Count of Wizards

Chapter 1175

Chapter 1143 purpose

“Earl of Wizard( Find the latest chapter!

The news about the Moro Society that I learned from Varga undoubtedly gave Connor a little interest and vigilance towards Moro Society. According to Varga’s simple and ruthless account of Moro Society’s behavior, then he has always The second assault of worry will probably happen!

Thinking of this, Connor couldn’t help but expect what kind of news Margaret would bring to him. He had a hunch that the news Margaret brought to him would never let himself down… ········

After instructing Varga to focus on the overall situation, Varga set out. She was going to take the coming Margaret to the cave to meet Connor.

An hour later, Connor Ferguson, who was sitting in the cave, opened his eyes and looked at the entrance of the cave. In the next second, Varga and Margaret walked to Connor’s face and watched. On the ground, Connor Ferguson, who was pale and he was recovering from a serious illness, immediately became concerned in Margaret’s eyes.

Feeling the concern and concern in Margaret’s eyes, Connor’s angular face showed a smile and whispered to Margaret: “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ll be fine in a while. It can be restored as before!”

After talking about Connor, he put on a strong posture to Margaret. Looking at Connor like this, Varga, who was walking beside Margaret, curled his lips slightly, but did not say anything. As Kang Connor’s attending physician, Connor’s physical condition, she knows best. Although there is no major problem, if you want to get back to the beginning, it’s not like Connor said that it can be done with a light “after some time”. Yes, it will take at least a long time to recover…

With another relief from Margaret, Connor started the topic of the meeting and asked Margaret; “Margaret, do you know the Moro meeting well?”

When Connor asked about this, Margaret opened her lips slightly, just to express her confession, but before she spoke, she seemed to think of something, but she didn’t continue speaking, just bowed her head and coughed slightly.

Seeing Margaret’s piety, how could Varga not know what she meant, and there was a cold flash in her beautiful eyes, but when she thought of Connor’s just now, she told her to “take the overall situation as the most important thing.” “Varga, who was about to attack, resisted the bad breath and was about to turn and leave. However, what Varga did not expect was that Connor was holding her in front of Margaret when she was about to turn around. Soft as a boneless hand, then solemnly said to Marguerite:

“Margaret, I have the same trust in you and Varga! If you trust me, then you can also trust Varga!”

Although Connor’s words were not loud, he felt the firm attitude in Connor’s words, but it made Margaret slightly discolored, and on Varga’s side, seeing Connor like this, his eyes had already appeared. A touch of touch…

Seeing Connor’s persistence, Margaret hesitated for a while and said in compromise, “I got news that someone wants Moro to kill you!”

Even though Margaret’s mouthful revealed enough news, Connor was not surprised. After all, he had already anticipated that this time Moro would trouble him. Most of it was instigated by others, so Connor just nodded to Marguerite and motioned for her to continue.

Seeing that Connor did not show an unexpected appearance, Margaret was a little disappointed, but after considering her language, she said: “Because the Moro Club organization, whether it is personnel movement or identity information, is very secretive. Therefore, even in the Storm Church, there is very little information about the Moro Society, so as of now, I don’t know who instructed Moro to kill you, but my source is investigating this matter. , I believe it will be visible soon.”

Speaking of the last Marguerite, she deliberately increased her tone and hinted to Connor. After speaking, Margaret glanced at Connor, and then said slowly and mysteriously: “Connor, although it is not yet I know, who wants Moro to move you, but the reason why they moved you is not hard to guess…”

“Oh? What do you say?”

Originally not knowing who was behind the attack, Connor, who was a little disappointed, immediately became interested when he heard Margaret say this, and his eyes were fixed on Margaret.

Margaret seemed to enjoy it. Connor’s eyes were focused on her, and he groaned for a while before continuing: “Connor, you may not know, Reyes has been with Conte disguised as Jovic, After getting a ticket at Mensaka Manor , Li Yingwaihe disappeared. Now no one knows where they are and what they want to do next!”

“So some people just want to draw the snake out of the cave and attack you to get Reyes out!” Although Marguerite lowered her voice, her tone was very categorical. It seemed that Marguerite believed her guess very much. .

As soon as Margaret’s guess was out, Connor really brightened his eyes, lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and then slowly asked Margaret to prove: “According to you, this time I was affected by the Moro meeting. Was the attack implicated by Reyes? And this time Moro would act on me. Was it instructed by the Church of the Storm?”

“It is possible that although the church and the dark wizard are incompatible with fire and water, in the dark, some people in the church will still have some inextricable connections with the dark wizard, and Connor, your identity is the Earl of Ferguson, a hereditary nobleman. A member of, at this time, it will be very troublesome if you say that the church is self-acting, so it is indeed possible that some people in the church want to use the knife to kill people and instruct Moro to attack you.” Margaret first affirmed Connor’s guess. Then the voice changed, and he said very solemnly:

“Connor, what I want to tell you is that the Storm Church wants to deal with Reyes is correct, but if you want to deal with Reyes, you may not be a member of the Storm Church. The secret society professor Reyes is prestigious in the wizarding world. After so many years, the enemy in the dark and the enemy do not know where the enemy is…”

After Margaret finished speaking, Connor seemed to have realized something. If he nodded, he looked at Connor and Margaret. There was such a tacit understanding, Varga on the side was a little unsettled. He stopped breathing and said directly to Marguerite; “Marguerite, if you have any doubts, you might as well speak straight!”

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