Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 313


Chapter 313 The Great Desolate Dragon Falls!

Galleon smiled slightly, looked at the approaching elf position, and said, “I wait and see.”

After that, Urbis twisted his thick snake waist and followed. Behind Galleon, meandering flight.

As time passed, Grandiose’s True Dragon army had come not far from the Elf Forest, and stopped temporarily under Galleon’s order.

True Dragons hover in the air.

On the surface, countless monsters let out an impatient growl, and the animal claws rubbed the ground to draw countless traces.

The eyes of the dragons and monsters all fell on the dense forest ahead.

In the Mysterious Guard Formation, the elite Spirit Warriors in armor and stubbornness are standing by, subconsciously clenching the weapons in their hands, and looking at the monster army like the Kuroshio.

Looking at the leading silver giant dragon, a heavy psychological pressure will follow.

In the Kara planet, due to the unequal combat power, until now is the elves launching the offensive, while Dragon Clan passively defends the territory. Even so, it still retreats, and the territory is seized by inch by inch.

Where have the belligerent and arrogant True Dragons suffered such grievances?

At this time, the offense and defense were exchanged, and the eyes of True Dragon all ignited a raging fire of revenge. Looking at the eyes that were so excited that they seemed to be substantive, we knew that when the Mysterious Lock Formation was broken, this What happens to the creatures in the back.

“Delicious small insects, your uncle Urbis is here!”

Urbis shouted at the Elf Forest, looking at so many elves at the same time , There is a large amount of saliva flowing out of the corner of the mouth.

Seeing Urbis’ coveted appearance, many elves gripped their weapons harder, and their fingertips turned slightly white.


Galleon lifted the dragon claw, and a blue entity rune emerged from his claws, up and down dancing.

The blue light glowed, condensing the translucent appearance of Rewi Alley. This little rune stared at the Mysterious Lock Formation panting with rage, apparently still remembering that he failed to break the Mysterious Lock. Great experience.

“Warriors of the Dragon Clan, warriors who follow in the footsteps of the True Dragon.”

“I will protect you, and my magic is with you!”

Said, under Galleon’s control, the world rune flew high.

A lot of magic power is injected into it, making the world rune expand into a small sun exuding blue rays of light, dyeing the sky with a blue luster.

Seeing this scene, many elves raised their heads and looked at the world rune, and a bad premonition rose in their hearts.


The brilliance of light blue is like mercury pouring down the ground, flowing out from the world rune, forming a vast light curtain, covering the True Dragon army on the Galleon side.

at the same time.

The True Dragon and the family members, who were shrouded in the light curtain, felt that they had obtained the magical protection buff.

A rune-like luster circulated on their body surface, and after flickering slightly, they disappeared into their bodies.

Nullifying orbs that can resist magic damage, mana flow straps that speed up mana recovery, aura cloak that increases movement speed, phase rush, etc. rune power is blessed on the True Dragon army.

And Galleon doesn’t consume much mana.

After fitting in with the world rune, Galleon has become more and more aware of the power of this magic Rare Item. His magic power is just the key to activate. The world rune can spontaneously absorb the magic power of Valoran’s continent, and continuously release the magic power it possesses. of magic.

That’s right, drawing on the magic of the Valoran continent, not the Kara planet.

The world rune born from the Valoran continent has a deep connection with that world, and can extract the magic of the Valoran continent from a distance.

After casting a buff on the army.

The world rune controlled by Galleon has not stopped.

It hangs high in the sky, one after another destructive blue arc crackle, and one after another magic comet revolves around it.

These are two other offensive spells of the world rune, Storm Gathering and Comet Arcane.

Among them, the storm that accidentally destroyed Volibear’s house gathers, and the formidable power will gradually become stronger as the magic lasts. Galleon, who is a Demi-God, dare not underestimate it.

On the other hand, the wizards and priests in the elven position are also applying various protective spells to the periphery of the Mystery Lock Formation.

Anti-magic Formation.

Repel Field.

Forbidden Magic Formation.

The Sigil of Concussion.

Fuck it!

A azure blue thunder descended from the sky, pierced through many protections, and landed directly on the Mystery Lock Formation, hitting a cluster of cobweb-like cracks.


More arcs emanate from the world rune, and together with comets Arcane, strikes to the Mysterious Lock Realm.

This arc from the world rune also officially kicked off the war.

“All troops attack!”

Galleon gave the order in a low voice.

“Kill them all!”

In an instant, the True Dragons who were waiting for orders in the sky roared, the dragon’s roar pierced through the clouds and the sky, and Dragon’s Might moved towards the hurricane The elves spread out.

