Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 312


Chapter 312 The Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan

The Dragon Clan of the Kara planet has been losing ground for far too long.

When Dragon Clan is dominant in most of the main material worlds, because the Kara planet bears the pressure exerted by the gods and saints, until now is pressed and beaten by the elven army.

One inch originally belonged to Dragon Clan’s territory and became the territory of the elves.

Dragon Clan also has True Dragon that loves the forest environment, but the forest of elves created by the magic of elves is a strategic place belonging to elves.

Even after the elven army has all left, the True Dragons will eventually burn it down, turn it to ashes, and create a new forest of their own.


At this time, I understood the will of the Lord of the Dragon Court, and when I knew that the lost territory of the Kara planet was about to be recaptured, the True Dragons who had been humiliated for a long time, their eyes seemed to be burning with blazing flames. The flame is enough to destroy all obstacles.

The True Dragons held their heads up in various positions.

A pair of pairs of dragon pupils reflect the silver giant dragon standing high in the dark night.

The majestic and majestic gesture of the Dragon of Time is deeply imprinted in the minds of every True Dragon.


Galleon stood high on the top of the mountain and looked around, his eyes swept over the True Dragons who gathered one by one.

Different from the many Legendary giant dragons I just saw in the Dragon Court demi-plane, these True Dragons who settled and lived on the Kara planet and fought for Dragon Clan bloody battles are mostly just between adulthood and Ancient Dragon. In between, there are very few True Dragons whose strength is above Legendary.

When Galleon went to the Dragon Court demiplane.

If he wanted to, he could have instructed some Legendary giant dragons to support the Kara planet, and many giant dragons would respond to his call, but he did not do so, and the rest of the main material world was also at war , which requires the Legendary dragon as the mainstay.

At this time, the planet Dragon Clan is at a disadvantage compared to the elven army.

However, having him was enough to turn things around.

The silver giant dragon bowed its head slightly, looked down at the countless True Dragon and True Dragon family members with platinum-like eyes, and spoke slowly.

“In this protracted war, the Kara Dragon Clan was at a disadvantage.”

“Lands were seized, territories were seized, and compatriots were killed.”

“However, you don’t need to feel sorry for yourself for this situation.”

“When facing a powerful enemy, the courage you have shown in the fierce and unafraid of death is my Dragon Clan. True glory and dignity.”

Under the admiring gazes of the True Dragons, Galleon’s deep voice was paused.

He continued: “Now I’m back.”

“With me here, I will lead you to take back all the lost territories and kill the elves who occupied our homeland. No armor left!”

“With the blood of elves, we will pay homage to the True Dragons who died of our clan!” Excited excitement.

“Kill all those reptiles!”

“Forge my Dragon Clan glory with the bones of the enemy!”

The roar of the True Dragon echoes throughout the mountain range In the middle of the shock, the roaring one after another passed through the heavy space, and even passed to the elf position in the twilight plain.

In the forest guarded by the mystical formation of the high elves.

Many elite Spirit Warrior soldiers, or biological races like Chimera, tree man, giant eagle, etc. that coexist with the Elf Race, most of them heard the roar full of murderous intentions. With a worried look on his face.

Some of the elves turned their heads, looking towards the teleporting ancient tree.

The majestic and magnificent teleportation tree exudes fluctuations belonging to the power of space. Continuously, the magic ship is still being supported from the elf kingdom, carrying a large number of elite Spirit Warrior soldiers.

However, the support wasn’t enough to smooth their nerves.

War is tempering of blood and fire, not all warriors can be like a fish back in water in the furnace of war.

Different from Dragon Clan, who is warlike in nature and ignores life and death when he is on top, many elves are inherently afraid of bloodshed and death, and the irreversible outbreak of war, but it does not mean that all elves are Wants to fight Dragon Clan.

More, because the gods speak out and have to go to war.

There are two powerful Divine Forces in the elf god system, and there are many other elf gods. It can be seen that this is a race with firm belief in the gods of its own race. Therefore, after the main elf god was ambushed , as the ordinary elves of its followers, naturally must respond to it, whether they really want to or not.

