Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 311


Chapter 311 Space Dragon Born on the Surface of the Sun

Inside Perpetual Temple Hall.

Galleon has summoned Immemorial Dragons with creature levels over 30.

With the growth of the Dragon Court, the members of the Immemorial Council gradually increased. If it wasn’t for the addition of space magic inside the Perpetual Temple Hall, all the members of the Immemorial Council would not be able to gather at the same time.

In the position of chief, Galleon’s eyes swept across the Immemorial Dragons with strong breath.

These powerful Immemorial Dragons are the true strength of Dragon Clan.

Immemorial dragons are almost not of the same species as normal, newly grown True Dragons.

In it, Galleon saw several familiar silhouettes, the Immemorial Dragons that existed when the Immemorial Council was convened last time, they were the cream of the crop in the Dragon Court at that time, but now Among the many Immemorial Dragons, it is no longer the most powerful.

The Iron Dragon King is also in the Dragon Court at this time.

After the expansion of the Dragon Court, the Ferrite Dragon King is still the first echelon except for Galleon.

However, in addition to the Ferrite Dragon King, there was another presence in the Dragon Court at this time whose aura was not weaker than it.

Galleon’s gaze rested on the giant dragon.

On the other side, I noticed Galleon’s gaze, this creature’s level is as high as 38 as the Ferrite Dragon King, and True Dragon, which is not much different from Demi-God, looked at Galleon, bowed his head slightly, and said: ” Your Majesty, the Sun Dragon Carol salutes you and is truly delighted at your safe return.”

This Immemorial Dragon, about six thousand years old, is a female dragon.

Moreover, it belongs to an extremely rare type of dragon species, the space dragon.

Sun Dragon, Moon Dragon, Star Dragon, and Yaoguang Dragon’s entire Dragon Court half-plane at this time, Galleon also only saw Carroll, a Sun Dragon belonging to a space dragon.

The Sun Dragon is a True Dragon that lives on the surface of the sun. The dragon egg can only hatch under the moisturizing of the sun’s fire. It is born with the terrifying fire resistance and Fire Attribute attack ability.

It is strange that among the Immemorial Dragons, the sun dragon with a biological level close to Demi-God is the smallest.

How small is it?

Carol isn’t as big as Galleon’s eyeballs yet!

It looks like a pure white pink baby dragon, with a body like a house cat, with smooth mirror-like scales, a big head like a young dragon, a short neck, and small thick legs.

Carroll looks adorable against the backdrop of Immemorial Dragon.

Since sun dragons are also rare, there are not many records of dragon inheritance.

Galleon doesn’t know what Carroll’s size is all about at this time.

Seeming to see Galleon’s surprise, Carol smiled slightly, a mature expression appeared on her tender visor, and slowly said: “Our sun dragon’s body is in the extremely old dragon stage. It will reach its maximum at the age of 1, and then slowly shrink, becoming a young dragon in the Immemorial stage, and when we die of natural aging, our body will collapse into an annihilation singularity.”

There are also several sizes of young dragons. length of rice.

Carol is like a house cat because it is an Immemorial Dragon, which is more than 6,000 years old, not an ordinary Immemorial Sun Dragon.

Being used to seeing the huge Immemorial Dragon, the small cat-like Japanese dragon Carol is particularly conspicuous among the Immemorial Dragons, and its strength is also unique.

Galleon nodded lightly and said to Carol: “Sun dragons are rare, I welcome you to be a part of the Dragon Court.”

Under the Dragon Seat, the Ferrite Dragon King Galleon and the Immemorial Sun-Dragon Carol, will be Galleon’s right-hand man for a long time.

The two of them are also the only two top-level combat powers in Dragon Court at this time besides Galleon.

Being able to become Immemorial Dragon is already a rare existence in Dragon Clan.

The Immemorial Dragon, which has lived for 56,000 years, is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, and has almost become a Demi-God creature.

If it can go further, it is the new Dragon God.

In fact, Galleon strictly speaking at this time can also be regarded as a dragon god. After all, Demi-God is also a god, more than the number of creatures in the Ganges River, and it is an existence standing at the top of the multiverse.

Galleon looked towards the iron dragon king in the color of black iron and the delicate and small sun dragon, and decided to cultivate them well. In the future, Dragon Clan may be able to add two more dragon gods.

“If the main material world you are responsible for has a Demi-God Level, or is close to Demi-God, it is difficult to deal with enemies, remember to report to me immediately.”