On the surface of the earth, the monster army, which was as black as dark clouds, moved at the same time, rushing towards the Forest of Spirits with a roar and roar.

Accompanied by their movements, countless dust splashed on the ground, and the rumbling sound of trampling and galloping seemed to be the wailing of the ground.

After approaching a certain distance.

The sorcerers in the elves got their hands on it.

peng peng peng!

The ground cracked, and there seemed to be some creatures churning under the ground, breaking the surface in an instant, and came out in high spirits.

It was a myriad of sturdy, python-like emerald vines with poisonous thorns on the surface, as if the vines with life were strangling the monster army on the ground, poisoning the True Dragon family members to each other. death or directly entangled to suffocation.

However, many more vines were torn by sharp claws.

A Legendary Green Dragon raised its head and roared, and after taking a deep breath, it spit out a diffuse green gas, and all vines that came into contact with the gas withered away instantly.

And that’s just the beginning.

The fire clouds that filled the sky, the meteorites that fell from the clouds to the earth, turned an area into the withering of the Jedi, and the freezing rays of the cold air, countless remote spells first appeared in the battlefield.

Amid the deafening roar, the earth quickly fell into disrepair.

Cracks, pits, lava, intertwined spikes stone pillar Traces of magic blanket the surface.

However, the monster army, which was bombarded by the Elf Race sorcerers, was getting closer and closer to the Elf Forest, but the casualties were so few that the Elf sorcerers turned pale and fell into deep self-doubt. .

Some sharp-eyed sorcerers found clues.

When some spells hit a True Dragon kin, the supposedly deadly spells were stopped by a magical shield that suddenly appeared on their body.

And this magic shield is not a special ability of a certain family race.

Ogre, trolls, centaurs, and almost all of the kinship races are protected by this magical shield, preventing them from a fatal blow.


Under the mad magic bombardment, blue streamers appeared behind many of the family members, making them faster and faster.

Some low-level sorcerers can’t even target these monsters.

In this way, the black monster army with a fierce attitude, withstood the magic strikes of the elf sorcerer, and approached the protective formation together with the True Dragon lords soaring in the sky.

The lines of True Dragon, accumulating anger, took a deep breath, moved towards the Elf Forest, and exhaled the Dragon Breath.

Flame, thunder, storm, pulse, and frost have different attributes, but the powerful Dragon Breath shreds layers of protection, and the weakened thousands of Dragon Breath hit the Mysterious Lock field.

The monster army on the surface came at the same time, with sharp claw, spell-like ability, and attacked the defensive array at the same time.

The elves inside the Mystery Lock Formation and a large number of protection arrays, some are maintaining the operation of the protection array, and the other part is attacking the densely packed family army and True Dragons with the help of the protection of the array.

“It is indeed the most outstanding magical skill that the high elves have mastered.”

The silver giant dragon, who was standing in the sky, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the Mysterious Lock Formation with cold eyes.

At the same time, it has suffered so many attacks from True Dragon and family members, as well as the bombardment of the world rune. Although there are a lot of ripples on the surface, and dense cracks appear from time to time, the Mysterious Lock Formation guarding the elves is not. Still standing there, no obvious gap was broken.

There are many high elves in the Elven Forest.

Urbis was already lying on the Mystery Lock Formation at this time, the dragon claw cut down again and again, leaving a gap, trying to pull the crack and get into the gorge oneself, but was attacked by many Legendary elves Forced back, the gap just left was repaired in the blink of an eye.

Without Galleon.

With the power of the planet Dragon Clan, it is indeed impossible to counterattack the elves.

But now Galleon stands on top of the battlefield, under the watchful eye of almost every elf powerhouse.

“Do you really think that this mysterious realm can stop me?”

Said, the body of the silver giant dragon was in the terrified eyes of countless elves, and all True Dragon’s awe Under the eyes of admiration, it skyrocketed, and in the endless brilliance, it turned into a terrifying giant beast with a body length of more than 600 meters and a wingspan of more than 1,000 meters.

Seeing the giant deified Galleon again, the creatures of the Elf Forest all felt the unspeakable oppression.

The mountain cry out and sea howl-like might assaults the senses, through the mystical domain, the minds of many elves and the sky and the earth are shaken, and some sorcerers are even affected by the spell on the way. Frightened, and was directly hit by spell’s backlash.

Giant Galleon held his head high, and with a roar resounding through Heaven and Earth, the billowing Dragon’s Might breathed out.

Dragon’s Might, which was condensed into essence, turned into a storm, crushing all the Elf Race spells along the way, and savagely hitting the Mystery Lock Formation.

Mysterious lock Formation, which has been strong for a long time, has a lot of ka ka sounds like cracking eggshells at this moment.

