Count of Wizards

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 clue

Listening to the cold female voice in his head, Zhang Tongming’s pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole.

“Why, why did my auxiliary chip follow?”

“No, this is my golden finger, right? People’s traversal is all kinds of supernatural powers hanging by the sky, or there is a heaven and ten thousand realm mall that can be the master, and no matter how bad, there is also a grandfather. Why are we here? There is only one auxiliary chip here?”

In 2050 AD, the fourth artificial intelligence revolution broke out. Like the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution, and the third scientific and technological revolution, the fourth artificial intelligence revolution brought brand-new productivity. The auxiliary chip that Zhang Tongming traveled through is one of the most outstanding products of the artificial intelligence revolution.

Auxiliary chip is a must-have for human work and life in modern society, because it involves ethics, human rights, and many other aspects. The auxiliary chip does not have an independent intelligent existence like other products in the fourth revolution, but the auxiliary chip has another kind. The magical function is that as the host’s experience and knowledge continue to grow, and the ability to analyze and store is continuously improved, it can better serve the host.

Although he was extremely frustrated with his hardship, Zhang Tongming didn’t hesitate, and said silently in his heart: “Chip, scan my whole body, and call out the body data.”

“Dip, the scan is complete, the main data is as follows:”

“Power 2.0”

“Physique 1.8”

“Speed ​​1.9”

A three-dimensional figure clearly appeared in Zhang Tongming’s mind. Through this, Zhang Tongming could fully understand the various functions of his own body.

Looking at the data with each item exceeding 1, Zhang Tongming’s Adam’s apple squirmed, a thought suddenly rose in his mind, is the Ferguson family’s knight breathing method so daring?

On the earth, the three data of strength, physique, and agility, the average adult male data is around 1, and the three data is above 1.5, which is already an Olympic-level athlete, such as Conor Ferguson’s three data. It is close to 2, I am afraid that even Olympic champions can’t do it! According to Connor Ferguson’s memory, the reason for this effect is largely due to the knight breathing method he has practiced since he was a child.

raised his eyebrows, Zhang Tongming seemed to have thought of something, and he said silently in his heart again with a solemn expression: “The chip integrates the subject’s memory and analyzes the cause of the heart injury just now!”

“Dip, follow the subject’s will, the task begins!”

With the sound of the chip falling, in Zhang Tongming’s mind, Connor Ferguson’s memory is like playing a movie.

After a full analysis for a quarter of an hour, the voice of the chip rang in Zhang Tongming’s mind again.

“At the end of the analysis, a total of 59 possibilities were found, among which the possibility of being cursed is as high as 95%, and the remaining 58 possibilities are less than 1%!”

“Curse?” Zhang Tongming furrowed his eyebrows tightly. As an internet writer, he still possessed the basic logical reasoning ability. Now the situation is very obvious. Conor Ferguson was cursed and killed. He died, so his soul and consciousness were completely gone, and only the body was left, but he didn’t know why he came into this world, and by chance, he traversed Ferguson’s body.

If this is the case, then the question is, why is Connor cursed? Who cursed Connor again?

itself curses such things, it is easy to be associated with words such as wizards and evil, not to mention the fact that in the world where Zhang Tongming is now, extraordinary powers are real, which makes it easier to provoke people’s imagination.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Tongming sighed. Judging from the simple and rough view of Connor’s memory, there is no obvious clue as to why Connor was cursed to death. Now he can only take a step and look at it. , Crossing the river by feeling the stones!

Walking to the window, Zhang Tongming stretched out his hand and drew the curtains made of silk. He watched the Gothic architecture outside the window and the **** crimson moon that was completely different from the earth hanging high above the night. Zhang Tongming He sighed deeply, looked up at the red moon, with various complex emotions on his face, muttered to himself in a low voice: “Wonderful world, I Zhang Tongming, no! Connor Ferguson is here!”



Zhang Tongming, who thinks he is Connor Ferguson, has just passed through, but he didn’t get much rest time. It was only the next day that he had completely integrated into Connor’s life.

As a sophomore in history at Green University, Connor still has two years to complete his studies. Now his studies are still very heavy. Except weekends, Monday to Friday, every day There are various courses waiting for him to learn.

After finishing a heavy day of classes, the somewhat exhausted Conor Ferguson did not return directly to his gorgeous apartment at No. 16 Rand Street, East District, Ruen City. Instead, he walked slowly towards Lu. En’s city center location.

Although it is January, it belongs to the winter in Ruen, a seaport city, but because of the existence of the warm current, the temperature in Ruen has been maintained at around three or four degrees below zero, which is not too cold.

tightening his trench coat tightly, Connor stopped in front of a restaurant called Shamrock. A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, but he immediately returned to a clear state.

All night yesterday, Connor, besides taking control of his own body, also did another thing, that is, looking for clues that he was cursed, but unfortunately, after carefully sorting out his memories, Connor realized that Some fragments in his memory seem to have disappeared out of thin air, he can’t remember anything!

The most obvious signs of these are that he remembers that he was eating at this clover restaurant with a lady named Rebecca twenty-four hours before he was cursed and died, but he didn’t eat or do anything at all. remembered!

After sorting out the high-collar trench coat and bowler hat that are very popular among the Kaman nobles, Connor walked into the clover restaurant with the sweet smiles of the beautiful waitresses.

Perhaps because it is only three o’clock in the afternoon, there are not many people eating in the restaurant, and only two tables of guests are enjoying the food in the huge restaurant.

Glancing at the two tables of guests, Connor nodded insignificantly, then turned and walked to the front desk of the restaurant.

Seeing Connor walking towards him, the middle-aged man who seemed to be checking the accounts at the front desk was somewhat bald, and the slightly fattened middle-aged man was slightly stunned, but he immediately put a polite smile on his face and said, “Hello, sir. , I’m Ayman, the manager of this clover restaurant, don’t know how I can help you?”

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