” After I’ve dealt with the elves of the planet Kara, I will personally take action and smash them into the dust.”

In the war with the elves, True Dragon’s family members are cannon fodder and consumables, and the True Dragon who is more than adult , is the largest number of soldiers in the war, as for the Legendary giant dragons in the Dragon Court, they are the indispensable mainstay, especially the Immemorial Dragon, which is the key to determining the outcome of the war.

After hearing Galleon’s flat, confident words, the Immemorial Dragons stared at him in awe.

This Time Dragon, which has recently joined the WTO, has reached the top of Demi-God in a short period of time, and has a mighty power that even Immemorial Dragons can’t imagine. It speaks with full confidence and sounds extraordinarily high. Reassure the dragon.

“Well, I have encountered a difficult opponent at the moment.”

The Sun Dragon Carroll said.

Galleon looked towards it.

Carol considered the language for a while and said, “The battlefield I am on is located in the main material world called Earl planet. Around my birthplace, a sun moves very close.”

“Among the elves of the native planet of Earl, there is a high magic elf who has fought with me many times, but it is difficult to win.”

“If I can kill him Die, I can quickly defeat the Elf army on the planet Earl.”

The phantom elf.Galleon’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes became sharp.

There are many reasons for this war, and the magic elf who pretends to be Dragon Clan to provoke contradictions on the Kara planet is also one of them, and he must be responsible for it.

“Okay, I got it.”

“Give me the coordinates of the plane of this world, and I’ll visit myself later.”

This It is in the main material world that the advantages of top-level combat power such as Galleon appear. If the Dragon God and the Elf God are involved in each other and cannot stop him, he can behead and kill the high-level combat power in Elf Race one by one.

And the next thing, to the Dragon Clan’s high level combat power.

After Carroll’s opening, more Immemorial Dragon explained the situation in his War Zone.

The situation learned from Nehemiah was rather one-sided after all. At this time, Galleon had a better understanding of the war situation through the narration of a group of Immemorial Dragons.

Due to the fact that the Dragon Clan united a lot at this time, in most of the main material worlds, the Dragon Clan is dominant.

If there are no twists and turns in this war, even if Galleon does not return, as time goes on, the elven kingdom will gradually fall into decline and be defeated by Dragon Clan.

Now with the addition of Galleon, this process can be accelerated a lot, and many unexpected situations can be avoided.

“I brought some equipment.”

“It can help you perform better in your respective battlefields.”

The Galleon will be numerous, nearly a hundred. Pieces of equipment were taken out.

Most of these items are made by Ornn, using Valoran continental primordial and powerful materials, and the least equivalent to high-quality Legendary items, among which are comparable to the Demi-God Divine Item. Abound.

Ornn builds a lot of gear, and in the spirit of craftsmanship, he puts his heart and soul into every piece of gear.

And Ornn’s accumulated equipment over the years has given Galleon a lot.

It’s better to use it in today’s war than to keep it as a collection.

And these high-quality equipment can only be used to the greatest extent by the Immemorial Dragons.

Seeing a group of giant dragons breathing heavily, Galleon said in a serious tone: “These equipments are just borrowed for you.”

The Legendary giant dragons looked disappointed. However, after Galleon finished speaking, he added: “However, if there are members who have performed well in the war, these equipments will be given out as rewards.”

Dragon loves babies.

True Dragon also appreciates high-quality gear.

Even if it becomes an Immemorial Dragon, the dragon also wants to get high-quality equipment, and it is also excellent if you don’t need to hold it to sleep.

Afterwards, a Immemorial Dragon got the gear assigned by Galleon and tried it on with great enthusiasm.

“many thanks to the trust of the Dragon Lord, your glory is our glory.”

In this war that has affected many, even Immemorial Dragon cannot guarantee You can survive safely, and the equipment that Galleon brought out may save their lives when necessary, or turn the tide of the battle and turn defeat into victory.

Immemorial Council is a rare meeting.

After allocating the equipment, the Immemorial Dragons did not leave immediately, but communicated the situation of their respective War Zones and asked for the support of other Immemorial Dragons, or because the enemy was weak, they offered to Go to the rest of the War Zone to help.

Galleon sits high on the Dragon Seat, quietly watching the Immemorial Dragons talking in Dragon Language.

He saw Immemorial Red Dragon offering to join forces with Immemorial Golden Dragon, and even Immemorial Black Dragon and Immemorial Silver Dragon who were soon married, and Immemorial Cobalt Dragon and Immemorial Brass beside him Dragon discussing the battle situation

In such a rare and harmonious scene, only a furnace-like war can be forged with blood and fire.

