face. , The slightly curvy blond hair, and the vivid ruby-like eyes at the end, everything is added to everything. Even after seeing countless beauties on the Internet, Connor has to admit that this girl’s charm is hard for men to stand. Live temptation.

Looking at the woman in the scene carefully, Connor narrowed his eyes. This woman was Miss Rebecca whom George told him, and was the last person Connor had ever seen in his memory.

After George mentioned the woman in the morning, Connor, who was curious, used the chip to search for the information of this Miss Rebecca in his memory. However, unexpectedly, the content displayed in the memory made Connor extremely interested, and it also caused everything Connor was doing now.

According to Connor’s memory, this girl named Rebecca is recognized as a flower in the History Department of the University of Ruen. At the same time, she is also Connor’s dream lover. In order to understand everything about Rebecca, Connor used to spend a high price. Hire a private detective to investigate Rebecca’s background. The news from the detective’s investigation is amazing. The young and beautiful Rebecca turned out to be the illegitimate daughter of the Ruen businessman Fabinho and a certain Fabinho. After getting drunk on the day, it was the result of a night of romance on a stripper.

In fact, the matter of investigating Rebecca’s background, as long as the **** is cleaned, is not such a bad thing, but unfortunately, the bad thing is going to be bad here. Connor investigates his own background and lets Rebecca knew, and this made Rebecca very angry. She publicly declared that even if she was looking for a tramp as her boyfriend, she would not associate with a nobleman like Connor.

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