Count of Wizards

Chapter 1176

Chapter 1144 Mysterious woman

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Seeing Varga so uncomfortable, Margaret smiled slightly but did not say anything. When Varga was a little annoyed, Connor recovered from her thoughts and relieved her. Speaking to Marguerite:

“If I think it’s right, Margaret, you want to say that it’s from the Prince’s side, in order to lead Reyes out, so you instructed Moro to attack me?”

For Connor’s question, Margaret did not give an answer directly, but continued with a smile: “Someone saw Isabella and Adolf and appeared in Frosinone… ·······”

Connor’s eyes narrowed before Margaret’s voice had completely fallen. Although Margaret did not give an affirmative answer, the answer was almost the same. He remembered it clearly. The Jue faction, but they don’t want to get involved with Frosinone’s affairs. Adolf, a veteran first-level wizard and the mysterious Isabella, both left Frosinone early to avoid risks. Up.

According to the situation at the time, Adolf and Isabella’s actions are completely understandable, but if Margaret didn’t say anything wrong, if the two of them really returned to Frosinone now, it would be true. It’s very puzzling!

Two people who clearly want to avoid risks, why would they return to the crater of Frosinone, which is likely to erupt at any time, when the situation in Frosinone is the most dangerous and complicated?

Logically speaking, this question is completely incomprehensible. If we have to find out the answer to the question, there is only one other than they deceived Connor at the beginning, and that is the sudden emergence of Frosinone. The situation caused them to take the risk again and return to Frosinone!

Thinking of the unexpected situation, Connor’s mind immediately thought of Conte and Reyes, who were disguised as Jovic, to join forces to overshadow the Church of the Storm, causing the Church of the Storm to suffer severe damage in Frosinone. There is no doubt this. It’s definitely an emergency. Who would have thought that Conte, the No. 3 figure in the secret agency, who had been dead for more than a decade, would have disguised himself as the God-punisher of the Storm Church?

Looking at Connor, who was thinking in front of him, Margaret then said faintly: “By the way, Miss Isabella, Connor, you should be very familiar with it. This time if you are in Frosino If you meet Nei again, you should congratulate her, she has now broken through to become a first-level wizard, and if no surprises, she should have hidden a very powerful third-order magic item, in terms of strength now Connor, you may not be her opponent…”

Connor was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn’t have too much doubt about Margaret’s words. When Isabella left Frosinone, she was about to break through and become a first-class wizard. Now After so long, she really stepped into the threshold of a first-class wizard, which is not surprising.

As for Tier 3 demonized items, Connor is not even surprised. You know, Connor is skeptical. When this was a senior wizard, there was Miss Isabella who was a full-time bodyguard, Adolf, and the only one in the secret society. A third-level wizard “Prince” has something to do with him, even simply the daughter of the noble, and with the means of the rumored noble, he gave Isabella a third-order enchanted item. Self-defense is a trivial matter!

Seeing Connor not speaking, just bowing her head in silence, Margaret knew that some things were too late, so she didn’t do much about this matter, but continued to introduce Connor: “Connor, you should I have already played against the guy named Diego Lopez. According to the information I have received so far, Diego Lopez is only one of the members of the Moro Club who was sent to Frosinone. After him, the Moro Club More people should be sent to Frosinone.”

Connor not only frowned when he heard this, but Diego Lopez had already seen him. This person was already considered a top player among the first-class wizards, but according to Margaret’s meaning, such a character seemed to be just At the beginning, if this is the case, then I really have to be very careful…

Noting the change in Connor’s look, Margaret didn’t wait for Connor to ask questions, and then continued: “About Diego Lopez, there is not much internal information in the Church of the Storm. It just knows that he originally came from the famous dark wizard organization Dark The lighthouse is a student of Giannikeda, the first-level wizard of the Dark Beacon. He is good at using a demon spell. However, when he was an apprentice of the senior wizard 20 years ago, he stole a treasure from Giannikeda. , Defected and left the Dark Beacon, so he was also pursued and killed by the Dark Beacon.”

“After stealing Gianni Keda’s treasure , this Diego Lopez disappeared from the wizarding world for a few years, and then when he appeared in the wizarding world, he had become a first-class wizard. And joined the Moro Club.”

“Ten years ago, Gianni Keda was assassinated in Fort Sumit. There are rumors that Diego Lopez did it. Therefore, the Dark Beacon has organized several hunts against Diego Lopez, but they were all killed. Diego Lopez escaped. This person is very strong and he is especially good at tracking assassinations. If he gets caught up in him, it will be very troublesome.

‘The current news is that Moro will be the first group to come to Frosinone, two first-level wizards, one is Diego Lopez and the other is a woman named Antelechna!’

Hearing that in addition to Diego Lopez, Moro Club had official wizards in Frosinone, Connor asked Margaret without hesitation: “This woman is called Antrechna. , Do you know her origin? ’

Facing Connor’s question, Margaret gave a wry smile, shook her head and said: “This Anna Lehna is very mysterious, she only knows that she appeared out of thin air in the Moro meeting five years ago. The Church of the Storm doesn’t have any information about her past, and doesn’t even know what she looks like. It only knows that she is related to the deaths of several official wizards in the wizarding world over the years, and nothing else… ·····”

To get this answer from Margaret, Connor was a little surprised. He had dealt with the Storm Church a lot, and he knew very well how strong the Black Organization, which is responsible for collecting intelligence, of the Storm Church, and such a strong Storm The church can’t even touch the heels of this woman named Anna Lehna, so enough to see how mysterious this woman is.

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