Lightning cracks spread out.

The faces of many high elves who had consumed their life force to maintain the Mysterious Lock Formation turned pale, and a bad premonition arose in their hearts.

This mystical formation seems to be unbearable.

The mystical formation that has been attacked by many True Dragons and family members at the same time is attacked by Demi-God Time Dragon. , suddenly became on the verge of collapse, like a calm boat in the howling wind and torrential rain, which may be overturned at any time.

The mountain-like giant opened his mouth.

Next moment, the river-like breath of Time Shatter was spit out.

From east to west, Galleon’s neck turned and the breath of Time Shatter left a lot of blank space in the sky. ‘s crack.

“Haha, little snacks, please put it into your Uncle Urbis’ belly!”

The big snake dragon took the lead and rushed into the gap along the big formation. Mysterious realm.

It spit out charged steam, paralyzing a large number of elves beside it, and then the dragon claw fished, grabbed four or five, and threw it into its own mouth.

The ka-cha is chewed a few times and swallowed.

The Legendary powerhouses complexion greatly changed in Elf Race when the Mystery Chain Realm was pierced through such a gap, some Legendary creatures turned towards Urbis and wanted to surround him first, however, more The True Dragon poured out of the gap and appeared above the Elven Forest.

The True Dragons of the Legendary level, along with Urbis, went to the Legendary in Elf Race.

Waiting for the Mysterious Lock Array to recover.

Another breath of light from top to bottom, as if to run through Heaven and Earth, fell on the Mystery Lock Formation.

Fuck it!

The bowl-like Mystery Lock Formation was torn out by a huge cross crack.

Familiar monsters, who had long been furious and excited because of the war, scrambled to follow in the footsteps of True Dragon and entered the inside of the Mysterious Lock Formation.

In just a few minutes, the beautiful and natural forest began to ignite a raging flame, and it is still expanding rapidly.

Countless ancient trees were broken and smashed, or became torches, dyed to ashes.

In the forest, ordinary elves, as well as some giant trees of war with action and life, fought with the family monsters, monsters were beheaded every moment, and elves were torn apart broken.

In the sky, elves with high combat power are fighting with True Dragon.

The blood gradually soaked the earth, turning some rivers in the forest red.

The roar, the howl, the spell full of destruction, the smoke of gunpowder and the fire of war. These factors are intertwined to form a picture of a hell furnace-like war.

Because the Mystery Lock Formation has not been completely destroyed.

The True Dragon army in the Mystery Lock was suppressed by its strength, and the power of the elves was strengthened. caused some damage.

at the same time.

In the outside world, the giant god-like True Dragon flew high, soared into the sky, and disappeared from the battlefield. Even the perception of the Legendary powerhouse could not reach his height at this time.

Galleon has the Mystery Lock Formation himself.

So he knew that his two breaths were not enough to destroy such a large-scale Formation.

But Galleon knows how to break it all down.

After being titanized, Galleon weighs hundreds of millions of tons.

Because of the physique of a dragon, his weight is many times heavier than a mountain of the same size.

For a giant dragon with such a heavy body, its body is its weapon there is no stronghold one cannot overcome.

As the Galleon ascended to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the earth in its eyes became a thumbnail. Looking down through the clouds, even the Legendary giant dragon seemed to be just an ant.

At this time, the mountain-like giant dragon turned around, and the dragon wings converged on both sides.

Under the deep night, a silver meteorite ripped apart the sky, swaying the streamer tail flame of silver white, and fell from the sky at high speed.


A substantial wind pressure fell on the ground, blowing out all the dust.

All dragons and elves sensed the terrifying power that fell from the sky.

Looking up, the giant dragon with a wingspan of 1,000 meters crashed down in an imposing manner that could not be stopped and destroyed.

The silver giant dragon, which has increased its speed to the limit with its acceleration and corresponding spell, only took the blink of an eye from appearing to the elf’s field of vision, and then approaching the top of the Mystery Lock Formation.

Because of being held back by the Dragon Clan entering the Formation, there is no genie left to block Galleon’s body.

Time seemed to stand still.

The silver giant dragon rammed into the formation of the mythical locks guarding the entire forest in a brutal way.


The Mysterious Lock Formation, which flows like a bright galaxy, is like a fragile mirror, fragmented at this moment.

Titanic Galleon’s body was only slightly paused before falling again.

The Great Wilderness Dragon Falls!


The giant dragon’s limbs stomped on the ground.

In the sound of the earth-shattering sound, the ground shattered, and a shock wave dozens of meters high roared out with the Galleon as the center, like the dust of the tsunami mixed with countless tree wreckage and earth and stones. in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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