Suffice to say, in the entire history of Dragon Clan, there has never been more unity than at this time.

During the Dragon Fall War, Dragon Clan was also the ruler of the multiverse. He was proud and arrogant. He thought that Dragon Clan was invincible and didn’t think he would lose. So while fighting the enemy, he was even inside. Bucket consumption.

Afterwards, many dragons blamed the failure of the war on the hindrance of other dragon species.

As a result, the contradictions within Dragon Clan have never been resolved.

But this time, after a lapse of tens of thousands of years, the total war with the elves who are also a region’s Overlord, the situation is different.

Dragon Clan has an advantage in the war, but this advantage is very weak. While turning countless elves into ashes, there are also countless True Dragons who have closed their eyes forever, and even do not have complete corpses. Included in Dragon Tomb.

And the True Dragons, who have fallen from the throne of rulers, no longer have the arrogance they used to be.

In this way, Dragon Clan is arguably forced to unite in order to survive the meat grinder-like war.

“Such a situation is what the dragon gods want to see.”

Galleon’s face was calm, and he thought silently in his heart.

As long as there is no serious damage in the war, after the war, Dragon Clan will be united a lot and the internal friction will be reduced quickly to regain its strength and grow to a more Peak prosperity.

You know, Dragon Clan has the inheritance of dragon.

It is precisely because of the records of dragon inheritance from generation to generation that prejudice and hatred between different dragon species are born, but True Dragon, who has survived this war baptism, will give birth to future generations , as long as the experience of condensing one mind is left in the inheritance of the dragon, there will be a high probability to reverse the hostility between the next generation of True Dragons.

Time passed by quietly.

Because the war is still going on, each main material world is inseparable from the high level combat power of the Immemorial Dragon. After a period of time, the Immemorial Council ended, and the Immemorial Dragon left the Perpetual Temple Hall and returned. Own War Zone.

Galleon goes to the dragon’s lair deep in the Perpetual Temple Hall.

splendorous and majestic, in the dragon’s nest full of gems and precious metals, Yuna buried herself under the treasure lake, has eaten many Demi-God nuclei, and fell into a deep sleep .

Galleon could feel tons and tons of force field energy coming together and flowing into Yuna’s body.

This invisible energy forms an invisible cocoon that wraps around Yuna’s body.

“That’s about it when I’m asleep,”

Galleon thought to himself.

“After Yuna wakes up, I don’t know if she can leap to Demi-God at one time.”

Without disturbing Yuna’s deep sleep, Galleon quickly left the Dragon Court half. noodle.

When he reappears, he has returned to Yuna’s Pro-Time Dragon nest in the Kara planet.

After resting for a while to replenish his magic and time, Galleon left the dragon’s lair, and his majestic body appeared under the dim sky, standing on the top of the mountain, with a sound of silver dragon scales. Brilliant.

Galleon can smell the subtlety of Spiritual Qi.

It was the smell of grass and trees mixed with flowers and rain, and he didn’t hate it.

It’s just that this spread, and the increasingly strong Spiritual Qi flavor means that the army of the Elf Kingdom has not left, but is gradually increasing.

“If you don’t run, then stay.”

The silver giant dragon looked indifferent and looked towards the south.

At this time, Kara planet, there is no existence that can resist his minions.

Evening the elven forests of the Dragon Clan world, it’s time to wipe from the lands of Dragon Clan, the enigmatic realm of the high elves, can’t protect them.

Galleon looked up at the sky.

It was night time.

The dark night without stars and moon is like a curtain covered with ink, covering the night sky.

Immediately, Galleon’s dragon wings waved, and the surging Dragon’s Might emanated from him as the center, quickly passing all the True Dragons in this mountain range.


The hu hu whistling sound of the dragon’s wings and the deep breath of the dragon gradually converged.

Galleon waited silently.

After a period of time, around the top of the mountain where Galleon stood, a line of True Dragons ranging from youth to Immemorial gathered together with a large number of family members.

The strong dragon breath is almost condensed into substance.

Scarlet, golden yellow, deep purple, azure blue. A pair of different dragon eyes shine in the dark night, which is breathtaking.

Before Galleon spoke, none of the dragons spoke, they were all silent, looking up at the splendid giant dragon shining under the night with eyes that seemed to be burning with flames.

The atmosphere here is chilling because of the silent True Dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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