“Great life Goddess, your faithful followers pray to you for your answer.”

A Legendary elf in charge of the place prays to the god.

Just ordinary soldier support, unable to stop the terrifying Lord of Dragon Court.

The Lord of the Dragon Court has returned and captured the Saint Soronor, who was a medium Divine Force Saint, and there is no high level of combat power that can match it. Now the Kara planet, Elf Race occupies No matter how much territory there is, it is only rootless duckweed.

For Kara planet, because Dragon God was very concerned about it before.

So after becoming an enemy, the elves think that this is the more important main material world in Dragon Clan, and they have invested a lot of troops here.

The gods who fought on the outer planes took some time to focus on the progress of the Kara planet.

Goddess, who has been fighting with the metal dragon god for a long time, has received the prayers of his followers.

The mighty Divine Force Goddess resisted the powerful attack of the Metal Dragon God, and devoted some energy to giving orders to his own goddess.

At the same time, after receiving the order of the Goddess of life, the gods guarding the kingdom of the elf put on their Divine Item equipment and walked to the Transmission Gate leading to the Kara planet.

However, there is a price to be paid for being distracted while battling a creature as powerful as the Metal Dragon God.

Just as the life Goddess was distracted, the metal dragon slapped his life sword open, and the dragon claw left several large wounds in the chest of his Divine Physique.

These wounds heal quickly under the regeneration of the extraordinary Divine Force, but still have some effect on the life Goddess.

The metal dragon god took the opportunity to chase and fight, making Goddess life in a rather embarrassing situation for a while.

It’s just a mess, and one mistake is not enough to make a powerful Divine Force into a downturn, and the battle between the life Goddess and the metal dragon god is still deadlocked.

The battle between the gods seems to never end.

At this time, the uninterrupted battle of gods that has been going on for several years continues on a plane that ordinary people cannot observe, and in the Kara planet of the main material world, True under the leadership of Demi-God Time Dragon The Dragon army, moving towards the elven position of the grandiose, is marching.

A piece of True Dragon vibrates its wings, and the sound of the wings’ flapping gathers together, like a rolling thunder that never stops.

The True Dragon army soars across the sky, covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

At the same time, several feet of dust rose up on the ground, and the stable ground was vibrating non-stop.

In the smoke and dust, the True Dragon family galloped under the dragon’s wings, following in the footsteps of the True Dragon.

The tall ogre, the ferocious wyvern, the strong Thunder Beast, the winter wolf with sharp teeth and sharp claw. Countless monsters merged into a black tide, and the low roar resounded on the ground between.

The black tide tumbled and rolled, raging in an imposing manner that devoured everything.

Both dragons and elves are immortal species, but dragons are much rarer than elves.

However, almost every adult dragon is a lord, with his own family army under his hand, and the dragon god even has the god of kobolds as his subordinates.

True Dragon, coupled with a large army of kin, is no weaker than the army of the elves.

If it wasn’t for the gods and saints who personally attacked the city and plundered the land, with so many True Dragons on the Kara planet, the impossible would have been at a disadvantage in the war with the elves.

The Kara planet at this time can be said to be the world with the most True Dragons in a single main material world.

Because the movement speed of the clan is much slower than that of the True Dragon, the Dragon Clan flying in the sky did not fly at full speed and have been pressed and beaten for more than five years. Dragon Clan was also unhurried for a while.


The gathering of the True Dragon army was so powerful that it could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the elves.

This dark tide-like army is slowly approaching with a chilling imposing manner, but it has caused a greater oppression to the elves. Many elves who saw the True Dragon army through the spell are all graves on their faces. expression, the handsome face is heavy as if dripping water.

Especially at the very front of all True Dragons, the six dragon horns stand tall, like a silver giant dragon with a crown.

Galleon’s breath is restrained, not exuding substantial power, but it still gives the elves a huge invisible oppression force.

This oppression force slowly increases as he gets closer to the True Dragon army.

The Galleon is so far-reaching that it traverses great distances and freezes in a natural forest in the Twilight Plains.

In the forest guarded by the green galaxy-like Mysterious Guard, Galleon could see the nervous look on a elf’s face.

