Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1176 - Ghost Plane (4)

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The black death scythe made a slash in the air, and then turned into countless injustices towards the head of the Titan Alliance strongman below, and the unrecognizable murmur immediately appeared in the air of the already deserted shadow plane. Sound, the powerful dark energy has a crazy effect on each attacking target, biting their bodies without mercy, eating their souls, and beginning to enjoy a grand feast of thousands of souls,

With the curse effect of the previous Soul Curse, the resistance of the Titans in these areas to the soul attack has been weakened to the extreme, and the Thousand Soul Feast magic launched by Ryan not only uses the soul orb as a medium, but also gets The blessing of false magic power and the enhancement of the shadow plane, even if the advanced field strong people ca n’t bear the pain of the injustice, the screams of wailing continue to ring one after another, making people creepy.

Ryan suspended in the low air, staring blankly at the enemies shrouded in countless injustices, seemed to be completely unmoved by the tragic scene in front of him, but in Ryan ’s heart was still greatly shocked, he did not expect to The spells launched by the three soul orbs as a medium can have such amazing effects. It is no wonder that the Undead Legion is going to kill and kill everywhere, because only the endless war is the best and fastest way to collect the strong souls. way,

“Ah.” A high-pitched cry came to a halt, and the Titan domain strongman who made this sound crashed to the ground, but there was another Titan strongman who was exactly the same as the latter. The figure is much thinner, and there is a feeling of emptiness, but it is the soul of this Titan strong who has separated from the body,

When the sound from the impact of the body and the ground echoed on the shadow plane, the soul of the Titan strongman who stood in place began to stretch and deform under the tears of the large group of innocent souls wrapped around it, without the protection of the body. It is impossible for the soul to exert too much power, and it will soon be torn down and consumed by countless wronged souls.

The grievances that have been supplemented by the soul seem to be unsatisfactory. They continue to make a whispering whisper and rush towards the other prey around them. After discovering that other similar people have already enjoyed the delicious food, the rest of the grievances are jealous and envious Intensified the attack on the target, and obtained new results after more reinforcements arrived,

“Bang.” Seeing that the eye-demon strongman could not avoid the falling fate, he chose to explode to die with the grievances around him. Under the influence of this forerunner, other strongmen made similar determinations. They They are all people who stand at the peak of power and strength. They can die in battle but never allow failure, let alone their bodies and souls become food for nourishing the enemy.

The flesh and blood were flying, the vortex was surging, and the scenes caused by the self-explosion of many field powers interfered with each other. Eventually, a large-scale energy storm formed in the place where they fell. After watching this scene, Ryan whistled and began to drool those who were food. The soul of the wrongdoing is called back, the two sides are in a hostile state, and it is not an exaggeration to use any means on the battlefield, but as a winner, Lane still shows respect for the loser, so they leave the world with a last trace of dignity Right,

Two black shadows whizzed out of the energy vortex, each escaping in different directions. Ryan, who saw this scene, stretched out his fingers and took a few virtual dots towards one of the shadows. The two were hundreds of meters apart, but the shadowy soul rushed from the bottom of his heart when Ryan stretched out his hand, and then a powerful dark force poured into the depths of its soul, and the strong man who tried to escape From the soul to the body to erase from this world,

After Ryan killed a person with “Non-Returning Condemnation”, another shadow had rushed out several kilometers away. It is not ideal to use a similar magic effect at this distance, but it is also impossible for Ryan, his hands Lifting from the chest to the top of the head, just before launching the “Frost Tide” magic to trap the opponent first, a group of shadow creatures suddenly rushed from the gap of the space and pushed the escaped strong man onto the ground, Next, the “zizi” jittery tentacles sounded endlessly. It turns out that this second black shadow is a psychic monster. If it is not unusually powerful, it ca n’t escape from several of Ryan ’s magic, just psychic monsters. After the fragile body was submerged by a large group of greedy shadow creatures, there was no more power to fight back,

The shadow plane regained quietness quickly again, and the wicked monster was devoured by the shadow creatures even the scum, and even the soul could not leave a bit, the group of shadow creatures seemed not satisfied The deliciousness brought about by this hunt, they quickly locked the Calipers and others who were staying together, and then rushed in this direction. These shadow creatures look like hungry wolves in appearance, but each of them There are two heads juxtaposed side by side, and the tail behind them is also very bifurcated. Not only does Ryan fail to call out their names, but even Aledia, the strong man in the alien realm who has lived for thousands of years, is also the first When I saw the existence of this creature,

