Count of Wizards

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 knight

The occurrence of this incident once made Connor one of the laughingstocks of Green University, which made Connor very sad. However, against this background, last weekend, before Connor was cursed, Rui Becca took the initiative to invite Connor to have dinner together at the Shamrock Restaurant.

The goddess in his heart took the initiative to invite himself to dinner. Connor, with well-developed limbs and simple mind, did not realize any abnormality. He naively believed that this was the beginning of his love with the beautiful Rebecca’s lady.

Like watching a movie, Connor focused all his attention on Rebecca in the scene.

Suddenly Connor’s expression became extremely solemn. He seemed to have discovered a problem. On the surface, during dinner, Rebecca smiled happily and looked very happy on a date with Connor. But her brilliant smile seemed very stiff, and Connor also felt the negative emotions of disdain, contempt, and hatred in her eyes.

Two pieces of evidence, coupled with the background, Connor has reason to believe that the weekend dinner Rebecca did not come from the heart and wanted to enjoy it with himself? So the question is, why does Rebecca do this? And being cursed, does it have anything to do with Rebecca?

Connor watched the scene in front of him attentively. Suddenly he seemed to have discovered something. His pupils suddenly shrank to the size of pinholes, and he shouted in his heart:

“Chip! Pause playback!”

Following Connor’s order, the scene in front of him was instantly frozen in this scene. In the picture, Rebecca was smiling and beckoning Connor to taste the cheese-baked snails on the dining table. However, in the freeze-frame recording, Connor had a face. Bitterness, it seemed a bit disgusting, but in the end I tasted it.

Looking at the picture in front of him, the information is being gathered in Connor’s mind little by little.

Baked snails with cheese is a traditional delicacy of the Kaman Empire. It is the favorite of countless nobles. When Conner was young, he was also very obsessed with this delicacy. He could not do without it almost every time. However, things must be reversed. This natural law of capital is also applicable to the delicacy of baked snails with cheese. Eating every meal every day makes Connor tired of this delicacy of the Kaman Empire. Until now, Connor heard about this. The sweet aroma of baked snails with cheese is a bit nauseating.

So that night, Connor was so resistant to the delicacy of baked snails with cheese, only to think that this was the dish his goddess had handed over, so he reluctantly eats it.

However, after Connor said that he did not like to eat snails baked with cheese, Rebecca still tried to get him to eat more. However, Rebecca used the dish of baked snails with cheese, too. The calories were too high, and she didn’t move a bite just because she wanted to stay in shape.

After watching the scene repeatedly dozens of times, Connor sighed slightly in his heart, returning his consciousness to reality.

All the signs of Rebecca are very abnormal. Although there is no evidence now that directly shows that he is cursed and has a relationship with Rebecca, there is no doubt that the current situation is out of responsibility for his own life. Connor can only regard Rebecca as an important suspect,

I already know what I want to know. It’s no longer necessary to stay here. Connor stood up and gave a few shillings as a tip to the young and beautiful waitresses who had been glaring at him. Immediately walked out of the clover restaurant.

Walking on the road back to Rand Street, Connor’s face was very ugly. In the memory that was just restored, the cold eyes behind Rebecca’s poppy-like seductive smile appeared in his heart like a nightmare. However, just when Connor was very upset, there was a voice in his ears.

“Hi! Connor, how are you doing this weekend?”

Looking at the typical white youth with blond hair and blue eyes who greeted him in front of him, Connor was taken aback for a moment, but he returned to normal after turning around.

“Not bad!” Connor, who was in a bad mood, forced a smile on his face, and the information of the person in front of him suddenly appeared in his mind. This guy is called George, and he is a classmate at Green University. Like Connor, George is also a nobleman in the Kaman Empire, but his father is a viscount. The original owner of this body didn’t have many friends in the century-old college of Green University, but the George in front of him was one of his few friends.

“Connor, what you have hidden is really deep enough. You have already enjoyed a good night with the beautiful Miss Rebecca? How about the sweet and beautiful roses of our history department?” Next to Na, George whispered gossiping:

“Rebecca?” Hearing the name from George’s mouth, Connor narrowed his eyes subconsciously, his clenched fists and nails could not help but sink into the flesh, but he still smiled at George and explained. “I just had a steak with Ms. Rebecca at the Clover Restaurant. UU Reading did not stay overnight at all. Don’t talk nonsense, George!”

“Hey, a good start is half the battle! Connor, I told you a long time ago that with your family wealth and your handsome appearance, Rebecca, this rose, is just talking to you It’s just playing tricks!” George said with a grin, disregarding it.

“I hope so…” Connor learned to be like himself before and shrugged pretentiously.

It seems that he has noticed Connor’s abnormality. George frowned slightly and asked concerned: “Connor, are you a little uncomfortable today? How do I feel that you are a little different today?”

“You think it’s right to be different. People can still be the same after they are changed?” But Connor still went down the donkey, pretending to be distressed, and said: “There are some things in the knight training. The problem should be resolved soon.”

Hearing Connor’s words, George suddenly showed an expression of understanding. He patted Connor on the shoulder, and said with some envy, “You should have the strength of a formal knight now?”

“It should be the same, but you still have to practice for a period of time if you want to pass the Empire test!” Thinking of the official knight, Connor’s face is a rare smile.

After discovering that Connor had no problem, George was relieved, and then chatted with Connor. After agreeing to go to the bar to play together on the weekend, George left after a standard noble courtesy.

Looking at the back of George leaving, Connor’s face showed a mysterious smile. To tell the truth, he had to sigh the wonder of this world, not only with extraordinary abilities, but also with the existence of a knight.

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