At the same time, the elves he watched, whether they were ordinary elves or powerhouses with Legendary strength, all trembled, their hair stood on end, and an unspeakable fear grew in their hearts. As if being watched by some deadly beast in the dark.

After a few indifferent glances, Galleon withdrew his gaze.

Turning his head, Galleon saw a slender snake-shaped giant dragon soaring up in Galleon’s field of vision, moved towards him.

Dark green scales, a body covered with thorns, and a ferocious eye are the cold forest snakes and dragons who are loyal to Galleon and have followed him for a long time.

“My lord! I knew you would come back safely, and then take me to hunt the elves.”

The cold forest snake dragon jumping out of the group of True Dragons looked excited Color, following behind Galleon, said in a low, muffled voice.


“When did you come to Kara planet?”

Galleon had already discovered the existence of the Hanlin Snake Dragon, but he didn’t take the initiative to find it.

“I came right after I woke up.”

Urbis replied.

Galleon looked at it a few times, nodded slightly, and said, “Yes, your strength has improved a lot during the time I left.”

At this time, Hanlin The snake dragon, with a body length of more than 70 meters and a biological level of as high as 32, is one point stronger than the Golden Dragon Silver Dragon Red Dragon that has just entered the Immemorial level.

After six years of absence, its strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

“Hehe, it’s mainly because of your kindness, sir.”

Urbis grinned, revealing a naive smile.

It then reported to Galleon the reason for its leap in power.

This is thanks to the large amount of Legendary-level high-level fantasy elves that Galleon fed the Hanlin Snake Dragon before.

In addition, Urbis was originally located in Noah’s continent, but the elves in Noah’s continent were dead when Dragon Clan attacked for the first time and were abandoned by Elf Race. Dragon’s War Zone.

Therefore, Urbis, after awakening, followed in the footsteps of Galleon and came to the planet of Kara.

It already feeds on elves. After learning that Galleon was attacked by elves and gods, after the war broke out, this ferocious and powerful snake and dragon rushed to the forefront. Made a great feat.

The strength soared due to eating many high-level magic elves. After eating more elves as the war went on, Urbis’s strength continued to increase.

At this point, the creature level has reached thirty-two.

Judging from the age of its prime snake dragon, it is simply a terrifying genius monster in the snake dragon species.

Of course, this is inseparable from the feeding of Galleon.

When Urbis was not a Legendary, he could eat high elves like the Moonlight Knight, and then he fed all the ghost elves that he had captured.

Urbis is a great threat to the elves.

It’s too cruel. When I catch some Legendary elves, I always like to tear them apart in front of the army of elves, disembowel them, and eat them after they get tired of playing.

In doing so, many elves were reluctant to face Urbis, horrified by his cruelty.

The gods and saints wanted to kill Urbis, the serpent dragon.

It was just stopped by Yuna many times. After that, because of the death of the holy one of the sea elf, the holy one of Soronor avoided the Southern War Zone, and Urbis became the Earth Dragon family. One of the pillars, defending against the attack of the elven army.

It has been taken care of by many powerful elves with a creature level of more than 30, and has been besieged and severely damaged many times. by leaps and bounds.

“You did a good job, you didn’t lose my face.”

Galleon raised the dragon claw, touched the head of the savage dragon that Urbis was approaching, and said .

Urbis is his follower, as almost all dragons on the planet Kara now know.

Many True Dragons basically looked down on the snake dragon species in the past, but now because of Urbis’ performance, the True Dragons realized the power of the snake dragon species.

As a teammate, the snake dragon species is more reassuring to the dragon.

Some five-colored dragons, who are also quite evil in nature, especially appreciate Urbis’ ferocity.

This guy has won the hearts of many True Dragons and gained recognition.

Having received Galleon’s praise, Urbis’ slender and sinuous body made a circle in the air. After his excitement passed, Urbis said seriously to Galleon: “I am your sharpest. Sharp minions, eager to tear apart your foes.”

“With you this time, I will lead the charge.”

“I, Urbis, will serve you Fight for glory!”

(End of this chapter)

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