Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1174 - Ghost Plane (2)

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The jellyfish-like shadow creature wandering leisurely in the shadow suddenly twitched, and the whole body stopped in mid-air and began to wriggle regularly. It looked like the heart was beating. Every time the jellyfish-like shadow creature expanded toward the outside, it would Let your body expand a circle, and its contraction action to the inside is more like a process of accumulating power, so that the next expansion action can get better results,

During the peristaltic process of contraction and expansion, slender tentacles grow from the surface of the jellyfish-shaped shadow creature. They are so soft that they move back and forth as the whole shadow creature creeps. Irregularly swinging, but as the shadow creature gradually becomes larger, this swing is also slowly filled with power, making it look like a waving leather whip,

When the shadow creature finally stopped its movement, its appearance completely changed into a behemoth with countless dark tentacles, that is, the soul hunter that Ryan had fought with before. Seeing the power of this scene The authors immediately raised vigilance against those jellyfish-like shadow creatures floating at other places at this time. Although everyone knows that it is never as harmless as humans and animals, it is a pity that they did not expect that the boundary-breaking can come and swallow the city jam. The horrible creature has such a side,

The soul hunter stretched out the tentacles on the body and absorbed the magical energy scattered in the surrounding air into his body, but this level of supplementation did not satisfy it, so the soul hunter quickly locked the two groups of life with soul Body, one group is naturally Ryan and his party who have just entered the shadow plane, while the other group is Losa and others who are closest to the soul hunter,

As the controller who awakened the soul hunter, Lothar immediately issued a series of instructions using occult techniques after discovering that the soul hunter was focusing on himself. The soul hunter seemed a little reluctant, but it was a creature. The longing of the soul was finally suppressed by the mystery from the Queen of the Night, gave up Loza as the target of his attack, and began to move in the direction of Ryan,

When Ryan’s wrist turned, a flame had floated in his palm. Then, unlike the previous spell, Ryan found that his magic was weakened in power. It should have reflected the surroundings under the fire. The light just enveloped Ryan ’s palm, apparently suppressed by the power of the law here,

Despite this, Ryan did not care. He was almost unable to release the fire magic when he was in the underwater world. Didn’t he spend that adventure? These restrictions on the shadow plane are for mastering the spell chain. For Ryan, even a little trouble was not counted. As he patted his hands, the flame quickly extinguished, replaced by a thick black fog, and a black formed by the fog. Skeleton,

“Sure enough.” After Ryan successfully cast his spell, he found that the undead magic not only did not receive any impact here, but strengthened a lot of power. This discovery made him very satisfied, couldn’t help but praised the bottom of his heart, and immediately He escaped from the formation and rushed up to meet the soul hunter. The soul hunter saw his prey actually delivered to the door, immediately shaking his tentacles and trying to wrap Ryan’s body firmly, and then **** the soul inside him. However, Ryan ’s shape is very flexible, and with his short-range teleportation magic, he often always robs the soul hunter before leaving the spot, leaving the latter ’s repeated attacks in vain,

Luosa knew that even if he got a few more soul hunters, I was afraid that he could not get Ryan a hair, so he communicated with this soul hunter with mystery, hoping that it could attack other enemies such as Caleb Originally, this mysterious effect of the Queen of the Night was very good, but now it seems to have failed. The soul hunter completely ignored Lothar ’s order and chased Ryan in desperation, seeming to devour the prey. Refuse to give up,

Ryan shook his palm, even with the black skeleton that suspended the palm of his hand a few times. Under the effect of undead magic, this scary-looking skeleton was filled with soul power, compared to hidden creatures such as Ryan The soul in the body, this more pure and evil soul power has more appetite for the soul hunter, which is like the difference between the elk running in the mountain forest and the scented barbecue on the campfire. Soul hunters who have no intelligence but instinctive IQ naturally become more attracted to the bait released by Ryan,

