Count of Wizards

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1142 untitled

“This Frosinone is at a time of turbulent times. The forces of all parties are complicated. If anyone finds me by accident, it is not a rare thing. I was attacked by Diego Lopez. It has something to do with Margaret.” Connor continued to advise Varga. Although he was also a little puzzled as to how Diego Lopez discovered his whereabouts, he still wanted to believe Margaret from the heart.

Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

Seeing Connor’s persistence, Varga snorted coldly, but still didn’t mean to disobey Connor, lightly clicked on the jade card, and beat Margaret back.

At this time in the room, Margaret, who was angry at Varga’s refusal to contact, subconsciously wanted to reject Varga, but after a struggle of thoughts, Margaret still had the upper hand in her mind. Through the contact of Varga!

“What’s matter?”

As Margaret connected, Varga’s indifferent, cold voice suddenly sounded in the jade card.

Hearing Varga’s question, Margaret suppressed the anger in her heart and said, “Is Connor by your side?”

Varga, who was holding the jade card, did not speak, but turned to look at Connor beside him. Under Varga’s gaze, Connor was silent for two seconds, and then nodded.

“Yes!” received Connor’s signal. Although Varga was a little angry, Connor trusted Margaret so much, but also said truthfully:

“Is he okay?”

Hearing Varga’s answer, Margaret, who had been worried for Connor, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then she did not hesitate to ask her second question.

Regarding Margaret’s question, Varga did not give her an answer, but said coldly: “Margaret, you should tell me now, what are you looking for?”

Although Varga did not give her a clear answer, Margaret had already felt a faintly bad feeling from Varga’s answer. She was silent for a while, considering her words and said: “I think I want to meet Connor…”

As soon as Marguerite’s voice fell, Varga raised her eyebrows, she was ready to open her mouth to reject Marguerite’s request without even thinking about it. She didn’t want to be because of Marguerite’s For this reason, Connor was in danger, but what Varga never expected was that she had not had time to speak. Connor, who had been silent over there, listened quietly to her and Margaret’s conversation, and took the initiative. He said to the jade medal in her hand:

“Okay! I’m here at Ferguson Manor, Margarita, come on! Varga will pick you up!”

Hearing Connor’s voice from the jade card, Margaret immediately showed a touch of joy in her eyes, but after listening to Connor’s speech, the joy in Margaret’s eyes was the disappearance of nothing. Traces, but replaced by a touch of worry.

As the man who was scrambled by her and Varga, there is no doubt that Connor must know the irreconcilable contradiction between her and Varga. Even so, Connor asked Varga to take himself to see him. One thing that can be explained is that Connor is now inconvenient for some reason.

As for the reason why Connor caused the inconvenience, Margaret has already got the answer from what he called “Ferguson Manor”…

Margaret said bitterly, “Connor, did you meet Diego Lopez?”

Hearing the name “Diego Lopez” from Margaret, Connor narrowed his eyes, while Varga beside her looked directly at Connor. Although she did not speak, her eyes were , But she was already telling Connor what she wanted to say.

After a few seconds of silence, Connor did not answer Margaret’s question, but instead asked, “Do you know him?”

“I don’t know him, he is a member of the Moro Club!” Margaret gave Connor’s answer straightforwardly, and then continued: “Connor, about this Diego Lopez, and the Moro Club, I There are very important things to tell Connor! ’

“I see, come on!” Connor said earnestly. As soon as his voice fell out of the time limit for this jade card, he automatically cut off the communication with Margaret.

“The Moro Club… the Moro Club…”

Thinking about the news about the wizarding organization in his head, but unfortunately, Connor thought about it for a long time and didn’t think about the news about them. He had never heard of the name of this organization, but since this organization has something like A powerful wizard like Diego Lopez, he shouldn’t be a general…

Thinking about going to Connor, who had no results , I looked at Varga beside her, and wanted to tell her not to be petulant when she picks up Margaret. Focusing on the overall situation, but has not yet spoken, Connor was attracted by Margaret’s serious thinking look.

As if thinking of something, Connor tentatively asked Varga: “Do you know Moro will?”

Hearing Connor’s question, Varga recovered from his meditation, then nodded at Connor, and then whispered: “I was in the secret society and heard about this organization. It is said that this organization is a very The secret black wizard organization, although there are few members of the Moro Society, each member is very powerful, and the style of behavior is also very simple and cruel.’

“However, although the Moro Society is powerful, they rarely appear in the wizarding world for some unknown reasons. It is said that there is no fixed scope of activities, and there is no connection with other dark wizard organizations. The entire organization is very mysterious from top to bottom. It is said that the leader of the Moro Society is a second-level wizard named Paul Asken. However, some people say that Paul Asken is just a puppet and was killed by Moro. It’s just the one who stands in front of the stage, and the true leader of Moro will be someone else.”

“If what Margaret said is true. If Diego Lopez is a member of the Moro Club, I really can’t figure out why he would attack you. We and his Moro Club have no communication. Huh?” Varga was a little puzzled on the ropeway:

After listening to Varga’s account, Connor’s eyes flashed with a strange color, and Margaret was right. He and this Moro Club did not even have any anxiety in the past, and naturally there was no hatred or conflict of interest. Then this The Moro Club, the reason why he sent Diego Lopez to fight his life and death, Connor didn’t want to do anything other than being instructed by others…

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