Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1175 - Ghost Plane (3)

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“Roar, roar.” Another white-bone monster rose from the ground, its arms striking its chest hard, and its mouth grows like a roar, although no sound appeared in the shadow plane. , But people such as Losa and Caleb in the distance still had a shocking echo in their ears, and then this white-bone beast spread out his big hands, swept down in the sky, and passed the soul flying from it The hunter is firmly in his palm,

The soul hunter has always locked Ryan as his target, but it is expected that the attack will appear from the ground below it. If a real demon lurks here, I am afraid that he cannot hide the soul hunter ’s sensitivity to the soul, but launch it. It was a lot of bones that had lost their lives long ago. In the eyes of soul hunters, they were no different from the rocks on the ground. As a result, they were caught in the ambush circle under the auspices of Ryan.

After the soul hunter was caught, he immediately twisted his body frantically and wrapped his tentacles on the arm and body of the white bone monster. It seemed to be intending to crush the other party. Do n’t see that the soul hunter is only composed of large shadows, but Once it launched its ruthless power, it was astonishingly powerful, and the “battery” popping sound immediately came from the entangled parts of the white-bone monster, and countless bone powder spilled from the sky to the ground,

The Bone Beast stretched out his other hand, grasping the soul hunter tentacles entangled with his body, turning them around his wrists to bind them to his arms, and then his arms began to force to tear it, and the soul hunter tightened all his body. , Contrary to the bone monster, its tentacles have only been attached to the latter’s head, and the front end is also inserted into the head along the gap, but unfortunately the bone monster is not a normal creature at all, there is no soul to the soul The hunter learned that the latter can only be in vain,

The stalemate between the two sides soon came to fruition. I saw that the soul hunter’s tentacles were strangled with all his strength, turning the head of the bone monster into an infinite number of fragments in an instant, and the arms of the bone monster were also flying. Burst out the strongest force, tearing the body of the soul hunter into two pieces, the soul hunter whose body was hit hard began to twitch sharply, and even as a shadow creature suffered such damage, no blood flowed out of its body, Instead, it exudes a strong soul wave,

Ryan, who was tempting other soul hunters, felt the wave of the soul at once. He responded immediately with a slight movement of his mind. A long string of magic spells was recited by Ryan at the fastest speed, and then the invisible traction force was locked. The soul hunter, who was seriously wounded, began to attract the kind of fluctuations that emanated from his body,

The soul hunters chasing behind Ryan were snipered by more white-bone monsters. They were flying above the location of the previous Skeleton Corps. Countless skeleton warriors who were reactivated by Ryan embraced and climbed together to make a The giant bones up to a height of 100 meters rise from the ground. Although the soul hunter has all the tentacles after opening, although the volume is very large, it is much smaller than this giant bones. Their close-up strangulation method is difficult to fight the giant bones. The beast works, at most it is to crush many bone spurs on the latter’s body surface, and such damage can be remedied in the shortest time after more bone warriors gather together,

When the last soul hunter was killed in the hands of the white-bone monster, Ryan was surrounded by five black soul spheres. This was formed by forcibly absorbing the energy that condenses the soul hunter’s body. If the soul feeds, it will inevitably have an extremely powerful soul, otherwise how to devour the souls of other creatures, but they belong to the characteristics of shadow creatures, so that soul hunters usually do not fear the general magical attacks of the undead, but they are a bit afraid. Bright magic, but when their bodies are torn into pieces, all of this ceases to exist. With the overwhelming power of Lion, the soul of the soul hunter is enough to play between the palms of the hands,

More souls came together and merged with each other under the control of Ryan ’s spiritual power, thus forming a new soul orb to surround Ryan. This soul orb is the best way to release high-level undead magic The medium, especially Ryan itself, is not a lich without the ability to release high-level undead magic. After all, the magic chain is not a omnipotent existence. Although the magic generated by the chain can exceed many limitations, it is still impossible to make a transcendence of the caster. With its own ability orbs, Ryan can launch high-level undead magic like a lich without any restrictions. Even if there is a backlash, there will be sacrifices in the soul orb. Soul energy to bear,

After spending a lot of effort, Ryan collected all the souls of the ten soul hunters, and around him also erected a total of thirteen bone-bone monsters over 100 meters high, although these monsters had The soul hunter suffered some damage while fighting, but with the addition of the follow-up bone warriors, all the wounds have been completely repaired, and more sharp bone spurs have been formed on the body surface, making them look more threatening.