However, the strength of this group of shadow creatures is not as shocking as their appearance. Previously, they could hunt that spirit-absorbed monster as long as it accounted for the other party ’s fragile close proximity. Now there are more than thirty such shadow creatures. When he rushed to Caleb and others, he was hit with a head start. These field leaders of the four-nation alliance were stimulated by Ryan’s single-handed picking of the other group of strong players. Now there are guys who do n’t open their eyes. Naturally, you must vent your desire to fight,

The whole battle lasted for a total of three minutes. When the last shadow creature was divided by Aletia, the shadow plane returned to its previous appearance again, and the cold breath reverberated in the sky and the ground, which would shatter. The corpse of the shadow creature slowly merges into the surrounding environment and becomes part of the entire plane again. This level of battle is at most a warm-up exercise for everyone like Aledia, and everyone does not need to rest at all. Continue to advance towards the distance,

This time, there are 13 more white-bone giant beasts around everyone. Every step they take will cause a slight vibration on the ground. This rhythmic sound will inevitably attract all kinds of shadow planes. The attention of the shadow creatures, but the safety of Ryan ’s party has not been weakened, but has been enhanced, because most shadow creatures, including the very terrifying soul hunter, are for the bone monsters that have the characteristics of undead creatures. There is no good response at all, even if the upper hand is temporarily dominated by a raid or deadly trap, at most it is to trap these behemoths for some time, and then they will be rescued by Ryan and others in time.

While directing this kind of white-boned monster to move forward, Ryan seemed to have changed his appearance. It stands to reason that he should enter the shadow plane for the first time, but among the seven people in this line, Ryan’s performance showed that he I am very familiar with the environment here. The most obvious example is the route of those white bone monsters. Although they are not afraid of the shadow creatures, they do not go in a straight line. The areas around these white bone monsters often go around. Sleeping individual powerful shadow creatures or a large number of gregarious shadow creatures, because they did not rush into the territory of these creatures, Ryan will naturally not be attacked by each other, which also saves everyone a lot of energy and time ,

After traveling for several more hours, there were already a few breaths in the air of the shadow plane that made the powerful people in these fields excited. It was the distribution of demigod kings such as Mother Herast, Harlem Fan Sultan, etc. With the outgoing power, this discovery shows that the line of Ryan and his team are getting closer and closer to the demigod kings who are fighting. Speaking of the time in the past, the line of Ryan and his team has not traveled far, but they can usually It ’s all flying or teleporting, and naturally it does n’t take much time, but now everyone depends on their feet to walk on the ground, and they can find the direction so smoothly when they ca n’t see the shadow plane in the distance. Efficiency,

Under the gaze of Aletia and others, Ryan smiled slightly. Compared with the environment full of strong energy around the Misty Grotto, the shielding of perception caused by the place of the Shadow Plane is too simple. He does n’t even need to do anything in particular, he can perceive the changes of various energies and breaths in the surrounding environment earlier than Aledia and others. With the direction of progress and the danger, he can naturally take everyone Find the destination where the demigod kings are fighting at the fastest speed,

As for the correct direction, Ryan smiled and stared into the shadows of the distance, although his eyes could not see that far, but Ryan could perceive the breath of Mother Herast and was in the misty place. When the cave is adventurous, in order to work together to eliminate the Taikoo Black Dragon, there will naturally be some ways to communicate with each other between the Lane couples and Mother Christine. Without the direct control of the night queen, the danger of the shadow plane It ’s not even as good as the second floor of the Misty Caves. After entering the realm of half-step closure of Gods, Ryan easily came into contact with the idea passed by Mother Herist, which is also his reliance on entering the shadow plane. one,

“Oh, a group of ants actually dared to break into the battle between us, which was quite unexpected.” Just as Ryan stared deep into the shadow plane, the night queen Teres seemed to perceive Ryan’s gaze, so aware of the existence of the strong in these areas, so her voice echoed throughout the shadow plane,

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