Seeing that the scene showed signs of being out of control, Lothar did not hesitate to launch the secret technique again, but this time instead of urging the soul hunter who was slipped by Ryan, he wandered aimlessly elsewhere. Many jellyfish-shaped shadow creatures awakened, turning them into real soul hunter forms to hunt down Ryan ’s other companions. However, Loza ’s plan seemed to be missing again, when the second soul hunter was fully displayed in the field of vision After that, Ryan appeared a clever teleportation around it, and then a large amount of pure and evil soul power immediately attracted the soul hunter ’s attention. Even if Lothar desperately issued orders, there was no way to change the view of soul as life. The instinct of the shadow creature had to watch Ryan walk away toward the third soul hunter with the two terrible creatures behind him,

Although it is not clear what Ryan is going to do, Loza believes that it will definitely be harmful to him. Since he has no way to stop Ryan ’s current behavior, he can only put more pressure on him, so he is in the secret art of Loza. Under the command, a jellyfish-like shadow creature wandering only in the shadow was awakened, so that they would join the chase battle after becoming the real soul hunter form.

The Shadow Plane is full of mystery everywhere. Of course, as an outsider, Ryan ca n’t carry out a long-distance teleportation as casually as in the other world. Who knows whether it will be deeply dangerous next time, So a short-distance teleportation like Ryan is almost the limit of ensuring safety. However, when the tenth soul hunter also joined this chase game, the pressure on Ryan increased sharply. He could have determined this through perception. The position of the dangerous creature, so as to avoid being in an unsafe place after teleportation, but when there are soul hunters around him and chasing and blocking, Ryan simply cannot find a safe location to teleport, so he has to give up this An act of teasing prey, instead moving at high speed away from Caleb,

Ten soul hunters chaotically chased Ryan away, it seems that they have won the chase, but as a controller to wake up these soul hunters, Lothar always has an unknown hunch in his heart, it seems that he will soon After a little hesitation about what happened to him, Lothar gritted his teeth and drew a magic circle out of the chest. At the cost of his little life, he launched a magic that can predict the future time segment.

A ring of air ripples immediately appeared in Lothar ’s field of vision, and the soul hunter ’s pursuit of Ryan quickly disappeared, replaced by pieces that were not the size of a nail. They were what Lothar could detect after launching prophetic magic. All kinds of time fragments, but because of the lack of strength of Lothar, the surface of these time fragments is quite blurry. I ca n’t clearly see what is inside. They flutter back and forth in the air like snowflakes, and are extremely short. Melted away within a period of time,

A piece of time suddenly stood still in front of Lothar ’s eyes, and its volume expanded rapidly, causing a slap-like twisted illusion to appear in front of the Titan strongman. Lothar tried his best to cover up this illusion with mental strength, which was barely Obtained a somewhat distorted magic image. In the image, Lothar vaguely saw a huge monster that was only a little familiar, and the latter raised his head and raised a roar,

“Roar.” The voice appeared in Lothar’s ear, and the time segment in front of him burst immediately, letting Lothar spit out a blood, but this was not because he was injured, but just had to pay for the magic of prophecy. At the cost of this, when this prophetic magic ended, Lothar was surprised to find that the huge monster that was only present in a future time segment was now appearing in his vision, and his thick arms were waving in the sky, Grasping a soul hunter firmly, no matter how the latter struggles, he never wants to escape this shackle,

Lothar could n’t help blinking. He wondered why the prophecy had ended, but the illusion created by this spell had not disappeared. The answer was automatically revealed after a second, the giant that appeared in Lothar ’s eyes. The beast is not a magic mirror at all, but a real plane of existence and shadow, and it ’s no wonder that Lothar will feel that it is familiar, because before that Lothar had seen it countless times, because he was in this monster Countless white bones were seen on his body, and these bones appeared in front of him in another form before,

Numerous bones are closely intertwined, forming a giant monster with a height of hundreds of meters. The image of this white-bone monster is very similar to the golem made by Lane before, except that it is from the previous skeleton army. The bone skeleton warriors were reassembled after being dismantled, and until now, there are still countless bone skeleton warriors flying from all directions, constantly climbing to the bone monster, turning themselves into a part of this giant monster,

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