While Lane was tempting the soul hunter, Caleb took several other companions to walk towards the location of Lothar. Although destroying the Shadow Plane was the final mission of Lane and his party, before carrying out this mission, The most important thing is to clean up the surrounding enemies and eliminate all hidden dangers. After all, no one wants to be suddenly attacked by another group of soul hunters commanded by Lothar during the full battle.

Although there are still a few advanced field strongmen around Lothar, no matter the number or combat strength, it is impossible to compare with the Caleb side, so in the face of the approach of the four-nation alliance, he had to greet his companions and slowly retreat. I hope I can get some more time to call for reinforcements. Fortunately, this is the Shadow Plane. Kalibu they are not familiar with the environment and dare not to separate their troops to attack. Otherwise, Lothar and others would have been blocked.

In the process of keeping the formation backward, Lothar contacted the owner of the night queen more than once, but his call for help fell into the sea again and again, and he could not get a response at all. I do n’t know because the night queen was under too much pressure. There is no spare time for distraction, or she feels that she does not need to care about a group of small field strongmen in her pseudo-god, and the victory or defeat of Losa will not affect the final result, so she does not need to pay attention to it. That possibility was a disaster for Lothar. He now regrets his actions just now. He already knew that ten soul hunters could not deal with Ryan at all. It would be better to leave one or two as cards, at least to delay What is the speed of the afterburner,

A dark fog suddenly appeared on the top of Lothar and others, because here is the shadow plane, Lothar failed to discover the changes around them in the first time, and waited until the fog turned into a terrible skeleton After the skeleton, Lothar and the other strong men only felt the body’s chills, the powerful dark power has turned into countless innocent souls rushing towards their brains, and the murmurs from the Nine Nether made Lothar’s mind full of people All kinds of negative emotions in the world, even if this Titan advanced field bite his tongue, using that severe pain to concentrate on fighting against these terrible voices, his eyes, nasal cavity and other parts still ooze a pool of blood ,

Knowing that he had been mentally attacked, Lothar shook his heart and spouted a bit of blood from his mouth. He consciously adjusted the direction of his body so that all the spouted blood was spilled on other companions. It was strange to say. As soon as the blood of these companions of Lothar was contaminated with blood, their complexion immediately changed, as if they had been attacked more severely, while Lothar ’s complexion, which had been suffering from the heart pain, quickly recovered calm, his body With a slight sway, the teleportation magic has already left the scope of the attack of Ryan’s ghost spell, only leaving a broken image in place,

“Lossa, you bastard.” A Titan strongman contaminated with that blood even yelled in spite of the pain in his mind, perhaps because of the indignation, this roar actually shouted completely, but in Immediately after this vent, the mental strength of the Titan strongman was obviously weakened. He could no longer afford the impact of those injustices. The whole body twitched and knelt down on the ground, his mouth uttered an uncontrollable wailing sound,

Losa, who was scolded by her companion, did not have any psychological burden. The blood he spewed just now contained some power, which can transfer the damage he suffered to his companion contaminated with blood in a short time. Losa relied on this secret In order to get rid of the mental attack and successfully launch the magic escape, he abandoned his companions in order to survive and survive. This is one of the laws of weak meat and strong food, but his secret technique is extremely strict. Restrictions, but they can be used to save one’s life, no matter how many constraints and costs,

Lothar looked very calmly at his companions surrounded by ghost spells. The Shadow Plane had extremely strong limits on magical powers such as fire and light, but it was unimaginable for water systems and dark magic. Gain, which is why Ryan ’s “Soul Charm” spell launched with a soul orb as a medium actually has such a powerful effect. Lotsa, as a subordinate of the Queen of Night, naturally knows many characteristics of the shadow plane, so in Ryan When killing soul hunters one by one to obtain their soul power, he already had the corresponding consciousness. When a scythe of death, transformed from dark energy, appeared in Lothar ’s vision, the Titan strongman knew Those of his companions may have been unable to escape death, so he turned around without hesitation and retreated, causing his body to quickly disappear into the shadows,

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