Count of Wizards

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1141 connection

“Earl of Wizard( Find the latest chapter!

After saying goodbye to Elena, Margaret returned to her hiding place in the downtown area of ​​Frosinone, and a tangled look appeared on her pretty face. Ever since Elena learned that Connor might be conquered by Moro After the attack by Diego Lopez, Margaret missed Connor’s comfort on the way back, and wanted to get in touch with Connor right away.·······

Although she thought so in her heart, Margaret was a little bit indifferent. After all, it was only yesterday that she and Connor just broke up with Connor because of the problem of repairing the cold storm staff for Elena. So if she took the initiative to contact Connor now, Margaret couldn’t help her face.

Margaret, who was very entangled, paced back and forth in the room for a long time, her heart’s concern for Connor prevailed, and immediately arranged a formation in the room, and then took out a jade medal from the space ring , I want to get in touch with Connor.

However, Margaret had just taken out the jade card, and before she had time to cast the spell, Margaret discovered that she could not feel any energy fluctuations from the jade card.

Margaret, who discovered this, was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly remembered. The contact magic item Connor handed her in her hand was used by Connor after meeting in the cafe yesterday. Finished the last count.

Originally, we met yesterday as planned. Connor should recharge the jade card so that the jade card can regain the function of contact. But yesterday and Connor broke up so unhappily, Margaret was getting angry. I forgot about it, so now this jade medal has no effect, she can no longer contact Connor Ferguson directly…

Realizing this, Marguerite’s face was filled with annoyance, and then she put the jade card into the space ring again, and then she wanted to continue practicing, but for some reason, she was now full of brains. It was all Connor’s comfort, and she couldn’t enter the state of meditation at all. This result undoubtedly made Margaret feel even worse, making her curse in a low voice.

“Unscrupulous guy…”

After scolding this sentence, Margaret found the pen and paper from the space ring, and began to write a letter according to the secret language agreed upon by her and Connor. She now has no jade medals, if she still wants to contact Connor, It took some time to write to the Ferguson Mansion and Ferguson Manor where Connor might be staying, using the original secret letter method.

With great difficulty, I thought about the wording and wrote two letters that she believed to be caring and not humble. Margaret satisfactorily packed them in two envelopes and sent them to the mailbox outside the community. In, mailed to Ferguson Mansion and Ferguson Manor.

After sending the letter, Margaret was eagerly waiting for Connor’s reply to her, but what kept her from arriving was that a full week passed, but her letter seemed to have fallen to the sea. There was no response from Connor.

This immediately made Margaret feel a bit of bad information, and at this moment, she again received a message from Jelena, which was the last straw that crushed the camel. Let Margaret make up his mind and take out another purple jade medal from the space ring. This jade medal was handed to her before Connor followed De Zelby and others. Not to let Margaret contact him, but to let Margaret contact Varga!

At that time, Connor was forced to cooperate with the Church of the Storm and had no time to take care of the situation in Frosinone and the Ferguson family, so it was hoped that Margaret could cooperate with Varga to help him.

Under Connor’s hope, Margaret and Varga worked together several times, but because the two looked unpleasant to each other and could not accept each other’s existence, after Connor returned to Frosinone , The two people cut off the connection very tacitly, and no one actively contacted anyone.

Although Margaret thought of getting in touch with Connor through Varga, but because of the bad relationship with Varga, and Varga may not necessarily know the reason for Connor’s whereabouts, plus the secret message method Connor can be contacted, so Margaret automatically ignored this method.

But today is different. Margaret has no way to contact Connor, whether it is a jade medal or a secret letter, so if she wants to get in touch with Connor now, she has to try the route of Varga. ·········

Thinking of this Margaret, although she was a bit unwilling, she still laid a barrier that cuts off energy fluctuations, recited a spell to activate the jade card, and took the initiative to get in touch with Varga.

At this moment, in the mysterious cave in the outskirts of Frosinor, Margaret, who was preparing the potion for Connor , immediately sensed something, a strange color flashed in her eyes, and then she took the ring from the space. She took out the jade card and looked at the light on the jade card, she whispered to herself somewhat unexpectedly:

“Why is she conspiring?”

Varga really didn’t understand why Margaret would contact him suddenly. They didn’t have any personal relationships at all on weekdays, and the relationship was very bad.

In addition, Varga also knows. Although there is no evidence for Connor’s attack this time, Varga is very sure that it is because of Margaret that Connor’s whereabouts will be exposed. Was attacked by the guy named Diego Lopez.

Thinking of Connor’s injury, Varga’s disgust for Margaret became even more disgusting, so he didn’t hesitate, just snorted and refused Margaret’s contact.

And at this moment, Connor, who was soaking in the medicinal bath in the cave, also noticed energy fluctuations in the jade plate, and immediately asked Margaret somewhat curiously: “Who is Varga?”

Hearing Connor’s question, Margaret wanted to think of an excuse to confuse it, but after thinking about it, she still whispered, “Margaret!”

Connor was stunned for a while, and then softly persuaded Varga: “Since Margaret can contact you on the initiative, she must be named something very important, so you see Varga… ····”

Seeing Connor speaking for Margaret, Varga, who was very prejudiced against Margaret, was even more furious, and said to Connor with a cold face, “Don’t forget Connor Ferguson. , You were attacked by the **** named Diego Lopez just after you met her. You don’t have to think about it, how did your whereabouts be exposed?”

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